MDL-78279 output: new generic dropdown component

This commit is contained in:
Ferran Recio 2023-06-14 13:57:45 +02:00
parent ef93325f27
commit e3645f663b
2 changed files with 331 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
namespace core\output\local\dropdown;
use core\output\named_templatable;
use renderable;
* Class to render a dropdown dialog element.
* A dropdown dialog allows to render any arbitrary HTML into a dropdown elements triggered
* by a button.
* @package core
* @category output
* @copyright 2023 Ferran Recio <>
* @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class dialog implements named_templatable, renderable {
/** Dropdown dialog positions. */
public const POSITION = [
'start' => 'dropdown-menu-left',
'end' => 'dropdown-menu-right',
/** Dropdown dialog positions. */
public const WIDTH = [
'default' => '',
'big' => 'dialog-big',
'small' => 'dialog-small',
* @var string content of dialog.
protected $dialogcontent = '';
* @var bool if the footer should auto enable or not.
protected $buttoncontent = true;
* @var string trigger button CSS classes.
protected $buttonclasses = '';
* @var string component CSS classes.
protected $classes = '';
* @var string the dropdown position.
protected $dropdownposition = self::POSITION['start'];
* @var string dropdown preferred width.
protected $dropdownwidth = self::WIDTH['default'];
* @var array extra HTML attributes (attribute => value).
protected $extras = [];
* Constructor.
* The definition object could contain the following keys:
* - classes: component CSS classes.
* - buttonclasses: the button CSS classes.
* - dialogwidth: the dropdown width.
* - dropdownposition: the dropdown position.
* - extras: extra HTML attributes (attribute => value).
* @param string $buttoncontent the button content
* @param string $dialogcontent the footer content
* @param array $definition an optional array of the element definition
public function __construct(string $buttoncontent, string $dialogcontent, array $definition = []) {
$this->buttoncontent = $buttoncontent;
$this->dialogcontent = $dialogcontent;
if (isset($definition['classes'])) {
$this->classes = $definition['classes'];
if (isset($definition['buttonclasses'])) {
$this->buttonclasses = $definition['buttonclasses'];
if (isset($definition['extras'])) {
$this->extras = $definition['extras'];
if (isset($definition['dialogwidth'])) {
$this->dropdownwidth = $definition['dialogwidth'];
if (isset($definition['dropdownposition'])) {
$this->dropdownposition = $definition['dropdownposition'];
* Set the dialog contents.
* @param string $dialogcontent
public function set_content(string $dialogcontent) {
$this->dialogcontent = $dialogcontent;
* Set the button contents.
* @param string $buttoncontent
* @param string|null $buttonclasses the button classes
public function set_button(string $buttoncontent, ?string $buttonclasses = null) {
$this->buttoncontent = $buttoncontent;
if ($buttonclasses !== null) {
$this->buttonclasses = $buttonclasses;
* Set the dialog width.
* @param string $width
public function set_dialog_width(string $width) {
$this->dropdownwidth = $width;
* Add extra classes to trigger butotn.
* @param string $buttonclasses the extra classes
public function set_button_classes(string $buttonclasses) {
$this->buttonclasses = $buttonclasses;
* Add extra classes to the component.
* @param string $classes the extra classes
public function set_classes(string $classes) {
$this->classes = $classes;
* Add extra extras to the sticky footer element.
* @param string $attribute the extra attribute
* @param string $value the value
public function add_extra(string $attribute, string $value) {
$this->extras[$attribute] = $value;
* Set the button element id.
* @param string $value the value
public function add_button_id(string $value) {
$this->extras['id'] = $value;
* Set the dropdown position.
* @param string $position the position
public function set_position(string $position) {
$this->dropdownposition = $position;
* Export this data so it can be used as the context for a mustache template (core/inplace_editable).
* @param \renderer_base $output typically, the renderer that's calling this function
* @return array data context for a mustache template
public function export_for_template(\renderer_base $output): array {
$extras = [];
foreach ($this->extras as $attribute => $value) {
$extras[] = [
'attribute' => $attribute,
'value' => $value,
$data = [
// Id is required for the correct HTML labelling.
'buttonid' => \html_writer::random_id('dropwdownbutton_'),
'buttoncontent' => (string) $this->buttoncontent,
'dialogcontent' => (string) $this->dialogcontent,
'classes' => $this->classes,
'buttonclasses' => $this->buttonclasses,
'dialogclasses' => $this->dropdownwidth,
'extras' => $extras,
// Bootstrap 4 dropdown position still uses left and right literals.
$data["position"] = $this->dropdownposition;
if (right_to_left()) {
$rltposition = [
self::POSITION['start'] => self::POSITION['end'],
self::POSITION['end'] => self::POSITION['end'],
$data["position"] = $rltposition[$this->dropdownposition];
return $data;
* Get the name of the template to use for this templatable.
* @param \renderer_base $renderer The renderer requesting the template name
* @return string the template name
public function get_template_name(\renderer_base $renderer): string {
return 'core/local/dropdown/dialog';

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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
This file is part of Moodle -
Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Moodle. If not, see <>.
@template core/local/dropdown/dialog
Displays a dropdown dialog component.
Classes required for JS:
* none
Context variables required for this template:
* buttoncontent String - the dropdown trigger button content.
* dialogcontent String - the dropdown dialog content.
Optional blocks:
* dropdownclasses - additional classes for the dropdown.
* buttonclasses - additional classes for the dropdown trigger button.
* dialogclasses - additional classes for the dropdown dialog.
* dialogcontent - the dropdown dialog content.
* buttoncontent - the dropdown trigger button content.
* extras - custom HTML attributes for the component.
Example context (json):
"buttonid" : "someinternalid",
"buttoncontent" : "Trigger button",
"dialogcontent" : "<a href=\"#\">Moodle</a>",
"extras" : [
"attribute" : "data-example",
"value" : "stickyfooter"
"buttonclasses" : "extraclasses",
"dialogclasses" : "extraclasses",
"classes" : "extraclasses"
class="dropdown {{!
}} {{$ dropdownclasses }} {{!
}} {{#classes}} {{classes}} {{/classes}} {{!
}} {{/ dropdownclasses }}"
{{$ extras }}
{{/ extras }}
class="{{$ buttonclasses }} {{!
}} {{^buttonclasses}} btn btn-light btn-outline-secondary dropdown-toggle {{/buttonclasses}} {{!
}} {{#buttonclasses}} {{buttonclasses}} {{/buttonclasses}} {{!
}} {{/ buttonclasses }}"
{{$ buttoncontent }}
{{{ buttoncontent }}}
{{/ buttoncontent }}
class="dropdown-menu {{!
}} {{#position}} {{position}} {{/position}} {{!
}} {{$ dialogclasses }} {{!
}} {{#dialogclasses}} {{dialogclasses}} {{/dialogclasses}} {{!
}} {{/ dialogclasses }}"
<div class="p-2" data-for="dropdowndialog_content">
{{$ dialogcontent }}
{{/ dialogcontent }}