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synced 2025-03-14 12:40:01 +01:00
Merge branch 'MDL-57133-master-enfix' of git://github.com/mudrd8mz/moodle
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,6 +23,6 @@
$string['auth_pamdescription'] = 'This method uses PAM to access the native usernames on this server. You have to install <a href="http://www.math.ohio-state.edu/~ccunning/pam_auth/">PHP4 PAM Authentication</a> in order to use this module.';
$string['auth_passwordisexpired'] = 'Your password is expired. Do you want change your password now?';
$string['auth_passwordwillexpire'] = 'Your password will expire in {$a} days. Do you want change your password now?';
$string['auth_passwordisexpired'] = 'Your password has expired. Do you want to change your password now?';
$string['auth_passwordwillexpire'] = 'Your password will expire in {$a} days. Do you want to change your password now?';
$string['pluginname'] = 'PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules)';
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
$string['addcriterion'] = 'Add criterion';
$string['alwaysshowdefinition'] = 'Allow users to preview rubric used in the module (otherwise rubric will only become visible after grading)';
$string['alwaysshowdefinition'] = 'Allow users to preview rubric (otherwise it will only be displayed after grading)';
$string['backtoediting'] = 'Back to editing';
$string['confirmdeletecriterion'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this criterion?';
$string['confirmdeletelevel'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this level?';
@ -53,11 +53,8 @@ $string['leveldelete'] = 'Delete level {$a}';
$string['leveldefinition'] = 'Level {$a} definition';
$string['levelempty'] = 'Click to edit level';
$string['levelsgroup'] = 'Levels group';
$string['lockzeropoints'] = 'When converting rubric score to points/scale assume that minimum number of points is 0';
$string['lockzeropoints_help'] = 'Locking the minimum number of points will allow to create rubrics without 0-levels. This may also mean that 0% grade on this rubric is not possible to achieve.<br />
The maximum score in the rubric is always converted to the maximum grade.<br />
When this setting is unchecked, the minimum possible score for this rubric will be converted to the minimum grade available in the module (which is zero unless the scale is used).<br />
<a href="https://docs.moodle.org/en/Rubrics#Grade_calculation">Explanation of rubrics grade calculation</a>';
$string['lockzeropoints'] = 'Calculate grade based on the rubric having a minimum score of 0';
$string['lockzeropoints_help'] = 'This setting only applies if the sum of the minimum number of points for each criterion is greater than 0. If ticked, the minimum achievable grade for the rubric will be greater than 0. If unticked, the minimum possible score for the rubric will be mapped to the minimum grade available for the activity (which is 0 unless a scale is used).';
$string['name'] = 'Name';
$string['needregrademessage'] = 'The rubric definition was changed after this student had been graded. The student can not see this rubric until you check the rubric and update the grade.';
$string['pluginname'] = 'Rubric';
@ -69,11 +66,11 @@ $string['regradeoption1'] = 'Mark for regrade';
$string['restoredfromdraft'] = 'NOTE: The last attempt to grade this person was not saved properly so draft grades have been restored. If you want to cancel these changes use the \'Cancel\' button below.';
$string['rubric'] = 'Rubric';
$string['rubricmapping'] = 'Score to grade mapping rules';
$string['rubricmappingexplained'] = 'The minimum possible score for this rubric is <b>{$a->minscore} points</b> and it will be converted to the minimum grade available in this module (which is zero unless the scale is used).
The maximum score <b>{$a->maxscore} points</b> will be converted to the maximum grade.<br />
Intermediate scores will be converted respectively.<br />
If a scale is used for grading, the score will be rounded and converted to the scale elements as if they were consecutive integers.<br><br>
You can change the method of grade calculation in the Rubic options section below.';
$string['rubricmappingexplained'] = 'The minimum possible score for this rubric is <b>{$a->minscore} points</b>. It will be converted to the minimum grade available for the activity (which is 0 unless a scale is used). The maximum score of <b>{$a->maxscore} points</b> will be converted to the maximum grade. Intermediate scores will be converted respectively.
If a scale is used for grading, the score will be rounded and converted to the scale elements as if they were consecutive integers.
This grade calculation may be changed by editing the form and ticking the box \'Calculate grade based on the rubric having a minimum score of 0\'.';
$string['rubricnotcompleted'] = 'Please choose something for each criterion';
$string['rubricoptions'] = 'Rubric options';
$string['rubricstatus'] = 'Current rubric status';
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ Feature: Rubrics can be created and edited
And I log in as "teacher1"
And I follow "Course 1"
And I go to "Test assignment 1 name" advanced grading definition page
And I set the field "Allow users to preview rubric used in the module (otherwise rubric will only become visible after grading)" to ""
And I set the field "Allow users to preview rubric (otherwise it will only be displayed after grading)" to ""
And I set the field "Display rubric description during evaluation" to ""
And I set the field "Display rubric description to those being graded" to ""
And I set the field "Display points for each level during evaluation" to ""
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Feature: Converting rubric score to grades
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Name | Assignment 1 rubric |
| Description | Rubric test description |
| When converting rubric score to points/scale assume that minimum number of points is 0 | <lockzeropoints> |
| Calculate grade based on the rubric having a minimum score of 0 | <lockzeropoints> |
And I define the following rubric:
| Criterion 1 | Level 11 | 20 | Level 12 | 25 | Level 13 | 40 | Level 14 | 50 |
| Criterion 2 | Level 21 | 20 | Level 22 | 25 | Level 23 | 30 | | |
@ -678,9 +678,9 @@ $string['loginpasswordautocomplete'] = 'Prevent password autocompletion on login
$string['loginpasswordautocomplete_help'] = 'If enabled, users are not allowed to save their account password in their browser.';
$string['loglifetime'] = 'Keep logs for';
$string['logo'] = 'Logo';
$string['logo_desc'] = 'A full logo. The image format must be PNG or JPEG.';
$string['logo_desc'] = 'A full logo to be used as decoration by some themes (such as core themes). This image can be quite high resolution because it will be scaled down for use (and cached for performance). Logos that are wider than they are high usually give better results. Formats accepted: PNG and JPG.';
$string['logocompact'] = 'Compact logo';
$string['logocompact_desc'] = 'A compact version of the logo. The image format must be PNG or JPEG.';
$string['logocompact_desc'] = 'A compact version of the same logo as above, such as an emblem, shield or icon. The image should be clear even at small sizes. Formats accepted: PNG and JPG.';
$string['logossettings'] = 'Logos';
$string['logstorenotrequired'] = 'Log store not required';
$string['logstoressupported'] = 'Log stores that support this report';
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ $string['auth_invalidnewemailkey'] = 'Error: if you are trying to confirm a chan
$string['auth_multiplehosts'] = 'Multiple hosts OR addresses can be specified (eg host1.com;host2.com;host3.com) or (eg xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx;xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)';
$string['auth_notconfigured'] = 'The authentication method {$a} is not configured.';
$string['auth_outofnewemailupdateattempts'] = 'You have run out of allowed attempts to update your email address. Your update request has been cancelled.';
$string['auth_passwordisexpired'] = 'Your password is expired. Do you want change your password now?';
$string['auth_passwordwillexpire'] = 'Your password will expire in {$a} days. Do you want change your password now?';
$string['auth_passwordisexpired'] = 'Your password has expired. Do you want to change your password now?';
$string['auth_passwordwillexpire'] = 'Your password will expire in {$a} days. Do you want to change your password now?';
$string['auth_remove_delete'] = 'Full delete internal';
$string['auth_remove_keep'] = 'Keep internal';
$string['auth_remove_suspend'] = 'Suspend internal';
@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ $string['showmessagewindownonew'] = 'Show message window with no new messages';
$string['showmessagewindowwithcount'] = 'Show message window with {$a} new messages';
$string['shownotificationwindownonew'] = 'Show notification window with no new notifications';
$string['shownotificationwindowwithcount'] = 'Show notification window with {$a} new notifications';
$string['togglenotificationmenu'] = 'Toggle notification menu';
$string['togglemessagemenu'] = 'Toggle message menu';
$string['togglenotificationmenu'] = 'Toggle notifications menu';
$string['togglemessagemenu'] = 'Toggle messages menu';
$string['touserdoesntexist'] = 'You can not send a message to a user id ({$a}) that doesn\'t exist';
$string['unblockcontact'] = 'Unblock contact';
$string['unreadnotification'] = 'Unread notification: {$a}';
Reference in New Issue
Block a user