language file for the item analysis report for the quiz module developed by Enrique

This commit is contained in:
gustav_delius 2005-05-18 19:53:44 +00:00
parent 43f14820fd
commit c877e32fa2

lang/en/quiz_analysis.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
<?php // $Id$
// quiz.php - created with Moodle 1.4 development (2004080300)
$string['analysisoptions'] = 'Analysis options';
$string['attemptselection'] = 'Attempts to analyze per user ';
$string['lowmarkslimit'] = "Don't analyze if score is less than: ";
$string['attemptsall'] = 'all attempts';
$string['attemptshighest'] = 'highest grade';
$string['attemptsfirst'] = 'first attempt';
$string['attemptslast'] = 'last attempt';
$string['pagesize'] = 'Questions per page: ';
$string['analysistitle'] = 'Item Analysis Table';
$string['reportanalysis'] = 'Item Analysis Report';
$string['downloadooo'] = 'Download in OpenOffice format';
$string['qidtitle'] = 'Q#';
$string['qnametitle'] = 'Question name';
$string['qtexttitle'] = 'Question text';
$string['qcounttitle'] = 'Q. count';
$string['qtypetitle'] = 'Q. type';
$string['responsestitle'] = "Answer's text";
$string['rfractiontitle'] = 'parcial<br>credit';
$string['rcounttitle'] = 'R.<br>Counts';
$string['rpercenttitle'] = 'R.%%';
$string['facilitytitle'] = '%% Correct<br>Facility';
$string['stddevtitle'] = 'SD';
$string['dicsindextitle'] = 'Disc.<br/>Index';
$string['disccoefftitle'] = 'Disc.<br/>Coeff.';
$string['quizreportdir'] = 'quiz_reports';