Merge branch 'MDL-47962' of git://

This commit is contained in:
David Monllao 2018-09-24 09:45:47 +02:00
commit ccff34bf07
5 changed files with 553 additions and 299 deletions

View File

@ -33,12 +33,8 @@ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
* NOTE: multilang glossary entries are not compatible with this filter.
class filter_glossary extends moodle_text_filter {
/** @var int $cachecourseid cache invalidation flag in case content from multiple courses displayed. */
protected $cachecourseid = null;
/** @var int $cacheuserid cache invalidation flag in case user is switched. */
protected $cacheuserid = null;
/** @var array $cacheconceptlist page level filter cache, this should be always faster than MUC */
protected $cacheconceptlist = null;
/** @var null|cache_store cache used to store the terms for this course. */
protected $cache = null;
public function setup($page, $context) {
if ($page->requires->should_create_one_time_item_now('filter_glossary_autolinker')) {
@ -50,8 +46,16 @@ class filter_glossary extends moodle_text_filter {
public function filter($text, array $options = array()) {
* Get all the concepts for this context.
* @return filterobject[] the concepts, and filterobjects.
protected function get_all_concepts() {
global $USER;
if ($this->cache === null) {
$this->cache = cache::make_from_params(cache_store::MODE_REQUEST, 'filter', 'glossary');
// Try to get current course.
$coursectx = $this->context->get_course_context(false);
@ -62,96 +66,131 @@ class filter_glossary extends moodle_text_filter {
$courseid = $coursectx->instanceid;
if ($this->cachecourseid != $courseid or $this->cacheuserid != $USER->id) {
$cached = $this->cache->get('concepts');
if ($cached !== false && ($cached->cachecourseid != $courseid || $cached->cacheuserid != $USER->id)) {
// Invalidate the page cache.
$this->cacheconceptlist = null;
$cached = false;
if (is_array($this->cacheconceptlist) and empty($GLOSSARY_EXCLUDEENTRY)) {
if (empty($this->cacheconceptlist)) {
return $text;
return filter_phrases($text, $this->cacheconceptlist);
if ($cached !== false && is_array($cached->cacheconceptlist)) {
return $cached->cacheconceptlist;
list($glossaries, $allconcepts) = \mod_glossary\local\concept_cache::get_concepts($courseid);
if (!$allconcepts) {
$this->cacheuserid = $USER->id;
$this->cachecourseid = $courseid;
$this->cacheconcepts = array();
return $text;
$tocache = new stdClass();
$tocache->cacheuserid = $USER->id;
$tocache->cachecourseid = $courseid;
$tocache->cacheconceptlist = [];
$this->cache->set('concepts', $tocache);
return [];
$strcategory = get_string('category', 'glossary');
$conceptlist = array();
$excluded = false;
foreach ($allconcepts as $concepts) {
foreach ($concepts as $concept) {
if (!empty($GLOSSARY_EXCLUDEENTRY) and $concept->id == $GLOSSARY_EXCLUDEENTRY) {
$excluded = true;
if ($concept->category) { // Link to a category.
// TODO: Fix this string usage.
$title = $glossaries[$concept->glossaryid] . ': ' . $strcategory . ' ' . $concept->concept;
$link = new moodle_url('/mod/glossary/view.php', array('g' => $concept->glossaryid, 'mode' => 'cat', 'hook' => $concept->id));
$attributes = array(
'href' => $link,
'title' => $title,
'class' => 'glossary autolink category glossaryid' . $concept->glossaryid);
} else { // Link to entry or alias
$title = $glossaries[$concept->glossaryid] . ': ' . $concept->concept;
// Hardcoding dictionary format in the URL rather than defaulting
// to the current glossary format which may not work in a popup.
// for example "entry list" means the popup would only contain
// a link that opens another popup.
$link = new moodle_url('/mod/glossary/showentry.php', array('eid' => $concept->id, 'displayformat' => 'dictionary'));
$attributes = array(
'href' => $link,
'title' => str_replace('&', '&', $title), // Undo the s() mangling.
'class' => 'glossary autolink concept glossaryid' . $concept->glossaryid);
// This flag is optionally set by resource_pluginfile()
// if processing an embedded file use target to prevent getting nested Moodles.
if (!empty($CFG->embeddedsoforcelinktarget)) {
$attributes['target'] = '_top';
$href_tag_begin = html_writer::start_tag('a', $attributes);
$conceptlist[] = new filterobject($concept->concept, $href_tag_begin, '</a>',
$concept->casesensitive, $concept->fullmatch);
$conceptlist[] = new filterobject($concept->concept, null, null,
$concept->casesensitive, $concept->fullmatch, null,
[$this, 'filterobject_prepare_replacement_callback'], [$concept, $glossaries]);
usort($conceptlist, 'filter_glossary::sort_entries_by_length');
// We sort longest first, so that when we replace the terms,
// the longest ones are replaced first. This does the right thing
// when you have two terms like 'Moodle' and 'Moodle 3.5'. You want the longest match.
usort($conceptlist, [$this, 'sort_entries_by_length']);
if (!$excluded) {
// Do not cache the excluded list here, it is used once per page only.
$this->cacheuserid = $USER->id;
$this->cachecourseid = $courseid;
$this->cacheconceptlist = $conceptlist;
$conceptlist = filter_prepare_phrases_for_filtering($conceptlist);
$tocache = new stdClass();
$tocache->cacheuserid = $USER->id;
$tocache->cachecourseid = $courseid;
$tocache->cacheconceptlist = $conceptlist;
$this->cache->set('concepts', $tocache);
return $conceptlist;
* Callback used by filterobject / filter_phrases.
* @param object $concept the concept that is being replaced (from get_all_concepts).
* @param array $glossaries the list of glossary titles (from get_all_concepts).
* @return array [$hreftagbegin, $hreftagend, $replacementphrase] for filterobject.
public function filterobject_prepare_replacement_callback($concept, $glossaries) {
global $CFG;
if ($concept->category) { // Link to a category.
$title = get_string('glossarycategory', 'filter_glossary',
['glossary' => $glossaries[$concept->glossaryid], 'category' => $concept->concept]);
$link = new moodle_url('/mod/glossary/view.php',
['g' => $concept->glossaryid, 'mode' => 'cat', 'hook' => $concept->id]);
$attributes = array(
'href' => $link,
'title' => $title,
'class' => 'glossary autolink category glossaryid' . $concept->glossaryid);
} else { // Link to entry or alias.
$title = get_string('glossaryconcept', 'filter_glossary',
['glossary' => $glossaries[$concept->glossaryid], 'concept' => $concept->concept]);
// Hardcoding dictionary format in the URL rather than defaulting
// to the current glossary format which may not work in a popup.
// for example "entry list" means the popup would only contain
// a link that opens another popup.
$link = new moodle_url('/mod/glossary/showentry.php',
['eid' => $concept->id, 'displayformat' => 'dictionary']);
$attributes = array(
'href' => $link,
'title' => str_replace('&amp;', '&', $title), // Undo the s() mangling.
'class' => 'glossary autolink concept glossaryid' . $concept->glossaryid);
// This flag is optionally set by resource_pluginfile()
// if processing an embedded file use target to prevent getting nested Moodles.
if (!empty($CFG->embeddedsoforcelinktarget)) {
$attributes['target'] = '_top';
return [html_writer::start_tag('a', $attributes), '</a>', null];
public function filter($text, array $options = array()) {
$conceptlist = $this->get_all_concepts();
if (empty($conceptlist)) {
return $text;
foreach ($conceptlist as $key => $filterobj) {
// The original concept object was stored here in when $filterobj was constructed in
// get_all_concepts(). Get it back out now so we can check to see if it is excluded.
$concept = $filterobj->replacementcallbackdata[0];
if (!$concept->category && $concept->id == $GLOSSARY_EXCLUDEENTRY) {
if (empty($conceptlist)) {
return $text;
return filter_phrases($text, $conceptlist); // Actually search for concepts!
return filter_phrases($text, $conceptlist, null, null, false, true);
private static function sort_entries_by_length($entry0, $entry1) {
$len0 = strlen($entry0->phrase);
$len1 = strlen($entry1->phrase);
if ($len0 < $len1) {
return 1;
} else if ($len0 > $len1) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
* usort helper used in get_all_concepts above.
* @param filterobject $filterobject0 first item to compare.
* @param filterobject $filterobject1 second item to compare.
* @return int -1, 0 or 1.
private function sort_entries_by_length($filterobject0, $filterobject1) {
return strlen($filterobject1->phrase) <=> strlen($filterobject0->phrase);

View File

@ -25,5 +25,7 @@
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
$string['glossarycategory'] = '{$a->glossary}: Category {$a->category}';
$string['glossaryconcept'] = '{$a->glossary}: {$a->concept}';
$string['filtername'] = 'Glossary auto-linking';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Glossary auto-linking plugin does not store any personal data.';

View File

@ -33,6 +33,119 @@ require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/filter/glossary/filter.php'); // Include the code
class filter_glossary_filter_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
public function test_link_to_entry_with_alias() {
global $CFG;
// Enable glossary filter at top level.
filter_set_global_state('glossary', TEXTFILTER_ON);
$CFG->glossary_linkentries = 1;
// Create a test course.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$context = context_course::instance($course->id);
// Create a glossary.
$glossary = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('glossary',
array('course' => $course->id, 'mainglossary' => 1));
// Create two entries with ampersands and one normal entry.
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_glossary');
$normal = $generator->create_content($glossary, array('concept' => 'entry name'),
array('first alias', 'second alias'));
// Format text with all three entries in HTML.
$html = '<p>First we have entry name, then we have it twp aliases first alias and second alias.</p>';
$filtered = format_text($html, FORMAT_HTML, array('context' => $context));
// Find all the glossary links in the result.
$matches = array();
preg_match_all('~eid=([0-9]+).*?title="(.*?)"~', $filtered, $matches);
// There should be 3 glossary links.
$this->assertEquals(3, count($matches[1]));
$this->assertEquals($normal->id, $matches[1][0]);
$this->assertEquals($normal->id, $matches[1][1]);
$this->assertEquals($normal->id, $matches[1][2]);
// Check text of title attribute.
$this->assertEquals($glossary->name . ': entry name', $matches[2][0]);
$this->assertEquals($glossary->name . ': first alias', $matches[2][1]);
$this->assertEquals($glossary->name . ': second alias', $matches[2][2]);
public function test_longest_link_used() {
global $CFG;
// Enable glossary filter at top level.
filter_set_global_state('glossary', TEXTFILTER_ON);
$CFG->glossary_linkentries = 1;
// Create a test course.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$context = context_course::instance($course->id);
// Create a glossary.
$glossary = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('glossary',
array('course' => $course->id, 'mainglossary' => 1));
// Create two entries with ampersands and one normal entry.
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_glossary');
$shorter = $generator->create_content($glossary, array('concept' => 'Tim'));
$longer = $generator->create_content($glossary, array('concept' => 'Time'));
// Format text with all three entries in HTML.
$html = '<p>Time will tell</p>';
$filtered = format_text($html, FORMAT_HTML, array('context' => $context));
// Find all the glossary links in the result.
$matches = array();
preg_match_all('~eid=([0-9]+).*?title="(.*?)"~', $filtered, $matches);
// There should be 1 glossary link to Time, not Tim.
$this->assertEquals(1, count($matches[1]));
$this->assertEquals($longer->id, $matches[1][0]);
// Check text of title attribute.
$this->assertEquals($glossary->name . ': Time', $matches[2][0]);
public function test_link_to_category() {
global $CFG;
// Enable glossary filter at top level.
filter_set_global_state('glossary', TEXTFILTER_ON);
$CFG->glossary_linkentries = 1;
// Create a test course.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$context = context_course::instance($course->id);
// Create a glossary.
$glossary = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('glossary',
array('course' => $course->id, 'mainglossary' => 1));
// Create two entries with ampersands and one normal entry.
/** @var mod_glossary_generator $generator */
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_glossary');
$category = $generator->create_category($glossary, array('name' => 'My category', 'usedynalink' => 1));
// Format text with all three entries in HTML.
$html = '<p>This is My category you know.</p>';
$filtered = format_text($html, FORMAT_HTML, array('context' => $context));
// Find all the glossary links in the result.
$matches = array();
preg_match_all('~hook=([0-9]+).*?title="(.*?)"~', $filtered, $matches);
// There should be 1 glossary link.
$this->assertEquals(1, count($matches[1]));
$this->assertEquals($category->id, $matches[1][0]);
$this->assertEquals($glossary->name . ': Category My category', $matches[2][0]);
* Test ampersands.
@ -59,9 +172,6 @@ class filter_glossary_filter_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
$amp1 = $generator->create_content($glossary, array('concept' => 'A&B'));
$amp2 = $generator->create_content($glossary, array('concept' => 'C&amp;D'));
// Format text with all three entries in HTML.
$html = '<p>A&amp;B C&amp;D normal</p>';
$filtered = format_text($html, FORMAT_HTML, array('context' => $context));
@ -81,4 +191,81 @@ class filter_glossary_filter_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
$this->assertEquals($glossary->name . ': C&amp;D', $matches[2][1]);
$this->assertEquals($glossary->name . ': normal', $matches[2][2]);
public function test_exclude_excludes_link_to_entry_with_alias() {
// Enable glossary filter at top level.
filter_set_global_state('glossary', TEXTFILTER_ON);
$CFG->glossary_linkentries = 1;
// Create a test course.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$context = context_course::instance($course->id);
// Create a glossary.
$glossary = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('glossary',
array('course' => $course->id, 'mainglossary' => 1));
// Create two entries with ampersands and one normal entry.
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_glossary');
$tobeexcluded = $generator->create_content($glossary, array('concept' => 'entry name'),
array('first alias', 'second alias'));
$normal = $generator->create_content($glossary, array('concept' => 'other entry'));
// Format text with all three entries in HTML.
$html = '<p>First we have entry name, then we have it twp aliases first alias and second alias. ' .
'In this case, those should not be linked, but this other entry should be.</p>';
$GLOSSARY_EXCLUDEENTRY = $tobeexcluded->id;
$filtered = format_text($html, FORMAT_HTML, array('context' => $context));
// Find all the glossary links in the result.
$matches = array();
preg_match_all('~eid=([0-9]+).*?title="(.*?)"~', $filtered, $matches);
// There should be 1 glossary links.
$this->assertEquals(1, count($matches[1]));
$this->assertEquals($normal->id, $matches[1][0]);
$this->assertEquals($glossary->name . ': other entry', $matches[2][0]);
public function test_exclude_does_not_exclude_categories() {
// Enable glossary filter at top level.
filter_set_global_state('glossary', TEXTFILTER_ON);
$CFG->glossary_linkentries = 1;
// Create a test course.
$course = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_course();
$context = context_course::instance($course->id);
// Create a glossary.
$glossary = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_module('glossary',
array('course' => $course->id, 'mainglossary' => 1));
// Create two entries with ampersands and one normal entry.
/** @var mod_glossary_generator $generator */
$generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('mod_glossary');
$category = $generator->create_category($glossary, array('name' => 'My category', 'usedynalink' => 1));
// Format text with all three entries in HTML.
$html = '<p>This is My category you know.</p>';
$filtered = format_text($html, FORMAT_HTML, array('context' => $context));
// Find all the glossary links in the result.
$matches = array();
preg_match_all('~hook=([0-9]+).*?title="(.*?)"~', $filtered, $matches);
// There should be 1 glossary link.
$this->assertEquals(1, count($matches[1]));
$this->assertEquals($category->id, $matches[1][0]);
$this->assertEquals($glossary->name . ': Category My category', $matches[2][0]);

View File

@ -1,6 +1,20 @@
This file describes API changes in core filter API and plugins,
information provided here is intended especially for developers.
=== 3.6 ===
* Although there is no API change that require you to update your filter,
if you use the filter_phrases() helper method, you may wish to take
advantage of the changes that were made in MDL-47962 to improve performance.
Now, instead of having to compute the replacement HTML for each phrase before
you construct the filterobject for it. You can instead pass a callback to
the filterobject constructor which is only called if the phrase is used.
To understand how to use this, see the comment on filterobject::__construct and
look at the filter_glossary changes as an example:
=== 3.0 ===
* New argument $skipfilters to filter_manager::filter_text to allow applying

View File

@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ class filter_manager {
public function filter_text($text, $context, array $options = array(),
array $skipfilters = null) {
$text = $this->apply_filter_chain($text, $this->get_text_filters($context), $options, $skipfilters);
// <nolink> tags removed for XHTML compatibility
// Remove <nolink> tags for XHTML compatibility.
$text = str_replace(array('<nolink>', '</nolink>'), '', $text);
return $text;
@ -461,54 +461,75 @@ abstract class moodle_text_filter {
* This is just a little object to define a phrase and some instructions
* for how to process it. Filters can create an array of these to pass
* to the filter_phrases function below.
* to the @{link filter_phrases()} function below.
* Note that although the fields here are public, you almost certainly should
* never use that. All that is supported is contructing new instances of this
* class, and then passing an array of them to filter_phrases.
* @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link}
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class filterobject {
/** @var string */
var $phrase;
var $hreftagbegin;
var $hreftagend;
/** @var bool */
var $casesensitive;
var $fullmatch;
/** @var mixed */
var $replacementphrase;
var $work_phrase;
var $work_hreftagbegin;
var $work_hreftagend;
var $work_casesensitive;
var $work_fullmatch;
var $work_replacementphrase;
/** @var bool */
var $work_calculated;
/** @var string this is the phrase that should be matched. */
public $phrase;
/** @var bool whether to match complete words. If true, 'T' won't be matched in 'Tim'. */
public $fullmatch;
/** @var bool whether the match needs to be case sensitive. */
public $casesensitive;
/** @var string HTML to insert before any match. */
public $hreftagbegin;
/** @var string HTML to insert after any match. */
public $hreftagend;
/** @var null|string replacement text to go inside begin and end. If not set,
* the body of the replacement will be the original phrase.
public $replacementphrase;
/** @var null|string once initialised, holds the regexp for matching this phrase. */
public $workregexp = null;
/** @var null|string once initialised, holds the mangled HTML to replace the regexp with. */
public $workreplacementphrase = null;
* A constructor just because I like constructing
* Constructor.
* @param string $phrase
* @param string $hreftagbegin
* @param string $hreftagend
* @param bool $casesensitive
* @param bool $fullmatch
* @param mixed $replacementphrase
* @param string $phrase this is the phrase that should be matched.
* @param string $hreftagbegin HTML to insert before any match. Default '<span class="highlight">'.
* @param string $hreftagend HTML to insert after any match. Default '</span>'.
* @param bool $casesensitive whether the match needs to be case sensitive
* @param bool $fullmatch whether to match complete words. If true, 'T' won't be matched in 'Tim'.
* @param mixed $replacementphrase replacement text to go inside begin and end. If not set,
* the body of the replacement will be the original phrase.
* @param callback $replacementcallback if set, then this will be called just before
* $hreftagbegin, $hreftagend and $replacementphrase are needed, so they can be computed only if required.
* The call made is
* list($linkobject->hreftagbegin, $linkobject->hreftagend, $linkobject->replacementphrase) =
* call_user_func_array($linkobject->replacementcallback, $linkobject->replacementcallbackdata);
* so the return should be an array [$hreftagbegin, $hreftagend, $replacementphrase], the last of which may be null.
* @param array $replacementcallbackdata data to be passed to $replacementcallback (optional).
public function __construct($phrase, $hreftagbegin = '<span class="highlight">',
$hreftagend = '</span>',
$casesensitive = false,
$fullmatch = false,
$replacementphrase = NULL) {
$this->phrase = $phrase;
$this->hreftagbegin = $hreftagbegin;
$this->hreftagend = $hreftagend;
$this->casesensitive = $casesensitive;
$this->fullmatch = $fullmatch;
$this->replacementphrase= $replacementphrase;
$this->work_calculated = false;
$hreftagend = '</span>',
$casesensitive = false,
$fullmatch = false,
$replacementphrase = null,
$replacementcallback = null,
array $replacementcallbackdata = null) {
$this->phrase = $phrase;
$this->hreftagbegin = $hreftagbegin;
$this->hreftagend = $hreftagend;
$this->casesensitive = !empty($casesensitive);
$this->fullmatch = !empty($fullmatch);
$this->replacementphrase = $replacementphrase;
$this->replacementcallback = $replacementcallback;
$this->replacementcallbackdata = $replacementcallbackdata;
@ -574,7 +595,6 @@ function filter_set_global_state($filtername, $state, $move = 0) {
if (strpos($filtername, 'filter/') === 0) {
//debugging("Old filtername '$filtername' parameter used in filter_set_global_state()", DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$filtername = substr($filtername, 7);
} else if (strpos($filtername, '/') !== false) {
throw new coding_exception("Invalid filter name '$filtername' used in filter_set_global_state()");
@ -588,7 +608,7 @@ function filter_set_global_state($filtername, $state, $move = 0) {
$on = array();
$off = array();
foreach($filters as $f) {
foreach ($filters as $f) {
if ($f->active == TEXTFILTER_DISABLED) {
$off[$f->filter] = $f;
} else {
@ -675,13 +695,13 @@ function filter_set_global_state($filtername, $state, $move = 0) {
$i = 1;
foreach ($on as $f) {
if ($f->sortorder != $i) {
$DB->set_field('filter_active', 'sortorder', $i, array('id'=>$f->id));
$DB->set_field('filter_active', 'sortorder', $i, array('id' => $f->id));
foreach ($off as $f) {
if ($f->sortorder != $i) {
$DB->set_field('filter_active', 'sortorder', $i, array('id'=>$f->id));
$DB->set_field('filter_active', 'sortorder', $i, array('id' => $f->id));
@ -696,7 +716,6 @@ function filter_set_global_state($filtername, $state, $move = 0) {
function filter_is_enabled($filtername) {
if (strpos($filtername, 'filter/') === 0) {
//debugging("Old filtername '$filtername' parameter used in filter_is_enabled()", DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$filtername = substr($filtername, 7);
} else if (strpos($filtername, '/') !== false) {
throw new coding_exception("Invalid filter name '$filtername' used in filter_is_enabled()");
@ -707,7 +726,6 @@ function filter_is_enabled($filtername) {
* Return a list of all the filters that may be in use somewhere.
* @staticvar array $enabledfilters
* @return array where the keys and values are both the filter name, like 'tex'.
function filter_get_globally_enabled() {
@ -965,7 +983,7 @@ function filter_get_active_in_context($context) {
$contextids = str_replace('/', ',', trim($context->path, '/'));
// The following SQL is tricky. It is explained on
$sql = "SELECT active.filter,, fc.value
FROM (SELECT f.filter, MAX(f.sortorder) AS sortorder
FROM {filter_active} f
@ -1007,7 +1025,7 @@ function filter_preload_activities(course_modinfo $modinfo) {
$FILTERLIB_PRIVATE = new stdClass();
// Don't repeat preload
// Don't repeat preload.
if (!isset($FILTERLIB_PRIVATE->preloaded)) {
$FILTERLIB_PRIVATE->preloaded = array();
@ -1016,7 +1034,7 @@ function filter_preload_activities(course_modinfo $modinfo) {
$FILTERLIB_PRIVATE->preloaded[$modinfo->get_course_id()] = true;
// Get contexts for all CMs
// Get contexts for all CMs.
$cmcontexts = array();
$cmcontextids = array();
foreach ($modinfo->get_cms() as $cm) {
@ -1025,16 +1043,16 @@ function filter_preload_activities(course_modinfo $modinfo) {
$cmcontexts[] = $modulecontext;
// Get course context and all other parents...
// Get course context and all other parents.
$coursecontext = context_course::instance($modinfo->get_course_id());
$parentcontextids = explode('/', substr($coursecontext->path, 1));
$allcontextids = array_merge($cmcontextids, $parentcontextids);
// Get all filter_active rows relating to all these contexts
// Get all filter_active rows relating to all these contexts.
list ($sql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($allcontextids);
$filteractives = $DB->get_records_select('filter_active', "contextid $sql", $params, 'sortorder');
// Get all filter_config only for the cm contexts
// Get all filter_config only for the cm contexts.
list ($sql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($cmcontextids);
$filterconfigs = $DB->get_records_select('filter_config', "contextid $sql", $params);
@ -1044,20 +1062,20 @@ function filter_preload_activities(course_modinfo $modinfo) {
// filter_get_active_in_context, this does seem to be correct.
// Build course default active list. Initially this will be an array of
// filter name => active score (where an active score >0 means it's active)
// filter name => active score (where an active score >0 means it's active).
$courseactive = array();
// Also build list of filter_active rows below course level, by contextid
// Also build list of filter_active rows below course level, by contextid.
$remainingactives = array();
// Array lists filters that are banned at top level
// Array lists filters that are banned at top level.
$banned = array();
// Add any active filters in parent contexts to the array
// Add any active filters in parent contexts to the array.
foreach ($filteractives as $row) {
$depth = array_search($row->contextid, $parentcontextids);
if ($depth !== false) {
// Find entry
// Find entry.
if (!array_key_exists($row->filter, $courseactive)) {
$courseactive[$row->filter] = 0;
@ -1072,7 +1090,7 @@ function filter_preload_activities(course_modinfo $modinfo) {
$banned[$row->filter] = true;
} else {
// Build list of other rows indexed by contextid
// Build list of other rows indexed by contextid.
if (!array_key_exists($row->contextid, $remainingactives)) {
$remainingactives[$row->contextid] = array();
@ -1081,7 +1099,7 @@ function filter_preload_activities(course_modinfo $modinfo) {
// Chuck away the ones that aren't active.
foreach ($courseactive as $filter=>$score) {
foreach ($courseactive as $filter => $score) {
if ($score <= 0) {
} else {
@ -1095,7 +1113,7 @@ function filter_preload_activities(course_modinfo $modinfo) {
$FILTERLIB_PRIVATE->active = array();
foreach ($cmcontextids as $contextid) {
// Copy course list
// Copy course list.
$FILTERLIB_PRIVATE->active[$contextid] = $courseactive;
// Are there any changes to the active list?
@ -1242,33 +1260,40 @@ function filter_context_may_have_filter_settings($context) {
* Process phrases intelligently found within a HTML text (such as adding links).
* @staticvar array $usedpharses
* @param string $text the text that we are filtering
* @param array $link_array an array of filterobjects
* @param string $text the text that we are filtering
* @param filterobject[] $linkarray an array of filterobjects
* @param array $ignoretagsopen an array of opening tags that we should ignore while filtering
* @param array $ignoretagsclose an array of corresponding closing tags
* @param bool $overridedefaultignore True to only use tags provided by arguments
* @param bool $linkarrayalreadyprepared True to say that filter_prepare_phrases_for_filtering
* has already been called for $linkarray. Default false.
* @return string
function filter_phrases($text, &$link_array, $ignoretagsopen=NULL, $ignoretagsclose=NULL,
$overridedefaultignore=false) {
function filter_phrases($text, $linkarray, $ignoretagsopen = null, $ignoretagsclose = null,
$overridedefaultignore = false, $linkarrayalreadyprepared = false) {
global $CFG;
static $usedphrases;
// Used if $CFG->filtermatchoneperpage is on. Array with keys being the workregexp
// for things that have already been matched on this page.
static $usedphrases = [];
$ignoretags = array(); // To store all the enclosig tags to be completely ignored.
$tags = array(); // To store all the simple tags to be ignored.
if (!$linkarrayalreadyprepared) {
$linkarray = filter_prepare_phrases_for_filtering($linkarray);
if (!$overridedefaultignore) {
// A list of open/close tags that we should not replace within
// Extended to include <script>, <textarea>, <select> and <a> tags
// Regular expression allows tags with or without attributes
$filterignoretagsopen = array('<head>' , '<nolink>' , '<span(\s[^>]*?)?class="nolink"(\s[^>]*?)?>',
// A list of open/close tags that we should not replace within.
// Extended to include <script>, <textarea>, <select> and <a> tags.
// Regular expression allows tags with or without attributes.
$filterignoretagsopen = array('<head>', '<nolink>', '<span(\s[^>]*?)?class="nolink"(\s[^>]*?)?>',
'<script(\s[^>]*?)?>', '<textarea(\s[^>]*?)?>',
'<select(\s[^>]*?)?>', '<a(\s[^>]*?)?>');
$filterignoretagsclose = array('</head>', '</nolink>', '</span>',
'</script>', '</textarea>', '</select>','</a>');
'</script>', '</textarea>', '</select>', '</a>');
} else {
// Set an empty default list.
$filterignoretagsopen = array();
@ -1285,29 +1310,90 @@ function filter_phrases($text, &$link_array, $ignoretagsopen=NULL, $ignoretagscl
// Invalid prefixes and suffixes for the fullmatch searches
// Every "word" character, but the underscore, is a invalid suffix or prefix.
// (nice to use this because it includes national characters (accents...) as word characters.
$filterinvalidprefixes = '([^\W_])';
$filterinvalidsuffixes = '([^\W_])';
// Double up some magic chars to avoid "accidental matches".
$text = preg_replace('/([#*%])/', '\1\1', $text);
// Double up some magic chars to avoid "accidental matches"
$text = preg_replace('/([#*%])/','\1\1',$text);
// Remove everything enclosed by the ignore tags from $text.
filter_save_ignore_tags($text, $filterignoretagsopen, $filterignoretagsclose, $ignoretags);
// Remove tags from $text.
filter_save_tags($text, $tags);
//Remove everything enclosed by the ignore tags from $text
// Prepare the limit for preg_match calls.
if (!empty($CFG->filtermatchonepertext) || !empty($CFG->filtermatchoneperpage)) {
$pregreplacelimit = 1;
} else {
$pregreplacelimit = -1; // No limit.
// Remove tags from $text
// Time to cycle through each phrase to be linked.
foreach ($linkarray as $key => $linkobject) {
if ($linkobject->workregexp === null) {
// This is the case if, when preparing the phrases for filtering,
// we decided that this was not a suitable phrase to match.
// Time to cycle through each phrase to be linked
$size = sizeof($link_array);
for ($n=0; $n < $size; $n++) {
$linkobject =& $link_array[$n];
// If $CFG->filtermatchoneperpage, avoid previously matched linked phrases.
if (!empty($CFG->filtermatchoneperpage) && isset($usedphrases[$linkobject->workregexp])) {
// Set some defaults if certain properties are missing
// Properties may be missing if the filterobject class has not been used to construct the object
// Do our highlighting.
$resulttext = preg_replace_callback($linkobject->workregexp,
function ($matches) use ($linkobject) {
if ($linkobject->workreplacementphrase === null) {
return str_replace('$1', $matches[1], $linkobject->workreplacementphrase);
}, $text, $pregreplacelimit);
// If the text has changed we have to look for links again.
if ($resulttext != $text) {
$text = $resulttext;
// Remove everything enclosed by the ignore tags from $text.
filter_save_ignore_tags($text, $filterignoretagsopen, $filterignoretagsclose, $ignoretags);
// Remove tags from $text.
filter_save_tags($text, $tags);
// If $CFG->filtermatchoneperpage, save linked phrases to request.
if (!empty($CFG->filtermatchoneperpage)) {
$usedphrases[$linkobject->workregexp] = 1;
// Rebuild the text with all the excluded areas.
if (!empty($tags)) {
$text = str_replace(array_keys($tags), $tags, $text);
if (!empty($ignoretags)) {
$ignoretags = array_reverse($ignoretags); // Reversed so "progressive" str_replace() will solve some nesting problems.
$text = str_replace(array_keys($ignoretags), $ignoretags, $text);
// Remove the protective doubleups.
$text = preg_replace('/([#*%])(\1)/', '\1', $text);
// Add missing javascript for popus.
$text = filter_add_javascript($text);
return $text;
* Prepare a list of link for processing with {@link filter_phrases()}.
* @param filterobject[] $linkarray the links that will be passed to filter_phrases().
* @return filterobject[] the updated list of links with necessary pre-processing done.
function filter_prepare_phrases_for_filtering(array $linkarray) {
// Time to cycle through each phrase to be linked.
foreach ($linkarray as $linkobject) {
// Set some defaults if certain properties are missing.
// Properties may be missing if the filterobject class has not been used to construct the object.
if (empty($linkobject->phrase)) {
@ -1318,137 +1404,63 @@ function filter_phrases($text, &$link_array, $ignoretagsopen=NULL, $ignoretagscl
// All this work has to be done ONLY it it hasn't been done before
if (!$linkobject->work_calculated) {
if (!isset($linkobject->hreftagbegin) or !isset($linkobject->hreftagend)) {
$linkobject->work_hreftagbegin = '<span class="highlight"';
$linkobject->work_hreftagend = '</span>';
} else {
$linkobject->work_hreftagbegin = $linkobject->hreftagbegin;
$linkobject->work_hreftagend = $linkobject->hreftagend;
// Double up chars to protect true duplicates
// be cleared up before returning to the user.
$linkobject->work_hreftagbegin = preg_replace('/([#*%])/','\1\1',$linkobject->work_hreftagbegin);
if (empty($linkobject->casesensitive)) {
$linkobject->work_casesensitive = false;
} else {
$linkobject->work_casesensitive = true;
if (empty($linkobject->fullmatch)) {
$linkobject->work_fullmatch = false;
} else {
$linkobject->work_fullmatch = true;
// Strip tags out of the phrase
$linkobject->work_phrase = strip_tags($linkobject->phrase);
// Double up chars that might cause a false match -- the duplicates will
// be cleared up before returning to the user.
$linkobject->work_phrase = preg_replace('/([#*%])/','\1\1',$linkobject->work_phrase);
// Set the replacement phrase properly
if ($linkobject->replacementphrase) { //We have specified a replacement phrase
// Strip tags
$linkobject->work_replacementphrase = strip_tags($linkobject->replacementphrase);
} else { //The replacement is the original phrase as matched below
$linkobject->work_replacementphrase = '$1';
// Quote any regular expression characters and the delimiter in the work phrase to be searched
$linkobject->work_phrase = preg_quote($linkobject->work_phrase, '/');
// Work calculated
$linkobject->work_calculated = true;
// Strip tags out of the phrase.
$linkobject->workregexp = strip_tags($linkobject->phrase);
if (!$linkobject->casesensitive) {
$linkobject->workregexp = core_text::strtolower($linkobject->workregexp);
// If $CFG->filtermatchoneperpage, avoid previously (request) linked phrases
if (!empty($CFG->filtermatchoneperpage)) {
if (!empty($usedphrases) && in_array($linkobject->work_phrase,$usedphrases)) {
// Double up chars that might cause a false match -- the duplicates will
// be cleared up before returning to the user.
$linkobject->workregexp = preg_replace('/([#*%])/', '\1\1', $linkobject->workregexp);
// Quote any regular expression characters and the delimiter in the work phrase to be searched.
$linkobject->workregexp = preg_quote($linkobject->workregexp, '/');
if ($linkobject->fullmatch) {
$linkobject->workregexp = '\b' . $linkobject->workregexp . '\b';
// Regular expression modifiers
$modifiers = ($linkobject->work_casesensitive) ? 's' : 'isu'; // works in unicode mode!
$linkobject->workregexp = '/(' . $linkobject->workregexp . ')/s';
// Do we need to do a fullmatch?
// If yes then go through and remove any non full matching entries
if ($linkobject->work_fullmatch) {
$notfullmatches = array();
$regexp = '/'.$filterinvalidprefixes.'('.$linkobject->work_phrase.')|('.$linkobject->work_phrase.')'.$filterinvalidsuffixes.'/'.$modifiers;
if ($list_of_notfullmatches) {
foreach (array_unique($list_of_notfullmatches[0]) as $key=>$value) {
$notfullmatches['<*'.$key.'*>'] = $value;
if (!empty($notfullmatches)) {
$text = str_replace($notfullmatches,array_keys($notfullmatches),$text);
// Finally we do our highlighting
if (!empty($CFG->filtermatchonepertext) || !empty($CFG->filtermatchoneperpage)) {
$resulttext = preg_replace('/('.$linkobject->work_phrase.')/'.$modifiers,
$linkobject->work_hreftagend, $text, 1);
} else {
$resulttext = preg_replace('/('.$linkobject->work_phrase.')/'.$modifiers,
$linkobject->work_hreftagend, $text);
// If the text has changed we have to look for links again
if ($resulttext != $text) {
// Set $text to $resulttext
$text = $resulttext;
// Remove everything enclosed by the ignore tags from $text
// Remove tags from $text
// If $CFG->filtermatchoneperpage, save linked phrases to request
if (!empty($CFG->filtermatchoneperpage)) {
$usedphrases[] = $linkobject->work_phrase;
// Replace the not full matches before cycling to next link object
if (!empty($notfullmatches)) {
$text = str_replace(array_keys($notfullmatches),$notfullmatches,$text);
if (!$linkobject->casesensitive) {
$linkobject->workregexp .= 'iu';
// Rebuild the text with all the excluded areas
return $linkarray;
if (!empty($tags)) {
$text = str_replace(array_keys($tags), $tags, $text);
* Fill in the remaining ->work... fields, that would be needed to replace the phrase.
* @param filterobject $linkobject the link object on which to set additional fields.
function filter_prepare_phrase_for_replacement(filterobject $linkobject) {
if ($linkobject->replacementcallback !== null) {
list($linkobject->hreftagbegin, $linkobject->hreftagend, $linkobject->replacementphrase) =
call_user_func_array($linkobject->replacementcallback, $linkobject->replacementcallbackdata);
if (!empty($ignoretags)) {
$ignoretags = array_reverse($ignoretags); // Reversed so "progressive" str_replace() will solve some nesting problems.
$text = str_replace(array_keys($ignoretags),$ignoretags,$text);
if (!isset($linkobject->hreftagbegin) or !isset($linkobject->hreftagend)) {
$linkobject->hreftagbegin = '<span class="highlight"';
$linkobject->hreftagend = '</span>';
// Remove the protective doubleups
$text = preg_replace('/([#*%])(\1)/','\1',$text);
// Double up chars to protect true duplicates
// be cleared up before returning to the user.
$hreftagbeginmangled = preg_replace('/([#*%])/', '\1\1', $linkobject->hreftagbegin);
// Add missing javascript for popus
$text = filter_add_javascript($text);
// Set the replacement phrase properly.
if ($linkobject->replacementphrase) { // We have specified a replacement phrase.
$linkobject->workreplacementphrase = strip_tags($linkobject->replacementphrase);
} else { // The replacement is the original phrase as matched below.
$linkobject->workreplacementphrase = '$1';
return $text;
$linkobject->workreplacementphrase = $hreftagbeginmangled .
$linkobject->workreplacementphrase . $linkobject->hreftagend;
@ -1459,12 +1471,12 @@ function filter_phrases($text, &$link_array, $ignoretagsopen=NULL, $ignoretagscl
function filter_remove_duplicates($linkarray) {
$concepts = array(); // keep a record of concepts as we cycle through
$lconcepts = array(); // a lower case version for case insensitive
$concepts = array(); // Keep a record of concepts as we cycle through.
$lconcepts = array(); // A lower case version for case insensitive.
$cleanlinks = array();
foreach ($linkarray as $key=>$filterobject) {
foreach ($linkarray as $key => $filterobject) {
if ($filterobject->casesensitive) {
$exists = in_array($filterobject->phrase, $concepts);
} else {
@ -1494,21 +1506,21 @@ function filter_remove_duplicates($linkarray) {
function filter_save_ignore_tags(&$text, $filterignoretagsopen, $filterignoretagsclose, &$ignoretags) {
// Remove everything enclosed by the ignore tags from $text
foreach ($filterignoretagsopen as $ikey=>$opentag) {
// Remove everything enclosed by the ignore tags from $text.
foreach ($filterignoretagsopen as $ikey => $opentag) {
$closetag = $filterignoretagsclose[$ikey];
// form regular expression
$opentag = str_replace('/','\/',$opentag); // delimit forward slashes
$closetag = str_replace('/','\/',$closetag); // delimit forward slashes
// Form regular expression.
$opentag = str_replace('/', '\/', $opentag); // Delimit forward slashes.
$closetag = str_replace('/', '\/', $closetag); // Delimit forward slashes.
$pregexp = '/'.$opentag.'(.*?)'.$closetag.'/is';
preg_match_all($pregexp, $text, $list_of_ignores);
foreach (array_unique($list_of_ignores[0]) as $key=>$value) {
$prefix = (string)(count($ignoretags) + 1);
preg_match_all($pregexp, $text, $listofignores);
foreach (array_unique($listofignores[0]) as $key => $value) {
$prefix = (string) (count($ignoretags) + 1);
$ignoretags['<#'.$prefix.TEXTFILTER_EXCL_SEPARATOR.$key.'#>'] = $value;
if (!empty($ignoretags)) {
$text = str_replace($ignoretags,array_keys($ignoretags),$text);
$text = str_replace($ignoretags, array_keys($ignoretags), $text);
@ -1523,13 +1535,13 @@ function filter_save_ignore_tags(&$text, $filterignoretagsopen, $filterignoretag
function filter_save_tags(&$text, &$tags) {
foreach (array_unique($list_of_newtags[0]) as $ntkey=>$value) {
preg_match_all('/<([^#%*].*?)>/is', $text, $listofnewtags);
foreach (array_unique($listofnewtags[0]) as $ntkey => $value) {
$prefix = (string)(count($tags) + 1);
$tags['<%'.$prefix.TEXTFILTER_EXCL_SEPARATOR.$ntkey.'%>'] = $value;
if (!empty($tags)) {
$text = str_replace($tags,array_keys($tags),$text);
$text = str_replace($tags, array_keys($tags), $text);
@ -1542,13 +1554,13 @@ function filter_save_tags(&$text, &$tags) {
function filter_add_javascript($text) {
global $CFG;
if (stripos($text, '</html>') === FALSE) {
if (stripos($text, '</html>') === false) {
return $text; // This is not a html file.
if (strpos($text, 'onclick="return openpopup') === FALSE) {
if (strpos($text, 'onclick="return openpopup') === false) {
return $text; // No popup - no need to add javascript.
$js ="
$js = "
<script type=\"text/javascript\">
function openpopup(url,name,options,fullscreen) {
@ -1563,7 +1575,7 @@ function filter_add_javascript($text) {
// -->
if (stripos($text, '</head>') !== FALSE) {
if (stripos($text, '</head>') !== false) {
// Try to add it into the head element.
$text = str_ireplace('</head>', $js.'</head>', $text);
return $text;