From ca81f8c4b20d058c6dae7c0182748673a0169507 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Frederic Massart <>
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 2015 19:09:25 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] MDL-50062 grades: Behat tests for aggregation changes

 .../behat/grade_aggregation_changes.feature   | 472 ++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 472 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 grade/tests/behat/grade_aggregation_changes.feature

diff --git a/grade/tests/behat/grade_aggregation_changes.feature b/grade/tests/behat/grade_aggregation_changes.feature
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7453a7314f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/grade/tests/behat/grade_aggregation_changes.feature
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+@core @core_grades
+Feature: Changing the aggregation of an item affects its weight and extra credit definition
+  In order to switch to another aggregation method
+  As an teacher
+  I need to be able to edit the grade category settings
+  Background:
+    Given the following "courses" exist:
+      | fullname | shortname |
+      | Course 1 | C1        |
+    And the following "grade categories" exist:
+      | fullname      | course | aggregation |
+      | Cat mean      | C1     | 0           |
+      | Cat median    | C1     | 2           |
+      | Cat min       | C1     | 4           |
+      | Cat max       | C1     | 6           |
+      | Cat mode      | C1     | 8           |
+      | Cat weighted  | C1     | 10          |
+      | Cat weighted2 | C1     | 10          |
+      | Cat simple    | C1     | 11          |
+      | Cat ec        | C1     | 12          |
+      | Cat natural   | C1     | 13          |
+    And the following "grade items" exist:
+      | itemname  | course | category    | aggregationcoef | aggregationcoef2 | weightoverride |
+      | Item a1   | C1     | ?           | 0               | 0                | 0              |
+      | Item a2   | C1     | ?           | 0               | 0.40             | 1              |
+      | Item a3   | C1     | ?           | 1               | 0.10             | 1              |
+      | Item a4   | C1     | ?           | 1               | 0                | 0              |
+      | Item b1   | C1     | Cat natural | 0               | 0                | 0              |
+      | Item b2   | C1     | Cat natural | 0               | 0.40             | 1              |
+      | Item b3   | C1     | Cat natural | 1               | 0.10             | 1              |
+      | Item b4   | C1     | Cat natural | 1               | 0                | 0              |
+    And I log in as "admin"
+    And I set the following administration settings values:
+      | grade_aggregations_visible | Mean of grades,Weighted mean of grades,Simple weighted mean of grades,Mean of grades (with extra credits),Median of grades,Lowest grade,Highest grade,Mode of grades,Natural |
+    And I am on site homepage
+    And I follow "Course 1"
+    And I navigate to "Grades" node in "Course administration"
+    And I navigate to "Grader report" node in "Grade administration"
+    And I turn editing mode on
+    And I follow "Edit   Cat mean"
+    And I set the following fields to these values:
+      | Weight adjusted     | 1  |
+      | Weight              | 20 |
+      | Extra credit        | 0  |
+    And I press "Save changes"
+    And I follow "Edit   Cat median"
+    And I set the following fields to these values:
+      | Weight adjusted     | 1  |
+      | Weight              | 5  |
+      | Extra credit        | 0  |
+    And I press "Save changes"
+    And I follow "Edit   Cat min"
+    And I set the following fields to these values:
+      | Weight adjusted     | 0  |
+      | Weight              | 0  |
+      | Extra credit        | 1  |
+    And I press "Save changes"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a1"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a2"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "1"
+    And the field "id_aggregationcoef2" matches value "40.0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a3"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "1"
+    And the field "id_aggregationcoef2" matches value "10.0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "1"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a4"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "1"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item b1"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item b2"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "1"
+    And the field "id_aggregationcoef2" matches value "40.0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item b3"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "1"
+    And the field "id_aggregationcoef2" matches value "10.0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "1"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item b4"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "1"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+  Scenario: Switching a category from Natural aggregation to Mean of grades and back
+    Given I follow "Edit   Course 1"
+    And I set the field "Aggregation" to "Mean of grades"
+    When I press "Save changes"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a1"
+    Then I should not see "Weight adjusted"
+    And I should not see "Weight"
+    And I should not see "Extra credit"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a2"
+    And I should not see "Weight adjusted"
+    And I should not see "Weight"
+    And I should not see "Extra credit"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a3"
+    And I should not see "Weight adjusted"
+    And I should not see "Weight"
+    And I should not see "Extra credit"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a4"
+    And I should not see "Weight adjusted"
+    And I should not see "Weight"
+    And I should not see "Extra credit"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Cat mean"
+    And I expand all fieldsets
+    And I should not see "Weight adjusted"
+    And I should not see "Weight" in the "#id_headerparent" "css_element"
+    And I should not see "Extra credit"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Cat median"
+    And I expand all fieldsets
+    And I should not see "Weight adjusted"
+    And I should not see "Weight" in the "#id_headerparent" "css_element"
+    And I should not see "Extra credit"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Cat min"
+    And I expand all fieldsets
+    And I should not see "Weight adjusted"
+    And I should not see "Weight" in the "#id_headerparent" "css_element"
+    And I should not see "Extra credit"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Cat natural"
+    And I set the field "Aggregation" to "Mean of grades"
+    And I press "Save changes"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item b1"
+    And I should not see "Weight adjusted"
+    And I should not see "Weight"
+    And I should not see "Extra credit"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item b2"
+    And I should not see "Weight adjusted"
+    And I should not see "Weight"
+    And I should not see "Extra credit"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item b3"
+    And I should not see "Weight adjusted"
+    And I should not see "Weight"
+    And I should not see "Extra credit"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item b4"
+    And I should not see "Weight adjusted"
+    And I should not see "Weight"
+    And I should not see "Extra credit"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    # Switching back.
+    And I follow "Edit   Course 1"
+    And I set the field "Aggregation" to "Natural"
+    And I press "Save changes"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a1"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a2"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a3"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a4"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Cat mean"
+    And I expand all fieldsets
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Cat median"
+    And I expand all fieldsets
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Cat min"
+    And I expand all fieldsets
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Cat natural"
+    And I set the field "Aggregation" to "Natural"
+    And I press "Save changes"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item b1"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item b2"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item b3"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item b4"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+  Scenario: Switching a category from Natural aggregation to Weighted mean of grades and back
+    Given I follow "Edit   Course 1"
+    And I set the field "Aggregation" to "Weighted mean of grades"
+    When I press "Save changes"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a1"
+    Then I should not see "Weight adjusted"
+    And I should not see "Extra credit"
+    And the field "Item weight" matches value "1"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a2"
+    And I should not see "Weight adjusted"
+    And I should not see "Extra credit"
+    And the field "Item weight" matches value "1"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a3"
+    And I should not see "Weight adjusted"
+    And I should not see "Extra credit"
+    And the field "Item weight" matches value "1"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a4"
+    And I should not see "Weight adjusted"
+    And I should not see "Extra credit"
+    And the field "Item weight" matches value "1"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Cat mean"
+    And I expand all fieldsets
+    And I should not see "Weight adjusted"
+    And I should not see "Extra credit"
+    And the field "Item weight" matches value "1"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Cat median"
+    And I expand all fieldsets
+    And I should not see "Weight adjusted"
+    And I should not see "Extra credit"
+    And the field "Item weight" matches value "1"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Cat min"
+    And I expand all fieldsets
+    And I should not see "Weight adjusted"
+    And I should not see "Extra credit"
+    And the field "Item weight" matches value "1"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Cat natural"
+    And I set the field "Aggregation" to "Weighted mean of grades"
+    And I press "Save changes"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item b1"
+    And I should not see "Weight adjusted"
+    And I should not see "Extra credit"
+    And the field "Item weight" matches value "1"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item b2"
+    And I should not see "Weight adjusted"
+    And I should not see "Extra credit"
+    And the field "Item weight" matches value "1"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item b3"
+    And I should not see "Weight adjusted"
+    And I should not see "Extra credit"
+    And the field "Item weight" matches value "1"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item b4"
+    And I should not see "Weight adjusted"
+    And I should not see "Extra credit"
+    And the field "Item weight" matches value "1"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    # Switching back.
+    And I follow "Edit   Course 1"
+    And I set the field "Aggregation" to "Natural"
+    And I press "Save changes"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a1"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a2"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a3"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a4"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Cat mean"
+    And I expand all fieldsets
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Cat median"
+    And I expand all fieldsets
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Cat min"
+    And I expand all fieldsets
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Cat natural"
+    And I set the field "Aggregation" to "Natural"
+    And I press "Save changes"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item b1"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item b2"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item b3"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item b4"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+  @javascript
+  Scenario: Switching grade items between categories
+    # Move to same aggregation (Natural).
+    Given I navigate to "Categories and items" node in "Grade administration > Setup"
+    And I set the field "Select Item a1" to "1"
+    And I set the field "Select Item a2" to "1"
+    And I set the field "Select Item a3" to "1"
+    And I set the field "Select Item a4" to "1"
+    When I select "Cat natural" from the "Move selected items to" singleselect
+    And I navigate to "Grader report" node in "Grade administration"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a1"
+    Then the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a2"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "1"
+    And the field "id_aggregationcoef2" matches value "40.0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a3"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "1"
+    And the field "id_aggregationcoef2" matches value "10.0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "1"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a4"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "1"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    # Move to Mean of grades (with extra credit).
+    And I navigate to "Categories and items" node in "Grade administration > Setup"
+    And I set the field "Select Item a1" to "1"
+    And I set the field "Select Item a2" to "1"
+    And I set the field "Select Item a3" to "1"
+    And I set the field "Select Item a4" to "1"
+    And I select "Cat ec" from the "Move selected items to" singleselect
+    And I navigate to "Grader report" node in "Grade administration"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a1"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a2"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a3"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "1"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a4"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "1"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    # Move to Simple weight mean of grades.
+    And I navigate to "Categories and items" node in "Grade administration > Setup"
+    And I set the field "Select Item a1" to "1"
+    And I set the field "Select Item a2" to "1"
+    And I set the field "Select Item a3" to "1"
+    And I set the field "Select Item a4" to "1"
+    And I select "Cat simple" from the "Move selected items to" singleselect
+    And I navigate to "Grader report" node in "Grade administration"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a1"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a2"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a3"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "1"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a4"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "1"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    # Move to Weighted mean of grades.
+    And I navigate to "Categories and items" node in "Grade administration > Setup"
+    And I set the field "Select Item a1" to "1"
+    And I set the field "Select Item a2" to "1"
+    And I set the field "Select Item a3" to "1"
+    And I set the field "Select Item a4" to "1"
+    And I select "Cat weighted" from the "Move selected items to" singleselect
+    And I navigate to "Grader report" node in "Grade administration"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a1"
+    And the field "Item weight" matches value "1"
+    And I set the field "Item weight" to "2"
+    And I press "Save changes"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a2"
+    And the field "Item weight" matches value "1"
+    And I set the field "Item weight" to "5"
+    And I press "Save changes"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a3"
+    And the field "Item weight" matches value "1"
+    And I set the field "Item weight" to "8"
+    And I press "Save changes"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a4"
+    And the field "Item weight" matches value "1"
+    And I set the field "Item weight" to "11"
+    And I press "Save changes"
+    # Move to same (Weighted mean of grades).
+    And I navigate to "Categories and items" node in "Grade administration > Setup"
+    And I set the field "Select Item a1" to "1"
+    And I set the field "Select Item a2" to "1"
+    And I set the field "Select Item a3" to "1"
+    And I set the field "Select Item a4" to "1"
+    And I select "Cat weighted2" from the "Move selected items to" singleselect
+    And I wait "2" seconds
+    And I navigate to "Grader report" node in "Grade administration"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a1"
+    And the field "Item weight" matches value "2"
+    And I press "Save changes"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a2"
+    And the field "Item weight" matches value "5"
+    And I press "Save changes"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a3"
+    And the field "Item weight" matches value "8"
+    And I press "Save changes"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a4"
+    And the field "Item weight" matches value "11"
+    And I press "Save changes"
+    # Move back to Natural.
+    And I navigate to "Categories and items" node in "Grade administration > Setup"
+    And I set the field "Select Item a1" to "1"
+    And I set the field "Select Item a2" to "1"
+    And I set the field "Select Item a3" to "1"
+    And I set the field "Select Item a4" to "1"
+    And I select "Course 1" from the "Move selected items to" singleselect
+    And I navigate to "Grader report" node in "Grade administration"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a1"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a2"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a3"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"
+    And I follow "Edit   Item a4"
+    And the field "Weight adjusted" matches value "0"
+    And the field "Extra credit" matches value "0"
+    And I press "Cancel"