diff --git a/lang/en/moodle.php b/lang/en/moodle.php index 79c06834ee3..83904e7a5d8 100644 --- a/lang/en/moodle.php +++ b/lang/en/moodle.php @@ -325,11 +325,13 @@ $string['emaildigestoff'] = 'No digest (single email per forum post)'; $string['emaildigestcomplete'] = 'Complete (daily email with full posts)'; $string['emaildigestsubjects'] = 'Subjects (daily email with subjects only)'; $string['emaildisable'] = 'This email address is disabled.'; +$string['emaildisableclick'] = 'Click here to disable all email from being sent to this address'; $string['emaildisplay'] = 'Email display'; $string['emaildisplaycourse'] = 'Allow only other course members to see my email address'; $string['emaildisplayno'] = 'Hide my real email address from everyone'; $string['emaildisplayyes'] = 'Allow everyone to see my email address'; $string['emailenable'] = 'This email address is enabled.'; +$string['emailenableclick'] = 'Click here to re-enable all email being sent to this address'; $string['emailexists'] = 'This email address is already registered.'; $string['emailformat'] = 'Email format'; $string['emailmustbereal'] = 'Note: your email address must be a real one'; diff --git a/user/view.php b/user/view.php index bff7771c2c0..ace9affef4f 100644 --- a/user/view.php +++ b/user/view.php @@ -150,13 +150,15 @@ if ($user->emailstop) { $switchparam = 'enable'; $switchtitle = get_string('emaildisable'); + $switchclick = get_string('emailenableclick'); $switchpix = 'emailno.gif'; } else { $switchparam = 'disable'; $switchtitle = get_string('emailenable'); + $switchclick = get_string('emaildisableclick'); $switchpix = 'email.gif'; } - $emailswitch = " id&course=$course->id&$switchparam=$user->id\">". "pixpath/t/$switchpix\">"; } else {