modified README.txt to download zip, lang and question/format files from CVS

This commit is contained in:
gbateson 2006-03-27 05:16:15 +00:00
parent 1a161a7041
commit d80aef713a
2 changed files with 67 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
This is v2.1.13 of the HotPot module
This is v2.1.14 of the HotPot module
This module allows teachers to administer Hot Potatoes and TexToys quizzes via Moodle.
It has been tested on:
- Hot Potatoes 6
- Moodle 1.1 thru 1.6
- PHP 4.1 thru 5.0
- MySQL and PostgreSQL databases
This module may be distributed under the terms of the General Public License
(see for details)
This software is provided "AS IS" without a warranty of any kind.
Sponsors who have generously contributed to the development of this software:
- Agencia de Gestio d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR),
@ -14,34 +17,43 @@ This is v2.1.13 of the HotPot module
(via Josep M. Fontana, Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
- Rikkyo Univeristy, Japan (via Paul Allum)
- Universite de Franche-Comte, France (via Glenys Hanson)
* Please be sure to use Hot Potatoes according to the conditions of use which are listed at the end of this file. If you restrict use via a required Moodle login, you most likely can still meet the 'freely available' condition if you make the same material on a separate URL that permits free access. Otherwise, please purchase a license.
1. Install the core scripts of the hotpot module
(a) download the zip file into the "moodle/mod" folder on your Moodle site
(b) unzip the zip file. This will create a folder called "moodle/mod/hotpot" on your Moodle site
(a) download the zip file onto your PC
(b) upzip the zip file on your PC. This will create a "hotpot" folder on your PC
(c) create a folder called "hotpot" on your Moodle site in the "moodle/mod" folder
(d) upload the contents of the "hotpot" folder on your PC to the "moodle/mod/hotpot" folder on the Moodle site
(a) download
to the "mod" folder on your Moodle site
(b) remove the current "mod/hotpot" folder, if there is one (Unix: rm -fR hotpot)
(c) unzip the zip file so it creates a new "mod/hotpot" folder
2. Install the messages and help files of the hotpot module
(a) copy "moodle/mod/hotpot/lang/en/hotpot.php" on the Moodle site to "moodle/lang/en/hotpot.php"
(b) copy "moodle/mod/hotpot/lang/en/help/hotpot" on the Moodle site to "moodle/lang/en/help/hotpot"
(c) repeat for other languages you require from the "moodle/mod/hotpot/lang" folder
(a) upload the "hotpot/lang/en/hotpot.php" file on your PC to "moodle/lang/en/hotpot.php" on the Moodle site
(b) create a folder called "hotpot" on your Moodle site in the "moodle/lang/en/help" folder
(c) upload the contents of the "hotpot/lang/en/help/hotpot" folder on your PC to the "moodle/lang/en/help/hotpot" folder on the Moodle site
(d) repeat for other languages you require from the "moodle/mod/hotpot/lang" folder
On Moodle 1.5 and earlier:
(a) download
to "lang/en/hotpot.php" on your Moodle site
(b) download the files in
into "lang/en/help/hotpot/" on your Moodle site
On Moodle 1.6 and later:
(a) download
to "lang/en_utf8/hotpot.php" on your Moodle site
(b) download the files in
into "lang/en_utf8/help/hotpot/" on your Moodle site
3. copy and set up the file icons
[This step is not required for Moodle 1.5 and later, and is optional for Moodle 1.1 to 1.4]
(a) copy the files in the "mod/hotpot/pix/f" folder on your Moodle site to "moodle/pix/f"
(b) open the "moodle/files/mimetypes.php" file on your Moodle site with a text editor
(a) copy the hotpot icons (jcb.gif, jcl.gif, jcw.gif, jmt.gif, jmx.gif, jqz.gif)
to "pix/f" on your Moodle site
(b) open the "files/mimetypes.php" file on your Moodle site with a text editor
(c) insert the following lines just AFTER the line which reads "$mimeinfo = array (":
// additional mimetypes for the "hotpot" module
"jcb" => array ("type"=>"text/xml", "icon"=>"jcb.gif"),
"rhb" => array ("type"=>"text/xml", "icon"=>"xml.gif"),
"sqt" => array ("type"=>"text/xml", "icon"=>"xml.gif"),
(d) save the changes and close the file
4. enable import from Hot Potatoes XML files to Moodle's Quiz module
[This step is not required for Moodle 1.5 and later, and is optional for Moodle 1.1 to 1.4]
(a) create a folder called "hotpot" on your Moodle site in the "moodle/mod/quiz/format" folder
(b) copy the "contents of the "moodle/mod/hotpot/quiz/format/hotpot" folder on your Moodle site to the "moodle/mod/quiz/format/hotpot" folder
(c) open the "moodle/lang/en/quiz.php" file on your Moodle site with a text editor
(a) if necessary, create a folder at "mod/quiz/format/hotpot" on your Moodle site
(b) download
to "mod/hotpot/quiz/format/hotpot/format.php" on your Moodle site
(c) open the "lang/en/quiz.php" file on your Moodle site with a text editor
(d) insert the following line just BEFORE the final line which reads "?>":
$string['hotpot'] = 'Hot Potatoes XML format';
(d) save the changes and close the file
(e) save the changes and close the file
Steps (e), (f) and (g) are only required on Moodle 1.4.5
(e) open the "moodle/mod/quiz/import.php" file on your Moodle site with a text editor
(f) if necessary, add 'hotpot' to the "fileformats" array on lines 9-10:
Steps (f), (g) and (h) are only required on Moodle 1.4.5
(f) open the "mod/quiz/import.php" file on your Moodle site with a text editor
(g) if necessary, add 'hotpot' to the "fileformats" array on lines 9-10:
$fileformats = array('aiken','aon','blackboard','coursetestmanager',
'gift','learnwise','missingword','webct','xml','hotpot' );
(g) save the changes and close the file
5. Login to your Moodle site as an administrator.
(h) save the changes and close the file
5. Login to your Moodle site as an administrator
a) If you are installing this module for the first time, you should see a report saying that the following (prefix)_hotpot tables have been successfuly created:
b) If you are updating the module, you will probably see messages indicating the progress of the update
c) If you get error messages, please copy and save them to a file on your PC, and then ask for help on Moodle's HotPot support forum:
go to
then click "Free Support",
then click "HotPot"
1. Create a Hot Potatoes quiz of any type using Version 6 of Hot Potatoes.
2. Upload the quiz's source file (".jcl", ".jcw", ".jmt", ".jmx", ".jqz") or ".html" file to the file area of the intended course.
3. Also upload any graphics, sound files, stylesheets or javascripts that the quiz uses
4. On the main page for the course, confirm editing is turned on (click the "Turn editing on" button) then select "ADD / Hot Potatoes XML Quiz".
6, The "Adding a new Hot Potatoes Quiz" page appears. Click the "Choose or Upload a file ..." button and select the desired quiz file.
1. If you haven't already done so, download and install the Hot Potatoes software from onto your PC
2. Create any type of Hot Potatoes quiz on your PC using the Hot Potatoes software
3. Upload the quiz's source file (".jcl", ".jcw", ".jmt", ".jmx", ".jqz") or ".html" file from your PC to the "Files" area of a course on your Moodle site.
4. Also upload any graphics, sound files, stylesheets or javascripts that the quiz uses
5. On the main page for the Moodle course, confirm editing is turned on (click the "Turn editing on" button) then select "ADD / Hot Potatoes XML Quiz".
6, The "Adding a new Hot Potatoes Quiz" page appears. Click the "Choose or Upload a file ..." button and select the desired Hot Potaotes quiz file.
7. Review the other settings for the quiz and click "Save Changes" when you are ready
8. You can view reports of the results via the "Hot Potatoes Quizzes" link on the "Activities menu". Students will see links to all the quizzes. Administrators and teachers will additionally see links to the statistical reports for each quiz.
9. You can also import the questions from the Hot Potatoes source file to the Moodle Quiz database, if you installed "mod/quiz/format/hotpot/format.php"
**Reproduced from the Hot Potatoes site**
** Reproduced from the Hot Potatoes site **
Hot Potatoes is offered free to the educational community by the University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre (formerly the Language Centre), under certain conditions. Hot Potatoes is free for use by state educational institutions which are non-profit making, on the condition that the material produced using the program is freely available to anyone via the WWW. However, you need to purchase a licence under any of the following conditions:
* You do not work for a public sector educational establishment.
* You charge money for access to the material you make with Hot Potatoes.
* You restrict access to the material in some way. (The only exception here is if you have an account on, where you ARE allowed to use password restrictions.)
* You want to use the Masher program included with the Hot Potatoes suite.
For more information on licences, and details on how to purchase one, check out our Website at:
If you intend using the programs to generate more than a handful of exercises, please make sure you register. This costs you nothing -- see How to register for details.
Martin Holmes, Half-Baked Software and the University of Victoria HCMC, 1998-2004.

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
/// Code fragment to define the version of hotpot
/// This fragment is called by moodle_needs_upgrading() and /admin/index.php
$module->version = 2005090713; // release date of this version (see note below)
$module->release = 'v2.1.13'; // human-friendly version name (used in mod/hotpot/lib.php)
$module->version = 2005090714; // release date of this version (see note below)
$module->release = 'v2.1.14'; // human-friendly version name (used in mod/hotpot/lib.php)
$module->cron = 0; // period for cron to check this module (secs)
// interpretation of YYYYMMDDXY version numbers
// YYYY : year