Merge branch 'MDL-77907-master' of

This commit is contained in:
Sara Arjona 2023-05-31 12:17:59 +02:00
commit db4a3d9455

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@ -128,3 +128,18 @@ Feature: Manage competency frameworks
Then I should see "Competency framework updated"
And I should see "Science Year-6 Edited"
And I should see "sc-y-6"
Scenario: Duplicate a competency framework
Given the following lp "frameworks" exist:
| shortname | idnumber |
| CF1 | CF1 |
And the following lp "competencies" exist:
| shortname | framework |
| C1 | CF1 |
And I navigate to "Competencies > Competency frameworks" in site administration
# Duplicate the selected competency framework
When I click on "Duplicate" of edit menu in the "CF1" row
# Confirm that the selected framework was duplicated by clicking on the link
And I click on "CF1 (copy) (CF1_1)" "link"
# Confirm that the corresponding competency also exists in the duplicated framework
Then I should see "C1"