MDL-13013 lang string typo fixes

This commit is contained in:
wildgirl 2008-02-22 09:15:32 +00:00
parent 91edb65eae
commit c71d6d89c0

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@ -74,24 +74,24 @@ $string['configaveragesdecimalpoints'] = 'The number of decimal points to displa
$string['configaveragesdisplaytype'] = 'Specifies how to display the averages for each column in the grader report. Default means to use the display type of each column.';
$string['configbulkcheckboxes'] = 'Checkboxes near each grade for Bulk grade operations.';
$string['configcoursegradedisplaytype'] = 'Select the default display type of grades for this course. You can also select the site default value. Grades can be shown as real grades, as percentages (in reference to the minimum and maximum grades) or as letters (A, B, C etc..). Selecting Letters will allow you to define your own grade letters and boundaries.';
$string['configdecimalpoints'] = 'The number of decimal points to display for each grade. This can be overriden per grading item.';
$string['configdecimalpoints'] = 'The number of decimal points to display for each grade. This can be overridden per grading item.';
$string['configenableajax'] = 'Adds a layer of AJAX functionality to the grader report, simplifying and speeding up common operations. Depends on Javascript being switched on at the user\'s browser level.';
$string['configenableoutcomes'] = 'Support for Outcomes (also known as Competencies, Goals, Standards or Criteria) means that we can grade things using one or more scales that are tied to outcome statements. Enabling outcomes makes such special grading possible throughout the site.';
$string['configgradeboundary'] = 'A percentage boundary over which grades will be assigned a grade letter (if the Letter grade display type is used). ';
$string['configgradedisplaytype'] = 'Grades can be shown as real grades, as percentages (in reference to the minimum and maximum grades) or as letters (A, B, C etc..)';
$string['configgradeexportdisplaytype'] = 'Grades can be shown as real grades, as percentages (in reference to the minimum and maximum grades) or as letters (A, B, C etc..) during export. This can be overriden during export.';
$string['configexportdecimalpoints'] = 'The number of decimal points to display for export. This can be overriden during export.';
$string['configgradeexportdisplaytype'] = 'Grades can be shown as real grades, as percentages (in reference to the minimum and maximum grades) or as letters (A, B, C etc..) during export. This can be overridden during export.';
$string['configexportdecimalpoints'] = 'The number of decimal points to display for export. This can be overridden during export.';
$string['configgradehistorylifetime'] = 'This specifies the length of time you want to keep history of changes in grade related tables. It is recommended to keep it as long as possible. If you experience performance problems or have limited database space, try to set lower value.';
$string['configgradeitemadvanced'] = 'Select all elements that should be displayed as advanced when editing grade items.';
$string['configgradeletter'] = 'A letter or other symbol used to represent a range of grades.';
$string['configgradeletterdefault'] = 'A letter or other symbol used to represent a range of grades. Leave this field empty to use the site default (currently $a).';
$string['configgradepublishing'] = 'Enable publishing in exports and imports: Exported grades can be accessed by accessing a URL, without having to log on to a Moodle site. Grades can be imported by accessing such a URL (which means that a moodle site can import grades published by another site). By default only administrators may use this feature, please educate users before adding required capabilities to other roles (dangers of bookmark sharing and download accelerators, IP restrictions, etc.).';
$string['configgradepublishing'] = 'Enable publishing in exports and imports: Exported grades can be accessed by accessing a URL, without having to log on to a Moodle site. Grades can be imported by accessing such a URL (which means that a Moodle site can import grades published by another site). By default only administrators may use this feature, please educate users before adding required capabilities to other roles (dangers of bookmark sharing and download accelerators, IP restrictions, etc.).';
$string['confighiddenasdate'] = 'If user can not see hidden grades show date of submission instead of \'-\'.';
$string['configmeanselection'] = 'Select which types of grades will be included in the column averages. Cells with no grade can be ignored, or counted as 0 (default setting).';
$string['configprofilereport'] = 'Grade report used on user profile page.';
$string['configquickfeedback'] = 'Quick Feedback adds a text input element in each grade cell on the grader report, allowing you to edit the feedback for many grades at once. You can then click the Update button to perform all these changes at once, instead of one at a time.';
$string['configquickgrading'] = 'Quick Grading adds a text input element in each grade cell on the grader report, allowing you to edit many grades at once. You can then click the Update button to perform all these changes at once, instead of one at a time.';
$string['configrangesdecimalpoints'] = 'The number of decimal points to display for each range, above a column of grades. This can be overriden per grading item.';
$string['configrangesdecimalpoints'] = 'The number of decimal points to display for each range, above a column of grades. This can be overridden per grading item.';
$string['configrangesdisplaytype'] = 'Specifies how to display the range for each column in the grader report. Default means to use the display type of each column.';
$string['confighideforcedsettings'] = 'Do not show forced settings in grading UI.';
$string['configshowcalculations'] = 'Whether to show calculator icons near each grade item and category, tooltips over calculated items and a visual indicator that a column is calculated.';
@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ $string['identifier'] = 'Identify user by';
$string['import'] = 'Import';
$string['importcsv'] = 'Import CSV';
$string['importcustom'] = 'Import as custom outcomes (only this course)';
$string['importerror'] = 'An error occured, this script wasn\'t called with the right parameters.';
$string['importerror'] = 'An error occurred, this script wasn\'t called with the right parameters.';
$string['importfrom'] = 'Import from';
$string['importfailed'] = 'Import failed';
$string['importfeedback'] = 'Import feedback';
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ $string['plusfactor'] = 'Offset';
$string['plusfactorhelp'] = 'Number that will be added to every grade for this grade item, after the Multiplicator is applied.';
$string['points'] = 'points';
$string['pointsascending'] = 'Sort by points ascending';
$string['pointsdescending'] = 'Sort by points descdending';
$string['pointsdescending'] = 'Sort by points descending';
$string['positionfirst'] = 'First';
$string['positionlast'] = 'Last';
$string['preferences'] = 'Preferences';
@ -455,8 +455,8 @@ $string['sitewide'] = 'Site-wide';
$string['sort'] = 'sort';
$string['sortasc'] = 'Sort in ascending order';
$string['sortdesc'] = 'Sort in descending order';
$string['sortbyfirstname'] = 'Sort by firstname';
$string['sortbylastname'] = 'Sort by lastname';
$string['sortbyfirstname'] = 'Sort by first name';
$string['sortbylastname'] = 'Sort by last name';
$string['standarddeviation'] = 'Standard deviation';
$string['stats'] = 'Statistics';
$string['statslink'] = 'Stats';
@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ $string['studentsperpage'] = 'Students per page';
$string['subcategory'] = 'Normal category';
$string['submissions'] = 'Submissions';
$string['submittedon'] = 'Submitted: $a';
$string['synclegacygrades'] = 'Synchronise legacy grades';
$string['synclegacygrades'] = 'Synchronize legacy grades';
$string['topcategory'] = 'Super category';
$string['total'] = 'Total';
$string['totalweight100'] = 'The total weight is equal to 100';
@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ $string['typescale'] = 'Scale';
$string['typetext'] = 'Text';
$string['typevalue'] = 'Value';
$string['updatedgradesonly'] = 'Export new or updated grades only';
$string['uncategorised'] = 'Uncategorised';
$string['uncategorised'] = 'Uncategorized';
$string['unchangedgrade'] = 'Grade unchanged';
$string['unlock'] = 'Unlock';
$string['unlockverbose'] = 'Unlock $a->category$a->itemmodule $a->itemname';