MDL-27626 The initial support for the question bank backups conversion

This patch introduces a framework for the question bank conversion. It
deals with the common question data (that are not qtype-specific) and
the way how to make sure that the qtype plugins have access to the paths
they are interested in.
This commit is contained in:
David Mudrak 2011-06-02 03:19:59 +02:00
parent 0f5860f707
commit e19d0c109c
3 changed files with 1624 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ abstract class moodle1_handlers_factory {
new moodle1_course_header_handler($converter),
new moodle1_course_outline_handler($converter),
new moodle1_roles_definition_handler($converter),
new moodle1_question_categories_handler($converter),
new moodle1_question_bank_handler($converter),
$handlers = array_merge($handlers, self::get_plugin_handlers('mod', $converter));
@ -331,8 +331,11 @@ class moodle1_root_handler extends moodle1_xml_handler {
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('original_course_fullname', $originalcourseinfo['original_course_fullname']);
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('original_course_shortname', $originalcourseinfo['original_course_shortname']);
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('original_course_startdate', $originalcourseinfo['original_course_startdate']);
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('original_course_contextid', $originalcourseinfo['original_course_contextid']);
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('original_system_contextid', $this->converter->get_contextid(CONTEXT_SYSTEM));
// note that even though we have original_course_contextid available, we regenerate the
// original course contextid using our helper method to be sure that the data are consistent
// within the MBZ file
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag('original_course_contextid', $this->converter->get_contextid(CONTEXT_COURSE));
// moodle_backup/information/details
@ -464,6 +467,26 @@ class moodle1_root_handler extends moodle1_xml_handler {
// generate course/inforef.xml
foreach ($this->converter->get_stash('course_files_ids') as $fileid) {
$this->write_xml('file', array('id' => $fileid));
// todo site files
foreach ($this->converter->get_stash_itemids('question_categories') as $questioncategoryid) {
$this->write_xml('question_category', array('id' => $questioncategoryid));
// make sure that the files required by the restore process have been generated.
// missing file may happen if the watched tag is not present in moodle.xml (for example
// QUESTION_CATEGORIES is optional in moodle.xml but questions.xml must exist in
@ -681,20 +704,6 @@ class moodle1_course_header_handler extends moodle1_xml_handler {
$this->write_xml('course', $this->course, array('/course/id', '/course/contextid'));
// generate course/inforef.xml
foreach ($this->converter->get_stash('course_files_ids') as $fileid) {
$this->write_xml('file', array('id' => $fileid));
// todo site files
@ -905,25 +914,324 @@ class moodle1_roles_definition_handler extends moodle1_xml_handler {
* Handles the conversion of question categories
* Handles the conversion of the question bank included in the moodle.xml file
class moodle1_question_categories_handler extends moodle1_xml_handler {
class moodle1_question_bank_handler extends moodle1_xml_handler {
/** @var array the current question category being parsed */
protected $currentcategory = null;
/** @var array of the raw data for the current category */
protected $currentcategoryraw = null;
/** @var moodle1_file_manager instance used to convert question images */
protected $fileman = null;
/** @var bool are the currentcategory data already written (this is a work around MDL-27693) */
private $currentcategorywritten = false;
/** @var bool was the <questions> tag already written (work around MDL-27693) */
private $questionswrapperwritten = false;
* Where the roles are defined in the source moodle.xml
* Registers path that are not qtype-specific
public function get_paths() {
return array(new convert_path('question_categories', '/MOODLE_BACKUP/QUESTION_CATEGORIES'));
$paths = array(
new convert_path('question_categories', '/MOODLE_BACKUP/COURSE/QUESTION_CATEGORIES'),
new convert_path(
'newfields' => array(
'infoformat' => 0
// the question element must be grouped so we can re-dispatch it to the qtype handler as a whole
// annotate all question subpaths required by the qtypes subplugins
$subpaths = array();
foreach ($this->get_qtype_handler('*') as $qtypehandler) {
foreach ($qtypehandler->get_question_subpaths() as $subpath) {
$subpaths[$subpath] = true;
foreach (array_keys($subpaths) as $subpath) {
$name = 'subquestion_'.strtolower(str_replace('/', '_', $subpath));
$paths[] = new convert_path($name, $path);
return $paths;
public function process_question_categories() {
// @todo
* Starts writing questions.xml and prepares the file manager instance
public function on_question_categories_start() {
if (is_null($this->fileman)) {
$this->fileman = $this->converter->get_file_manager();
* Initializes the current category cache
public function on_question_category_start() {
$this->currentcategory = array();
$this->currentcategoryraw = array();
$this->currentcategorywritten = false;
$this->questionswrapperwritten = false;
* Populates the current question category data
* Bacuse of the known subpath-in-the-middle problem (CONTEXT in this case), this is actually
* called twice for both halves of the data. We merge them here into the currentcategory array.
public function process_question_category($data, $raw) {
$this->currentcategory = array_merge($this->currentcategory, $data);
$this->currentcategoryraw = array_merge($this->currentcategoryraw, $raw);
* Inject the context related information into the current category
public function process_question_category_context($data) {
static $originalcourseid = null;
if (is_null($originalcourseid)) {
$originalcourseinfo = $this->converter->get_stash('original_course_info');
$originalcourseid = $originalcourseinfo['original_course_id'];
switch ($data['level']) {
case 'module':
$this->currentcategory['contextid'] = $this->converter->get_contextid(CONTEXT_MODULE, $data['instance']);
$this->currentcategory['contextlevel'] = CONTEXT_MODULE;
$this->currentcategory['contextinstanceid'] = $data['instance'];
case 'course':
$this->currentcategory['contextid'] = $this->converter->get_contextid(CONTEXT_COURSE);
$this->currentcategory['contextlevel'] = CONTEXT_COURSE;
$this->currentcategory['contextinstanceid'] = $originalcourseid;
case 'coursecategory':
// this is a bit hacky. the source moodle.xml defines COURSECATEGORYLEVEL as a distance
// of the course category (1 = parent category, 2 = grand-parent category etc). We pretend
// that this level*10 is the id of that category and create an artifical contextid for it
$this->currentcategory['contextid'] = $this->converter->get_contextid(CONTEXT_COURSECAT, $data['coursecategorylevel'] * 10);
$this->currentcategory['contextlevel'] = CONTEXT_COURSECAT;
$this->currentcategory['contextinstanceid'] = $data['coursecategorylevel'] * 10;
case 'system':
$this->currentcategory['contextid'] = $this->converter->get_contextid(CONTEXT_SYSTEM);
$this->currentcategory['contextlevel'] = CONTEXT_SYSTEM;
$this->currentcategory['contextinstanceid'] = 0;
* Writes the common <question> data and re-dispateches the whole grouped
* <QUESTION> data to the qtype for appending its qtype specific data processing
* @param array $data
* @param array $raw
* @return array
public function process_question(array $data, array $raw) {
global $CFG;
// firstly make sure that the category data and the <questions> wrapper are written
// note that because of MDL-27693 we can't use {@link self::process_question_category()}
// and {@link self::on_questions_start()} to do so
if (empty($this->currentcategorywritten)) {
$this->xmlwriter->begin_tag('question_category', array('id' => $this->currentcategory['id']));
foreach ($this->currentcategory as $name => $value) {
if ($name === 'id') {
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag($name, $value);
$this->currentcategorywritten = true;
if (empty($this->questionswrapperwritten)) {
$this->questionswrapperwritten = true;
$qtype = $data['qtype'];
// replay the upgrade step 2008050700 {@see question_fix_random_question_parents()}
if ($qtype == 'random' and $data['parent'] <> $data['id']) {
$data['parent'] = $data['id'];
// replay the upgrade step 2010080900 and part of 2010080901
$data['generalfeedbackformat'] = $data['questiontextformat'];
$data['oldquestiontextformat'] = $data['questiontextformat'];
if ($CFG->texteditors !== 'textarea') {
$data['questiontext'] = text_to_html($data['questiontext'], false, false, true);
$data['questiontextformat'] = FORMAT_HTML;
$data['generalfeedback'] = text_to_html($data['generalfeedback'], false, false, true);
$data['generalfeedbackformat'] = FORMAT_HTML;
// replay the upgrade step 2010080901 - updating question image
if (!empty($data['image'])) {
$textlib = textlib_get_instance();
if ($textlib->substr($textlib->strtolower($data['image']), 0, 7) == 'http://') {
// it is a link, appending to existing question text
$data['questiontext'] .= ' <img src="' . $data['image'] . '" />';
} else {
// it is a file in course_files
$filename = basename($data['image']);
$filepath = dirname($data['image']);
if (empty($filepath) or $filepath == '.' or $filepath == '/') {
$filepath = '/';
} else {
// append /
$filepath = '/'.trim($filepath, './@#$ ').'/';
if (file_exists($this->converter->get_tempdir_path().'/course_files'.$filepath.$filename)) {
$this->fileman->contextid = $this->currentcategory['contextid'];
$this->fileman->component = 'question';
$this->fileman->filearea = 'questiontext';
$this->fileman->itemid = $data['id'];
$this->fileman->migrate_file('course_files'.$filepath.$filename, '/', $filename);
// note this is slightly different from the upgrade code as we put the file into the
// root folder here. this makes our life easier as we do not need to create all the
// directories within the specified filearea/itemid
$data['questiontext'] .= ' <img src="@@PLUGINFILE@@/' . $filename . '" />';
} else {
debugging('Question id '.$data['id']. ' file not found: '.$filepath.$filename);
// write the common question data
$this->xmlwriter->begin_tag('question', array('id' => $data['id']));
foreach (array(
'parent', 'name', 'questiontext', 'questiontextformat',
'generalfeedback', 'generalfeedbackformat', 'defaultgrade',
'penalty', 'qtype', 'length', 'stamp', 'version', 'hidden',
'timecreated', 'timemodified', 'createdby', 'modifiedby'
) as $fieldname) {
if (!array_key_exists($fieldname, $data)) {
throw new moodle1_convert_exception('missing_common_question_field', $fieldname);
$this->xmlwriter->full_tag($fieldname, $data[$fieldname]);
// unless we know that the given qtype does not append any own structures,
// give the handler a chance to do so now
if (!in_array($qtype, array('description'))) {
$handler = $this->get_qtype_handler($qtype);
if ($handler === false) {
debugging('Question type '.$qtype.' converter not found.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
} else {
$data = array_merge($data, $handler->process_question($data, $raw));
return $data;
* Closes the questions wrapper
public function on_questions_end() {
* Closes the question_category and annotates the category id
* so that it can be dumped into course/inforef.xml
public function on_question_category_end() {
// make sure that the category data were written by {@link self::process_question()}
// if not, write it now. this may happen when the current category does not contain any
// questions so the subpaths is missing completely
if (empty($this->currentcategorywritten)) {
$this->write_xml('question_category', $this->currentcategory, array('/question_category/id'));
} else {
$this->converter->set_stash('question_categories', $this->currentcategory, $this->currentcategory['id']);
* Stops writing questions.xml
public function on_question_categories_end() {
* Provides access to the qtype handlers
* Returns either list of all qtype handler instances (if passed '*') or a particular handler
* for the given qtype or false if the qtype is not supported.
* @throws moodle1_convert_exception
* @param string $qtype the name of the question type or '*' for returning all
* @return array|moodle1_qtype_handler|bool
protected function get_qtype_handler($qtype) {
static $qtypehandlers = null;
if (is_null($qtypehandlers)) {
// initialize the static list of qtype handler instances
$qtypehandlers = array();
foreach (get_plugin_list('qtype') as $qtypename => $qtypelocation) {
$filename = $qtypelocation.'/backup/moodle1/lib.php';
if (file_exists($filename)) {
$classname = 'moodle1_qtype_'.$qtypename.'_handler';
if (!class_exists($classname)) {
throw new moodle1_convert_exception('missing_handler_class', $classname);
$qtypehandlers[$qtypename] = new $classname($this, $qtypename);
if ($qtype === '*') {
return $qtypehandlers;
} else if (isset($qtypehandlers[$qtype])) {
return $qtypehandlers[$qtype];
} else {
return false;
* Shared base class for activity modules and blocks handlers
* Shared base class for activity modules, blocks and qtype handlers
abstract class moodle1_plugin_handler extends moodle1_xml_handler {
@ -956,6 +1264,75 @@ abstract class moodle1_plugin_handler extends moodle1_xml_handler {
* Base class for all question type handlers
abstract class moodle1_qtype_handler extends moodle1_plugin_handler {
/** @var moodle1_question_bank_handler */
protected $qbankhandler;
* Returns the list of paths within one <QUESTION> that this qtype needs to have included
* in the grouped question structure
* @return array of strings
public function get_question_subpaths() {
return array();
* Gives the qtype handler a chance to write converted data into questions.xml
* @param array $data grouped question data
* @param array $raw grouped raw QUESTION data
* @return array converted data
public function process_question(array $data, array $raw) {
return $data;
/// implementation details follow //////////////////////////////////////////
public function __construct(moodle1_question_bank_handler $qbankhandler, $qtype) {
parent::__construct($qbankhandler->get_converter(), 'qtype', $qtype);
$this->qbankhandler = $qbankhandler;
* @see self::get_question_subpaths()
final public function get_paths() {
throw new moodle1_convert_exception('qtype_handler_get_paths');
* Question type handlers cannot open the xml_writer
final protected function open_xml_writer() {
throw new moodle1_convert_exception('opening_xml_writer_forbidden');
* Question type handlers cannot close the xml_writer
final protected function close_xml_writer() {
throw new moodle1_convert_exception('opening_xml_writer_forbidden');
* Provides a xml_writer instance to this qtype converter
* @param xml_writer $xmlwriter
public function use_xml_writer(xml_writer $xmlwriter) {
$this->xmlwriter = $xmlwriter;
* Base class for activity module handlers

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -365,6 +365,17 @@ class moodle1_converter_test extends UnitTestCase {
), true);
public function test_question_bank_conversion() {
global $CFG;
$converter = convert_factory::get_converter('moodle1', $this->tempdir);
public function test_convert_run_convert() {
$converter = convert_factory::get_converter('moodle1', $this->tempdir);