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synced 2025-01-19 14:27:22 +01:00
question import/export: MDL-20299 fatal error cause by hotpot format changes
Replaced copy and paste code from mod/hotpot/lib.php with a require_once.
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
* @package questionbank
* @subpackage importexport
require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/hotpot/lib.php');
class qformat_hotpot extends qformat_default {
@ -507,284 +508,3 @@ class qformat_hotpot extends qformat_default {
return $str;
} // end class
// get the standard XML parser supplied with Moodle
class hotpot_xml_tree {
function hotpot_xml_tree($str, $xml_root='') {
if (empty($str)) {
$this->xml = array();
} else {
// encode htmlentities in JCloze
$this->encode_cdata($str, 'gap-fill');
// xmlize (=convert xml to tree)
$this->xml = xmlize($str, 0);
$this->xml_root = $xml_root;
function xml_value($tags, $more_tags="[0]['#']") {
$value = null;
if (isset($this->xml) && is_array($this->xml)) {
$all_tags = $this->xml_root;
if ($tags) {
$all_tags .= "['".str_replace(",", "'][0]['#']['", $tags)."']";
$all_tags .= $more_tags;
$pos = strrpos($all_tags, '[');
if ($pos===false) {
$most_tags = ''; // shouldn't happen !!
} else {
$most_tags = substr($all_tags, 0, $pos);
eval('if (isset($this->xml'.$most_tags.') && is_array($this->xml'.$most_tags.') && isset($this->xml'.$all_tags.')) {'
.'$value = &$this->xml'.$all_tags.';'
.'} else {'
.'$value = null;'
if (is_string($value)) {
// decode angle brackets and ampersands
$value = strtr($value, array('<'=>'<', '>'=>'>', '&'=>'&'));
// remove white space between <table>, <ul|OL|DL> and <OBJECT|EMBED> parts
// (so it doesn't get converted to <br />)
$htmltags = '('
. '|OL|UL|/?LI'
. '|DL|/?DT|/?DD'
. ')'
$search = '#(<'.$htmltags.'[^>]*'.'>)\s+'.'(?='.'<'.')#is';
$value = preg_replace($search, '\\1', $value);
// replace remaining newlines with <br />
$value = str_replace("\n", '<br />', $value);
// encode unicode characters as HTML entities
// (in particular, accented charaters that have not been encoded by HP)
// multibyte unicode characters can be detected by checking the hex value of the first character
// 00 - 7F : ascii char (roman alphabet + punctuation)
// 80 - BF : byte 2, 3 or 4 of a unicode char
// C0 - DF : 1st byte of 2-byte char
// E0 - EF : 1st byte of 3-byte char
// F0 - FF : 1st byte of 4-byte char
// if the string doesn't match the above, it might be
// 80 - FF : single-byte, non-ascii char
$search = '#('.'[\xc0-\xdf][\x80-\xbf]'.'|'.'[\xe0-\xef][\x80-\xbf]{2}'.'|'.'[\xf0-\xff][\x80-\xbf]{3}'.'|'.'[\x80-\xff]'.')#se';
$value = preg_replace($search, "hotpot_utf8_to_html_entity('\\1')", $value);
return $value;
function encode_cdata(&$str, $tag) {
// conversion tables
static $HTML_ENTITIES = array(
''' => "'",
'"' => '"',
'<' => '<',
'>' => '>',
'&' => '&',
static $ILLEGAL_STRINGS = array(
"\r" => '',
"\n" => '<br />',
']]>' => ']]>',
// extract the $tag from the $str(ing), if possible
$pattern = '|(^.*<'.$tag.'[^>]*)(>.*<)(/'.$tag.'>.*$)|is';
if (preg_match($pattern, $str, $matches)) {
// encode problematic CDATA chars and strings
$matches[2] = strtr($matches[2], $ILLEGAL_STRINGS);
// if there are any ampersands in "open text"
// surround them by CDATA start and end markers
// (and convert HTML entities to plain text)
$search = '/>([^<]*&[^<]*)</e';
$replace = '"><![CDATA[".strtr("$1", $HTML_ENTITIES)."]]><"';
$matches[2] = preg_replace($search, $replace, $matches[2]);
$str = $matches[1].$matches[2].$matches[3];
function hotpot_charcode_to_utf8($charcode) {
if ($charcode <= 0x7F) {
// ascii char (roman alphabet + punctuation)
return chr($charcode);
if ($charcode <= 0x7FF) {
// 2-byte char
return chr(($charcode >> 0x06) + 0xC0).chr(($charcode & 0x3F) + 128);
if ($charcode <= 0xFFFF) {
// 3-byte char
return chr(($charcode >> 0x0C) + 0xE0).chr((($charcode >> 0x06) & 0x3F) + 0x80).chr(($charcode & 0x3F) + 0x80);
if ($charcode <= 0x1FFFFF) {
// 4-byte char
return chr(($charcode >> 0x12) + 0xF0).chr((($charcode >> 0x0C) & 0x3F) + 0x80).chr((($charcode >> 0x06) & 0x3F) + 0x80).chr(($charcode & 0x3F) + 0x80);
// unidentified char code !!
return ' ';
function hotpot_utf8_to_html_entity($char) {
// http://www.zend.com/codex.php?id=835&single=1
// array used to figure what number to decrement from character order value
// according to number of characters used to map unicode to ascii by utf-8
static $HOTPOT_UTF8_DECREMENT = array(
1=>0, 2=>192, 3=>224, 4=>240
// the number of bits to shift each character by
static $HOTPOT_UTF8_SHIFT = array(
2=>array(0=>6, 1=>0),
3=>array(0=>12, 1=>6, 2=>0),
4=>array(0=>18, 1=>12, 2=>6, 3=>0)
$dec = 0;
$len = strlen($char);
for ($pos=0; $pos<$len; $pos++) {
$ord = ord ($char{$pos});
$ord -= ($pos ? 128 : $HOTPOT_UTF8_DECREMENT[$len]);
$dec += ($ord << $HOTPOT_UTF8_SHIFT[$len][$pos]);
return '&#x'.sprintf('%04X', $dec).';';
function hotpot_convert_relative_urls($str, $baseurl, $filename) {
$tagopen = '(?:(<)|(<)|(&#x003C;))'; // left angle bracket
$tagclose = '(?(2)>|(?(3)>|(?(4)&#x003E;)))'; // right angle bracket (to match left angle bracket)
$space = '\s+'; // at least one space
$anychar = '(?:[^>]*?)'; // any character
$quoteopen = '("|"|&quot;)'; // open quote
$quoteclose = '\\5'; // close quote (to match open quote)
$replace = "hotpot_convert_relative_url('".$baseurl."', '".$filename."', '\\1', '\\6', '\\7')";
$tags = array('script'=>'src', 'link'=>'href', 'a'=>'href','img'=>'src','param'=>'value', 'object'=>'data', 'embed'=>'src');
foreach ($tags as $tag=>$attribute) {
if ($tag=='param') {
$url = '\S+?\.\S+?'; // must include a filename and have no spaces
} else {
$url = '.*?';
$search = "%($tagopen$tag$space$anychar$attribute=$quoteopen)($url)($quoteclose$anychar$tagclose)%ise";
$str = preg_replace($search, $replace, $str);
return $str;
function hotpot_convert_relative_url($baseurl, $filename, $opentag, $url, $closetag, $depricated=true) {
// catch <PARAM name="FlashVars" value="TheSound=soundfile.mp3">
// ampersands can appear as "&", "&" or "&#x0026;amp;"
if (preg_match('|^'.'\w+=[^&]+'.'('.'&((amp;#x0026;)?amp;)?'.'\w+=[^&]+)*'.'$|', $url)) {
$query = $url;
$url = '';
$fragment = '';
// parse the $url into $matches
// [1] path
// [2] query string, if any
// [3] anchor fragment, if any
} else if (preg_match('|^'.'([^?]*)'.'((?:\\?[^#]*)?)'.'((?:#.*)?)'.'$|', $url, $matches)) {
$url = $matches[1];
$query = $matches[2];
$fragment = $matches[3];
// there appears to be no query or fragment in this url
} else {
$query = '';
$fragment = '';
if ($url) {
$url = hotpot_convert_url($baseurl, $filename, $url, false);
if ($query) {
$search = '#'.'(file|src|thesound)='."([^&]+)".'#ise';
$replace = "'\\1='.hotpot_convert_url('".$baseurl."','".$filename."','\\2')";
$query = preg_replace($search, $replace, $query);
$url = $opentag.$url.$query.$fragment.$closetag;
return $url;
function hotpot_convert_url($baseurl, $filename, $url, $depricated=true) {
// maintain a cache of converted urls
static $HOTPOT_RELATIVE_URLS = array();
// is this an absolute url? (or javascript pseudo url)
if (preg_match('%^(http://|/|javascript:)%i', $url)) {
// do nothing
// has this relative url already been converted?
} else if (isset($HOTPOT_RELATIVE_URLS[$url])) {
} else {
$relativeurl = $url;
// get the subdirectory, $dir, of the quiz $filename
$dir = dirname($filename);
// allow for leading "./" and "../"
while (preg_match('|^(\.{1,2})/(.*)$|', $url, $matches)) {
if ($matches[1]=='..') {
$dir = dirname($dir);
$url = $matches[2];
// add subdirectory, $dir, to $baseurl, if necessary
if ($dir && $dir<>'.') {
$baseurl .= "$dir/";
// prefix $url with $baseurl
$url = "$baseurl$url";
// add url to cache
$HOTPOT_RELATIVE_URLS[$relativeurl] = $url;
return $url;
// allow importing in Moodle v1.4 (and less)
// same core functions but different class name
if (!class_exists("quiz_file_format")) {
class quiz_file_format extends qformat_default {
function readquestions ($lines) {
$format = new qformat_hotpot();
return $format->readquestions($lines);
Reference in New Issue
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