Merge branch 'MDL-62181-master-enfix' of git://

This commit is contained in:
Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) 2018-04-25 19:09:35 +02:00
commit e971596371
50 changed files with 81 additions and 82 deletions

View File

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ $string['expiry'] = 'Expiry';
$string['expandplugin'] = 'Expand and collapse plugin.';
$string['expandplugintype'] = 'Expand and collapse plugin type.';
$string['explanationtitle'] = 'Icons used on this page and what they mean.';
$string['external'] = 'External';
$string['external'] = 'Additional';
$string['externalexplanation'] = 'An additional plugin installed on this site.';
$string['frontpagecourse'] = 'Front page course';
$string['gdpr_art_6_1_a_description'] = 'The data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes';
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:request'] = 'Information from personal data requests (
$string['privacy:metadata:request:comments'] = 'Any user comments accompanying the request.';
$string['privacy:metadata:request:userid'] = 'The ID of the user to whom the request belongs';
$string['privacy:metadata:request:requestedby'] = 'The ID of the user making the request, if made on behalf of another user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:request:dpocomment'] = 'Any comments made by the site\'s respective privacy officer regarding the request.';
$string['privacy:metadata:request:dpocomment'] = 'Any comments made by the site\'s Data Protection Officer regarding the request.';
$string['privacy:metadata:request:timecreated'] = 'The timestamp indicating when the request was made by the user.';
$string['protected'] = 'Protected';
$string['protectedlabel'] = 'The retention of this data has a higher legal precedent over a user\'s request to be forgotten. This data will only be deleted after the retention period has expired.';

View File

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
$string['classname'] = 'Class name';
$string['component'] = 'Component';
$string['configmessageinboundhost'] = 'The address of the server that Moodle should check mail against. To specify a non-default port, you can use the [server]:[port], for example format. If you leave this field blank, Moodle will use the default port for the type of mail server you specify.';
$string['configmessageinboundhost'] = 'The address of the server that Moodle should check mail against. To specify a non-default port, use [server]:[port], for example If a port isn\'t specified, the default port for the type of mail server will be used.';
$string['defaultexpiration'] = 'Default address expiry period';
$string['defaultexpiration_help'] = 'When an email address is generated by the handler, it can be set to automatically expire after a period of time, so that it can no longer be used. It is advisable to set an expiry period.';
$string['description'] = 'Description';
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ $string['invalid_recipient_handler'] = 'If a valid message is received but the s
This handler processes those replies.
It is not possible to disable sender verification of this handler because the user may reply from an incorrect email address if their email client configuration is incorrect.';
$string['invalid_recipient_handler_name'] = 'Invalid recipient handler';
$string['invalid_recipient_handler_name'] = 'Invalid sender handler';
$string['invalidrecipientdescription'] = 'The message "{$a->subject}" could not be authenticated, since it was sent from a different email address than in your user profile. For the message to be authenticated, you need to reply to this message.';
$string['invalidrecipientdescriptionhtml'] = 'The message "{$a->subject}" could not be authenticated, since it was sent from a different email address than in your user profile. For the message to be authenticated, you need to reply to this message.';
$string['invalidrecipientfinal'] = 'The message "{$a->subject}" could not be authenticated. Please check that you are sending your message from the same email address as in your profile.';

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ $string['invalidcertificatechainwarning'] = 'It seems that the certificate chain
$string['invalidcertificateexpiredatewarning'] = 'It seems that the HTTPS certificate for the site has expired.';
$string['invalidcertificatestartdatewarning'] = 'It seems that the HTTPS certificate for the site is not yet valid (with a start date in the future).';
$string['invalidprivatetoken'] = 'Invalid private token. Token should not be empty or passed via GET parameter.';
$string['invaliduserquotawarning'] = 'The user quota (userquota) is set to an invalid number. It should be set to a valid number (an integer value) in Site policies.';
$string['invaliduserquotawarning'] = 'The user quota (userquota) is set to an invalid number. It should be set to a valid number (an integer value) in Site security settings.';
$string['iosappid'] = 'iOS app\'s unique identifier';
$string['iosappid_desc'] = 'This setting may be left as default unless you have a custom iOS app.';
$string['loginintheapp'] = 'Via the app';

View File

@ -97,9 +97,9 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:timecreatedsub'] = 'When this subscription was created
$string['privacy:metadata:timemodifiedrule'] = 'When this rule was last modified';
$string['privacy:metadata:timesent'] = 'When the message was sent';
$string['privacy:metadata:timewindow'] = 'Time window in seconds';
$string['privacy:metadata:userid'] = 'Id of user who created the rule';
$string['privacy:metadata:useridhistory'] = 'User to whom this notification was sent';
$string['privacy:metadata:useridsub'] = 'User id of the subscriber';
$string['privacy:metadata:userid'] = 'The ID of user who created the rule.';
$string['privacy:metadata:useridhistory'] = 'The ID of the user to whom this notification was sent';
$string['privacy:metadata:useridsub'] = 'The ID of the subscriber.';
$string['privacy:subscriptions'] = 'My event monitor subscriptions';
$string['processevents'] = 'Process events';
$string['rulename'] = 'Rule name';

View File

@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ $string['policyversionacceptedinotherlang'] = 'This policy version has been agre
$string['previousversions'] = '{$a} previous versions';
$string['privacy:metadata:acceptances'] = 'Information from policies agreements made by the users of this site.';
$string['privacy:metadata:acceptances:policyversionid'] = 'The ID of the accepted version policy.';
$string['privacy:metadata:acceptances:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who has agreed to the policy.';
$string['privacy:metadata:acceptances:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who agreed to the policy.';
$string['privacy:metadata:acceptances:status'] = 'The status of the agreement: 0 if not accepted; 1 otherwise.';
$string['privacy:metadata:acceptances:lang'] = 'The current language displayed when the policy is accepted.';
$string['privacy:metadata:acceptances:usermodified'] = 'The ID of the user accepting the policy, if made on behalf of another user.';

View File

@ -24,4 +24,4 @@
$string['activity_modules:addinstance'] = 'Add a new activities block';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Activities';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Activites block only shows data stored in other locations.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Activities block only shows data stored in other locations.';

View File

@ -65,4 +65,4 @@ $string['worstgrade'] = 'The lowest grade:';
$string['worstgrades'] = 'The {$a} lowest grades:';
$string['worstgroupgrade'] = 'The group with the lowest average:';
$string['worstgroupgrades'] = 'The {$a} groups with the lowest average:';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Activites results block only shows data stored in other locations.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Activity results block only shows data stored in other locations.';

View File

@ -28,4 +28,4 @@ $string['numbadgestodisplay'] = 'Number of latest badges to display';
$string['nothingtodisplay'] = 'You have no badges to display';
$string['badges:addinstance'] = 'Add a new My latest badges block';
$string['badges:myaddinstance'] = 'Add a new My latest badges block to Dashboard';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Badges block only shows data stored in other locations.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Latest badges block only shows data stored in other locations.';

View File

@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ $string['calendar_upcoming:addinstance'] = 'Add a new upcoming events block';
$string['calendar_upcoming:myaddinstance'] = 'Add a new upcoming events block to Dashboard';
$string['gotocalendar'] = 'Go to calendar...';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Upcoming events';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Upcoming calendar events block only displays existing calendar data.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Upcoming events block only displays existing calendar data.';

View File

@ -26,4 +26,4 @@
$string['coursesummary'] = 'Course summary';
$string['course_summary:addinstance'] = 'Add a new course/site summary block';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Course/site summary';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Course and site summaryblock only shows information about courses and does not store data itself.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Course/site summary block only shows information about courses and does not store data itself.';

View File

@ -24,4 +24,4 @@
$string['login:addinstance'] = 'Add a new login block';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Login';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Login block only provides a way to login and does not store any data itself.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Login block only provides a way to log in and does not store any data itself.';

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ $string['myprofile:addinstance'] = 'Add a new logged in user block';
$string['myprofile:myaddinstance'] = 'Add a new logged in user block to Dashboard';
$string['myprofile_settings'] = 'Visible user information';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Logged in user';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Logged in users block only shows information about logged in users and does not store data itself.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Logged in user block only shows information about the logged in user and does not store data itself.';
// Deprecated since Moodle 3.2.
$string['display_un'] = 'Display name';

View File

@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ $string['pluginname'] = 'Private files';
$string['privatefiles'] = 'Private files';
$string['private_files:addinstance'] = 'Add a new private files block';
$string['private_files:myaddinstance'] = 'Add a new private files block to Dashboard';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Private files block only provides a view of, and link to, the user private files.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Private files block only provides a view of, and a link to, the user\'s private files.';

View File

@ -47,4 +47,4 @@ $string['scienceandtech'] = 'Science & Tech';
$string['sports'] = 'Sports';
$string['tag_youtube:addinstance'] = 'Add a new YouTube block';
$string['travel'] = 'Travel & Places';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Youtube block only shows data stored in other locations.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The YouTube block only shows data stored in other locations.';

View File

@ -24,4 +24,4 @@
$string['name'] = 'Gregorian';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Gregorian calendar type';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Gregorian Calendar format plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Gregorian calendar format plugin does not store any personal data.';

View File

@ -23,6 +23,6 @@
$string['dataformat'] = 'Comma separated values (.csv)';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The CSV Data format plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The CSV data format plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['shortname'] = 'CSV';

View File

@ -23,6 +23,6 @@
$string['dataformat'] = 'Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Excel Data format plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Excel data format plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['shortname'] = 'Excel';

View File

@ -23,6 +23,6 @@
$string['dataformat'] = 'HTML table';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The HTML Data format plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The HTML table data format plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['shortname'] = 'HTML';

View File

@ -23,6 +23,6 @@
$string['dataformat'] = 'Javascript Object Notation (.json)';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The JSON Data format plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The JavaScript Object Notation data format plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['shortname'] = 'JSON';

View File

@ -23,6 +23,6 @@
$string['dataformat'] = 'OpenDocument (.ods)';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The OpenDoc Data format plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The OpenDocument data format plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['shortname'] = 'OpenDoc';

View File

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ $string['assignrole'] = 'Assign role';
$string['assignroles'] = 'Assign roles';
$string['browseusers'] = 'Browse users';
$string['browsecohorts'] = 'Browse cohorts';
$string['confirmbulkdeleteenrolment'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete these users enrolments?';
$string['confirmbulkdeleteenrolment'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete these user enrolments?';
$string['defaultstart'] = 'Default enrolment start';
$string['defaultperiod'] = 'Default enrolment duration';
$string['defaultperiod_desc'] = 'Default length of time that the enrolment is valid. If set to zero, the enrolment duration will be unlimited by default.';

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ $string['enrolperiod_desc'] = 'Default length of time that the enrolment is vali
$string['enrolperiod_help'] = 'Length of time that the enrolment is valid, starting with the moment the user is enrolled. If disabled, the enrolment duration will be unlimited.';
$string['enrolstartdate'] = 'Start date';
$string['enrolstartdate_help'] = 'If enabled, users can be enrolled from this date onward only.';
$string['errdisabled'] = 'PayPal plugin is disabled and does not handle payment notifications.';
$string['errdisabled'] = 'The PayPal enrolment plugin is disabled and does not handle payment notifications.';
$string['erripninvalid'] = 'Instant payment notification has not been verified by PayPal.';
$string['errpaypalconnect'] = 'Could not connect to {$a->url} to verify the instant payment notification: {$a->result}';
$string['expiredaction'] = 'Enrolment expiry action';
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ $string['paypal:unenrolself'] = 'Unenrol self from the course';
$string['paypalaccepted'] = 'PayPal payments accepted';
$string['pluginname'] = 'PayPal';
$string['pluginname_desc'] = 'The PayPal module allows you to set up paid courses. If the cost for any course is zero, then students are not asked to pay for entry. There is a site-wide cost that you set here as a default for the whole site and then a course setting that you can set for each course individually. The course cost overrides the site cost.';
$string['processexpirationstask'] = 'Process expirations task';
$string['processexpirationstask'] = 'PayPal enrolment send expiry notifications task';
$string['sendpaymentbutton'] = 'Send payment via PayPal';
$string['status'] = 'Allow PayPal enrolments';
$string['status_desc'] = 'Allow users to use PayPal to enrol into a course by default.';

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ $string['canntenrollate'] = 'You cannot enrol any more, since enrolment ended on
$string['cohortnonmemberinfo'] = 'Only members of cohort \'{$a}\' can self-enrol.';
$string['cohortonly'] = 'Only cohort members';
$string['cohortonly_help'] = 'Self enrolment may be restricted to members of a specified cohort only. Note that changing this setting has no effect on existing enrolments.';
$string['confirmbulkdeleteenrolment'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete these users enrolments?';
$string['confirmbulkdeleteenrolment'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete these user enrolments?';
$string['customwelcomemessage'] = 'Custom welcome message';
$string['customwelcomemessage_help'] = 'A custom welcome message may be added as plain text or Moodle-auto format, including HTML tags and multi-lang tags.

View File

@ -432,7 +432,7 @@ $string['debugnormal'] = 'NORMAL: Show errors, warnings and notices';
$string['debugpageinfo'] = 'Show page information';
$string['debugsmtp'] = 'Debug email sending';
$string['debugstringids'] = 'Show origin of languages strings';
$string['debugstringids_desc'] = 'This option is designed to help translators. When this option is enabled, if you add the parameter strings=1 to a request URL, it will show the language file and string id beside each string that is output.';
$string['debugstringids_desc'] = 'If enabled, language string components and identifiers are displayed when ?strings=1 or &strings=1 is appended to the page URL.';
$string['debugvalidators'] = 'Show validator links';
$string['defaultcity'] = 'Default city';
$string['defaultcity_help'] = 'A city entered here will be the default city when creating new user accounts.';
@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ $string['passwordresettime'] = 'Maximum time to validate password reset request'
$string['passwordreuselimit'] = 'Password rotation limit';
$string['passwordreuselimit_desc'] = 'Number of times a user must change their password before they are allowed to reuse a password. Hashes of previously used passwords are stored in local database table. This feature might not be compatible with some external authentication plugins.';
$string['pathtodot'] = 'Path to dot';
$string['pathtodot_help'] = 'Path to dot. Probably something like /usr/bin/dot. To be able to generate graphics from DOT files, you must have installed the dot executable and point to it here. Note that, for now, this only used by the profiling features (Development->Profiling) built into Moodle.';
$string['pathtodot_help'] = 'Path to dot. On Linux it is something like /usr/bin/dot. On Windows it is something like C:\Program Files (x86)\Graphviz2.38\bin\dot.exe. On Mac it is something like /opt/local/bin/dot. To be able to generate graphics from DOT files, you must have installed the dot executable and point to it here.';
$string['pathtodu'] = 'Path to du';
$string['pathtogs'] = 'Path to ghostscript';
$string['pathtogs_help'] = 'On most Linux installs, this can be left as \'/usr/bin/gs\'. On Windows it will be something like \'c:\\gs\\bin\\gswin32c.exe\' (make sure there are no spaces in the path - if necessary copy the files \'gswin32c.exe\' and \'gsdll32.dll\' to a new folder without a space in the path)';
@ -1057,15 +1057,15 @@ $string['sitemaintenanceon'] = 'Your site is currently in maintenance mode (only
$string['sitemaintenanceoncli'] = 'Your site is currently in CLI maintenance mode, no web access is allowed.';
$string['sitemaintenancewarning'] = 'Your site is currently in maintenance mode (only admins can log in). To return this site to normal operation, <a href="maintenance.php">disable maintenance mode</a>.';
$string['sitemaintenancewarning2'] = 'Your site is currently in maintenance mode (only admins can log in). To return this site to normal operation, <a href="{$a}">disable maintenance mode</a>.';
$string['sitepolicies'] = 'Site policies';
$string['sitepolicies'] = 'Site security settings';
$string['sitepolicy'] = 'Site policy URL';
$string['sitepolicy_help'] = 'If you have a site policy that all registered users must see and agree to before using this site, then specify the URL to it here, otherwise leave this field blank. This setting can contain any public URL.';
$string['sitepolicy_help'] = 'The URL of the site policy that all registered users must see and agree to before accessing the site. Note that this setting will only have an effect if the site policy handler is set to default (core).';
$string['sitepolicyhandler'] = 'Site policy handler';
$string['sitepolicyhandler_desc'] = 'Select the component to handle user agreements to site policies. The default core handler provides a simple functionality controlled by the two other settings `sitepolicy` and `sitepolicyguest`. Alternative handlers may be provided by additional plugins and offer more advanced control of site policies.';
$string['sitepolicyhandler_desc'] = 'This determines how policies and user consents are managed. The default (core) handler enables a site policy URL and a site policy URL for guests to be specified. The policies handler enables site, privacy and other policies to be set. It also enables user consents to be viewed and, if necessary, consent on behalf of minors to be given.';
$string['sitepolicyhandlercore'] = 'Default (core)';
$string['sitepolicyhandlerplugin'] = '{$a->name} ({$a->component})';
$string['sitepolicyguest'] = 'Site policy URL for guests';
$string['sitepolicyguest_help'] = 'If you have a site policy that all guests must see and agree to before using this site, then specify the URL to it here, otherwise leave this field blank. This setting can contain any public URL. Note: access of not-logged-in users may be prevented with forcelogin setting.';
$string['sitepolicyguest_help'] = 'The URL of the site policy that all guests must see and agree to before accessing the site. Note that this setting will only have an effect if the site policy handler is set to default (core).';
$string['sitesectionhelp'] = 'If selected, a topic section will be displayed on the site\'s front page.';
$string['slasharguments'] = 'Use slash arguments';
$string['slashargumentswarning'] = 'It is recommended that the use of slash arguments is enabled. In future it will be required. For more details, see the documentation <a href="">Using slash arguments</a>.';

View File

@ -86,5 +86,5 @@ $string['predictionsprocessor_help'] = 'A predictions processor is the machine-l
$string['processingsitecontents'] = 'Processing site contents';
$string['successfullyanalysed'] = 'Successfully analysed';
$string['timesplittingmethod'] = 'Time-splitting method';
$string['timesplittingmethod_help'] = 'The time-splitting method divides the course duration into parts; the predictions engine will run at the end of these parts. It is recommended that you only enable the time-splitting methods you may be interested in using. The evaluation process will iterate through all enabled time-spitting methods, so the more time-splitting methods enabled, the slower the evaluation process will be.';
$string['timesplittingmethod_help'] = 'The time-splitting method divides the course duration into parts; the predictions engine will run at the end of these parts. It is recommended that you only enable the time-splitting methods you may be interested in using. The evaluation process will iterate through all enabled time-splitting methods, so the more time-splitting methods enabled, the slower the evaluation process will be.';
$string['viewprediction'] = 'View prediction details';

View File

@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ $string['criteria_6_help'] = 'Allows a badge to be awarded to users for completi
$string['criteria_7'] = 'Awarded badges';
$string['criteria_7_help'] = 'Allows a badge to be awarded to users based on the other badges thay have earned.';
$string['criteria_8'] = 'Cohort membership';
$string['criteria_8_help'] = 'Allows a badge to be awarded to users for becoming a member of certian cohorts.';
$string['criteria_8_help'] = 'Allows a badge to be awarded to users based on cohort membership.';
$string['criterror'] = 'Current parameters issues';
$string['criterror_help'] = 'This fieldset shows all parameters that were initially added to this badge requirement but are no longer available. It is recommended that you un-check such parameters to make sure that users can earn this badge in the future.';
$string['currentimage'] = 'Current image';

View File

@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:core_comments'] = 'Comments associated with blog entri
$string['privacy:metadata:core_files'] = 'Files attached to blog entries';
$string['privacy:metadata:core_tag'] = 'Tags associated with blog entries';
$string['privacy:metadata:external'] = 'A link to an external RSS feed';
$string['privacy:metadata:external:userid'] = 'The user ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:external:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who added the external blog entry.';
$string['privacy:metadata:external:name'] = 'The name of the feed';
$string['privacy:metadata:external:description'] = 'The description of the feed';
$string['privacy:metadata:external:url'] = 'The URL of the feed';
@ -140,14 +140,14 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:external:filtertags'] = 'The list of tags to filter th
$string['privacy:metadata:external:timemodified'] = 'Date at which the association was last modified';
$string['privacy:metadata:external:timefetched'] = 'Date at which the feed was last fetched';
$string['privacy:metadata:post'] = 'The information related to blog entries';
$string['privacy:metadata:post:userid'] = 'The user ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:post:subject'] = 'The subject of the entry';
$string['privacy:metadata:post:summary'] = 'The summary of the entry';
$string['privacy:metadata:post:content'] = 'The content of an external entry';
$string['privacy:metadata:post:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who added the blog entry.';
$string['privacy:metadata:post:subject'] = 'Blog entry title.';
$string['privacy:metadata:post:summary'] = 'Blog entry.';
$string['privacy:metadata:post:content'] = 'The content of an external blog entry.';
$string['privacy:metadata:post:uniquehash'] = 'A unique identifier for an external entry, typically a URL.';
$string['privacy:metadata:post:publishstate'] = 'Whether the entry is visible to others or not';
$string['privacy:metadata:post:created'] = 'Date at which the entry was created';
$string['privacy:metadata:post:lastmodified'] = 'Date at which the entry was last modified';
$string['privacy:metadata:post:created'] = 'Date when the entry was created.';
$string['privacy:metadata:post:lastmodified'] = 'Date when the entry was last modified.';
$string['privacy:metadata:post:usermodified'] = 'The user who last modified the entry';
$string['privacy:path:blogassociations'] = 'Associated blog posts';
$string['privacy:unknown'] = 'Unknown';

View File

@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ $string['pleaseenteralt'] = 'Please enter the alternate text';
$string['popupeditor'] = 'Enlarge Editor';
$string['preformatted'] = 'Preformatted';
$string['preview'] = 'Preview';
$string['privacy:metadata:preference:htmleditor'] = 'The preferred editor to use when using an HTML Text Area';
$string['privacy:metadata:preference:htmleditor'] = 'Text editor preference.';
$string['privacy:preference:htmleditor'] = 'Your preferred editor to use for writing HTML text is {$a}';
$string['properties'] = 'Properties';
$string['redo'] = 'Redo your last action';

View File

@ -1434,7 +1434,7 @@ $string['notifyloginfailuresmessageend'] = 'You can view these logs at {$a}';
$string['notifyloginfailuresmessagestart'] = 'Here is a list of failed login attempts at {$a} since you were last notified';
$string['notifyloginfailuressubject'] = '{$a} :: Failed logins notification';
$string['notincluded'] = 'Not included';
$string['notingroup'] = 'Sorry, but you need to be part of a group to see this activity.';
$string['notingroup'] = 'Sorry, but you need to be part of a group to see this page.';
$string['notpublic'] = 'Not public!';
$string['nousersfound'] = 'No users found';
$string['nousersmatching'] = 'No users matching \'{$a}\' were found';

View File

@ -24,6 +24,5 @@
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
$string['privacy:metadata:core_userkey'] = 'User\'s keys used to access RSS from a URL';
$string['rss'] = 'RSS';

View File

@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:tag:name'] = 'The name of the tag - this is the normal
$string['privacy:metadata:tag:rawname'] = 'The name of the tag - this is the display name.';
$string['privacy:metadata:tag:description'] = 'The description of the tag.';
$string['privacy:metadata:tag:flag'] = 'Whether a tag has been flagged as inappropriate.';
$string['privacy:metadata:tag:timemodified'] = 'The last time that the tag was last modified.';
$string['privacy:metadata:tag:userid'] = 'The user who first created the tag.';
$string['privacy:metadata:tag:timemodified'] = 'The time that the tag was last modified.';
$string['privacy:metadata:tag:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who created the tag.';
$string['privacy:metadata:taginstance'] = 'The link between each tag and where it is used.';
$string['privacy:metadata:taginstance:tagid'] = 'The link to the tag.';
$string['privacy:metadata:taginstance:ordering'] = 'The relative order of this tag.';

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ $string['pathtoclamdesc'] = 'If the running method is set to "command line", ent
$string['pathtounixsocket'] = 'Unix domain socket';
$string['pathtounixsocketdesc'] = 'If the running method is set to "Unix domain socket", enter the path to ClamAV Unix socket here. On Debian Linux this will be /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl. Please make sure that clamav daemon has read access to uploaded files, the easiest way to ensure that is to add \'clamav\' user to your webserver group (\'www-data\' on Debian Linux).';
$string['pluginname'] = 'ClamAV antivirus';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The ClamAV Antivirus plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The ClamAV antivirus plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['quarantinedir'] = 'Quarantine directory';
$string['runningmethod'] = 'Running method';
$string['runningmethoddesc'] = 'Method of running ClamAV. Command line is used by default, however on Unix systems better performance can be obtained by using system sockets.';

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ $string['recover'] = 'Recover';
$string['infostatus'] = 'Information';
$string['warningstatus'] = 'Warning';
$string['autosaves'] = 'Editor autosave information';
$string['privacy:metadata:database:atto_autosave'] = 'Editor drafts which was automatically saved.';
$string['privacy:metadata:database:atto_autosave:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who\'s data was saved.';
$string['privacy:metadata:database:atto_autosave'] = 'Automatically saved text editor drafts.';
$string['privacy:metadata:database:atto_autosave:userid'] = 'The ID of the user whose data was saved.';
$string['privacy:metadata:database:atto_autosave:drafttext'] = 'The text which was saved.';
$string['privacy:metadata:database:atto_autosave:timemodified'] = 'The time that content was modified.';

View File

@ -25,4 +25,4 @@
$string['pluginname'] = 'Plain text area';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The editor_textarea plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Plain text area editor plugin does not store any personal data.';

View File

@ -894,4 +894,4 @@ $string['advanced:cut_desc'] = 'Cut';
$string['advanced:paste_desc'] = 'Paste';
$string['advanced:shortcuts_desc'] = 'Accessibility help';
$string['autosave:restore_content'] = 'Restore auto-saved content';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The editor_tinymce plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The TinyMCE HTML editor plugin does not store any personal data.';

View File

@ -26,4 +26,4 @@ $string['pluginname'] = 'Toolbar Toggle';
/* All lang strings used from TinyMCE JavaScript code must be named 'pluginname:stringname', no need to create langs/en_dlg.js */
$string['pdw:desc'] = 'Toolbar Toggle';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The TinyMCE Toolebar toggle plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The TinyMCE Toolbar toggle plugin does not store any personal data.';

View File

@ -43,19 +43,19 @@ $string['notconfigured'] = 'The Airnotifier server hasn\'t been configured so Ai
$string['pluginname'] = 'Mobile';
$string['privacy:appiddescription'] = 'This is an identifier to the application being used.';
$string['privacy:enableddescription'] = 'If this device is enabled for airnotifier.';
$string['privacy:metadata:enabled'] = 'If the airnotifier device is enabled.';
$string['privacy:metadata:enabled'] = 'Whether the airnotifier device is enabled.';
$string['privacy:metadata:date'] = 'The date that the message was sent.';
$string['privacy:metadata:externalpurpose'] = 'This information is sent to an external site to be ultimately delivered to the mobile device of the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:fullmessage'] = 'The full message.';
$string['privacy:metadata:notification'] = 'If this message is a notification.';
$string['privacy:metadata:smallmessage'] = 'An section of the message.';
$string['privacy:metadata:smallmessage'] = 'A section of the message.';
$string['privacy:metadata:subject'] = 'The subject line of the message.';
$string['privacy:metadata:tableexplanation'] = 'Airnotifier device information is stored here.';
$string['privacy:metadata:userdeviceid'] = 'The ID linking to the user\'s mobile device';
$string['privacy:metadata:userfromfullname'] = 'The full name of the user that sent the message.';
$string['privacy:metadata:userfromfullname'] = 'The full name of the user who sent the message.';
$string['privacy:metadata:userfromid'] = 'The user ID of the author of the message.';
$string['privacy:metadata:userid'] = 'The user ID.';
$string['privacy:metadata:username'] = 'The username for the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who sent the message.';
$string['privacy:metadata:username'] = 'The username of the user.';
$string['privacy:metadata:usersubsystem'] = 'This plugin is connected to the user subsystem.';
$string['privacy:subcontext'] = 'Message Airnotifier';
$string['sitemustberegistered'] = 'In order to use the public Airnotifier instance you must register your site with';

View File

@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ $string['jabberpassword'] = 'Jabber password';
$string['jabberport'] = 'Jabber port';
$string['notconfigured'] = 'The Jabber server hasn\'t been configured so Jabber messages cannot be sent';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Jabber';
$string['privacy:metadata:contexturl'] = 'The url to view the event.';
$string['privacy:metadata:contexturl'] = 'The URL to view the event.';
$string['privacy:metadata:externalpurpose'] = 'This information is sent to an external Jabber server to be ultimately delivered as a notification message to the recipient.';
$string['privacy:metadata:smallmessage'] = 'The small version of the message.';
$string['privacy:metadata:smallmessage'] = 'A section of the message.';
$string['privacy:metadata:userfrom'] = 'The user sending the notification message.';
$string['privacy:metadata:userto'] = 'The recipient of the notification message.';

View File

@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ $string['previewonly'] = 'This is just a preview of the available options for th
$string['privacy'] = 'Privacy of results';
$string['privacy:metadata:choice_answers'] = 'Information about the user\'s chosen answer(s) for a given choice activity';
$string['privacy:metadata:choice_answers:choiceid'] = 'The ID of the choice activity the user is providing answer for';
$string['privacy:metadata:choice_answers:optionid'] = 'The ID of option that the user selected';
$string['privacy:metadata:choice_answers:optionid'] = 'The ID of the option that the user selected.';
$string['privacy:metadata:choice_answers:userid'] = 'The ID of the user answering this choice activity';
$string['privacy:metadata:choice_answers:timemodified'] = 'The timestamp indicating when the choice was modified by the user';
$string['publish'] = 'Publish results';

View File

@ -220,8 +220,8 @@ $string['position'] = 'Position';
$string['previous_page'] = 'Previous page';
$string['privacy:metadata:completed'] = 'A record of the submissions to the feedback';
$string['privacy:metadata:completed:anonymousresponse'] = 'Whether the submission is to be used anonymously.';
$string['privacy:metadata:completed:timemodified'] = 'The time at which the submission was last modified.';
$string['privacy:metadata:completed:userid'] = 'The user ID';
$string['privacy:metadata:completed:timemodified'] = 'The time when the submission was last modified.';
$string['privacy:metadata:completed:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who completed the feedback activity.';
$string['privacy:metadata:completedtmp'] = 'A record of the submissions which are still in progress.';
$string['privacy:metadata:value'] = 'A record of the answer to a question.';
$string['privacy:metadata:value:value'] = 'The chosen answer.';

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ $string['modulenameplural'] = 'Folders';
$string['newfoldercontent'] = 'New folder content';
$string['page-mod-folder-x'] = 'Any folder module page';
$string['page-mod-folder-view'] = 'Folder module main page';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The mod_folder plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Folder resource plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['pluginadministration'] = 'Folder administration';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Folder';
$string['display'] = 'Display folder contents';

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Feature: Students can edit or delete their forum posts within a set time limit
Scenario: Time limit expires
Given I log out
And I log in as "admin"
And I navigate to "Security > Site policies" in site administration
And I navigate to "Security > Site security settings" in site administration
And I set the field "Maximum time to edit posts" to "1 minutes"
And I press "Save changes"
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage with editing mode on

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Labels may be used
* To add a short description to a course section';
$string['modulename_link'] = 'mod/label/view';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Labels';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The mod_label plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Label resource plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['pluginadministration'] = 'Label administration';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Label';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Label';

View File

@ -24,12 +24,12 @@
$string['alwaysgs'] = 'Use this service for grade sync and column management ';
$string['grade_synchronization'] = 'IMS LTI Assignment and Grade Services: ';
$string['grade_synchronization_help'] = 'Use the IMS LTI Assignment and Grade Service to synchronize the grades instead Basic Outcomes.
$string['grade_synchronization'] = 'IMS LTI Assignment and Grade Services';
$string['grade_synchronization_help'] = 'Whether to use the IMS LTI Assignment and Grade Services to synchronise grades instead of the Basic Outcomes service.
* **Do not use this service** - This will use the basic outcomes features and configuration
* **Do not use this service** - Basic Outcomes features and configuration will be used
* **Use this service for grade sync only** - The service will populate the grades in an already existing gradebook column, but it will not be able to create new columns
* **Use this service for grade sync and column management** - The service will be able to create and update gradebook columns and manage the grades. ';
* **Use this service for grade sync and column management** - The service will be able to create and update gradebook columns and manage the grades.';
$string['modulename'] = 'LTI Grades';
$string['nevergs'] = 'Do not use this service';
$string['partialgs'] = 'Use this service for grade sync only';

View File

@ -64,5 +64,5 @@ $string['printheading'] = 'Display page name';
$string['printheadingexplain'] = 'Display page name above content?';
$string['printintro'] = 'Display page description';
$string['printintroexplain'] = 'Display page description above content?';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The mod_page plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The Page resource plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['search:activity'] = 'Page';

View File

@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ $string['popupwidth'] = 'Pop-up width (in pixels)';
$string['popupwidthexplain'] = 'Specifies default width of popup windows.';
$string['printintro'] = 'Display resource description';
$string['printintroexplain'] = 'Display resource description below content? Some display types may not display description even if enabled.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The mod_resource plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The File resource plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['resource:addinstance'] = 'Add a new resource';
$string['resourcecontent'] = 'Files and subfolders';
$string['resourcedetails_sizetype'] = '{$a->size} {$a->type}';

View File

@ -233,15 +233,15 @@ $string['pluginname'] = 'Survey';
$string['preferred'] = 'Preferred';
$string['preferredclass'] = 'Class preferred';
$string['preferredstudent'] = '{$a} preferred';
$string['privacy:metadata:analysis'] = 'A record of individual\'s answers analysis.';
$string['privacy:metadata:analysis:notes'] = 'Notes saved against an individual\'s answers.';
$string['privacy:metadata:analysis:userid'] = 'The user whose answers it is';
$string['privacy:metadata:analysis'] = 'A record of survey answers analysis.';
$string['privacy:metadata:analysis:notes'] = 'Notes saved against a user\'s answers.';
$string['privacy:metadata:analysis:userid'] = 'The ID of the user answering the survey.';
$string['privacy:metadata:answers'] = 'A collection of answers to surveys.';
$string['privacy:metadata:answers:answer1'] = 'Field to store the answer to a question.';
$string['privacy:metadata:answers:answer2'] = 'Additional field to store the answer to a question.';
$string['privacy:metadata:answers:question'] = 'The question.';
$string['privacy:metadata:answers:time'] = 'The time at which the answer was posted.';
$string['privacy:metadata:answers:userid'] = 'The user who submitted their answer.';
$string['privacy:metadata:answers:time'] = 'The time when the answer was posted.';
$string['privacy:metadata:answers:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who submitted their answer.';
$string['question'] = 'Question';
$string['questions'] = 'Questions';
$string['questionsnotanswered'] = 'Some of the multiple choice questions have not been answered.';

View File

@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ $string['popupwidth'] = 'Pop-up width (in pixels)';
$string['popupwidthexplain'] = 'Specifies default width of popup windows.';
$string['printintro'] = 'Display URL description';
$string['printintroexplain'] = 'Display URL description below content? Some display types may not display description even if enabled.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The mod_url plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['privacy:metadata'] = 'The URL resource plugin does not store any personal data.';
$string['rolesinparams'] = 'Include role names in parameters';
$string['search:activity'] = 'URL';
$string['serverurl'] = 'Server URL';

View File

@ -57,4 +57,4 @@ $string['privacy:metadata:repository_flickr_public'] = 'The Flickr public reposi
$string['privacy:metadata:repository_flickr_public:author'] = 'The Flickr public repository content author.';
$string['privacy:metadata:repository_flickr_public:email_address'] = 'The Flickr public repository user email address.';
$string['privacy:metadata:repository_flickr_public:text'] = 'The Flickr public repository user search text.';
$string['privacy:metadata:repository_flickr_public:user_id'] = 'The Flickr public repository user id.';
$string['privacy:metadata:repository_flickr_public:user_id'] = 'The Flickr public repository user ID.';

View File

@ -35,5 +35,5 @@ $string['sortpublished'] = 'Date Published';
$string['sortrating'] = 'Rating';
$string['sortrelevance'] = 'Relevance';
$string['sortviewcount'] = 'View Count';
$string['privacy:metadata:repository_youtube'] = 'The Youtube videos repository plugin does not store any personal data, but does transmit user data from Moodle to the remote system.';
$string['privacy:metadata:repository_youtube:searchtext'] = 'The Youtube videos repository user search text query.';
$string['privacy:metadata:repository_youtube'] = 'The YouTube videos repository plugin does not store any personal data, but does transmit user data from Moodle to the remote system.';
$string['privacy:metadata:repository_youtube:searchtext'] = 'The YouTube videos repository user search text query.';