MDL-21695 adding help strings

This commit is contained in:
Helen Foster 2010-05-02 16:57:07 +00:00
parent c717a0d3bc
commit d1fafa2414

View File

@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ $string['details'] = 'Track details';
$string['directories'] = 'Show the directory links';
$string['display'] = 'Display package';
$string['displayattemptstatus'] = 'Display attempt status';
$string['displayattemptstatus_help'] = 'If enabled, scores and grades for attempts are displayed on the SCORM outline page.';
$string['displayattemptstatus_hlp'] = 'This preference allows the display of the attempt status on the entry page';
$string['displayattemptstatusdesc'] = 'This preference sets the default value for the display attempt status setting';
$string['displaycoursestructure'] = 'Display course structure on entry page';
@ -87,9 +88,11 @@ $string['failed'] = 'Failed';
$string['firstaccess'] = 'First access';
$string['firstattempt'] = 'First attempt';
$string['forcecompleted'] = 'Force completed';
$string['forcecompleted_help'] = 'If enabled, the status of the current attempt is forced to "completed". This setting is only applicable to SCORM 1.2 packages. It is useful if the SCORM package does not handle revisiting an attempt correctly, in review or browse mode, or otherwise incorrectly issues the completion status.';
$string['forcecompleted_hlp'] = 'This preference enables a SCORM package to be force completed';
$string['forcecompleteddesc'] = 'This preference sets the default value for the force completed setting';
$string['forcenewattempt'] = 'Force new attempt';
$string['forcenewattempt_help'] = 'If enabled, each time a SCORM package is accessed will be counted as a new attempt.';
$string['forcenewattempt_hlp'] = 'This preference allows a new attempt to be forced on each try';
$string['forcenewattemptdesc'] = 'This preference sets the default value for the force new attempt setting';
$string['found'] = 'Manifest found';
@ -116,6 +119,7 @@ $string['gradesum'] = 'Sum grade';
$string['height'] = 'Height';
$string['hidden'] = 'Hidden';
$string['hidebrowse'] = 'Disable preview mode';
$string['hidebrowse_help'] = 'Preview mode allows a student to browse an activity before attempting it. If preview mode is disabled, the preview button is hidden.';
$string['hidebrowse_hlp'] = 'Will the student be able to view the SCORM object in preview mode?';
$string['hidebrowsedesc'] = 'This preference sets the default for whether to disable or enable the preview mode';
$string['hideexit'] = 'Hide exit link';
@ -138,6 +142,7 @@ $string['last'] = 'Last accessed on';
$string['lastaccess'] = 'Last access';
$string['lastattempt'] = 'Last attempt';
$string['lastattemptlock'] = 'Lock after final attempt';
$string['lastattemptlock_help'] = 'If enabled, a student is prevented from launching the SCORM player after using up all their allocated attempts.';
$string['lastattemptlock_hlp'] = 'Enable the SCORM package to be locked after the final attempt';
$string['lastattemptlockdesc'] = 'This preference sets the default value for the lock after final attempt setting';
$string['location'] = 'Show the location bar';
@ -229,10 +234,12 @@ $string['selectnone'] = 'Deselect all';
$string['show'] = 'Show';
$string['sided'] = 'To the side';
$string['skipview'] = 'Student skip content structure page';
$string['skipview_help'] = 'This setting specifies whether the content structure page should ever be skipped (not displayed). If the package contains only one learning object, the content structure page can always be skipped.';
$string['skipview_hlp'] = 'skip content structure and entry page';
$string['skipviewdesc'] = 'This preference sets the default for when to skip content structure for a page';
$string['slashargs'] = 'WARNING: slash arguments is disabled on this site and objects may not function as expected!';
$string['stagesize'] = 'Stage size';
$string['stagesize_help'] = 'These two settings specify the frame/window width and height in pixels for the learning objects.';
$string['stagesize_hlp'] = 'set the Stage size for the player - if width is 100 or less then it is treated as a percentage';
$string['started'] = 'Started on';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
@ -267,6 +274,7 @@ $string['versionwarning'] = 'The manifest version is older than 1.3, warning at
$string['viewallreports'] = 'View reports for {$a} attempts';
$string['viewalluserreports'] = 'View reports for {$a} users';
$string['whatgrade'] = 'Attempts grading';
$string['whatgrade_help'] = 'If multiple attempts are allowed, this setting specifies whether the highest, average (mean), first or last attempt is recorded in the gradebook.';
$string['whatgrade_hlp'] = 'This preference sets the method of grading for attempts';
$string['whatgradedesc'] = 'This preference sets the default attempts grading';
$string['width'] = 'Width';