diff --git a/course/pending.php b/course/pending.php
index c37b4e6fef0..a9b374503c1 100644
--- a/course/pending.php
+++ b/course/pending.php
@@ -110,8 +110,14 @@ if (empty($pending)) {
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('nopendingcourses'));
} else {
echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('coursespending'));
- $role = $DB->get_record('role', array('id' => $CFG->creatornewroleid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
- echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('courserequestwarning', 'core', role_get_name($role)), 'notifyproblem');
+ $role = $DB->get_record('role', ['id' => $CFG->creatornewroleid]);
+ if ($role) {
+ echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('courserequestwarning', 'core', role_get_name($role)), 'notifyproblem');
+ } else {
+ $userpoliciesurl = new moodle_url('/admin/settings.php', ['section' => 'userpolicies']);
+ echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('courserequestroleerror', 'core', (string) $userpoliciesurl), 'notifyerror');
+ }
/// Build a table of all the requests.
$table = new html_table();
diff --git a/lang/en/moodle.php b/lang/en/moodle.php
index c6f885529ea..034831e4034 100644
--- a/lang/en/moodle.php
+++ b/lang/en/moodle.php
@@ -413,6 +413,7 @@ $string['courserequestdetails'] = 'Details of the course you are requesting';
$string['courserequestfailed'] = 'For some reason, your course request could not be saved';
$string['courserequestintro'] = 'Use this form to request a course to be created for you.
Try and fill in as much information as you can to allow
the administrators to understand your reasons for wanting this course.';
$string['courserequestreason'] = 'Reasons for wanting this course';
+$string['courserequestroleerror'] = 'The creators\' role in new courses configuration is invalid. Please see user policies.';
$string['courserequestsuccess'] = 'Your course request has been saved successfully. You will be sent an email to inform you whether your request was approved.';
$string['courserequestsupport'] = 'Supporting information to help the administrator evaluate this request';
$string['courserequestwarning'] = 'The user requesting this course will be automatically enrolled and assigned the role of {$a}.';