mirror of
synced 2025-01-17 21:49:15 +01:00
output: MDL-19690 icon_finder classes and $OUTPUT->mod/old_icon_url
This is ready to replace $CFG->pixpath and $CFG->modpixpath soon.
This commit is contained in:
@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
* Which renderer factory to use is chose by the current theme, and an instance
* if created automatically when the theme is set up.
* A renderer factory must also have a constructor that takes a theme object and
* a moodle_page object. (See {@link renderer_factory_base::__construct} for an example.)
* A renderer factory must also have a constructor that takes a theme_config object.
* (See {@link renderer_factory_base::__construct} for an example.)
* @copyright 2009 Tim Hunt
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
@ -57,10 +57,559 @@ interface renderer_factory {
* 'Duck typing'. For a tricky example, see {@link template_renderer} below.
* renderer ob
* @param $module the name of part of moodle. E.g. 'core', 'quiz', 'qtype_multichoice'.
* @param string $component name such as 'core', 'mod_forum' or 'qtype_multichoice'.
* @param moodle_page $page the page the renderer is outputting content for.
* @return object an object implementing the requested renderer interface.
public function get_renderer($module, $page);
public function get_renderer($component, $page);
* An icon finder is responsible for working out the correct URL for an icon.
* A icon finder must also have a constructor that takes a theme object.
* (See {@link standard_icon_finder::__construct} for an example.)
* Note that we are planning to change the Moodle icon naming convention before
* the Moodle 2.0 relase. Therefore, this API will probably change.
* @copyright 2009 Tim Hunt
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* @since Moodle 2.0
interface icon_finder {
* Return the URL for an icon indentifed as in pre-Moodle 2.0 code.
* Suppose you have old code like $url = "$CFG->pixpath/i/course.gif";
* then old_icon_url('i/course'); will return the equivalent URL that is correct now.
* @param $iconname the name of the icon.
* @return string the URL for that icon.
public function old_icon_url($iconname);
* Return the URL for an icon indentifed as in pre-Moodle 2.0 code.
* Suppose you have old code like $url = "$CFG->modpixpath/$mod/icon.gif";
* then mod_icon_url('icon', $mod); will return the equivalent URL that is correct now.
* @param $iconname the name of the icon.
* @param $module the module the icon belongs to.
* @return string the URL for that icon.
public function mod_icon_url($iconname, $module);
*This class represents the configuration variables of a Moodle theme.
* Normally, to create an instance of this class, you should use the
* {@link theme_config::load()} factory method to load a themes config.php file.
* @copyright 2009 Tim Hunt
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* @since Moodle 2.0
class theme_config {
* @var array The names of all the stylesheets from this theme that you would
* like included, in order.
public $sheets = array('styles_layout', 'styles_fonts', 'styles_color');
public $standardsheets = true;
/// This variable can be set to an array containing
/// filenames from the *STANDARD* theme. If the
/// array exists, it will be used to choose the
/// files to include in the standard style sheet.
/// When false, then no files are used.
/// When true or NON-EXISTENT, then ALL standard files are used.
/// This parameter can be used, for example, to prevent
/// having to override too many classes.
/// Note that the trailing .css should not be included
/// eg $THEME->standardsheets = array('styles_layout','styles_fonts','styles_color');
public $parent = null;
/// This variable can be set to the name of a parent theme
/// which you want to have included before the current theme.
/// This can make it easy to make modifications to another
/// theme without having to actually change the files
/// If this variable is empty or false then a parent theme
/// is not used.
public $parentsheets = false;
/// This variable can be set to an array containing
/// filenames from a chosen *PARENT* theme. If the
/// array exists, it will be used to choose the
/// files to include in the standard style sheet.
/// When false, then no files are used.
/// When true or NON-EXISTENT, then ALL standard files are used.
/// This parameter can be used, for example, to prevent
/// having to override too many classes.
/// Note that the trailing .css should not be included
/// eg $THEME->parentsheets = array('styles_layout','styles_fonts','styles_color');
public $modsheets = true;
/// When this is enabled, then this theme will search for
/// files named "styles.php" inside all Activity modules and
/// include them. This allows modules to provide some basic
/// layouts so they work out of the box.
/// It is HIGHLY recommended to leave this enabled.
public $blocksheets = true;
/// When this is enabled, then this theme will search for
/// files named "styles.php" inside all Block modules and
/// include them. This allows Blocks to provide some basic
/// layouts so they work out of the box.
/// It is HIGHLY recommended to leave this enabled.
public $langsheets = false;
/// By setting this to true, then this theme will search for
/// a file named "styles.php" inside the current language
/// directory. This allows different languages to provide
/// different styles.
public $courseformatsheets = true;
/// When this is enabled, this theme will search for files
/// named "styles.php" inside all course formats and
/// include them. This allows course formats to provide
/// their own default styles.
public $metainclude = false;
/// When this is enabled (or not set!) then Moodle will try
/// to include a file meta.php from this theme into the
/// <head></head> part of the page.
public $standardmetainclude = true;
/// When this is enabled (or not set!) then Moodle will try
/// to include a file meta.php from the standard theme into the
/// <head></head> part of the page.
public $parentmetainclude = false;
/// When this is enabled (or not set!) then Moodle will try
/// to include a file meta.php from the parent theme into the
/// <head></head> part of the page.
public $navmenuwidth = 50;
/// You can use this to control the cutoff point for strings
/// in the navmenus (list of activities in popup menu etc)
/// Default is 50 characters wide.
public $makenavmenulist = false;
/// By setting this to true, then you will have access to a
/// new variable in your header.html and footer.html called
/// $navmenulist ... this contains a simple XHTML menu of
/// all activities in the current course, mostly useful for
/// creating popup navigation menus and so on.
public $resource_mp3player_colors = 'bgColour=000000&btnColour=ffffff&btnBorderColour=cccccc&iconColour=000000&iconOverColour=00cc00&trackColour=cccccc&handleColour=ffffff&loaderColour=ffffff&font=Arial&fontColour=3333FF&buffer=10&waitForPlay=no&autoPlay=yes';
/// With this you can control the colours of the "big" MP3 player
/// that is used for MP3 resources.
public $filter_mediaplugin_colors = 'bgColour=000000&btnColour=ffffff&btnBorderColour=cccccc&iconColour=000000&iconOverColour=00cc00&trackColour=cccccc&handleColour=ffffff&loaderColour=ffffff&waitForPlay=yes';
/// ...And this controls the small embedded player
public $custompix = false;
/// If true, then this theme must have a "pix"
/// subdirectory that contains copies of all
/// files from the moodle/pix directory, plus a
/// "pix/mod" directory containing all the icons
/// for all the activity modules.
///$THEME->rarrow = '►' //OR '→';
///$THEME->larrow = '◄' //OR '←';
///$CFG->block_search_button = link_arrow_right(get_string('search'), $url='', $accesshide=true);
/// Accessibility: Right and left arrow-like characters are
/// used in the breadcrumb trail, course navigation menu
/// (previous/next activity), calendar, and search forum block.
/// If the theme does not set characters, appropriate defaults
/// are set by (lib/weblib.php:check_theme_arrows). The suggestions
/// above are 'silent' in a screen-reader like JAWS. Please DO NOT
/// use < > » - these are confusing for blind users.
public $blockregions = array('side-pre', 'side-post');
public $defaultblockregion = 'side-post';
/// Areas where blocks may appear on any page that uses this theme. For each
/// region you list in $THEME->blockregions you must call blocks_print_group
/// with that region id somewhere in header.html or footer.html.
/// defaultblockregion is the region where new blocks will be added, and
/// where any blocks in unrecognised regions will be shown. (Suppose someone
/// added a block when anther theme was selected).
/** @var string the name of this theme. Set automatically. */
public $name;
/** @var string the folder where this themes fiels are stored. $CFG->themedir . '/' . $this->name */
public $dir;
/** @var string Name of the renderer factory class to use. */
public $rendererfactory = 'standard_renderer_factory';
/** @var renderer_factory Instance of the renderer_factory class. */
protected $rf = null;
/** @var string Name of the icon finder class to use. */
public $iconfinder = 'pix_icon_finder';
/** @var renderer_factory Instance of the renderer_factory class. */
protected $if = null;
* If you want to do custom processing on the CSS before it is output (for
* example, to replace certain variable names with particular values) you can
* give the name of a function here.
* There are two functions avaiable that you may wish to use (defined in lib/outputlib.php):
* output_css_replacing_constants
* output_css_for_css_edit
* If you wish to write your own function, use those two as examples, and it
* should be clear what you have to do.
* @var string the name of a function.
public $customcssoutputfunction = null;
* Load the config.php file for a particular theme, and return an instance
* of this class. (That is, this is a factory method.)
* @param string $themename the name of the theme.
* @return theme_config an instance of this class.
public static function load($themename) {
global $CFG;
// We have to use the variable name $THEME (upper case) becuase that
// is what is used in theme config.php files.
// Set some other standard properties of the theme.
$THEME = new theme_config;
$THEME->name = $themename;
$THEME->dir = $CFG->themedir . '/' . $themename;
// Load up the theme config
$configfile = $THEME->dir . '/config.php';
if (!is_readable($configfile)) {
throw new coding_exception('Cannot use theme ' . $themename .
'. The file ' . $configfile . ' does not exist or is not readable.');
return $THEME;
* Get the renderer for a part of Moodle for this theme.
* @param string $module the name of part of moodle. E.g. 'core', 'quiz', 'qtype_multichoice'.
* @param moodle_page $page the page we are rendering
* @return moodle_renderer_base the requested renderer.
public function get_renderer($module, $page) {
if (is_null($this->rf)) {
$classname = 'cli_renderer_factory';
} else {
$classname = $this->rendererfactory;
$this->rf = new $classname($this);
return $this->rf->get_renderer($module, $page);
* Get the renderer for a part of Moodle for this theme.
* @return moodle_renderer_base the requested renderer.
protected function get_icon_finder() {
if (is_null($this->if)) {
$classname = $this->iconfinder;
$this->if = new $classname($this);
return $this->if;
* Return the URL for an icon indentifed as in pre-Moodle 2.0 code.
* Suppose you have old code like $url = "$CFG->pixpath/i/course.gif";
* then old_icon_url('i/course'); will return the equivalent URL that is correct now.
* @param $iconname the name of the icon.
* @return string the URL for that icon.
public function old_icon_url($iconname) {
return $this->if->old_icon_url($iconname);
* Return the URL for an icon indentifed as in pre-Moodle 2.0 code.
* Suppose you have old code like $url = "$CFG->modpixpath/$mod/icon.gif";
* then mod_icon_url('icon', $mod); will return the equivalent URL that is correct now.
* @param $iconname the name of the icon.
* @param $module the module the icon belongs to.
* @return string the URL for that icon.
public function mod_icon_url($iconname, $module) {
return $this->if->mod_icon_url($iconname, $module);
* Get the list of stylesheet URLs that need to go in the header for this theme.
* @return array of URLs.
public function get_stylesheet_urls() {
global $CFG;
// Put together the parameters
$params = '?for=' . $this->name;
// Stylesheets, in order (standard, parent, this - some of which may be the same).
$stylesheets = array();
if ($this->name != 'standard' && $this->standardsheets) {
$stylesheets[] = $CFG->httpsthemewww . '/standard/styles.php' . $params;
if (!empty($this->parent)) {
$stylesheets[] = $CFG->httpsthemewww . '/' . $this->parent . '/styles.php' . $params;
// Pass on the current language, if it will be needed.
if (!empty($this->langsheets)) {
$params .= '&lang=' . current_language();
$stylesheets[] = $CFG->httpsthemewww . '/' . $this->name . '/styles.php' . $params;
// Additional styles for right-to-left languages.
if (right_to_left()) {
$stylesheets[] = $CFG->httpsthemewww . '/standard/rtl.css';
if (!empty($this->parent) && file_exists($CFG->themedir . '/' . $this->parent . '/rtl.css')) {
$stylesheets[] = $CFG->httpsthemewww . '/' . $this->parent . '/rtl.css';
if (file_exists($this->dir . '/rtl.css')) {
$stylesheets[] = $CFG->httpsthemewww . '/' . $this->name . '/rtl.css';
return $stylesheets;
* This methon looks a the settings that have been loaded, to see whether
* any legacy things are being used, and outputs warning and tries to update
* things to use equivalent newer settings.
protected function update_legacy_information() {
global $CFG;
if (!empty($this->customcorners)) {
// $THEME->customcorners is deprecated but we provide support for it via the
// custom_corners_renderer_factory class in lib/deprecatedlib.php
debugging('$THEME->customcorners is deprecated. Please use the new $THEME->rendererfactory ' .
'to control HTML generation. Please use $this->rendererfactory = \'custom_corners_renderer_factory\'; ' .
'in your config.php file instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$this->rendererfactory = 'custom_corners_renderer_factory';
if (!empty($this->cssconstants)) {
debugging('$THEME->cssconstants is deprecated. Please use ' .
'$THEME->customcssoutputfunction = \'output_css_replacing_constants\'; ' .
'in your config.php file instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$this->customcssoutputfunction = 'output_css_replacing_constants';
if (!empty($this->CSSEdit)) {
debugging('$THEME->CSSEdit is deprecated. Please use ' .
'$THEME->customcssoutputfunction = \'output_css_for_css_edit\'; ' .
'in your config.php file instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$this->customcssoutputfunction = 'output_css_for_css_edit';
if ($CFG->smartpix) {
$this->iconfinder = 'smartpix_icon_finder';
} else if ($this->custompix) {
$this->iconfinder = 'theme_icon_finder';
* Set the variable $CFG->pixpath and $CFG->modpixpath to be the right
* ones for this theme.
public function setup_cfg_paths() {
global $CFG;
if (!empty($CFG->smartpix)) {
if ($CFG->slasharguments) {
// Use this method if possible for better caching
$extra = '';
} else {
$extra = '?file=';
$CFG->pixpath = $CFG->httpswwwroot . '/pix/smartpix.php' . $extra . '/' . $this->name;
$CFG->modpixpath = $CFG->httpswwwroot . '/pix/smartpix.php' . $extra . '/' . $this->name . '/mod';
} else if (empty($THEME->custompix)) {
$CFG->pixpath = $CFG->httpswwwroot . '/pix';
$CFG->modpixpath = $CFG->httpswwwroot . '/mod';
} else {
$CFG->pixpath = $CFG->httpsthemewww . '/' . $this->name . '/pix';
$CFG->modpixpath = $CFG->httpsthemewww . '/' . $this->name . '/pix/mod';
* This icon finder implements the old scheme that was used when themes that had
* $THEME->custompix = false.
* @copyright 2009 Tim Hunt
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* @since Moodle 2.0
class pix_icon_finder implements icon_finder {
* Constructor
* @param theme_config $theme the theme we are finding icons for (which is irrelevant).
public function __construct($theme) {
/* Implement interface method. */
public function old_icon_url($iconname) {
global $CFG;
return $CFG->httpswwwroot . '/pix/' . $iconname . '.gif';
/* Implement interface method. */
public function mod_icon_url($iconname, $module) {
global $CFG;
return $CFG->httpswwwroot . '/mod/' . $module . '/' . $iconname . '.gif';
* This icon finder implements the old scheme that was used for themes that had
* $THEME->custompix = true.
* @copyright 2009 Tim Hunt
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* @since Moodle 2.0
class theme_icon_finder implements icon_finder {
protected $themename;
* Constructor
* @param theme_config $theme the theme we are finding icons for.
public function __construct($theme) {
$this->themename = $theme->name;
/* Implement interface method. */
public function old_icon_url($iconname) {
global $CFG;
return $CFG->httpsthemewww . '/' . $this->themename . '/pix/' . $iconname . '.gif';
/* Implement interface method. */
public function mod_icon_url($iconname, $module) {
global $CFG;
return $CFG->httpsthemewww . '/' . $this->themename . '/pix/mod/' . $module . '/' . $iconname . '.gif';
* This icon finder implements the algorithm in pix/smartpix.php.
* @copyright 2009 Tim Hunt
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* @since Moodle 2.0
class smartpix_icon_finder extends pix_icon_finder {
protected $places = array();
* Constructor
* @param theme_config $theme the theme we are finding icons for.
public function __construct($theme) {
global $CFG;
$this->places[$CFG->themedir . '/' . $theme->name . '/pix/'] =
$CFG->httpsthemewww . '/' . $theme->name . '/pix/';
if (!empty($theme->parent)) {
$this->places[$CFG->themedir . '/' . $theme->parent . '/pix/'] =
$CFG->httpsthemewww . '/' . $theme->parent . '/pix/';
/* Implement interface method. */
public function old_icon_url($iconname) {
foreach ($this->places as $dirroot => $urlroot) {
if (file_exists($dirroot . $iconname . '.gif')) {
return $iconname . $iconname . '.gif';
return parent::old_icon_url($iconname);
/* Implement interface method. */
public function mod_icon_url($iconname, $module) {
foreach ($this->places as $dirroot => $urlroot) {
if (file_exists($dirroot . 'mod/' . $iconname . '.gif')) {
return $iconname . 'mod/' . $iconname . '.gif';
return parent::old_icon_url($iconname);
@ -95,15 +644,17 @@ abstract class renderer_factory_base implements renderer_factory {
* Also, if it exists, include the renderer.php file for that module, so
* the class definition of the default renderer has been loaded.
* @param string $module the name of part of moodle. E.g. 'core', 'quiz', 'qtype_multichoice'.
* @param string $component name such as 'core', 'mod_forum' or 'qtype_multichoice'.
* @return string the name of the standard renderer class for that module.
protected function standard_renderer_class_for_module($module) {
$pluginrenderer = get_plugin_dir($module) . '/renderer.php';
if (file_exists($pluginrenderer)) {
protected function standard_renderer_class_for_module($component) {
if ($component != 'core') {
$pluginrenderer = get_component_directory($component) . '/renderer.php';
if (file_exists($pluginrenderer)) {
$class = 'moodle_' . $module . '_renderer';
$class = 'moodle_' . $component . '_renderer';
if (!class_exists($class)) {
throw new coding_exception('Request for an unknown renderer class ' . $class);
@ -357,6 +908,33 @@ class moodle_renderer_base {
return $classes;
* Return the URL for an icon indentifed as in pre-Moodle 2.0 code.
* Suppose you have old code like $url = "$CFG->pixpath/i/course.gif";
* then old_icon_url('i/course'); will return the equivalent URL that is correct now.
* @param $iconname the name of the icon.
* @return string the URL for that icon.
public function old_icon_url($iconname) {
return $this->page->theme->old_icon_url($iconname);
* Return the URL for an icon indentifed as in pre-Moodle 2.0 code.
* Suppose you have old code like $url = "$CFG->modpixpath/$mod/icon.gif";
* then mod_icon_url('icon', $mod); will return the equivalent URL that is correct now.
* @param $iconname the name of the icon.
* @param $module the module the icon belongs to.
* @return string the URL for that icon.
public function mod_icon_url($iconname, $module) {
return $this->page->theme->mod_icon_url($iconname, $module);
@ -1352,356 +1930,6 @@ class moodle_core_renderer extends moodle_renderer_base {
*This class represents the configuration variables of a Moodle theme.
* Normally, to create an instance of this class, you should use the
* {@link theme_config::load()} factory method to load a themes config.php file.
* @copyright 2009 Tim Hunt
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
* @since Moodle 2.0
class theme_config {
* @var array The names of all the stylesheets from this theme that you would
* like included, in order.
public $sheets = array('styles_layout', 'styles_fonts', 'styles_color');
public $standardsheets = true;
/// This variable can be set to an array containing
/// filenames from the *STANDARD* theme. If the
/// array exists, it will be used to choose the
/// files to include in the standard style sheet.
/// When false, then no files are used.
/// When true or NON-EXISTENT, then ALL standard files are used.
/// This parameter can be used, for example, to prevent
/// having to override too many classes.
/// Note that the trailing .css should not be included
/// eg $THEME->standardsheets = array('styles_layout','styles_fonts','styles_color');
public $parent = null;
/// This variable can be set to the name of a parent theme
/// which you want to have included before the current theme.
/// This can make it easy to make modifications to another
/// theme without having to actually change the files
/// If this variable is empty or false then a parent theme
/// is not used.
public $parentsheets = false;
/// This variable can be set to an array containing
/// filenames from a chosen *PARENT* theme. If the
/// array exists, it will be used to choose the
/// files to include in the standard style sheet.
/// When false, then no files are used.
/// When true or NON-EXISTENT, then ALL standard files are used.
/// This parameter can be used, for example, to prevent
/// having to override too many classes.
/// Note that the trailing .css should not be included
/// eg $THEME->parentsheets = array('styles_layout','styles_fonts','styles_color');
public $modsheets = true;
/// When this is enabled, then this theme will search for
/// files named "styles.php" inside all Activity modules and
/// include them. This allows modules to provide some basic
/// layouts so they work out of the box.
/// It is HIGHLY recommended to leave this enabled.
public $blocksheets = true;
/// When this is enabled, then this theme will search for
/// files named "styles.php" inside all Block modules and
/// include them. This allows Blocks to provide some basic
/// layouts so they work out of the box.
/// It is HIGHLY recommended to leave this enabled.
public $langsheets = false;
/// By setting this to true, then this theme will search for
/// a file named "styles.php" inside the current language
/// directory. This allows different languages to provide
/// different styles.
public $courseformatsheets = true;
/// When this is enabled, this theme will search for files
/// named "styles.php" inside all course formats and
/// include them. This allows course formats to provide
/// their own default styles.
public $metainclude = false;
/// When this is enabled (or not set!) then Moodle will try
/// to include a file meta.php from this theme into the
/// <head></head> part of the page.
public $standardmetainclude = true;
/// When this is enabled (or not set!) then Moodle will try
/// to include a file meta.php from the standard theme into the
/// <head></head> part of the page.
public $parentmetainclude = false;
/// When this is enabled (or not set!) then Moodle will try
/// to include a file meta.php from the parent theme into the
/// <head></head> part of the page.
public $navmenuwidth = 50;
/// You can use this to control the cutoff point for strings
/// in the navmenus (list of activities in popup menu etc)
/// Default is 50 characters wide.
public $makenavmenulist = false;
/// By setting this to true, then you will have access to a
/// new variable in your header.html and footer.html called
/// $navmenulist ... this contains a simple XHTML menu of
/// all activities in the current course, mostly useful for
/// creating popup navigation menus and so on.
public $resource_mp3player_colors = 'bgColour=000000&btnColour=ffffff&btnBorderColour=cccccc&iconColour=000000&iconOverColour=00cc00&trackColour=cccccc&handleColour=ffffff&loaderColour=ffffff&font=Arial&fontColour=3333FF&buffer=10&waitForPlay=no&autoPlay=yes';
/// With this you can control the colours of the "big" MP3 player
/// that is used for MP3 resources.
public $filter_mediaplugin_colors = 'bgColour=000000&btnColour=ffffff&btnBorderColour=cccccc&iconColour=000000&iconOverColour=00cc00&trackColour=cccccc&handleColour=ffffff&loaderColour=ffffff&waitForPlay=yes';
/// ...And this controls the small embedded player
public $custompix = false;
/// If true, then this theme must have a "pix"
/// subdirectory that contains copies of all
/// files from the moodle/pix directory, plus a
/// "pix/mod" directory containing all the icons
/// for all the activity modules.
///$THEME->rarrow = '►' //OR '→';
///$THEME->larrow = '◄' //OR '←';
///$CFG->block_search_button = link_arrow_right(get_string('search'), $url='', $accesshide=true);
/// Accessibility: Right and left arrow-like characters are
/// used in the breadcrumb trail, course navigation menu
/// (previous/next activity), calendar, and search forum block.
/// If the theme does not set characters, appropriate defaults
/// are set by (lib/weblib.php:check_theme_arrows). The suggestions
/// above are 'silent' in a screen-reader like JAWS. Please DO NOT
/// use < > » - these are confusing for blind users.
public $blockregions = array('side-pre', 'side-post');
public $defaultblockregion = 'side-post';
/// Areas where blocks may appear on any page that uses this theme. For each
/// region you list in $THEME->blockregions you must call blocks_print_group
/// with that region id somewhere in header.html or footer.html.
/// defaultblockregion is the region where new blocks will be added, and
/// where any blocks in unrecognised regions will be shown. (Suppose someone
/// added a block when anther theme was selected).
/** @var string the name of this theme. Set automatically. */
public $name;
/** @var string the folder where this themes fiels are stored. $CFG->themedir . '/' . $this->name */
public $dir;
/** @var string Name of the renderer factory class to use. */
public $rendererfactory = 'standard_renderer_factory';
/** @var renderer_factory Instance of the renderer_factory class. */
protected $rf = null;
* If you want to do custom processing on the CSS before it is output (for
* example, to replace certain variable names with particular values) you can
* give the name of a function here.
* There are two functions avaiable that you may wish to use (defined in lib/outputlib.php):
* output_css_replacing_constants
* output_css_for_css_edit
* If you wish to write your own function, use those two as examples, and it
* should be clear what you have to do.
* @var string the name of a function.
public $customcssoutputfunction = null;
* Load the config.php file for a particular theme, and return an instance
* of this class. (That is, this is a factory method.)
* @param string $themename the name of the theme.
* @return theme_config an instance of this class.
public static function load($themename) {
global $CFG;
// We have to use the variable name $THEME (upper case) becuase that
// is what is used in theme config.php files.
// Set some other standard properties of the theme.
$THEME = new theme_config;
$THEME->name = $themename;
$THEME->dir = $CFG->themedir . '/' . $themename;
// Load up the theme config
$configfile = $THEME->dir . '/config.php';
if (!is_readable($configfile)) {
throw new coding_exception('Cannot use theme ' . $themename .
'. The file ' . $configfile . ' does not exist or is not readable.');
return $THEME;
* Get the renderer for a part of Moodle for this theme.
* @param string $module the name of part of moodle. E.g. 'core', 'quiz', 'qtype_multichoice'.
* @param moodle_page $page the page we are rendering
* @return moodle_renderer_base the requested renderer.
public function get_renderer($module, $page) {
if (is_null($this->rf)) {
$classname = 'cli_renderer_factory';
} else {
$classname = $this->rendererfactory;
$this->rf = new $classname($this);
return $this->rf->get_renderer($module, $page);
* Set the variable $CFG->pixpath and $CFG->modpixpath to be the right
* ones for this theme.
public function setup_cfg_paths() {
global $CFG;
if (!empty($CFG->smartpix)) {
if ($CFG->slasharguments) {
// Use this method if possible for better caching
$extra = '';
} else {
$extra = '?file=';
$CFG->pixpath = $CFG->httpswwwroot . '/pix/smartpix.php' . $extra . '/' . $this->name;
$CFG->modpixpath = $CFG->httpswwwroot . '/pix/smartpix.php' . $extra . '/' . $this->name . '/mod';
} else if (empty($THEME->custompix)) {
$CFG->pixpath = $CFG->httpswwwroot . '/pix';
$CFG->modpixpath = $CFG->httpswwwroot . '/mod';
} else {
$CFG->pixpath = $CFG->httpsthemewww . '/' . $this->name . '/pix';
$CFG->modpixpath = $CFG->httpsthemewww . '/' . $this->name . '/pix/mod';
* Get the list of stylesheet URLs that need to go in the header for this theme.
* @return array of URLs.
public function get_stylesheet_urls() {
global $CFG;
// Put together the parameters
$params = '?for=' . $this->name;
// Stylesheets, in order (standard, parent, this - some of which may be the same).
$stylesheets = array();
if ($this->name != 'standard' && $this->standardsheets) {
$stylesheets[] = $CFG->httpsthemewww . '/standard/styles.php' . $params;
if (!empty($this->parent)) {
$stylesheets[] = $CFG->httpsthemewww . '/' . $this->parent . '/styles.php' . $params;
// Pass on the current language, if it will be needed.
if (!empty($this->langsheets)) {
$params .= '&lang=' . current_language();
$stylesheets[] = $CFG->httpsthemewww . '/' . $this->name . '/styles.php' . $params;
// Additional styles for right-to-left languages.
if (right_to_left()) {
$stylesheets[] = $CFG->httpsthemewww . '/standard/rtl.css';
if (!empty($this->parent) && file_exists($CFG->themedir . '/' . $this->parent . '/rtl.css')) {
$stylesheets[] = $CFG->httpsthemewww . '/' . $this->parent . '/rtl.css';
if (file_exists($this->dir . '/rtl.css')) {
$stylesheets[] = $CFG->httpsthemewww . '/' . $this->name . '/rtl.css';
return $stylesheets;
* This methon looks a the settings that have been loaded, to see whether
* any legacy things are being used, and outputs warning and tries to update
* things to use equivalent newer settings.
protected function update_legacy_information() {
if (!empty($this->customcorners)) {
// $THEME->customcorners is deprecated but we provide support for it via the
// custom_corners_renderer_factory class in lib/deprecatedlib.php
debugging('$THEME->customcorners is deprecated. Please use the new $THEME->rendererfactory ' .
'to control HTML generation. Please use $this->rendererfactory = \'custom_corners_renderer_factory\'; ' .
'in your config.php file instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$this->rendererfactory = 'custom_corners_renderer_factory';
if (!empty($this->cssconstants)) {
debugging('$THEME->cssconstants is deprecated. Please use ' .
'$THEME->customcssoutputfunction = \'output_css_replacing_constants\'; ' .
'in your config.php file instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$this->customcssoutputfunction = 'output_css_replacing_constants';
if (!empty($this->CSSEdit)) {
debugging('$THEME->CSSEdit is deprecated. Please use ' .
'$THEME->customcssoutputfunction = \'output_css_for_css_edit\'; ' .
'in your config.php file instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$this->customcssoutputfunction = 'output_css_for_css_edit';
* Base class for classes representing HTML elements, like moodle_select_menu.
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ global $OUTPUT;
* $THEME is a global that defines the current theme.
* @global object $THEME
* @global theme_config $THEME
* @name THEME
global $THEME;
@ -30,16 +30,60 @@ if (!defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL')) {
require_once($CFG->libdir . '/outputlib.php');
// TODO this is needed until MDL-16438 is committed.
function get_plugin_dir($module) {
global $CFG;
return $CFG->dirroot;
* Unit tests for the pix_icon_finder class.
* @copyright 2009 Tim Hunt
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class pix_icon_finder_test extends UnitTestCase {
public function test_old_icon_url() {
global $CFG;
$if = new pix_icon_finder(new theme_config());
$this->assertEqual($CFG->httpswwwroot . '/pix/i/course.gif', $if->old_icon_url('i/course'));
/* Implement interface method. */
public function test_mod_icon_url() {
global $CFG;
$if = new pix_icon_finder(new theme_config());
$this->assertEqual($CFG->httpswwwroot . '/mod/quiz/icon.gif', $if->mod_icon_url('icon', 'quiz'));
* Unit tests for the standard_renderer_factory class.
* @copyright 2009 Tim Hunt
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class theme_icon_finder_test extends UnitTestCase {
public function test_old_icon_url_test() {
global $CFG;
$theme = new theme_config();
$theme->name = 'test';
$if = new theme_icon_finder($theme);
$this->assertEqual($CFG->httpsthemewww . '/test/pix/i/course.gif', $if->old_icon_url('i/course'));
/* Implement interface method. */
public function test_mod_icon_url() {
global $CFG;
$theme = new theme_config();
$theme->name = 'test';
$if = new theme_icon_finder($theme);
$this->assertEqual($CFG->httpsthemewww . '/test/pix/mod/quiz/icon.gif', $if->mod_icon_url('icon', 'quiz'));
* Subclass of renderer_factory_base for testing. Implement abstract method and
* count calls, so we can test caching behaviour.
* @copyright 2009 Tim Hunt
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class testable_renderer_factory extends renderer_factory_base {
public $createcalls = array();
@ -61,8 +105,11 @@ class testable_renderer_factory extends renderer_factory_base {
* Renderer class for testing.
* @copyright 2009 Tim Hunt
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
class moodle_test_renderer extends moodle_core_renderer {
class moodle_mod_test_renderer extends moodle_core_renderer {
public function __construct($containerstack, $page) {
parent::__construct($containerstack, $page, null);
@ -121,9 +168,9 @@ class renderer_factory_base_test extends UnitTestCase {
// Set up.
$factory = new testable_renderer_factory();
// Exercise SUT.
$classname = $factory->standard_renderer_class_for_module('test');
$classname = $factory->standard_renderer_class_for_module('mod_test');
// Verify outcome
$this->assertEqual('moodle_test_renderer', $classname);
$this->assertEqual('moodle_mod_test_renderer', $classname);
public function test_standard_renderer_class_for_module_unknown() {
@ -161,8 +208,8 @@ class standard_renderer_factory_test extends UnitTestCase {
public function test_get_test_renderer() {
$renderer = $this->factory->get_renderer('test', new moodle_page);
$this->assertIsA($renderer, 'moodle_test_renderer');
$renderer = $this->factory->get_renderer('mod_test', new moodle_page);
$this->assertIsA($renderer, 'moodle_mod_test_renderer');
@ -192,8 +239,8 @@ class custom_corners_renderer_factory_test extends UnitTestCase {
public function test_get_test_renderer() {
$renderer = $this->factory->get_renderer('test', new moodle_page);
$this->assertIsA($renderer, 'moodle_test_renderer');
$renderer = $this->factory->get_renderer('mod_test', new moodle_page);
$this->assertIsA($renderer, 'moodle_mod_test_renderer');
@ -304,25 +351,25 @@ class theme_overridden_renderer_factory_test extends UnitTestCase {
$factory = new testable_theme_overridden_renderer_factory($theme, $this->page);
// Exercise SUT.
$renderer = $factory->get_renderer('test', new moodle_page);
$renderer = $factory->get_renderer('mod_test', new moodle_page);
// Verify outcome
$this->assertIsA($renderer, 'moodle_test_renderer');
$this->assertIsA($renderer, 'moodle_mod_test_renderer');
public function test_get_renderer_overridden() {
// Set up - be very careful because the class under test uses require-once. Pick a unique theme name.
$theme = $this->make_theme('testrenderertheme');
$this->write_renderers_file($theme, '
class testrenderertheme_test_renderer extends moodle_test_renderer {
class testrenderertheme_mod_test_renderer extends moodle_mod_test_renderer {
$factory = new testable_theme_overridden_renderer_factory($theme, $this->page);
// Exercise SUT.
$renderer = $factory->get_renderer('test', new moodle_page);
$renderer = $factory->get_renderer('mod_test', new moodle_page);
// Verify outcome
$this->assertIsA($renderer, 'testrenderertheme_test_renderer');
$this->assertIsA($renderer, 'testrenderertheme_mod_test_renderer');
public function test_get_renderer_overridden_in_parent() {
@ -519,18 +566,18 @@ class template_renderer_factory_test extends UnitTestCase {
$theme = $this->make_theme('mytheme');
$theme->parent = 'parenttheme';
$this->make_theme_template_dir('mytheme', 'core');
$this->make_theme_template_dir('parenttheme', 'test');
$this->make_theme_template_dir('standardtemplate', 'test');
$this->make_theme_template_dir('parenttheme', 'mod_test');
$this->make_theme_template_dir('standardtemplate', 'mod_test');
$factory = new testable_template_renderer_factory($theme);
// Exercise SUT.
$renderer = $factory->get_renderer('test', $this->page);
$renderer = $factory->get_renderer('mod_test', $this->page);
// Verify outcome
$this->assertEqual('moodle_test_renderer', $renderer->get_copied_class());
$this->assertEqual('moodle_mod_test_renderer', $renderer->get_copied_class());
$CFG->themedir . '/parenttheme/templates/test',
$CFG->themedir . '/standardtemplate/templates/test'),
$CFG->themedir . '/parenttheme/templates/mod_test',
$CFG->themedir . '/standardtemplate/templates/mod_test'),
@ -709,7 +756,7 @@ class template_renderer_test extends UnitTestCase {
$this->templatefolder = $CFG->dataroot . '/temp/template_renderer_fixtures/test';
$page = new moodle_page;
$this->renderer = new template_renderer('moodle_test_renderer',
$this->renderer = new template_renderer('moodle_mod_test_renderer',
array($this->templatefolder), $page);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user