diff --git a/lib/moodlelib.php b/lib/moodlelib.php
index 002aff398df..d26012fbe87 100644
--- a/lib/moodlelib.php
+++ b/lib/moodlelib.php
@@ -5656,33 +5656,6 @@ function get_parent_language($lang=null) {
return $parentlang;
- * Prints out a translated string.
- *
- * Prints out a translated string using the return value from the {@link get_string()} function.
- *
- * Example usage of this function when the string is in the moodle.php file:
- *
- * echo '';
- * print_string('wordforstudent');
- * echo '';
- *
- *
- * Example usage of this function when the string is not in the moodle.php file:
- *
- * echo '
- *
- * @param string $identifier The key identifier for the localized string
- * @param string $module The module where the key identifier is stored. If none is specified then moodle.php is used.
- * @param mixed $a An object, string or number that can be used within translation strings
- */
-function print_string($identifier, $module='', $a=NULL) {
- echo get_string($identifier, $module, $a);
* Returns current string_manager instance.
* @return string_manager
@@ -5703,6 +5676,42 @@ function get_string_manager() {
return $singleton;
+ * Interface describing class which is responsible for getting
+ * of localised strings from language packs.
+ *
+ * @package moodlecore
+ * @copyright 2010 Petr Skoda (http://skodak.org)
+ * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
+ */
+interface string_manager {
+ /**
+ * Mega Function - Get String returns a requested string
+ *
+ * @param string $identifier The identifier of the string to search for
+ * @param string $component The module the string is associated with
+ * @param string $a An object, string or number that can be used
+ * within translation strings
+ * @return string The String !
+ */
+ public function get_string($identifier, $component = '', $a = NULL);
+ /**
+ * Returns a list of country names in the current language
+ * @return array two-letter country code => translated name.
+ */
+ public function get_list_of_countries();
+ * Low level string getching implementation.
+ *
+ * @package moodlecore
+ * @copyright 2010 Petr Skoda (http://skodak.org)
+ * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
+ */
class amos_string_manager implements string_manager {
private $coreroot;
private $otherroot;
@@ -5757,7 +5766,7 @@ class amos_string_manager implements string_manager {
* @param string $lang
* @return array of all string for given component and lang
- public function load_component_strings($component, $lang) {
+ protected function load_component_strings($component, $lang) {
list($plugintype, $pluginname) = normalize_component($component);
if (!isset($this->cache[$lang])) {
@@ -5776,7 +5785,7 @@ class amos_string_manager implements string_manager {
$string = array();
// first load english pack
if (!file_exists("$this->coreroot/en/$file.php")) {
- debugging('Invalid get_string() $component', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
+ debugging("Invalid component parameter in get_string() call: $component", DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
return array();
@@ -5801,7 +5810,7 @@ class amos_string_manager implements string_manager {
} else {
if (!$location = get_plugin_directory($plugintype, $pluginname) or !is_dir($location)) {
- debugging('Invalid get_string() $component, plugin files are missing: '.$component, DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
+ debugging("Invalid component parameter in get_string() call, plugin files are missing: $component", DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
return array();
if ($plugintype === 'mod') {
@@ -5855,7 +5864,7 @@ class amos_string_manager implements string_manager {
* within translation strings
* @return string The String !
- public function get_string($identifier, $component='', $a=NULL) {
+ public function get_string($identifier, $component = '', $a = NULL) {
// there are very many uses of these time formating strings without the 'langconfig' component,
// it would not be reasonable to expect that all of them would be converted during 2.0 migration
static $langconfigstrs = array(
@@ -5887,7 +5896,7 @@ class amos_string_manager implements string_manager {
if (!isset($string[$identifier])) {
if ($identifier !== 'parentlanguage' and $identifier !== 'blockname' and strpos($component, 'format_') !== 0) {
- //TODO: enable after fixing more missing string warnings, it talks too much now
+// TODO: enable after fixing more missing string warnings, it talks too much now
//debugging("Invalid get_string() identifier: '$identifier' or component '$component'", DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
return "[[$identifier]]";
@@ -5929,6 +5938,16 @@ class amos_string_manager implements string_manager {
+ * Minimalistic string fetching implementation
+ * that is used in installer before we getch the wanted
+ * language pack from moodle.org lang download site.
+ *
+ * @package moodlecore
+ * @copyright 2010 Petr Skoda (http://skodak.org)
+ * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
+ */
class install_string_manager implements string_manager {
private $installroot;
@@ -5950,7 +5969,7 @@ class install_string_manager implements string_manager {
* within translation strings
* @return string The String !
- public function get_string($identifier, $component='', $a=NULL) {
+ public function get_string($identifier, $component = '', $a = NULL) {
$lang = current_language();
$string = array();
@@ -6001,407 +6020,6 @@ class install_string_manager implements string_manager {
- * Interface describing class which is responsible for getting
- * of localised strings.
- */
-interface string_manager {
- /**
- * Mega Function - Get String returns a requested string
- *
- * @param string $identifier The identifier of the string to search for
- * @param string $component The module the string is associated with
- * @param string $a An object, string or number that can be used
- * within translation strings
- * @return string The String !
- */
- public function get_string($identifier, $component='', $a=NULL);
- /**
- * Returns a list of country names in the current language
- * @return array two-letter country code => translated name.
- */
- public function get_list_of_countries();
- * No code should use this class directly. Instead you should use the
- * {@link get_string()} function. Core code has to use {@link get_string_manage()}
- * to get the instance.
- *
- * Notes for develpers
- * ===================
- * Performance of this class is important. If you decide to change this class,
- * please use the lib/simpletest/getstringperformancetester.php script to make
- * sure your changes do not cause a performance problem.
- *
- * In some cases (for example bootstrap_renderer::early_error) get_string gets
- * called very early on during Moodle's self-initialisation. Think very carefully
- * before relying on the normal Moodle libraries.
- *
- * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
- * @package moodlecore
- */
-class legacy_string_manager implements string_manager {
- private $parentlangs = array('en' => NULL);
- private $searchpathsformodule = array();
- private $strings = array();
- private $nonpluginfiles = array('moodle' => 1, 'langconfig' => 1);
- private $langconfigstrs = array('alphabet' => 1, 'backupnameformat' => 1, 'decsep' => 1,
- 'firstdayofweek' => 1, 'listsep' => 1, 'locale' => 1, 'localewin' => 1,
- 'localewincharset' => 1, 'oldcharset' => 1, 'parentlanguage' => 1,
- 'strftimedate' => 1, 'strftimedateshort' => 1, 'strftimedatefullshort' => 1,
- 'strftimedatetime' => 1, 'strftimedaydate' => 1, 'strftimedaydatetime' => 1,
- 'strftimedayshort' => 1, 'strftimedaytime' => 1, 'strftimemonthyear' => 1,
- 'strftimerecent' => 1, 'strftimerecentfull' => 1, 'strftimetime' => 1,
- 'thischarset' => 1, 'thisdirection' => 1, 'thislanguage' => 1,
- 'strftimedatetimeshort' => 1, 'thousandssep' => 1);
- private $searchplacesbyplugintype;
- private $dirroot;
- private $corelocations;
- private $installstrings = NULL;
- private $parentlangfile = 'langconfig.php';
- private $logtofile = false;
- private $showstringsource = false;
- private $allcountrycodes = NULL;
- // Some of our arrays need $CFG.
- /**
- * string_manager construct method to instatiate this instance
- *
- * @param string $dirroot root directory path.
- * @param string $dataroot Path to the data root.
- * @param string $admin path to the admin directory.
- * @param boolean $runninginstaller Set to true if we are in the installer.
- * @param boolean $showstringsource add debug info to each string before it is
- * returned, to say where it came from.
- */
- public function __construct($dirroot, $dataroot, $runninginstaller, $showstringsource = false) {
- $this->dirroot = $dirroot;
- $this->corelocations = array(
- $dirroot . '/lang/' => '',
- $dataroot . '/lang/' => '',
- );
- $this->searchplacesbyplugintype = array(''=>array('mod'));
- $plugintypes = get_plugin_types(false);
- foreach ($plugintypes as $plugintype => $dir) {
- $this->searchplacesbyplugintype[$plugintype.'_'] = array($dir);
- }
- unset($this->searchplacesbyplugintype['mod_']);
- if ($runninginstaller) {
- $stringnames = file($dirroot . '/install/stringnames.txt');
- $this->installstrings = array_map('trim', $stringnames);
- $this->parentlangfile = 'installer.php';
- }
- $this->showstringsource = $showstringsource;
- }
- /**
- * Returns an array of locations to search for modules
- *
- * @param string $module The name of the module you are looking for
- * @return string|array A location or array of locations to search
- */
- protected function locations_to_search($module) {
- if (isset($this->searchpathsformodule[$module])) {
- return $this->searchpathsformodule[$module];
- }
- $locations = $this->corelocations;
- if (!array_key_exists($module, $this->nonpluginfiles)) {
- foreach ($locations as $location => $ignored) {
- $locations[$location] = $module . '/';
- }
- list($type, $plugin) = $this->parse_module_name($module);
- if (isset($this->searchplacesbyplugintype[$type])) {
- foreach ($this->searchplacesbyplugintype[$type] as $location) {
- $locations[$this->dirroot . "/$location/$plugin/lang/"] = $plugin . '/';
- }
- }
- }
- $this->searchpathsformodule[$module] = $locations;
- return $locations;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a deciphered module name
- *
- * @param string $module The module name to decipher
- * @return array Array ( $type, $plugin )
- */
- protected function parse_module_name($module) {
- $dividerpos = strpos($module, '_');
- if ($dividerpos === false) {
- $type = '';
- $plugin = $module;
- } else {
- $type = substr($module, 0, $dividerpos + 1);
- $plugin = substr($module, $dividerpos + 1);
- }
- return array($type, $plugin);
- }
- /**
- * Get the path to the parent lanugage file of a given language
- *
- * @param string $lang The language to get the parent of
- * @return string The parent language
- */
- protected function get_parent_language($lang) {
- if (array_key_exists($lang, $this->parentlangs)) {
- return $this->parentlangs[$lang];
- }
- $parent = 'en'; // Will be used if nothing is specified explicitly.
- foreach ($this->corelocations as $location => $ignored) {
- foreach (array('_local', '') as $suffix) {
- $file = $location . $lang . $suffix . '/' . $this->parentlangfile;
- if ($result = $this->get_string_from_file('parentlanguage', $file, NULL)) {
- $parent = $result;
- break 2;
- }
- }
- }
- $this->parentlangs[$lang] = $parent;
- return $parent;
- }
- /**
- * Loads the requested language
- *
- * @param $langfile The language file to load
- * @return string
- */
- protected function load_lang_file($langfile) {
- if (isset($this->strings[$langfile])) {
- return $this->strings[$langfile];
- }
- $string = array();
- if (file_exists($langfile)) {
- include($langfile);
- }
- $this->strings[$langfile] = $string;
- return $string;
- }
- /**
- * Get the requested string to a given language file
- *
- * @param string $identifier The identifier for the desired string
- * @param string $langfile The language file the string should reside in
- * @param string $a An object, string or number that can be used
- * within translation strings
- * @return mixed The resulting string now parsed, or false if not found
- */
- protected function get_string_from_file($identifier, $langfile, $a) {
- $string = &$this->load_lang_file($langfile);
- if (!isset($string[$identifier])) {
- return false;
- }
- $result = $string[$identifier];
- // Skip the eval if we can - slight performance win. Pity there are 3
- // different problem characters, so we have to use preg_match,
- // rather than a faster str... function.
- if (!preg_match('/[%$\\\\]/', $result)) {
- return $result;
- }
- // Moodle used to use $code = '$result = sprintf("' . $result . ')";' for no good reason,
- // (it had done that since revision 1.1 of moodllib.php if you check CVS). However, this
- // meant you had to double up '%' chars in $a first. We now skip that. However, lang strings
- // still contain %% as a result, so we need to fix those.
- $result = str_replace('%%', '%', $result);
- $code = '$result = "' . $result . '";';
- if (eval($code) === FALSE) { // Means parse error.
- debugging('Parse error while trying to load string "'.$identifier.'" from file "' . $langfile . '".', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
- }
- return $result;
- }
- /**
- * Find a desired help file in the correct language
- *
- * @param string $file The helpd file to locate
- * @param string $module The module the help file is associated with
- * @param string $forcelang override the default language
- * @param bool $skiplocal Skip local help files
- * @return array An array containing the filepath, and then the language
- */
- public function find_help_file($file, $module, $forcelang, $skiplocal) {
- if ($forcelang) {
- $langs = array($forcelang, 'en');
- } else {
- $langs = array();
- for ($lang = current_language(); $lang; $lang = $this->get_parent_language($lang)) {
- $langs[] = $lang;
- }
- }
- $locations = $this->locations_to_search($module);
- if ($skiplocal) {
- $localsuffices = array('');
- } else {
- $localsuffices = array('_local', '');
- }
- foreach ($langs as $lang) {
- foreach ($locations as $location => $locationsuffix) {
- foreach ($localsuffices as $localsuffix) {
- $filepath = $location . $lang . $localsuffix . '/help/' . $locationsuffix . $file;
- // Now, try to include the help text from this file, if we can.
- if (file_exists_and_readable($filepath)) {
- return array($filepath, $lang);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return array('', '');
- }
- /**
- * Set the internal log var to true to enable logging
- */
- private function start_logging() {
- $this->logtofile = true;
- }
- /**
- * Log a call to get_string (only if logtofile is true)
- * @see start_logging()
- *
- * @global object
- * @param string $identifier The strings identifier
- * @param string $module The module the string exists for
- * @param string $a An object, string or number that can be used
- * within translation strings
- */
- private function log_get_string_call($identifier, $module, $a) {
- global $CFG;
- if ($this->logtofile === true) {
- $logdir = $CFG->dataroot . '/temp/getstringlog';
- $filename = strtr(str_replace($CFG->wwwroot . '/', '', qualified_me()), ':/', '__') . '_get_string.log.php';
- @mkdir($logdir, $CFG->directorypermissions, true);
- $this->logtofile = fopen("$logdir/$filename", 'w');
- fwrite($this->logtofile, "logtofile, "get_string('$identifier', '$module', " . var_export($a, true) . ");\n");
- }
- /**
- * Mega Function - Get String returns a requested string
- *
- * @param string $identifier The identifier of the string to search for
- * @param string $module The module the string is associated with
- * @param string $a An object, string or number that can be used
- * within translation strings
- * @return string The String !
- */
- public function get_string($identifier, $module='', $a=NULL) {
- if ($this->logtofile) {
- $this->log_get_string_call($identifier, $module, $a);
- }
- /// Preprocess the arguments.
- if ($module == '') {
- $module = 'moodle';
- }
- if ($module == 'moodle' && array_key_exists($identifier, $this->langconfigstrs)) {
- $module = 'langconfig';
- }
- $locations = $this->locations_to_search($module);
- if (!is_null($this->installstrings) && in_array($identifier, $this->installstrings)) {
- $module = 'installer';
- $locations = array_merge(array($this->dirroot . '/install/lang/' => ''), $locations);
- }
- /// Now do the search.
- for ($lang = current_language(); $lang; $lang = $this->get_parent_language($lang)) {
- foreach ($locations as $location => $ignored) {
- foreach (array('_local', '') as $suffix) {
- $file = $location . $lang . $suffix . '/' . $module . '.php';
- $result = $this->get_string_from_file($identifier, $file, $a);
- if ($result !== false) {
- if ($this->showstringsource) {
- $result = $this->add_source_info($result, $module, $identifier, $file);
- }
- return $result;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $this->missing_string($identifier); // Last resort.
- }
- protected function missing_string($identifier) {
- return '[[' . $identifier . ']]';
- }
- /**
- * Add debug information about where this string came from.
- */
- protected function add_source_info($string, $module, $identifier, $file) {
- // This should not start with '[' or we will confuse code that checks for
- // missing language strings.
- // It is a good idea to bracked the entire string. Sometimes on string
- // is put inside another (For example, Default: No on the admin strings.
- // The bracketing makes that clear.
- return '{' . $string . ' ' . $module . '/' . $identifier . '}';
- }
- protected function get_list_of_country_codes() {
- if (!is_null($this->allcountrycodes)) {
- return $this->allcountrycodes;
- }
- global $CFG;
- if (!empty($CFG->allcountrycodes)) {
- $this->allcountrycodes = explode(',', $CFG->allcountrycodes);
- } else {
- $this->allcountrycodes = array_keys(
- $this->load_lang_file($this->dirroot . '/lang/en/countries.php'));
- }
- return $this->allcountrycodes;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a list of country names in the current language
- * @return array two-letter country code => translated name.
- */
- public function get_list_of_countries() {
- $locations = $this->locations_to_search('countries');
- // Now load all the translated country names. We load the files in
- // the order most specific to lease specific.
- $rawcountries = array();
- for ($lang = current_language(); $lang; $lang = $this->get_parent_language($lang)) {
- foreach ($locations as $location => $ignored) {
- foreach (array('_local', '') as $suffix) {
- $file = $location . $lang . $suffix . '/countries.php';
- $rawcountries = array_merge($this->load_lang_file($file), $rawcountries);
- }
- }
- }
- // Now trim the array to just contain the codes $codes.
- $codes = $this->get_list_of_country_codes();
- $countries = array();
- foreach ($codes as $code) {
- if (array_key_exists($code, $rawcountries)) {
- $countries[$code] = $rawcountries[$code];
- } else {
- $countries[$code] = $this->missing_string($code);
- }
- }
- return $countries;
- }
* Returns a localized string.
@@ -6411,8 +6029,8 @@ class legacy_string_manager implements string_manager {
* $a is an object, string or number that can be used
* within translation strings
- * eg "hello \$a->firstname \$a->lastname"
- * or "hello \$a"
+ * eg 'hello {$a->firstname} {$a->lastname}'
+ * or 'hello {$a}'
* If you would like to directly echo the localized string use
* the function {@link print_string()}
@@ -6420,16 +6038,16 @@ class legacy_string_manager implements string_manager {
* Example usage of this function involves finding the string you would
* like a local equivalent of and using its identifier and module information
* to retrive it.';
- * print_string('typecourse', 'calendar');
- * echo '
- *
- * If you open moodle/lang/en/moodle.php and look near line 1031
- * you will find a string to prompt a user for their word for student
+ * If you open moodle/lang/en/moodle.php and look near line 278
+ * you will find a string to prompt a user for their word for 'course'
- * $string['wordforstudent'] = 'Your word for Student';
+ * $string['course'] = 'Course';
- * So if you want to display the string 'Your word for student'
+ * So if you want to display the string 'Course'
* in any language that supports it on your site
- * you just need to use the identifier 'wordforstudent'
+ * you just need to use the identifier 'course'
- * $mystring = ''. get_string('wordforstudent') .'';
+ * $mystring = ''. get_string('course') .'';
* or
* If the string you want is in another file you'd take a slightly
@@ -6449,50 +6067,45 @@ class legacy_string_manager implements string_manager {
* the returned string will be [[ $identifier ]]
* @param string $identifier The key identifier for the localized string
- * @param string $module The module where the key identifier is stored,
+ * @param string $component The module where the key identifier is stored,
* usually expressed as the filename in the language pack without the
* .php on the end but can also be written as mod/forum or grade/export/xls.
* If none is specified then moodle.php is used.
* @param mixed $a An object, string or number that can be used
* within translation strings
- * @param array $extralocations DEPRECATED. An array of strings with other
- * locations to look for string files. This used to be used by plugins so
- * they could package their language strings in the plugin folder, however,
- * There is now a better way to achieve this. See
- * http://docs.moodle.org/en/Development:Places_to_search_for_lang_strings.
* @return string The localized string.
-function get_string($identifier, $module='', $a=NULL, $extralocations=NULL) {
- if ($extralocations !== NULL) {
+function get_string($identifier, $component = '', $a = NULL) {
+ if (func_num_args() > 3) {
debugging('extralocations parameter in get_string() is not supported any more, please use standard lang locations only.');
- if (strpos($module, '/') !== false) {
+ if (strpos($component, '/') !== false) {
debugging('The module name you passed to get_string is the deprecated format ' .
'like mod/mymod or block/myblock. The correct form looks like mymod, or block_myblock.' , DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
- $modulepath = split('/', $module);
+ $componentpath = split('/', $component);
- switch ($modulepath[0]) {
+ switch ($componentpath[0]) {
case 'mod':
- $module = $modulepath[1];
+ $component = $componentpath[1];
case 'blocks':
case 'block':
- $module = 'block_'.$modulepath[1];
+ $component = 'block_'.$componentpath[1];
case 'enrol':
- $module = 'enrol_'.$modulepath[1];
+ $component = 'enrol_'.$componentpath[1];
case 'format':
- $module = 'format_'.$modulepath[1];
+ $component = 'format_'.$componentpath[1];
case 'grade':
- $module = 'grade'.$modulepath[1].'_'.$modulepath[2];
+ $component = 'grade'.$componentpath[1].'_'.$componentpath[2];
- return get_string_manager()->get_string($identifier, $module, $a);
+ return get_string_manager()->get_string($identifier, $component, $a);
@@ -6502,14 +6115,41 @@ function get_string($identifier, $module='', $a=NULL, $extralocations=NULL) {
* @param string $module The language module that these strings can be found in.
* @return array and array of translated strings.
-function get_strings($array, $module='') {
+function get_strings($array, $component = '') {
$string = new stdClass;
foreach ($array as $item) {
- $string->$item = get_string($item, $module);
+ $string->$item = get_string($item, $component);
return $string;
+ * Prints out a translated string.
+ *
+ * Prints out a translated string using the return value from the {@link get_string()} function.
+ *
+ * Example usage of this function when the string is in the moodle.php file:
+ *
+ * echo '';
+ * print_string('course');
+ * echo '';
+ *
+ *
+ * Example usage of this function when the string is not in the moodle.php file:
+ *
+ * echo '
+ *
+ * @param string $identifier The key identifier for the localized string
+ * @param string $component The module where the key identifier is stored. If none is specified then moodle.php is used.
+ * @param mixed $a An object, string or number that can be used within translation strings
+ */
+function print_string($identifier, $component = '', $a = NULL) {
+ echo get_string($identifier, $component, $a);
* Returns a list of language codes and their full names
* hides the _local files from everyone.
diff --git a/lib/simpletest/get_string_fixtures/pagelogs/admin_index.php_get_string.log.php b/lib/simpletest/get_string_fixtures/pagelogs/admin_index.php_get_string.log.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e0590d3ebe6..00000000000
--- a/lib/simpletest/get_string_fixtures/pagelogs/admin_index.php_get_string.log.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1998 +0,0 @@
-Admin User');
-get_string('logout', '', NULL);
-get_string('thisdirection', '', NULL);
-get_string('thisdirection', '', NULL);
-get_string('administrationsite', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-get_string('folderclosed', '', NULL);
-get_string('searchinsettings', 'admin', NULL);
-get_string('search', '', NULL);
-get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Site Administration');
-get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Site Administration');
-get_string('skipa', 'access', 'Site Administration');
-get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Site Administration');
-get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Site Administration');
-get_string('adminbookmarks', '', NULL);
-get_string('bookmarkthispage', 'admin', NULL);
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-get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Admin bookmarks');
-get_string('skipa', 'access', 'Admin bookmarks');
-get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Admin bookmarks');
-get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Admin bookmarks');
-get_string('displayerrorswarning', 'admin', NULL);
-get_string('installation', 'install', NULL);
-get_string('helpprefix2', '', 'Installation');
-get_string('newwindow', '', NULL);
-get_string('cronwarning', 'admin', NULL);
-get_string('home', '', NULL);
-get_string('loggedinas', 'moodle', 'Admin User');
-get_string('logout', '', NULL);
-get_string('moodledocslink', '', NULL);
diff --git a/lib/simpletest/get_string_fixtures/pagelogs/admin_index.php_old_get_string.log.php b/lib/simpletest/get_string_fixtures/pagelogs/admin_index.php_old_get_string.log.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 918a81e96fc..00000000000
--- a/lib/simpletest/get_string_fixtures/pagelogs/admin_index.php_old_get_string.log.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1998 +0,0 @@
-Admin User');
-old_get_string('logout', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('thisdirection', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('thisdirection', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('administrationsite', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderopened', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('folderclosed', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('searchinsettings', 'admin', NULL);
-old_get_string('search', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Site Administration');
-old_get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Site Administration');
-old_get_string('skipa', 'access', 'Site Administration');
-old_get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Site Administration');
-old_get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Site Administration');
-old_get_string('adminbookmarks', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('bookmarkthispage', 'admin', NULL);
-old_get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Admin bookmarks');
-old_get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Admin bookmarks');
-old_get_string('skipa', 'access', 'Admin bookmarks');
-old_get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Admin bookmarks');
-old_get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Admin bookmarks');
-old_get_string('displayerrorswarning', 'admin', NULL);
-old_get_string('installation', 'install', NULL);
-old_get_string('helpprefix2', '', 'Installation');
-old_get_string('newwindow', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('cronwarning', 'admin', NULL);
-old_get_string('home', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('loggedinas', 'moodle', 'Admin User');
-old_get_string('logout', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moodledocslink', '', NULL);
diff --git a/lib/simpletest/get_string_fixtures/pagelogs/course_view.php_get_string.log.php b/lib/simpletest/get_string_fixtures/pagelogs/course_view.php_get_string.log.php
deleted file mode 100644
index c5f812d8466..00000000000
--- a/lib/simpletest/get_string_fixtures/pagelogs/course_view.php_get_string.log.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-Admin User');
-get_string('logout', '', NULL);
-get_string('thisdirection', '', NULL);
-get_string('thisdirection', '', NULL);
-get_string('tocontent', 'access', NULL);
-get_string('modulenameplural', 'forum', NULL);
-get_string('modulenameplural', 'quiz', NULL);
-get_string('modulenameplural', 'choice', NULL);
-get_string('modulename', 'assignment', NULL);
-get_string('modulenameplural', 'assignment', NULL);
-get_string('modulename', 'choice', NULL);
-get_string('modulenameplural', 'choice', NULL);
-get_string('modulename', 'data', NULL);
-get_string('modulenameplural', 'data', NULL);
-get_string('modulename', 'forum', NULL);
-get_string('modulenameplural', 'forum', NULL);
-get_string('modulename', 'glossary', NULL);
-get_string('modulenameplural', 'glossary', NULL);
-get_string('modulename', 'label', NULL);
-get_string('modulenameplural', 'label', NULL);
-get_string('modulename', 'resource', NULL);
-get_string('modulenameplural', 'resource', NULL);
-get_string('modulename', 'scorm', NULL);
-get_string('modulenameplural', 'scorm', NULL);
-get_string('modulename', 'survey', NULL);
-get_string('modulenameplural', 'survey', NULL);
-get_string('modulename', 'lesson', NULL);
-get_string('modulenameplural', 'lesson', NULL);
-get_string('modulename', 'quiz', NULL);
-get_string('modulenameplural', 'quiz', NULL);
-get_string('modulename', 'chat', NULL);
-get_string('modulenameplural', 'chat', NULL);
-get_string('modulename', 'feedback', NULL);
-get_string('modulenameplural', 'feedback', NULL);
-get_string('editsummary', '', NULL);
-get_string('add', '', NULL);
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-get_string('week', '', NULL);
-get_string('groups', '', NULL);
-get_string('groupmy', '', NULL);
-get_string('hideweekfromothers', '', NULL);
-get_string('showweekfromothers', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveup', '', NULL);
-get_string('movedown', '', NULL);
-get_string('people', '', NULL);
-get_string('listofallpeople', '', NULL);
-get_string('participants', '', NULL);
-get_string('delete', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveup', '', NULL);
-get_string('movedown', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveright', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveleft', '', NULL);
-get_string('hide', '', NULL);
-get_string('show', '', NULL);
-get_string('configuration', '', NULL);
-get_string('assignroles', 'role', NULL);
-get_string('listofallpeople', '', NULL);
-get_string('participants', '', NULL);
-get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'People');
-get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'People');
-get_string('skipa', 'access', 'People');
-get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'People');
-get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'People');
-get_string('activities', '', NULL);
-get_string('delete', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveup', '', NULL);
-get_string('movedown', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveright', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveleft', '', NULL);
-get_string('hide', '', NULL);
-get_string('show', '', NULL);
-get_string('configuration', '', NULL);
-get_string('assignroles', 'role', NULL);
-get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Activities');
-get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Activities');
-get_string('skipa', 'access', 'Activities');
-get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Activities');
-get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Activities');
-get_string('blocktitle', 'block_search_forums', NULL);
-get_string('delete', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveup', '', NULL);
-get_string('movedown', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveright', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveleft', '', NULL);
-get_string('hide', '', NULL);
-get_string('show', '', NULL);
-get_string('configuration', '', NULL);
-get_string('assignroles', 'role', NULL);
-get_string('advancedsearch', 'block_search_forums', NULL);
-get_string('search', '', NULL);
-get_string('helpprefix2', '', 'Advanced search');
-get_string('newwindow', '', NULL);
-get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Search Forums');
-get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Search Forums');
-get_string('skipa', 'access', 'Search Forums');
-get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Search Forums');
-get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Search Forums');
-get_string('administration', '', NULL);
-get_string('delete', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveup', '', NULL);
-get_string('movedown', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveright', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveleft', '', NULL);
-get_string('hide', '', NULL);
-get_string('show', '', NULL);
-get_string('configuration', '', NULL);
-get_string('assignroles', 'role', NULL);
-get_string('turneditingoff', '', NULL);
-get_string('settings', '', NULL);
-get_string('assignroles', 'role', NULL);
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-get_string('outcomes', 'grades', NULL);
-get_string('groups', '', NULL);
-get_string('backup', '', NULL);
-get_string('restore', '', NULL);
-get_string('import', '', NULL);
-get_string('reset', '', NULL);
-get_string('reports', '', NULL);
-get_string('questions', 'quiz', NULL);
-get_string('files', '', NULL);
-get_string('profile', '', NULL);
-get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Administration');
-get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Administration');
-get_string('skipa', 'access', 'Administration');
-get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Administration');
-get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Administration');
-get_string('courses', '', NULL);
-get_string('delete', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveup', '', NULL);
-get_string('movedown', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveright', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveleft', '', NULL);
-get_string('hide', '', NULL);
-get_string('show', '', NULL);
-get_string('configuration', '', NULL);
-get_string('assignroles', 'role', NULL);
-get_string('coursecategory', '', NULL);
-get_string('fulllistofcourses', '', NULL);
-get_string('categories', '', NULL);
-get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Course categories');
-get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Course categories');
-get_string('skipa', 'access', 'Course categories');
-get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Course categories');
-get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Course categories');
-get_string('latestnews', '', NULL);
-get_string('addanewtopic', 'forum', NULL);
-get_string('strftimerecent', '', NULL);
-get_string('more', 'forum', NULL);
-get_string('oldertopics', 'forum', NULL);
-get_string('delete', '', NULL);
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-get_string('movedown', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveright', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveleft', '', NULL);
-get_string('hide', '', NULL);
-get_string('show', '', NULL);
-get_string('configuration', '', NULL);
-get_string('assignroles', 'role', NULL);
-get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Latest News');
-get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Latest News');
-get_string('skipa', 'access', 'Latest News');
-get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Latest News');
-get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Latest News');
-get_string('blockname', 'block_online_users', NULL);
-get_string('delete', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveup', '', NULL);
-get_string('movedown', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveright', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveleft', '', NULL);
-get_string('hide', '', NULL);
-get_string('show', '', NULL);
-get_string('configuration', '', NULL);
-get_string('assignroles', 'role', NULL);
-get_string('periodnminutes', 'block_online_users', 5);
-get_string('day', '', NULL);
-get_string('days', '', NULL);
-get_string('hour', '', NULL);
-get_string('hours', '', NULL);
-get_string('min', '', NULL);
-get_string('mins', '', NULL);
-get_string('sec', '', NULL);
-get_string('secs', '', NULL);
-get_string('year', '', NULL);
-get_string('years', '', NULL);
-get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Online Users');
-get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Online Users');
-get_string('skipa', 'access', 'Online Users');
-get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Online Users');
-get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Online Users');
-get_string('recentactivity', '', NULL);
-get_string('delete', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveup', '', NULL);
-get_string('movedown', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveright', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveleft', '', NULL);
-get_string('hide', '', NULL);
-get_string('show', '', NULL);
-get_string('configuration', '', NULL);
-get_string('assignroles', 'role', NULL);
-get_string('strftimedaydatetime', 'langconfig', NULL);
-get_string('activitysince', '', 'Wednesday, 25 March 2009, 02:39 PM');
-get_string('recentactivityreport', '', NULL);
-get_string('publishanonymous', 'choice', NULL);
-get_string('publishnames', 'choice', NULL);
-get_string('publishnot', 'choice', NULL);
-get_string('publishafteranswer', 'choice', NULL);
-get_string('publishafterclose', 'choice', NULL);
-get_string('publishalways', 'choice', NULL);
-get_string('displayhorizontal', 'choice', NULL);
-get_string('displayvertical', 'choice', NULL);
-get_string('nothingnew', '', NULL);
-get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Recent Activity');
-get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Recent Activity');
-get_string('skipa', 'access', 'Recent Activity');
-get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Recent Activity');
-get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Recent Activity');
-get_string('feedstitle', 'block_rss_client', NULL);
-get_string('remotenewsfeed', 'block_rss_client', NULL);
-get_string('delete', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveup', '', NULL);
-get_string('movedown', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveright', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveleft', '', NULL);
-get_string('hide', '', NULL);
-get_string('show', '', NULL);
-get_string('configuration', '', NULL);
-get_string('assignroles', 'role', NULL);
-get_string('feedsconfigurenewinstance', 'block_rss_client', NULL);
-get_string('feedsconfigurenewinstance', 'block_rss_client', NULL);
-get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Remote News Feed');
-get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Remote News Feed');
-get_string('skipa', 'access', 'Remote News Feed');
-get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Remote News Feed');
-get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Remote News Feed');
-get_string('html', 'block_html', NULL);
-get_string('newhtmlblock', 'block_html', NULL);
-get_string('delete', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveup', '', NULL);
-get_string('movedown', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveright', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveleft', '', NULL);
-get_string('hide', '', NULL);
-get_string('show', '', NULL);
-get_string('configuration', '', NULL);
-get_string('assignroles', 'role', NULL);
-get_string('showblocka', 'access', '(new HTML block)');
-get_string('hideblocka', 'access', '(new HTML block)');
-get_string('skipa', 'access', '(new HTML block)');
-get_string('showblocka', 'access', '(new HTML block)');
-get_string('hideblocka', 'access', '(new HTML block)');
-get_string('blocks', '', NULL);
-get_string('add', '', NULL);
-get_string('adminbookmarks', '', NULL);
-get_string('blockmenutitle', 'blog', NULL);
-get_string('blocktagstitle', 'blog', NULL);
-get_string('calendar', 'calendar', NULL);
-get_string('upcomingevents', 'calendar', NULL);
-get_string('pagedescription', 'block_course_summary', NULL);
-get_string('blockname', 'block_glossary_random', NULL);
-get_string('html', 'block_html', NULL);
-get_string('loancalc', 'block_loancalc', NULL);
-get_string('blockname', 'block_mentees', NULL);
-get_string('messages', 'message', NULL);
-get_string('mnet_hosts', 'block_mnet_hosts', NULL);
-get_string('formaltitle', 'block_quiz_results', NULL);
-get_string('feedstitle', 'block_rss_client', NULL);
-get_string('blockname', 'block_search', NULL);
-get_string('blockname', 'block_section_links', NULL);
-get_string('blocktagstitle', 'tag', NULL);
-get_string('skipa', 'access', '');
-get_string('showblocka', 'access', '');
-get_string('hideblocka', 'access', '');
-get_string('weeklyoutline', '', NULL);
-get_string('assignroles', 'role', NULL);
-get_string('delete', '', NULL);
-get_string('move', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveup', '', NULL);
-get_string('movedown', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveright', '', NULL);
-get_string('moveleft', '', NULL);
-get_string('update', '', NULL);
-get_string('duplicate', '', NULL);
-get_string('hide', '', NULL);
-get_string('show', '', NULL);
-get_string('clicktochange', '', NULL);
-get_string('forcedmode', '', NULL);
-get_string('groupsnone', '', NULL);
-get_string('groupsseparate', '', NULL);
-get_string('groupsvisible', '', NULL);
-get_string('modulenameplural', 'assignment', NULL);
-get_string('typeupload', 'assignment', NULL);
-get_string('typeonline', 'assignment', NULL);
-get_string('typeuploadsingle', 'assignment', NULL);
-get_string('typeoffline', 'assignment', NULL);
-get_string('resourcetypelabel', 'resource', NULL);
-get_string('resourcetypetext', 'resource', NULL);
-get_string('resourcetypehtml', 'resource', NULL);
-get_string('resourcetypefile', 'resource', NULL);
-get_string('resourcetypedirectory', 'resource', NULL);
-get_string('resourcetypeims', 'resource', NULL);
-get_string('addactivity', '', NULL);
-get_string('addresource', '', NULL);
-get_string('helpprefix2', '', 'Add a resource');
-get_string('newwindow', '', NULL);
-get_string('helpprefix2', '', 'Add an activity');
-get_string('newwindow', '', NULL);
-get_string('strftimedateshort', '', NULL);
-get_string('showonlyweek', '', 1);
-get_string('addactivity', '', NULL);
-get_string('addresource', '', NULL);
-get_string('helpprefix2', '', 'Add a resource');
-get_string('newwindow', '', NULL);
-get_string('helpprefix2', '', 'Add an activity');
-get_string('newwindow', '', NULL);
-get_string('showonlyweek', '', 2);
-get_string('addactivity', '', NULL);
-get_string('addresource', '', NULL);
-get_string('helpprefix2', '', 'Add a resource');
-get_string('newwindow', '', NULL);
-get_string('helpprefix2', '', 'Add an activity');
-get_string('newwindow', '', NULL);
-get_string('currentweek', 'access', NULL);
-get_string('showonlyweek', '', 3);
-get_string('addactivity', '', NULL);
-get_string('addresource', '', NULL);
-get_string('helpprefix2', '', 'Add a resource');
-get_string('newwindow', '', NULL);
-get_string('helpprefix2', '', 'Add an activity');
-get_string('newwindow', '', NULL);
-get_string('home', '', NULL);
-get_string('loggedinas', 'moodle', 'Admin User');
-get_string('logout', '', NULL);
-get_string('sizegb', '', NULL);
-get_string('sizemb', '', NULL);
-get_string('sizekb', '', NULL);
-get_string('sizeb', '', NULL);
-get_string('moodledocslink', '', NULL);
diff --git a/lib/simpletest/get_string_fixtures/pagelogs/course_view.php_old_get_string.log.php b/lib/simpletest/get_string_fixtures/pagelogs/course_view.php_old_get_string.log.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e6694038ae5..00000000000
--- a/lib/simpletest/get_string_fixtures/pagelogs/course_view.php_old_get_string.log.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-Admin User');
-old_get_string('logout', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('thisdirection', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('thisdirection', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('tocontent', 'access', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulenameplural', 'forum', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulenameplural', 'quiz', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulenameplural', 'choice', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulename', 'assignment', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulenameplural', 'assignment', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulename', 'choice', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulenameplural', 'choice', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulename', 'data', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulenameplural', 'data', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulename', 'forum', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulenameplural', 'forum', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulename', 'glossary', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulenameplural', 'glossary', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulename', 'label', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulenameplural', 'label', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulename', 'resource', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulenameplural', 'resource', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulename', 'scorm', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulenameplural', 'scorm', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulename', 'survey', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulenameplural', 'survey', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulename', 'lesson', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulenameplural', 'lesson', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulename', 'quiz', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulenameplural', 'quiz', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulename', 'chat', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulenameplural', 'chat', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulename', 'feedback', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulenameplural', 'feedback', NULL);
-old_get_string('editsummary', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('add', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('activities', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('showallweeks', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('week', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('groups', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('groupmy', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('hideweekfromothers', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('showweekfromothers', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveup', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('movedown', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('people', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('listofallpeople', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('participants', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('delete', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveup', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('movedown', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveright', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveleft', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('hide', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('show', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('configuration', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('assignroles', 'role', NULL);
-old_get_string('listofallpeople', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('participants', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'People');
-old_get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'People');
-old_get_string('skipa', 'access', 'People');
-old_get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'People');
-old_get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'People');
-old_get_string('activities', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('delete', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveup', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('movedown', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveright', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveleft', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('hide', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('show', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('configuration', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('assignroles', 'role', NULL);
-old_get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Activities');
-old_get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Activities');
-old_get_string('skipa', 'access', 'Activities');
-old_get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Activities');
-old_get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Activities');
-old_get_string('blocktitle', 'block_search_forums', NULL);
-old_get_string('delete', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveup', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('movedown', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveright', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveleft', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('hide', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('show', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('configuration', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('assignroles', 'role', NULL);
-old_get_string('advancedsearch', 'block_search_forums', NULL);
-old_get_string('search', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('helpprefix2', '', 'Advanced search');
-old_get_string('newwindow', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Search Forums');
-old_get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Search Forums');
-old_get_string('skipa', 'access', 'Search Forums');
-old_get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Search Forums');
-old_get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Search Forums');
-old_get_string('administration', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('delete', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveup', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('movedown', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveright', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveleft', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('hide', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('show', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('configuration', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('assignroles', 'role', NULL);
-old_get_string('turneditingoff', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('settings', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('assignroles', 'role', NULL);
-old_get_string('grades', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('outcomes', 'grades', NULL);
-old_get_string('groups', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('backup', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('restore', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('import', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('reset', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('reports', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('questions', 'quiz', NULL);
-old_get_string('files', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('profile', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Administration');
-old_get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Administration');
-old_get_string('skipa', 'access', 'Administration');
-old_get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Administration');
-old_get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Administration');
-old_get_string('courses', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('delete', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveup', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('movedown', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveright', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveleft', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('hide', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('show', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('configuration', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('assignroles', 'role', NULL);
-old_get_string('coursecategory', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('fulllistofcourses', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('categories', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Course categories');
-old_get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Course categories');
-old_get_string('skipa', 'access', 'Course categories');
-old_get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Course categories');
-old_get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Course categories');
-old_get_string('latestnews', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('addanewtopic', 'forum', NULL);
-old_get_string('strftimerecent', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('more', 'forum', NULL);
-old_get_string('oldertopics', 'forum', NULL);
-old_get_string('delete', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveup', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('movedown', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveright', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveleft', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('hide', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('show', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('configuration', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('assignroles', 'role', NULL);
-old_get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Latest News');
-old_get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Latest News');
-old_get_string('skipa', 'access', 'Latest News');
-old_get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Latest News');
-old_get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Latest News');
-old_get_string('blockname', 'block_online_users', NULL);
-old_get_string('delete', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveup', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('movedown', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveright', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveleft', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('hide', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('show', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('configuration', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('assignroles', 'role', NULL);
-old_get_string('periodnminutes', 'block_online_users', 5);
-old_get_string('day', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('days', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('hour', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('hours', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('min', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('mins', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('sec', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('secs', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('year', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('years', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Online Users');
-old_get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Online Users');
-old_get_string('skipa', 'access', 'Online Users');
-old_get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Online Users');
-old_get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Online Users');
-old_get_string('recentactivity', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('delete', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveup', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('movedown', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveright', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveleft', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('hide', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('show', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('configuration', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('assignroles', 'role', NULL);
-old_get_string('strftimedaydatetime', 'langconfig', NULL);
-old_get_string('activitysince', '', 'Wednesday, 25 March 2009, 02:39 PM');
-old_get_string('recentactivityreport', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('publishanonymous', 'choice', NULL);
-old_get_string('publishnames', 'choice', NULL);
-old_get_string('publishnot', 'choice', NULL);
-old_get_string('publishafteranswer', 'choice', NULL);
-old_get_string('publishafterclose', 'choice', NULL);
-old_get_string('publishalways', 'choice', NULL);
-old_get_string('displayhorizontal', 'choice', NULL);
-old_get_string('displayvertical', 'choice', NULL);
-old_get_string('nothingnew', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Recent Activity');
-old_get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Recent Activity');
-old_get_string('skipa', 'access', 'Recent Activity');
-old_get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Recent Activity');
-old_get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Recent Activity');
-old_get_string('feedstitle', 'block_rss_client', NULL);
-old_get_string('remotenewsfeed', 'block_rss_client', NULL);
-old_get_string('delete', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveup', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('movedown', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveright', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveleft', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('hide', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('show', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('configuration', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('assignroles', 'role', NULL);
-old_get_string('feedsconfigurenewinstance', 'block_rss_client', NULL);
-old_get_string('feedsconfigurenewinstance', 'block_rss_client', NULL);
-old_get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Remote News Feed');
-old_get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Remote News Feed');
-old_get_string('skipa', 'access', 'Remote News Feed');
-old_get_string('showblocka', 'access', 'Remote News Feed');
-old_get_string('hideblocka', 'access', 'Remote News Feed');
-old_get_string('html', 'block_html', NULL);
-old_get_string('newhtmlblock', 'block_html', NULL);
-old_get_string('delete', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveup', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('movedown', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveright', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveleft', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('hide', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('show', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('configuration', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('assignroles', 'role', NULL);
-old_get_string('showblocka', 'access', '(new HTML block)');
-old_get_string('hideblocka', 'access', '(new HTML block)');
-old_get_string('skipa', 'access', '(new HTML block)');
-old_get_string('showblocka', 'access', '(new HTML block)');
-old_get_string('hideblocka', 'access', '(new HTML block)');
-old_get_string('blocks', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('add', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('adminbookmarks', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('blockmenutitle', 'blog', NULL);
-old_get_string('blocktagstitle', 'blog', NULL);
-old_get_string('calendar', 'calendar', NULL);
-old_get_string('upcomingevents', 'calendar', NULL);
-old_get_string('pagedescription', 'block_course_summary', NULL);
-old_get_string('blockname', 'block_glossary_random', NULL);
-old_get_string('html', 'block_html', NULL);
-old_get_string('loancalc', 'block_loancalc', NULL);
-old_get_string('blockname', 'block_mentees', NULL);
-old_get_string('messages', 'message', NULL);
-old_get_string('mnet_hosts', 'block_mnet_hosts', NULL);
-old_get_string('formaltitle', 'block_quiz_results', NULL);
-old_get_string('feedstitle', 'block_rss_client', NULL);
-old_get_string('blockname', 'block_search', NULL);
-old_get_string('blockname', 'block_section_links', NULL);
-old_get_string('blocktagstitle', 'tag', NULL);
-old_get_string('skipa', 'access', '');
-old_get_string('showblocka', 'access', '');
-old_get_string('hideblocka', 'access', '');
-old_get_string('weeklyoutline', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('assignroles', 'role', NULL);
-old_get_string('delete', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('move', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveup', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('movedown', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveright', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moveleft', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('update', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('duplicate', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('hide', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('show', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('clicktochange', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('forcedmode', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('groupsnone', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('groupsseparate', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('groupsvisible', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('modulenameplural', 'assignment', NULL);
-old_get_string('typeupload', 'assignment', NULL);
-old_get_string('typeonline', 'assignment', NULL);
-old_get_string('typeuploadsingle', 'assignment', NULL);
-old_get_string('typeoffline', 'assignment', NULL);
-old_get_string('resourcetypelabel', 'resource', NULL);
-old_get_string('resourcetypetext', 'resource', NULL);
-old_get_string('resourcetypehtml', 'resource', NULL);
-old_get_string('resourcetypefile', 'resource', NULL);
-old_get_string('resourcetypedirectory', 'resource', NULL);
-old_get_string('resourcetypeims', 'resource', NULL);
-old_get_string('addactivity', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('addresource', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('helpprefix2', '', 'Add a resource');
-old_get_string('newwindow', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('helpprefix2', '', 'Add an activity');
-old_get_string('newwindow', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('strftimedateshort', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('showonlyweek', '', 1);
-old_get_string('addactivity', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('addresource', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('helpprefix2', '', 'Add a resource');
-old_get_string('newwindow', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('helpprefix2', '', 'Add an activity');
-old_get_string('newwindow', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('showonlyweek', '', 2);
-old_get_string('addactivity', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('addresource', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('helpprefix2', '', 'Add a resource');
-old_get_string('newwindow', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('helpprefix2', '', 'Add an activity');
-old_get_string('newwindow', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('currentweek', 'access', NULL);
-old_get_string('showonlyweek', '', 3);
-old_get_string('addactivity', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('addresource', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('helpprefix2', '', 'Add a resource');
-old_get_string('newwindow', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('helpprefix2', '', 'Add an activity');
-old_get_string('newwindow', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('home', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('loggedinas', 'moodle', 'Admin User');
-old_get_string('logout', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('sizegb', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('sizemb', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('sizekb', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('sizeb', '', NULL);
-old_get_string('moodledocslink', '', NULL);
diff --git a/lib/simpletest/get_string_fixtures/pagelogs/empty.log.php b/lib/simpletest/get_string_fixtures/pagelogs/empty.log.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 860a37d2232..00000000000
--- a/lib/simpletest/get_string_fixtures/pagelogs/empty.log.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-libdir . '/moodlelib.php');
-define('NUM_CALLS', 20000);
-define('NUM_REPITITIONS', 3);
-$TEST_LANGUAGES = array('en_utf8', 'fr_utf8', 'fr_ca_utf8', 'nonexistant');
-require_capability('moodle/site:config', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM));
-$title = 'get_string performance test';
-echo $OUTPUT->header();
-$installedlangs = get_list_of_languages();
-$requiredlangs = $TEST_LANGUAGES;
-foreach ($requiredlangs as $lang) {
- if (!isset($installedlangs[$lang])) {
- echo $OUTPUT->notification('You must install the following language packs to run these test: ' . implode(', ', $requiredlangs));
- echo $OUTPUT->footer();
- die;
- }
-echo $OUTPUT->heading('Timing calling functions');
-if (isset($SESSION->lang)) {
- $originalsessionlang = $SESSION->lang;
-} else {
- $originalsessionlang = null;
-try {
- foreach ($TEST_LANGUAGES as $lang) {
- echo $OUTPUT->heading("Language '$lang'");
- $SESSION->lang = $lang;
- time_log_file('admin_index.php_get_string.log.php');
- time_log_file('course_view.php_get_string.log.php');
- time_log_file('admin_index.php_old_get_string.log.php');
- time_log_file('course_view.php_old_get_string.log.php');
- test_one_case('info', '', null);
- test_one_case('attemptquiznow', 'quiz', null);
- $a = new stdClass;
- $a->firstname = 'Martin';
- $a->lastname = 'Dougiamas';
- test_one_case('fullnamedisplay', '', $a);
- test_one_case('stringthatdoesnotexistinanyfile', 'qtype_shortanswer', null);
- }
-} catch(Exception $e) { // Did they really leave finally out of PHP?
- if (is_null($originalsessionlang)) {
- unset($SESSION->lang);
- } else {
- $SESSION->lang = $originalsessionlang;
- }
-echo $OUTPUT->footer();
- * plays back one of the files recored by turning on the logging option in string_manager.
- * @param $filename
- * @return unknown_type
- */
-function time_log_file($filename) {
- global $CFG, $OUTPUT;
- echo $OUTPUT->heading("Playing back calls from $filename", 3);
- $fullpath = $CFG->libdir . '/simpletest/get_string_fixtures/pagelogs/' . $filename;
- for ($i = 0; $i < NUM_REPITITIONS; ++$i) {
- set_time_limit(60);
- $startime = microtime(true);
- include($fullpath);
- $duration = microtime(true) - $startime;
- echo '';
+ * print_string('typecourse', 'calendar');
+ * echo '
+ *
Time for ' . $filename . ': ' . format_float($duration, 3) . "s.
\n"; - flush(); - } -} - -/** - * Repeat one call to get_string NUM_CALLS times. - * @param $string - * @param $module - * @param $a - */ -function test_one_case($string, $module, $a) { - global $OUTPUT; - echo $OUTPUT->heading("get_string('$string', '$module', " . print_r($a, true) . ")", 3); - echo 'Resulting string: ' . get_string($string, $module, $a) . "
\n"; - for ($i = 0; $i < NUM_REPITITIONS; ++$i) { - set_time_limit(60); - $startime = microtime(true); - for ($j = 0; $j < NUM_CALLS; $j++) { - get_string($string, $module, $a); - } - $duration = microtime(true) - $startime; - print_result_line($duration, 'calls to get_string'); - } -} - -function time_for_loop() { - global $OUTPUT; - echo $OUTPUT->heading('Timing an empty for loop'); - $startime = microtime(true); - for ($i = 0; $i < NUM_CALLS; $i++) { - } - $duration = microtime(true) - $startime; - print_result_line($duration, 'trips through an empty for loop', 'iterations per second'); -} - -function simple_eval($string, $module, $a) { - $result = ''; - $code = '$result = "Language string";'; - if (eval($code) === FALSE) { // Means parse error. - debugging('Parse error while trying to load string "'.$identifier.'" from file "' . $langfile . '".', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); - } - return $result; -} -function simple_eval_with_interp($string, $module, $a) { - $result = ''; - $code = '$result = "Language string $a->field.";'; - if (eval($code) === FALSE) { // Means parse error. - debugging('Parse error while trying to load string "'.$identifier.'" from file "' . $langfile . '".', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); - } - return $result; -} -function sprintf_eval($string, $module, $a) { - $result = ''; - $code = '$result = sprintf("Language string");'; - if (eval($code) === FALSE) { // Means parse error. - debugging('Parse error while trying to load string "'.$identifier.'" from file "' . $langfile . '".', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); - } - return $result; - } -function sprintf_eval_with_interp($string, $module, $a) { - $result = ''; - $code = '$result = sprintf("Language string $a->field.");'; - if (eval($code) === FALSE) { // Means parse error. - debugging('Parse error while trying to load string "'.$identifier.'" from file "' . $langfile . '".', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); - } - return $result; -} -function strtr_eval($string, $module, $a) { - $result = ''; - $code = '$result = strtr("Language string", "", "");'; - if (eval($code) === FALSE) { // Means parse error. - debugging('Parse error while trying to load string "'.$identifier.'" from file "' . $langfile . '".', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); - } - return $result; -} -function strtr_eval_with_interp($string, $module, $a) { - $result = ''; - $code = '$result = strtr("Language string $a->field.", "", "");'; - if (eval($code) === FALSE) { // Means parse error. - debugging('Parse error while trying to load string "'.$identifier.'" from file "' . $langfile . '".', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); - } - return $result; -} -function proposed($string, $module, $a) { - $result = 'Language string'; - if (strpos($result, '$') !== false) { - $code = '$result = strtr("' . $result . '", "", "");'; - if (eval($code) === FALSE) { // Means parse error. - debugging('Parse error while trying to load string "'.$identifier.'" from file "' . $langfile . '".', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); - } - } - return $result; -} -function proposed_with_interp($string, $module, $a) { - $result = 'Language string $a->field.'; - if (strpos($result, '$') !== false) { - $code = '$result = strtr("' . $result . '", "", "");'; - if (eval($code) === FALSE) { // Means parse error. - debugging('Parse error while trying to load string "'.$identifier.'" from file "' . $langfile . '".', DEBUG_DEVELOPER); - } - } - return $result; -} -function dummy_function($string, $module, $a) { -} -function time_function_call($functionname) { - $string = 'string'; - $module = 'module'; - $a = new stdClass; - $a->field = 'value'; - $startime = microtime(true); - for ($i = 0; $i < NUM_CALLS; $i++) { - $functionname($string, $module, $a); - } - $duration = microtime(true) - $startime; - print_result_line($duration, 'calls to ' . $functionname); -} - -function print_result_line($duration, $action1, $action2 = 'calls per second') { - echo 'Time for ' . format_float(NUM_CALLS, 0) . ' ' . $action1 . ': ' . - format_float($duration, 3) . 's which is ' . - format_float((NUM_CALLS / $duration), 0) . ' ' . $action2 . ".
\n"; - flush(); -} - -// ============================================================================= -// The rest of this file is the old implementation of get_string, with get_string -// renamed to old_get_string, so we can do comparative timings. - -/** - * fix up the optional data in get_string()/print_string() etc - * ensure possible sprintf() format characters are escaped correctly - * needs to handle arbitrary strings and objects - * @param mixed $a An object, string or number that can be used - * @return mixed the supplied parameter 'cleaned' - */ -function clean_getstring_data( $a ) { - if (is_string($a)) { - return str_replace( '%','%%',$a ); - } - elseif (is_object($a)) { - $a_vars = get_object_vars( $a ); - $new_a_vars = array(); - foreach ($a_vars as $fname => $a_var) { - $new_a_vars[$fname] = clean_getstring_data( $a_var ); - } - return (object)$new_a_vars; - } - else { - return $a; - } -} - -/** - * @return array places to look for lang strings based on the prefix to the - * module name. For example qtype_ in question/type. Used by get_string and - * help.php. - */ -function places_to_search_for_lang_strings() { - global $CFG; - - return array( - '__exceptions' => array('moodle', 'langconfig'), - 'assignment_' => array('mod/assignment/type'), - 'auth_' => array('auth'), - 'block_' => array('blocks'), - 'datafield_' => array('mod/data/field'), - 'datapreset_' => array('mod/data/preset'), - 'enrol_' => array('enrol'), - 'filter_' => array('filter'), - 'format_' => array('course/format'), - 'quiz_' => array('mod/quiz/report'), - 'qtype_' => array('question/type'), - 'qformat_' => array('question/format'), - 'report_' => array($CFG->admin.'/report', 'course/report'), - 'repository_'=>array('repository'), - 'resource_' => array('mod/resource/type'), - 'gradereport_' => array('grade/report'), - 'gradeimport_' => array('grade/import'), - 'gradeexport_' => array('grade/export'), - 'profilefield_' => array('user/profile/field'), - 'portfolio_' => array('portfolio'), - '' => array('mod') - ); -} - -/** - * Returns a localized string. - * - * Returns the translated string specified by $identifier as - * for $module. Uses the same format files as STphp. - * $a is an object, string or number that can be used - * within translation strings - * - * eg "hello \$a->firstname \$a->lastname" - * or "hello \$a" - * - * If you would like to directly echo the localized string use - * the function {@link print_string()} - * - * Example usage of this function involves finding the string you would - * like a local equivalent of and using its identifier and module information - * to retrive it.
- * $string['wordforstudent'] = 'Your word for Student';
- *
- * So if you want to display the string 'Your word for student'
- * in any language that supports it on your site
- * you just need to use the identifier 'wordforstudent'
- *
- * $mystring = ''. get_string('wordforstudent') .'';
- *
- * If the string you want is in another file you'd take a slightly
- * different approach. Looking in moodle/lang/en/calendar.php you find
- * around line 75:
- *
- * $string['typecourse'] = 'Course event';
- *
- * If you want to display the string "Course event" in any language
- * supported you would use the identifier 'typecourse' and the module 'calendar'
- * (because it is in the file calendar.php):
- *
- * $mystring = ''. get_string('typecourse', 'calendar') .'
- *
- *
- * As a last resort, should the identifier fail to map to a string
- * the returned string will be [[ $identifier ]]
- *
- * @uses $CFG
- * @param string $identifier The key identifier for the localized string
- * @param string $module The module where the key identifier is stored,
- * usually expressed as the filename in the language pack without the
- * .php on the end but can also be written as mod/forum or grade/export/xls.
- * If none is specified then moodle.php is used.
- * @param mixed $a An object, string or number that can be used
- * within translation strings
- * @param array $extralocations DEPRICATED. An array of strings with other
- * locations to look for string files. This used to be used by plugins so
- * they could package their language strings in the plugin folder, however,
- * There is now a better way to achieve this. See
- * http://docs.moodle.org/en/Development:Places_to_search_for_lang_strings.
- * @return string The localized string.
- */
-function old_get_string($identifier, $module='', $a=NULL, $extralocations=NULL) {
- global $CFG;
-/// originally these special strings were stored in moodle.php now we are only in langconfig.php
- $langconfigstrs = array('alphabet', 'backupnameformat', 'decsep', 'firstdayofweek', 'listsep', 'locale',
- 'localewin', 'localewincharset', 'oldcharset', 'parentlanguage',
- 'strftimedate', 'strftimedateshort', 'strftimedatefullshort', 'strftimedatetime',
- 'strftimedaydate', 'strftimedaydatetime', 'strftimedayshort', 'strftimedaytime',
- 'strftimemonthyear', 'strftimerecent', 'strftimerecentfull', 'strftimetime',
- 'thischarset', 'thisdirection', 'thislanguage', 'strftimedatetimeshort', 'thousandssep');
- $filetocheck = 'langconfig.php';
- $defaultlang = 'en_utf8';
- if (in_array($identifier, $langconfigstrs)) {
- $module = 'langconfig'; //This strings are under langconfig.php for 1.6 lang packs
- }
- $lang = current_language();
- if ($module == '') {
- $module = 'moodle';
- }
-/// If the "module" is actually a pathname, then automatically derive the proper module name
- if (strpos($module, '/') !== false) {
- $modulepath = split('/', $module);
- switch ($modulepath[0]) {
- case 'mod':
- $module = $modulepath[1];
- break;
- case 'blocks':
- case 'block':
- $module = 'block_'.$modulepath[1];
- break;
- case 'enrol':
- $module = 'enrol_'.$modulepath[1];
- break;
- case 'format':
- $module = 'format_'.$modulepath[1];
- break;
- case 'grade':
- $module = 'grade'.$modulepath[1].'_'.$modulepath[2];
- break;
- }
- }
-/// if $a happens to have % in it, double it so sprintf() doesn't break
- if ($a) {
- $a = clean_getstring_data( $a );
- }
-/// Define the two or three major locations of language strings for this module
- $locations = array();
- if (!empty($extralocations)) {
- // This is an old, deprecated mechanism that predates the
- // places_to_search_for_lang_strings mechanism that comes later in
- // this function. So tell people who use it to change.
- debugging('The fourth, $extralocations parameter to get_string is deprecated. ' .
- 'See http://docs.moodle.org/en/Development:Places_to_search_for_lang_strings ' .
- 'for a better way to package language strings with your plugin.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
- if (is_array($extralocations)) {
- $locations += $extralocations;
- } else if (is_string($extralocations)) {
- $locations[] = $extralocations;
- } else {
- debugging('Bad lang path provided');
- }
- }
- if (!empty($CFG->running_installer) and $lang !== 'en_utf8') {
- static $stringnames = null;
- if (!$stringnames) {
- $stringnames = file($CFG->dirroot.'/install/stringnames.txt');
- $stringnames = array_map('trim', $stringnames);
- }
- if (array_search($identifier, $stringnames) !== false) {
- $module = 'installer';
- $filetocheck = 'installer.php';
- $defaultlang = 'en_utf8';
- $locations[] = $CFG->dirroot.'/install/lang/';
- }
- }
- $locations[] = $CFG->dataroot.'/lang/';
- $locations[] = $CFG->dirroot.'/lang/';
- $locations[] = $CFG->dirroot.'/local/lang/';
-/// Add extra places to look for strings for particular plugin types.
- $rules = places_to_search_for_lang_strings();
- $exceptions = $rules['__exceptions'];
- unset($rules['__exceptions']);
- if (!in_array($module, $exceptions)) {
- $dividerpos = strpos($module, '_');
- if ($dividerpos === false) {
- $type = '';
- $plugin = $module;
- } else {
- $type = substr($module, 0, $dividerpos + 1);
- $plugin = substr($module, $dividerpos + 1);
- }
- if (!empty($rules[$type])) {
- foreach ($rules[$type] as $location) {
- $locations[] = $CFG->dirroot . "/$location/$plugin/lang/";
- }
- }
- }
-/// First check all the normal locations for the string in the current language
- $resultstring = '';
- foreach ($locations as $location) {
- $locallangfile = $location.$lang.'_local'.'/'.$module.'.php'; //first, see if there's a local file
- if (file_exists($locallangfile)) {
- if ($result = get_string_from_file($identifier, $locallangfile, "\$resultstring")) {
- if (eval($result) === FALSE) {
- trigger_error('Lang error: '.$identifier.':'.$locallangfile, E_USER_NOTICE);
- }
- return $resultstring;
- }
- }
- //if local directory not found, or particular string does not exist in local direcotry
- $langfile = $location.$lang.'/'.$module.'.php';
- if (file_exists($langfile)) {
- if ($result = get_string_from_file($identifier, $langfile, "\$resultstring")) {
- if (eval($result) === FALSE) {
- trigger_error('Lang error: '.$identifier.':'.$langfile, E_USER_NOTICE);
- }
- return $resultstring;
- }
- }
- }
-/// If the preferred language was English (utf8) we can abort now
-/// saving some checks beacuse it's the only "root" lang
- if ($lang == 'en_utf8') {
- return '[['. $identifier .']]';
- }
-/// Is a parent language defined? If so, try to find this string in a parent language file
- foreach ($locations as $location) {
- $langfile = $location.$lang.'/'.$filetocheck;
- if (file_exists($langfile)) {
- if ($result = get_string_from_file('parentlanguage', $langfile, "\$parentlang")) {
- if (eval($result) === FALSE) {
- trigger_error('Lang error: '.$identifier.':'.$langfile, E_USER_NOTICE);
- }
- if (!empty($parentlang) and strpos($parentlang, '<') === false) { // found it!
- //first, see if there's a local file for parent
- $locallangfile = $location.$parentlang.'_local'.'/'.$module.'.php';
- if (file_exists($locallangfile)) {
- if ($result = get_string_from_file($identifier, $locallangfile, "\$resultstring")) {
- if (eval($result) === FALSE) {
- trigger_error('Lang error: '.$identifier.':'.$locallangfile, E_USER_NOTICE);
- }
- return $resultstring;
- }
- }
- //if local directory not found, or particular string does not exist in local direcotry
- $langfile = $location.$parentlang.'/'.$module.'.php';
- if (file_exists($langfile)) {
- if ($result = get_string_from_file($identifier, $langfile, "\$resultstring")) {
- eval($result);
- return $resultstring;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-/// Our only remaining option is to try English
- foreach ($locations as $location) {
- $locallangfile = $location.$defaultlang.'_local/'.$module.'.php'; //first, see if there's a local file
- if (file_exists($locallangfile)) {
- if ($result = get_string_from_file($identifier, $locallangfile, "\$resultstring")) {
- eval($result);
- return $resultstring;
- }
- }
- //if local_en not found, or string not found in local_en
- $langfile = $location.$defaultlang.'/'.$module.'.php';
- if (file_exists($langfile)) {
- if ($result = get_string_from_file($identifier, $langfile, "\$resultstring")) {
- eval($result);
- return $resultstring;
- }
- }
- }
-/// And, because under 1.6 en is defined as en_utf8 child, me must try
-/// if it hasn't been queried before.
- if ($defaultlang == 'en') {
- $defaultlang = 'en_utf8';
- foreach ($locations as $location) {
- $locallangfile = $location.$defaultlang.'_local/'.$module.'.php'; //first, see if there's a local file
- if (file_exists($locallangfile)) {
- if ($result = get_string_from_file($identifier, $locallangfile, "\$resultstring")) {
- eval($result);
- return $resultstring;
- }
- }
- //if local_en not found, or string not found in local_en
- $langfile = $location.$defaultlang.'/'.$module.'.php';
- if (file_exists($langfile)) {
- if ($result = get_string_from_file($identifier, $langfile, "\$resultstring")) {
- eval($result);
- return $resultstring;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return '[['.$identifier.']]'; // Last resort
- * This function is only used from {@link get_string()}.
- *
- * @internal Only used from get_string, not meant to be public API
- * @param string $identifier ?
- * @param string $langfile ?
- * @param string $destination ?
- * @return string|false ?
- * @staticvar array $strings Localized strings
- * @access private
- * @todo Finish documenting this function.
- */
-function get_string_from_file($identifier, $langfile, $destination) {
- static $strings; // Keep the strings cached in memory.
- if (empty($strings[$langfile])) {
- $string = array();
- include ($langfile);
- $strings[$langfile] = $string;
- } else {
- $string = &$strings[$langfile];
- }
- if (!isset ($string[$identifier])) {
- return false;
- }
- return $destination .'= sprintf("'. $string[$identifier] .'");';
diff --git a/lib/simpletest/teststringmanager.php b/lib/simpletest/teststringmanager.php
deleted file mode 100644
index e0b15fef395..00000000000
--- a/lib/simpletest/teststringmanager.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,473 +0,0 @@
-libdir . '/moodlelib.php');
- * Test subclass that makes all the protected methods we want to test pubic.
- */
-class testable_string_manager extends legacy_string_manager {
- public function locations_to_search($module) {
- return parent::locations_to_search($module);
- }
- public function parse_module_name($module) {
- return parent::parse_module_name($module);
- }
- public function get_parent_language($lang) {
- return parent::get_parent_language($lang);
- }
- public function load_lang_file($langfile) {
- return parent::load_lang_file($langfile);
- }
- public function get_string_from_file($identifier, $langfile, $a) {
- return parent::get_string_from_file($identifier, $langfile, $a);
- }
-class string_manager_test extends UnitTestCase {
- public static $includecoverage = array('lib/moodlelib.php');
- protected $originallang;
- protected $workspace = 'temp/get_string_fixtures'; // Path inside $CFG->dataroot where we work.
- protected $basedir;
- protected $stringmanager;
- protected $fileswritten = array();
- public function setUp() {
- global $CFG, $SESSION;
- if (isset($SESSION->lang)) {
- $this->originallang = $SESSION->lang;
- } else {
- $this->originallang = null;
- }
- $this->basedir = $CFG->dataroot . '/' . $this->workspace . '/';
- $this->stringmanager = new testable_string_manager($this->basedir . 'moodle',
- $this->basedir . 'moodledata', false);
- make_upload_directory($this->workspace . '/' . 'moodle');
- make_upload_directory($this->workspace . '/' . 'moodledata');
- }
- public function tearDown() {
- global $SESSION;
- if (is_null($this->originallang)) {
- unset($SESSION->lang);
- } else {
- $SESSION->lang = $this->originallang;
- }
- foreach ($this->fileswritten as $path) {
- unlink($path);
- }
- $this->fileswritten = array();
- }
- /**
- * Write a teest language file under $this->basedir
- * @param string $path e.g. 'moodle/lang/en_htf8/test.php' or 'moodledata/lang/fr_utf8/test/php'.
- * @param array $strings the strings to store in the file.
- */
- protected function write_lang_file($path, $strings) {
- $contents = " $string) {
- $string = str_replace("'", "\'", $string);
- if (substr($string, -1) == '\\') {
- $string .= '\\';
- }
- $contents .= "\$string['$key'] = '" . $string . "';\n";
- }
- $contents .= "?>\n";
- make_upload_directory($this->workspace . '/' . dirname($path));
- $path = $this->basedir . $path;
- file_put_contents($path, $contents);
- $this->fileswritten[] = $path;
- }
- public function test_locations_to_search_moodle() {
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->locations_to_search('moodle'), array(
- $this->basedir . 'moodle/lang/' => '',
- $this->basedir . 'moodledata/lang/' => '',
- ));
- }
- public function test_locations_to_search_langconfig() {
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->locations_to_search('langconfig'), array(
- $this->basedir . 'moodle/lang/' => '',
- $this->basedir . 'moodledata/lang/' => '',
- ));
- }
- public function test_locations_to_search_module() {
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->locations_to_search('forum'), array(
- $this->basedir . 'moodle/lang/' => 'forum/',
- $this->basedir . 'moodledata/lang/' => 'forum/',
- $this->basedir . 'moodle/mod/forum/lang/' => 'forum/',
- ));
- }
- public function test_locations_to_search_question_type() {
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->locations_to_search('qtype_matrix'), array(
- $this->basedir . 'moodle/lang/' => 'qtype_matrix/',
- $this->basedir . 'moodledata/lang/' => 'qtype_matrix/',
- $this->basedir . 'moodle/question/type/matrix/lang/' => 'matrix/',
- ));
- }
- public function test_locations_to_search_local() {
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->locations_to_search('local'), array(
- $this->basedir . 'moodle/lang/' => 'local/',
- $this->basedir . 'moodledata/lang/' => 'local/',
- $this->basedir . 'moodle/mod/local/lang/' => 'local/',
- ));
- }
- public function test_locations_to_search_report() {
- global $CFG;
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->locations_to_search('report_super'), array(
- $this->basedir . 'moodle/lang/' => 'report_super/',
- $this->basedir . 'moodledata/lang/' => 'report_super/',
- $this->basedir . 'moodle/' . $CFG->admin . '/report/super/lang/' => 'super/',
- ));
- }
- public function test_parse_module_name_module() {
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->parse_module_name('forum'),
- array('', 'forum'));
- }
- public function test_parse_module_name_grade_report() {
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->parse_module_name('gradereport_magic'),
- array('gradereport_', 'magic'));
- }
- public function test_get_parent_language_normal() {
- // Setup fixture.
- $this->write_lang_file('moodledata/lang/fr_ca_utf8/langconfig.php', array(
- 'parentlanguage' => 'fr_utf8',
- ));
- // Exercise SUT.
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_parent_language('fr_ca_utf8'), 'fr_utf8');
- }
- public function test_get_parent_language_local_override() {
- // Setup fixture.
- $this->write_lang_file('moodledata/lang/es_ar_utf8/langconfig.php', array(
- 'parentlanguage' => 'es_utf8',
- ));
- $this->write_lang_file('moodle/lang/es_ar_utf8_local/langconfig.php', array(
- 'parentlanguage' => 'es_mx_utf8',
- ));
- // Exercise SUT.
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_parent_language('es_ar_utf8'), 'es_mx_utf8');
- }
- public function test_load_lang_file() {
- // Setup fixture.
- $this->write_lang_file('moodle/lang/en_utf8/test.php', array(
- 'hello' => 'Hello \'world\'!',
- 'hellox' => 'Hello $a!',
- 'results' => 'Dear $a->firstname $a->lastname,\n\nOn test \"$a->testname\" you scored $a->grade%% which earns you \$100.',
- ));
- // Exercise SUT.
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->load_lang_file($this->basedir . 'moodle/lang/en_utf8/test.php'), array(
- 'hello' => "Hello 'world'!",
- 'hellox' => 'Hello $a!',
- 'results' => 'Dear $a->firstname $a->lastname,\n\nOn test \"$a->testname\" you scored $a->grade%% which earns you \$100.',
- ));
- }
- public function test_get_string_from_file_empty() {
- // Setup fixture.
- $this->write_lang_file('moodle/lang/en_utf8/test.php', array(
- 'emptyen' => '',
- ));
- // Exercise SUT.
- $this->assertIdentical($this->stringmanager->get_string_from_file(
- 'emptyen', $this->basedir . 'moodle/lang/en_utf8/test.php', NULL),
- '');
- }
- public function test_get_string_from_file_simple() {
- // Setup fixture.
- $this->write_lang_file('moodle/lang/en_utf8/test.php', array(
- 'hello' => 'Hello \'world\'!',
- ));
- // Exercise SUT.
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_string_from_file(
- 'hello', $this->basedir . 'moodle/lang/en_utf8/test.php', NULL),
- "Hello 'world'!");
- }
- public function test_get_string_from_file_simple_interp_with_special_chars() {
- // Setup fixture.
- $this->write_lang_file('moodle/lang/en_utf8/test.php', array(
- 'hellox' => 'Hello $a!',
- ));
- // Exercise SUT.
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_string_from_file(
- 'hellox', $this->basedir . 'moodle/lang/en_utf8/test.php', 'Fred. $100 = 100%'),
- "Hello Fred. $100 = 100%!");
- }
- public function test_get_string_from_file_complex_interp() {
- // Setup fixture.
- $this->write_lang_file('moodle/lang/en_utf8/test.php', array(
- 'results' => 'Dear $a->firstname $a->lastname,\n\nOn test \"$a->testname\" you scored $a->grade%% which earns you \$100.',
- ));
- // Exercise SUT.
- $a = new stdClass;
- $a->firstname = 'Tim';
- $a->lastname = 'Hunt';
- $a->testname = 'The song "\'Right\' said Fred"';
- $a->grade = 75;
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_string_from_file(
- 'results', $this->basedir . 'moodle/lang/en_utf8/test.php', $a),
- "Dear Tim Hunt,\n\nOn test \"The song \"'Right' said Fred\"\" you scored 75% which earns you $100.");
- }
- public function test_default_lang() {
- // Setup fixture.
- $this->write_lang_file('moodle/lang/en_utf8/moodle.php', array(
- 'test' => 'Test',
- ));
- $this->write_lang_file('moodle/lang/en_utf8/test.php', array(
- 'hello' => 'Hello \'world\'!',
- 'hellox' => 'Hello $a!',
- 'results' => 'Dear $a->firstname $a->lastname,\n\nOn test \"$a->testname\" you scored $a->grade%% which earns you \$100.',
- 'emptyen' => '',
- ));
- $this->write_lang_file('moodle/blocks/mrbs/lang/en_utf8/block_mrbs.php', array(
- 'yes' => 'Yes',
- ));
- global $SESSION;
- $SESSION->lang = 'en_utf8';
- // Exercise SUT.
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_string('test'), 'Test');
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_string('hello', 'test'), "Hello 'world'!");
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_string('hellox', 'test', 'Tim'), 'Hello Tim!');
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_string('yes', 'block_mrbs'), 'Yes');
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_string('stringnotdefinedanywhere'), '[[stringnotdefinedanywhere]]');
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_string('emptyen', 'test'), '');
- }
- public function test_non_default_no_parent() {
- // Setup fixture.
- $this->write_lang_file('moodle/lang/en_utf8/moodle.php', array(
- 'test' => 'Test',
- ));
- $this->write_lang_file('moodle/lang/fr_utf8/test.php', array(
- 'hello' => 'Bonjour tout le monde!',
- 'hellox' => 'Bonjour $a!',
- 'emptyfr' => '',
- ));
- $this->write_lang_file('moodle/blocks/mrbs/lang/fr_utf8/block_mrbs.php', array(
- 'yes' => 'Oui',
- ));
- global $SESSION;
- $SESSION->lang = 'fr_utf8';
- // Exercise SUT.
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_string('test'), 'Test');
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_string('hello', 'test'), 'Bonjour tout le monde!');
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_string('hellox', 'test', 'Jean-Paul'), 'Bonjour Jean-Paul!');
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_string('yes', 'block_mrbs'), 'Oui');
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_string('stringnotdefinedanywhere'), '[[stringnotdefinedanywhere]]');
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_string('emptyfr', 'test'), '');
- }
- public function test_lang_with_parent() {
- // Setup fixture.
- $this->write_lang_file('moodledata/lang/fr_ca_utf8/langconfig.php', array(
- 'parentlanguage' => 'fr_utf8',
- ));
- $this->write_lang_file('moodle/lang/en_utf8/moodle.php', array(
- 'test' => 'Test',
- ));
- $this->write_lang_file('moodle/lang/fr_utf8/test.php', array(
- 'hello' => 'Bonjour tout le monde!',
- 'hellox' => 'Bonjour $a!',
- 'emptyfr' => '',
- ));
- $this->write_lang_file('moodle/blocks/mrbs/lang/fr_utf8/block_mrbs.php', array(
- 'yes' => 'Oui',
- ));
- $this->write_lang_file('moodledata/lang/fr_ca_utf8/test.php', array(
- 'hello' => 'Bonjour Québec!',
- ));
- global $SESSION;
- $SESSION->lang = 'fr_ca_utf8';
- // Exercise SUT.
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_string('test'), 'Test');
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_string('hello', 'test'), 'Bonjour Québec!');
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_string('hellox', 'test', 'Jean-Paul'), 'Bonjour Jean-Paul!');
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_string('yes', 'block_mrbs'), 'Oui');
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_string('stringnotdefinedanywhere'), '[[stringnotdefinedanywhere]]');
- }
- public function test_get_list_of_countries_en_utf8() {
- global $CFG, $SESSION;
- // Setup fixture.
- $countriesen = array(
- 'AU' => 'Australia',
- 'GB' => 'United Kingdom',
- );
- $this->write_lang_file('moodle/lang/en_utf8/countries.php', $countriesen);
- $oldlist = $CFG->allcountrycodes;
- $CFG->allcountrycodes = '';
- $SESSION->lang = 'en_utf8';
- // Exercise SUT.
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_list_of_countries(),
- $countriesen);
- // Tear down.
- $CFG->allcountrycodes = $oldlist;
- }
- public function test_get_list_of_countries_specific_list() {
- global $CFG, $SESSION;
- // Setup fixture.
- $countriesen = array(
- 'AU' => 'Australia',
- 'GB' => 'United Kingdom',
- );
- $this->write_lang_file('moodle/lang/en_utf8/countries.php', $countriesen);
- $oldlist = $CFG->allcountrycodes;
- $CFG->allcountrycodes = 'AU';
- $SESSION->lang = 'en_utf8';
- // Exercise SUT.
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_list_of_countries(),
- array('AU' => $this->stringmanager->get_string('AU', 'countries')));
- // Tear down.
- $CFG->allcountrycodes = $oldlist;
- }
- public function test_get_list_of_countries_fr_utf8() {
- global $CFG, $SESSION;
- // Setup fixture.
- $countriesen = array(
- 'AU' => 'Australia',
- 'GB' => 'United Kingdom',
- );
- $this->write_lang_file('moodle/lang/en_utf8/countries.php', $countriesen);
- $countriesfr = array(
- 'AU' => 'Australie',
- 'FR' => 'France',
- 'GB' => 'Royaume-Uni',
- );
- $this->write_lang_file('moodledata/lang/fr_utf8/countries.php', $countriesfr);
- $oldlist = $CFG->allcountrycodes;
- $CFG->allcountrycodes = '';
- $SESSION->lang = 'fr_utf8';
- // Exercise SUT.
- unset($countriesfr['FR']);
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_list_of_countries(),
- $countriesfr);
- // Tear down.
- $CFG->allcountrycodes = $oldlist;
- }
- public function test_get_list_of_countries_specific_list_fr() {
- global $CFG, $SESSION;
- // Setup fixture.
- $countriesen = array(
- 'AU' => 'Australia',
- 'GB' => 'United Kingdom',
- );
- $this->write_lang_file('moodle/lang/en_utf8/countries.php', $countriesen);
- $countriesfr = array(
- 'AU' => 'Australie',
- 'FR' => 'France',
- 'GB' => 'Royaume-Uni',
- );
- $this->write_lang_file('moodledata/lang/fr_utf8/countries.php', $countriesfr);
- $oldlist = $CFG->allcountrycodes;
- $CFG->allcountrycodes = 'FR';
- $SESSION->lang = 'fr_utf8';
- // Exercise SUT.
- unset($countriesfr['FR']);
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_list_of_countries(),
- array('FR' => 'France'));
- // Tear down.
- $CFG->allcountrycodes = $oldlist;
- }
- public function test_get_list_of_countries_lang_with_parent_local_override() {
- global $CFG, $SESSION;
- // Setup fixture.
- $this->write_lang_file('moodledata/lang/fr_ca_utf8/langconfig.php', array(
- 'parentlanguage' => 'fr_utf8',
- ));
- $countriesen = array(
- 'AU' => 'Australia',
- 'GB' => 'United Kingdom',
- );
- $this->write_lang_file('moodle/lang/en_utf8/countries.php', $countriesen);
- $countriesfr = array(
- 'AU' => 'Australie',
- 'GB' => 'Royaume-Uni',
- );
- $this->write_lang_file('moodledata/lang/fr_utf8/countries.php', $countriesfr);
- $this->write_lang_file('moodle/lang/fr_ca_utf8_local/countries.php', array(
- 'AU' => 'Aussie',
- ));
- $oldlist = $CFG->allcountrycodes;
- $CFG->allcountrycodes = '';
- $SESSION->lang = 'fr_ca_utf8';
- // Exercise SUT.
- $this->assertEqual($this->stringmanager->get_list_of_countries(),
- array('AU' => 'Aussie', 'GB' => 'Royaume-Uni'));
- // Tear down.
- $CFG->allcountrycodes = $oldlist;
- }