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@ -1,169 +1,241 @@
Log för redigering och komplettering av språkpaketet för svenska i Moodle
Creative Commons statement
Du får använda den här översättningen fritt under förutsättning
att nedanstående information finns med.
Set Lonnert påbörjade det här arbetet. Sedan hösten 2003 har
Anders Berggren, IKT-Pedagogen underhållit översättningen.
Slut Creative Commons
Log för redigering och komplettering av språkpaketet för svenska i Moodle 1.4.3+
version 7.0 2005-03-22
Anders Berggren andersbe@ikt-pedagogen.se
Alla strängar i programfilerna fr.o.m. 2005-03-22 är översatta. Några
enstaka hjälpfiler är fortfarande på engelska liksom katalogen "docs".
Större delen av katalogen 'docs' som innehåller det som kallas
'Dokumentation' innehåller information om sådant man kan göra men som
ändå kräver god behärskning av engelska. Därför har jag ingen hög prio-
ritet när det gäller att översätta detta.
Om Du vill använda utvecklingsmoduler som inte ingår i huvuddistributionen
av Moodle, som t.ex. Bok (Book), Dialog (Dialogue), Övningsuppgift (Exercise),
HotPotv2, Egen enkät (Questionnaire), NätTidning (NetPublish), Tidsbokare (Appointment),
Närvaro (Attendance) osv. så måste Du ladda ner och installera dem separat.
Då ingår emellertid de översatta php- och hjälpfilerna redan i lang/sv.
Log för redigering och komplettering av språkpaketet för svenska i Moodle 1.4
version 5.0 2004-10-16
Anders Berggren andersbe@ikt-pedagogen.se
Alla strängar i programfilerna fr.o.m. 2004-10-15 är översatta.
Några enstaka hjälpfiler är fortfarande på engelska liksom katalogen "docs".
Log för redigering och komplettering av språkpaketet för svenska i Moodle
version 4.0 2004-03-03
Anders Berggren anders@ikt-pedagogen.se
Alla strängar i programfilerna fr o m 2004-02-27 är översatta. Några enstaka hjälpfiler är fortfarande på engelska.
Alla strängar i programfilerna fr.o.m. 2004-02-27 är översatta.
Några enstaka hjälpfiler är fortfarande på engelska.
Log för redigering och komplettering av språkpaketet för svenska i Moodle
Log för redigering och komplettering av språkpaketet för svenska i Moodle
version 3.0 2003-12-19
Anders Berggren anders@ikt-pedagogen.se
Utgångspunkten är Moodle 1.2 som är en utvecklingsversion.
Utgångspunkten är Moodle 1.2 som är en utvecklingsversion.
Alla strängar i programfilerna och i hjälpfilerna för standardmodulerna är översatta t o m ovanstående datum.
Alla strängar i programfilerna och i hjälpfilerna för standardmodulerna är
översatta t.o.m. ovanstående datum.
Därtill är hjälpfilerna till nedanstående utvecklingsmoduler översatta:
Därtill är hjälpfilerna till nedanstående utvecklingsmoduler översatta:
Event (Händelse)
Exercise (Övningsuppgift)
Event (Händelse)
Exercise (Övningsuppgift)
Scheduler (Tidsbokare)
version 2.0 , 2003-11-03
version 2.0, 2003-11-03
Anders Berggren anders@ikt-pedagogen.se
Senaste nytt:
Översättningen är ännu inte komplett. Alla de strängar som hittills
(t o m 2003-11-03) finns i php-filerna är översatta med undantag för strängarna till modulen 'Library-add-on'.
Översättningen är ännu inte komplett. Alla de strängar som hittills (t.o.m. 2003-11-03)
finns i php-filerna är översatta med undantag för strängarna till modulen 'Library-add-on'.
Alla hjälpfiler till standardmodulerna samt till Ray Kingdons utvecklingsmodul 'Dialog', Williams Castillos utvecklingsmodul 'Ord- och begreppslista och Russell J. Jungwirths utvecklingsmodul 'Närvaro' är översatta.
Alla hjälpfiler till standardmodulerna samt till Ray Kingdons utvecklingsmodul 'Dialog',
Williams Castillos utvecklingsmodul 'Ord- och begreppslista och Russell J. Jungwirths
utvecklingsmodul 'Närvaro' är översatta.
Hjälpfilerna till Ray Kingdons utvecklingsmoduler 'Övningsuppgift', 'Workshop' och 'Uppgifter som betygssätts på "peer"-nivå' finns med i denna version av språkpaketet men de är ännu inte översatta.
Hjälpfilerna till Ray Kingdons utvecklingsmoduler 'Övningsuppgift', 'Workshop' och
'Uppgifter som betygssätts på "peer"-nivå' finns med i denna version av språkpaketet
men de är ännu inte översatta.
Min avsikt är att översätta all dokumentation av Moodle till svenska och att därefter underhålla översättningen.
Min avsikt är att översätta all dokumentation av Moodle till svenska och att därefter
underhålla översättningen.
Några principer
Jag har (åtminstone försökt att) konsekvent använda (ibland bytt ut) begreppen i den nedanstående tabellerna. Vissa val kan man kan ha olika uppfattningar om. "alt" betyder ett alternativt begrepp som vore möjligt eller är bortbytt. Det jag föreslår är i regel vilken betydelse ordet ska ha i det här sammanhanget, vilken ibland skiljer sig från ordets mer allmänt kända betydelse. Ibland har jag använt flera svenska ord som översättning av ett engelskt begrepp. Sedan har jag valt vilket svenskt jag ska använda beroende på sammanhanget. Ibland har jag översatt ett engelskt begrepp med ett flerfaldigt svenskt begrepp (ex bedömning/värdering/betygssättning).
Några principer
Jag har (åtminstone försökt att) konsekvent använda (ibland bytt ut) begreppen i den
nedanstående tabellerna. Vissa val kan man kan ha olika uppfattningar om. "alt" betyder
ett alternativt begrepp som vore möjligt eller är bortbytt. Det jag föreslår är i regel
vilken betydelse ordet ska ha i det här sammanhanget, vilken ibland skiljer sig från
ordets mer allmänt kända betydelse. Ibland har jag använt flera svenska ord som över-
sättning av ett engelskt begrepp. Sedan har jag valt vilket svenskt jag ska använda
beroende på sammanhanget. Ibland har jag översatt ett engelskt begrepp med ett fler-
faldigt svenskt begrepp (ex bedömning/värdering/betygssättning).
Inte perfekt...
Detta är ett pågående arbete. Jag förväntar mig inte att alla ska samtycka om de val jag gör. Utmana mig gärna - om Du har rimliga argument så lyssnar jag och ändrar - om inte så får Du kanske svar på tal. Resultatet gör inte heller anspråk på att vara "perfekt". Ibland förstår jag inte det rent tekniska fullt ut och ibland har jag inte helt klart för mig hur modulen fungerar. I sådana fall är jag tacksam om Du kan hjälpa mig att klara ut begreppen. Ibland är det helt enkelt ett för stort avstånd mellan de två språken. Då blir det otymplig "svengelska"...
Detta är ett pågående arbete. Jag förväntar mig inte att alla ska samtycka om de val
jag gör. Utmana mig gärna - om Du har rimliga argument så lyssnar jag och ändrar -
om inte så får Du kanske svar på tal. Resultatet gör inte heller anspråk på att vara
"perfekt". Ibland förstår jag inte det rent tekniska fullt ut och ibland har jag inte
helt klart för mig hur modulen fungerar. I sådana fall är jag tacksam om Du kan hjälpa
mig att klara ut begreppen. Ibland är det helt enkelt ett för stort avstånd mellan de
två språken. Då blir det otymplig "svengelska"...
Eng Svenska
Action handling
Eng Svenska
Action handling
Assignment uppgift
Choice opinionsundersökning
Creator kursutvecklare
Choice opinionsundersökning
Creator kursutvecklare
current 1 aktuell
deadline stoppdatum/tid
disable avaktivera
default standardval/värde (förvald inställning
discussion diskussionsämne
disable avaktivera
default standardval/värde (förvald inställning
discussion diskussionsämne
download ladda ner
email 2 e-post
enable aktivera
email 2 e-post
enable aktivera
entry bidrag
existing befintlig
insert lägga in
option val(möjlighet)/alternativ
feedback 3 återkoppling
post 4 (göra) inlägg
profile personlig profil
student 5 student/elev/deltagare/lärande
submission inlämning/inskickat bidrag
insert lägga in
option val(möjlighet)/alternativ
feedback 3 återkoppling
post 4 (göra) inlägg
profile personlig profil
student 5 student/elev/deltagare/lärande
submission inlämning/inskickat bidrag
view (verb) visa
1 "current" = aktuell alt. nuvarande
2 "email" I nusvenskan används de engelska "email", "e-mail" och "mail" parallellt med "epost", "e-postmeddelande" och t o m "e-brev". "Post", "meddelande" och "brev" är ju inte riktigt samma sak eller hur?
2 "email" I nusvenskan används de engelska "email", "e-mail" och "mail"
parallellt med "epost", "e-postmeddelande" och t o m "e-brev".
"Post", "meddelande" och "brev" är ju inte riktigt samma sak eller hur?
"e-post" är kort, svenskt och sanktionerat av Svenska Akademiens Ordlista. Deras bedömningar utgår i hög grad från hur pass vanligt förekommande de olika varianterna är.
"e-post" är kort, svenskt och sanktionerat av Svenska Akademiens Ordlista.
Deras bedömningar utgår i hög grad från hur pass vanligt förekommande de
olika varianterna är.
3 "feedback" = återkoppling - det är ett svenskt ord som tyvärr inte fungerar
så bra i plural och det är inte glasklart vad det betyder... "feedback"
används ofta även på svenska men det låter "svengelskt" och det
känns oklart semantiskt (till sin betydelse).
3 "feedback" = återkoppling - det är ett svenskt ord som tyvärr inte fungerar
så bra i plural och det är inte glasklart vad det betyder... "feedback"
används ofta även på svenska men det låter "svengelskt" och det
känns oklart semantiskt (till sin betydelse).
4 "grade"= bedöma/värdera/betygsätta (verb)
värdering (substantiv) alt. bedömning, omdöme, betyg
Vad som är den egentliga skillnaden mellan "grade" och "assess" på
engelska är jag osäker på: Är det någon som vet mera?
4 "grade"= bedöma/värdera/betygsätta (verb)
värdering (substantiv) alt. bedömning, omdöme, betyg
Vad som är den egentliga skillnaden mellan "grade" och "assess" på
engelska är jag osäker på: Är det någon som vet mera?
4 "post" = göra inlägg (verb) alt. postning (låter inte så svenskt)
inlägg (subst)
4 "post" = göra inlägg (verb) alt. postning (låter inte så svenskt)
inlägg (subst)
6 "Student" är ett etablerat begrepp på svenska , men det är även
"studerande", "deltagare" och "elev". Dessa begrepp är inte synonyma.
De används med delvis olika betydelse i olika sammanhang. Tyvärr är
"Lärande" en osmidig substantivform på svenska, till skillnad från t ex
engelskans "Learner". "Lärande" har emellertid en mer generell betydelse
än övriga svenska uttryck. Dessutom speglar det bättre Göteborgsskolans
(F. Marton m fl) pedagogiska ansats med dess inriktning mot fenomeno-
6 "Student" är ett etablerat begrepp på svenska, men det är även
"studerande", "deltagare" och "elev". Dessa begrepp är inte synonyma.
De används med delvis olika betydelse i olika sammanhang. Tyvärr är
"Lärande" en osmidig substantivform på svenska, till skillnad från t ex
engelskans "Learner". "Lärande" har emellertid en mer generell betydelse
än övriga svenska uttryck. Dessutom speglar det bättre Göteborgsskolans
(F. Marton m.fl.) pedagogiska ansats med dess inriktning mot fenomenografi.
Glossary module
agree 1 godkänn/a/ - acceptera
accumulative sammanräknat
add (verb) lägg/a till
already in phase redan påbörjat
amend ändra/rätta/utveckla
entry bidrag
main glossary övergripande (förklarande) ord- och begreppslista
agree 1 godkänn/a/ - acceptera
accumulative sammanräknat
add (verb) lägg/a till
already in phase redan påbörjat
amend ändra/rätta/utveckla
entry bidrag
main glossary övergripande (förklarande) ord- och begreppslista
glossary separat ord- och begreppslista
glossary separat ord- och begreppslista
1 "agree" Den allmänna betydelsen av "agree" är "hålla med om" eller
"samtycka om" men det passar inte så bra här. Både "godkänna" och
"acceptera" bör vara med för att täcka den betydelse jag tror att det
engelska ordet har här.
1 "agree" Den allmänna betydelsen av "agree" är "hålla med om" eller
"samtycka om" men det passar inte så bra här. Både "godkänna" och
"acceptera" bör vara med för att täcka den betydelse jag tror att
det engelska ordet har här.
Attendance module
attendance roll närvarolista
attendance roll närvarolista
exceptional information OBS-meddelande
pgassignment module
pgassignment module (har utgått)
assessment 1 bedömning/värdering/omdöme/betygssättning
awaiting 2 väntar på
correct rätt/a
final grade 3 slutbetyg/omdöme
iteration 4 återkommande
submission inskickad/inlämnad uppgift/ bidrag/övning
teacher 5 distanslärare
assessment 1 bedömning/värdering/omdöme/betygssättning
awaiting 2 väntar på
correct rätt/a
final grade 3 slutbetyg/omdöme
iteration 4 återkommande
submission inskickad/inlämnad uppgift/ bidrag/övning
teacher 5 distanslärare
element komponent
weight viktning (värde vid bedömning/värdering/betygssättning)
weight viktning (värde vid bedömning/värdering/betygssättning)
1 "assessment".
är olika möjliga tolkningar i olika sammanhang på engelska.
är olika möjliga tolkningar i olika sammanhang på engelska.
2 "awaiting"."avvaktar", "i väntläge för" vore möjliga varianter. "väntar på"
låter personligt och trevligt men i själva verket handlar det ju om en
2 "awaiting"."avvaktar", "i väntläge för" vore möjliga varianter. "väntar på"
låter personligt och trevligt men i själva verket handlar det ju om en
automatisk funktion i systemet.
3 "final grade" Jag har valt det dubbla uttrycket "slutbetyg/omdöme" i stället
för t ex "slutbetyg" som är vanligare och mer officiellt i Sverige.
3 "final grade" Jag har valt det dubbla uttrycket "slutbetyg/omdöme" i stället
för t.ex. "slutbetyg" som är vanligare och mer officiellt i Sverige.
4 "Iteration" betyder ju rent allmänt "fullständig och regelbunden upprepning"
men i programmering används begreppet i en likartad men specifik
betydelse. Här handlar det om en "iterativ" (pedagogisk) dialog mellan
lärande/lärande eller handledare/lärande som en del av läroprocessen
som är nödvändig för att läromålen i termer av djupinlärning och förstå-
else ska kunna uppnås. Detta sista är vad jag har översatt med "åter-
4 "Iteration" betyder ju rent allmänt "fullständig och regelbunden upprepning"
men i programmering används begreppet i en likartad men specifik
betydelse. Här handlar det om en "iterativ" (pedagogisk) dialog mellan
lärande/lärande eller handledare/lärande som en del av läroprocessen
som är nödvändig för att läromålen i termer av djupinlärning och förstå-
else ska kunna uppnås. Detta sista är vad jag har översatt med "åter-
5 "teacher". Jag har här som huvuduttryck valt "(distans)lärare" (som inte
nödvändigtvis är en 'vanlig' lärare som undervisar på distans utan snarare
en person som är utbildad för att arbeta på det sätt som distansutbildning
kräver) framför uttryck som "handledare", "coach", "utbildare" os: Detta bl a
eftersom "grading" i t ex pgassignment-modulen i så hög grad påminner om
det i läraryrket så typiska betygssättandet.
5 "teacher". Jag har här som huvuduttryck valt "(distans)lärare" (som inte
nödvändigtvis är en 'vanlig' lärare som undervisar på distans utan snarare
en person som är utbildad för att arbeta på det sätt som distansutbildning
kräver) framför uttryck som "handledare", "coach", "utbildare" os: Detta bl.a.
eftersom "grading" i t.ex. pgassignment-modulen i så hög grad påminner om
det i läraryrket så typiska betygssättandet.
Journal module
journal 1 dagbok/loggbok/journal
journal 1 dagbok/loggbok/journal
topic 2
format moment/ alt. ämne
format moment/ alt. ämne
1 "Journal" Det är svårt att hitta ett bra svenskt ord.
1 "Journal" Det är svårt att hitta ett bra svenskt ord.
Forum module
@ -175,25 +247,76 @@ Quiz module
Quiz test
Exercise module
Exercise 1 övningsuppgift
Exercise 1 övningsuppgift
league table
1 "exercise" betyder på engelska även "klassrumsförhör".
Jag vet inte hur vanligt det är i svenska skolor numera.
1 "exercise" betyder på engelska även "klassrumsförhör".
Jag vet inte hur vanligt det är i svenska skolor numera.
Allmänna kommentarer
Allmänna kommentarer
På pedagogikens område finns det en tankeinfrastruktur (eller diskurs), med en svensk underavdelning för bl a ungdomsskolan, högskolan och universiteten, där begrepp som 'student', 'sätta betyg', 'värdera' och 'utvärdera' redan är positionerade och inarbetade. Det vore därför logiskt att använda dessa i översättningen av Moodle. Men, är saken verkligen så enkel? Om vi talar om studieförbund, folkhögskolor och personal- och företagsutbildning så förlorar väl dessa begrepp i relevans? Utanför dessa preciserade sammanhang hittar man också t ex utrymme för ett mer dynamiskt sätt att se på begreppsapparaten (jfr t ex med ett fenomenografiskt perspektiv). Och vad gäller egentligen globalt sett i hela den engelskspråkiga sfären - finns det där en enhetlig tolkning av 'student', 'grade' och 'assess'? Jag tvivlar. Vad kan man säga om den krets som är engagerade i Moodle - finns det där en underförstådd samsyn kring dessa begrepps betydelseinnehåll och användning? Jag är ganska osäker på det.
I Martins forummodul används begreppet 'rate' medan Ray Kingdon i 'Workshop', 'Dialogue', och 'Exercise' använder 'grade' och 'assess' om varannat. Och vart har begrepp som 'mark', 'degree', 'evaluate' och 'examination' tagit vägen i Moodle-sammanhanget?
På pedagogikens område finns det en tankeinfrastruktur (eller diskurs),
med en svensk underavdelning för bl.a. ungdomsskolan, högskolan och uni-
versiteten, där begrepp som 'student', 'sätta betyg', 'värdera' och
'utvärdera' redan är positionerade och inarbetade. Det vore därför
logiskt att använda dessa i översättningen av Moodle. Men, är saken
verkligen så enkel? Om vi talar om studieförbund, folkhögskolor och
personal- och företagsutbildning så förlorar väl dessa begrepp i re-
levans? Utanför dessa preciserade sammanhang hittar man också t.ex.
utrymme för ett mer dynamiskt sätt att se på begreppsapparaten (jfr
t.ex. med ett fenomenografiskt perspektiv). Och vad gäller egentligen
globalt sett i hela den engelskspråkiga sfären - finns det där en
enhetlig tolkning av 'student', 'grade' och 'assess'? Jag tvivlar.
Vad kan man säga om den krets som är engagerade i Moodle - finns
det där en underförstådd samsyn kring dessa begrepps betydelseinnehåll
och användning? Jag är ganska osäker på det.
Jag håller definitivt med om att man så mycket som möjligt ska undvika att skapa (ytterligare) förvirring. Men oavsett om man har ett lättförståeligt och igenkännbart språk, enklast möjliga teknik och tillämpar användbarhetsprinciper så kommer det att kvarstå en inlärningströskel (och enligt min mening i förlängningen en trappa). Man kan förstås betrakta Moodle på olika sätt - t ex som 'vanligt' campus, fast på nätet. Själv menar jag att distanslärande (IKT och lärande) och Moodle är någonting annat och mer än det. För mig är Moodle på ett mångdimensionellt sätt ett nytt fenomen. Det räcker alltså inte med assimilation som pedagogisk strategi när man tar sig an Moodle (även som ny teknisk lärandemiljö) - det måste till ackommodation också. Därutöver tror jag att mer avancerade strategier också kommer att behövas, men det blir väl en ny diskussion som jag tror att Martin helst vill se i forumet 'Teaching strategies'. Här finns hursomhelst den stora, och ruskigt spännande!, utmaningen för oss pedagoger.
I Martins forummodul används begreppet 'rate' medan Ray Kingdon i 'Workshop',
'Dialogue', och 'Exercise' använder 'grade' och 'assess' om varannat.
Så här kan Du redigera översättningen själv
När det gäller den 'officiella' översättningen så tror jag att det finns stort utrymme för flexibilitet och initiativ. I Moodle 2.0 kommer man (enligt utvecklingsplanerna) att kunna byta 'kostym' (skin) i systemet beroende på sammanhang. Jag har inte frågat Martin än, men ur ett systemutvecklingsperspektiv borde det vara möjligt att ta fram även språkpaket som är kontextberoende. Ett för grundskolan och ett för högskolan t ex. Sådana funktioner finns redan för ett begränsat antal begrepp. När Du skapar en ny kurs så kan Du i kursens inställningar själv välja vad Du vill kalla 'lärare' och 'student' i just den kursen. Du kan också ge 'lärarna' titlar som 'professor', 'docent', 'handledare', 'assistent' osv. Dessa titlar visar sig bl a i kurspresentationerna och i kursdeltagarförteckningarna. Ytterligare en möjlighet är alltid att var och en redigerar språkpaketet i den egna instansen av Moodle efter tycke och smak. Om man vill så kan man också sätta upp hur många instanser man vill och ha ett språkpaket för varje.
Sedan är det ju också så att dokumentationen av Moodle kommunicerar med olika målgrupper (som man bör anpassa sig till) - externt med 'studenter' och internt med t ex 'lärare', 'kursutvecklare' och 'administratörer.
Och vart har begrepp som 'mark', 'degree', 'evaluate' och 'examination'
tagit vägen i Moodle-sammanhanget?
Jag håller definitivt med om att man så mycket som möjligt ska undvika
att skapa (ytterligare) förvirring. Men oavsett om man har ett lätt-
förståeligt och igenkännbart språk, enklast möjliga teknik och tillämpar
användbarhetsprinciper så kommer det att kvarstå en inlärningströskel
(och enligt min mening i förlängningen en trappa). Man kan förstås betrakta
Moodle på olika sätt - t ex som 'vanligt' campus, fast på nätet.
Själv menar jag att distanslärande (IKT och lärande) och Moodle är någonting
annat och mer än det. För mig är Moodle på ett mångdimensionellt sätt ett
nytt fenomen. Det räcker alltså inte med assimilation som pedagogisk strategi
när man tar sig an Moodle (även som ny teknisk lärandemiljö) - det måste till
ackommodation också. Därutöver tror jag att mer avancerade strategier också
kommer att behövas, men det blir väl en ny diskussion som jag tror att Martin
helst vill se i forumet 'Teaching strategies'. Här finns hursomhelst den stora,
och ruskigt spännande!, utmaningen för oss pedagoger.
Så här kan Du redigera översättningen själv
När det gäller den 'officiella' översättningen så tror jag att det finns stort
utrymme för flexibilitet och initiativ. I Moodle 2.0 kommer man (enligt utveck-
lingsplanerna) att kunna byta 'kostym' (skin) i systemet beroende på sammanhang.
Jag har inte frågat Martin än, men ur ett systemutvecklingsperspektiv borde det
vara möjligt att ta fram även språkpaket som är kontextberoende. Ett för grund-
skolan och ett för högskolan t.ex. Sådana funktioner finns redan för ett begränsat
antal begrepp. När Du skapar en ny kurs så kan Du i kursens inställningar själv
välja vad Du vill kalla 'lärare' och 'student' i just den kursen. Du kan också ge
'lärarna' titlar som 'professor', 'docent', 'handledare', 'assistent' osv. Dessa
titlar visar sig bl.a. i kurspresentationerna och i kursdeltagarförteckningarna.
Ytterligare en möjlighet är alltid att var och en redigerar språkpaketet i den
egna instansen av Moodle efter tycke och smak. Om man vill så kan man också sätta
upp hur många instanser man vill och ha ett språkpaket för varje. Sedan är det ju
också så att dokumentationen av Moodle kommunicerar med olika målgrupper (som man
bör anpassa sig till) - externt med 'studenter' och internt med t.ex. 'lärare',
'kursutvecklare' och 'administratörer'.
Anders Berggren
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
Swedish Language pack by Anders Berggren andersbe@ikt-pedagogen.se
Creative Commons statement
Du får använda den här översättningen fritt under förutsättning
att nedanstående information finns med.
Set Lonnert påbörjade det här arbetet. Sedan hösten 2003 har
Anders Berggren, IKT-Pedagogen underhållit översättningen.
Slut Creative Commons
Log för redigering och komplettering av språkpaketet för svenska i Moodle 1.4.3+
version 7.0 2005-03-22
Anders Berggren andersbe@ikt-pedagogen.se
Alla strängar i programfilerna fr.o.m. 2005-03-22 är översatta. Några
enstaka hjälpfiler är fortfarande på engelska liksom katalogen "docs".
Större delen av katalogen 'docs' som innehåller det som kallas
'Dokumentation' innehåller information om sådant man kan göra men som
ändå kräver god behärskning av engelska. Därför har jag ingen hög prio-
ritet när det gäller att översätta detta.
Om Du vill använda utvecklingsmoduler som inte ingår i huvuddistributionen
av Moodle, som t.ex. Bok (Book), Dialog (Dialogue), Övningsuppgift (Exercise),
HotPotv2, Egen enkät (Questionnaire), NätTidning (NetPublish), Tidsbokare (Appointment),
Närvaro (Attendance) osv. så måste Du ladda ner och installera dem separat.
Då ingår emellertid de översatta php- och hjälpfilerna redan i lang/sv.
Log för redigering och komplettering av språkpaketet för svenska i Moodle 1.4
version 5.0 2004-10-16
Anders Berggren andersbe@ikt-pedagogen.se
Alla strängar i programfilerna fr.o.m. 2004-10-15 är översatta.
Några enstaka hjälpfiler är fortfarande på engelska liksom katalogen "docs".
Log för redigering och komplettering av språkpaketet för svenska i Moodle
version 4.0 2004-03-03
Anders Berggren anders@ikt-pedagogen.se
Alla strängar i programfilerna fr.o.m. 2004-02-27 är översatta.
Några enstaka hjälpfiler är fortfarande på engelska.
Log för redigering och komplettering av språkpaketet för svenska i Moodle
version 3.0 2003-12-19
Anders Berggren anders@ikt-pedagogen.se
Utgångspunkten är Moodle 1.2 som är en utvecklingsversion.
Alla strängar i programfilerna och i hjälpfilerna för standardmodulerna är
översatta t.o.m. ovanstående datum.
Därtill är hjälpfilerna till nedanstående utvecklingsmoduler översatta:
Event (Händelse)
Exercise (Övningsuppgift)
Scheduler (Tidsbokare)
version 2.0, 2003-11-03
Anders Berggren anders@ikt-pedagogen.se
Senaste nytt:
Översättningen är ännu inte komplett. Alla de strängar som hittills (t.o.m. 2003-11-03)
finns i php-filerna är översatta med undantag för strängarna till modulen 'Library-add-on'.
Alla hjälpfiler till standardmodulerna samt till Ray Kingdons utvecklingsmodul 'Dialog',
Williams Castillos utvecklingsmodul 'Ord- och begreppslista och Russell J. Jungwirths
utvecklingsmodul 'Närvaro' är översatta.
Hjälpfilerna till Ray Kingdons utvecklingsmoduler 'Övningsuppgift', 'Workshop' och
'Uppgifter som betygssätts på "peer"-nivå' finns med i denna version av språkpaketet
men de är ännu inte översatta.
Min avsikt är att översätta all dokumentation av Moodle till svenska och att därefter
underhålla översättningen.
Några principer
Jag har (åtminstone försökt att) konsekvent använda (ibland bytt ut) begreppen i den
nedanstående tabellerna. Vissa val kan man kan ha olika uppfattningar om. "alt" betyder
ett alternativt begrepp som vore möjligt eller är bortbytt. Det jag föreslår är i regel
vilken betydelse ordet ska ha i det här sammanhanget, vilken ibland skiljer sig från
ordets mer allmänt kända betydelse. Ibland har jag använt flera svenska ord som över-
sättning av ett engelskt begrepp. Sedan har jag valt vilket svenskt jag ska använda
beroende på sammanhanget. Ibland har jag översatt ett engelskt begrepp med ett fler-
faldigt svenskt begrepp (ex bedömning/värdering/betygssättning).
Inte perfekt...
Detta är ett pågående arbete. Jag förväntar mig inte att alla ska samtycka om de val
jag gör. Utmana mig gärna - om Du har rimliga argument så lyssnar jag och ändrar -
om inte så får Du kanske svar på tal. Resultatet gör inte heller anspråk på att vara
"perfekt". Ibland förstår jag inte det rent tekniska fullt ut och ibland har jag inte
helt klart för mig hur modulen fungerar. I sådana fall är jag tacksam om Du kan hjälpa
mig att klara ut begreppen. Ibland är det helt enkelt ett för stort avstånd mellan de
två språken. Då blir det otymplig "svengelska"...
Eng Svenska
Action handling
Assignment uppgift
Choice opinionsundersökning
Creator kursutvecklare
current 1 aktuell
deadline stoppdatum/tid
disable avaktivera
default standardval/värde (förvald inställning
discussion diskussionsämne
download ladda ner
email 2 e-post
enable aktivera
entry bidrag
existing befintlig
insert lägga in
option val(möjlighet)/alternativ
feedback 3 återkoppling
post 4 (göra) inlägg
profile personlig profil
student 5 student/elev/deltagare/lärande
submission inlämning/inskickat bidrag
view (verb) visa
1 "current" = aktuell alt. nuvarande
2 "email" I nusvenskan används de engelska "email", "e-mail" och "mail"
parallellt med "epost", "e-postmeddelande" och t o m "e-brev".
"Post", "meddelande" och "brev" är ju inte riktigt samma sak eller hur?
"e-post" är kort, svenskt och sanktionerat av Svenska Akademiens Ordlista.
Deras bedömningar utgår i hög grad från hur pass vanligt förekommande de
olika varianterna är.
3 "feedback" = återkoppling - det är ett svenskt ord som tyvärr inte fungerar
så bra i plural och det är inte glasklart vad det betyder... "feedback"
används ofta även på svenska men det låter "svengelskt" och det
känns oklart semantiskt (till sin betydelse).
4 "grade"= bedöma/värdera/betygsätta (verb)
värdering (substantiv) alt. bedömning, omdöme, betyg
Vad som är den egentliga skillnaden mellan "grade" och "assess" på
engelska är jag osäker på: Är det någon som vet mera?
4 "post" = göra inlägg (verb) alt. postning (låter inte så svenskt)
inlägg (subst)
6 "Student" är ett etablerat begrepp på svenska, men det är även
"studerande", "deltagare" och "elev". Dessa begrepp är inte synonyma.
De används med delvis olika betydelse i olika sammanhang. Tyvärr är
"Lärande" en osmidig substantivform på svenska, till skillnad från t ex
engelskans "Learner". "Lärande" har emellertid en mer generell betydelse
än övriga svenska uttryck. Dessutom speglar det bättre Göteborgsskolans
(F. Marton m.fl.) pedagogiska ansats med dess inriktning mot fenomenografi.
Glossary module
agree 1 godkänn/a/ - acceptera
accumulative sammanräknat
add (verb) lägg/a till
already in phase redan påbörjat
amend ändra/rätta/utveckla
entry bidrag
main glossary övergripande (förklarande) ord- och begreppslista
glossary separat ord- och begreppslista
1 "agree" Den allmänna betydelsen av "agree" är "hålla med om" eller
"samtycka om" men det passar inte så bra här. Både "godkänna" och
"acceptera" bör vara med för att täcka den betydelse jag tror att
det engelska ordet har här.
Attendance module
attendance roll närvarolista
exceptional information OBS-meddelande
pgassignment module (har utgått)
assessment 1 bedömning/värdering/omdöme/betygssättning
awaiting 2 väntar på
correct rätt/a
final grade 3 slutbetyg/omdöme
iteration 4 återkommande
submission inskickad/inlämnad uppgift/ bidrag/övning
teacher 5 distanslärare
element komponent
weight viktning (värde vid bedömning/värdering/betygssättning)
1 "assessment".
är olika möjliga tolkningar i olika sammanhang på engelska.
2 "awaiting"."avvaktar", "i väntläge för" vore möjliga varianter. "väntar på"
låter personligt och trevligt men i själva verket handlar det ju om en
automatisk funktion i systemet.
3 "final grade" Jag har valt det dubbla uttrycket "slutbetyg/omdöme" i stället
för t.ex. "slutbetyg" som är vanligare och mer officiellt i Sverige.
4 "Iteration" betyder ju rent allmänt "fullständig och regelbunden upprepning"
men i programmering används begreppet i en likartad men specifik
betydelse. Här handlar det om en "iterativ" (pedagogisk) dialog mellan
lärande/lärande eller handledare/lärande som en del av läroprocessen
som är nödvändig för att läromålen i termer av djupinlärning och förstå-
else ska kunna uppnås. Detta sista är vad jag har översatt med "åter-
5 "teacher". Jag har här som huvuduttryck valt "(distans)lärare" (som inte
nödvändigtvis är en 'vanlig' lärare som undervisar på distans utan snarare
en person som är utbildad för att arbeta på det sätt som distansutbildning
kräver) framför uttryck som "handledare", "coach", "utbildare" os: Detta bl.a.
eftersom "grading" i t.ex. pgassignment-modulen i så hög grad påminner om
det i läraryrket så typiska betygssättandet.
Journal module
journal 1 dagbok/loggbok/journal
topic 2
format moment/ alt. ämne
1 "Journal" Det är svårt att hitta ett bra svenskt ord.
Forum module
social format gemenskap
Quiz module
Quiz test
Exercise module
Exercise 1 övningsuppgift
league table
1 "exercise" betyder på engelska även "klassrumsförhör".
Jag vet inte hur vanligt det är i svenska skolor numera.
Allmänna kommentarer
På pedagogikens område finns det en tankeinfrastruktur (eller diskurs),
med en svensk underavdelning för bl.a. ungdomsskolan, högskolan och uni-
versiteten, där begrepp som 'student', 'sätta betyg', 'värdera' och
'utvärdera' redan är positionerade och inarbetade. Det vore därför
logiskt att använda dessa i översättningen av Moodle. Men, är saken
verkligen så enkel? Om vi talar om studieförbund, folkhögskolor och
personal- och företagsutbildning så förlorar väl dessa begrepp i re-
levans? Utanför dessa preciserade sammanhang hittar man också t.ex.
utrymme för ett mer dynamiskt sätt att se på begreppsapparaten (jfr
t.ex. med ett fenomenografiskt perspektiv). Och vad gäller egentligen
globalt sett i hela den engelskspråkiga sfären - finns det där en
enhetlig tolkning av 'student', 'grade' och 'assess'? Jag tvivlar.
Vad kan man säga om den krets som är engagerade i Moodle - finns
det där en underförstådd samsyn kring dessa begrepps betydelseinnehåll
och användning? Jag är ganska osäker på det.
I Martins forummodul används begreppet 'rate' medan Ray Kingdon i 'Workshop',
'Dialogue', och 'Exercise' använder 'grade' och 'assess' om varannat.
Och vart har begrepp som 'mark', 'degree', 'evaluate' och 'examination'
tagit vägen i Moodle-sammanhanget?
Jag håller definitivt med om att man så mycket som möjligt ska undvika
att skapa (ytterligare) förvirring. Men oavsett om man har ett lätt-
förståeligt och igenkännbart språk, enklast möjliga teknik och tillämpar
användbarhetsprinciper så kommer det att kvarstå en inlärningströskel
(och enligt min mening i förlängningen en trappa). Man kan förstås betrakta
Moodle på olika sätt - t ex som 'vanligt' campus, fast på nätet.
Själv menar jag att distanslärande (IKT och lärande) och Moodle är någonting
annat och mer än det. För mig är Moodle på ett mångdimensionellt sätt ett
nytt fenomen. Det räcker alltså inte med assimilation som pedagogisk strategi
när man tar sig an Moodle (även som ny teknisk lärandemiljö) - det måste till
ackommodation också. Därutöver tror jag att mer avancerade strategier också
kommer att behövas, men det blir väl en ny diskussion som jag tror att Martin
helst vill se i forumet 'Teaching strategies'. Här finns hursomhelst den stora,
och ruskigt spännande!, utmaningen för oss pedagoger.
Så här kan Du redigera översättningen själv
När det gäller den 'officiella' översättningen så tror jag att det finns stort
utrymme för flexibilitet och initiativ. I Moodle 2.0 kommer man (enligt utveck-
lingsplanerna) att kunna byta 'kostym' (skin) i systemet beroende på sammanhang.
Jag har inte frågat Martin än, men ur ett systemutvecklingsperspektiv borde det
vara möjligt att ta fram även språkpaket som är kontextberoende. Ett för grund-
skolan och ett för högskolan t.ex. Sådana funktioner finns redan för ett begränsat
antal begrepp. När Du skapar en ny kurs så kan Du i kursens inställningar själv
välja vad Du vill kalla 'lärare' och 'student' i just den kursen. Du kan också ge
'lärarna' titlar som 'professor', 'docent', 'handledare', 'assistent' osv. Dessa
titlar visar sig bl.a. i kurspresentationerna och i kursdeltagarförteckningarna.
Ytterligare en möjlighet är alltid att var och en redigerar språkpaketet i den
egna instansen av Moodle efter tycke och smak. Om man vill så kan man också sätta
upp hur många instanser man vill och ha ett språkpaket för varje. Sedan är det ju
också så att dokumentationen av Moodle kommunicerar med olika målgrupper (som man
bör anpassa sig till) - externt med 'studenter' och internt med t.ex. 'lärare',
'kursutvecklare' och 'administratörer'.
Anders Berggren
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// admin.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083131)
// admin.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083134)
$string['adminseesallevents'] = 'Administratörer ser alla händelser';
@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ $string['cachetext'] = 'S
$string['calendarsettings'] = 'Kalender';
$string['change'] = 'ändra';
$string['configallowcoursethemes'] = 'Om Du aktiverar detta så kommer det att bli möjligt för kurser att ställa in sina egna teman. Teman för kurser är giltiga över alla andra val av teman (webbplats, användare, eller teman för sessioner)';
$string['configallowemailaddresses'] = 'Om Du vill att alla nya e-postadresser ska höra till vissa specifika domäner, då ska Du skriva in dem i en kommaseparerad lista här. Alla andra domäner kommer att avvisas. Ett exempel: <strong>ourcollege.edu.au .gov.au</strong>';
$string['configallowunenroll'] = 'Om Du väljer \'Ja\' för den här inställningen så kommer studenter/elever/deltagare/lärande att kunna avregistrera sig själva när de vill. I annat fall så kan de inte det och den här processen kommer att kontrolleras helt och hållet av (distans)lärare och administratörer.';
$string['configallowuserblockhiding'] = 'Vill Du att användare själva ska kunna välja att dölja/visa ytterkolumnerna (sidoblocken) på hela webbplatsen? Den här egenskapen använder Javascript och cookies för att komma ihåg statusen på varje ihopfällt block och detta påverkar bara det användaren själv ser.';
$string['configallowuserthemes'] = 'Om Du aktiverar detta så kommer det att bli möjligt för användare att ställa in sina egna teman. Teman för användare giltiga över teman för webbplatsen men inte över teman för kurser.';
$string['configallusersaresitestudents'] = 'Med tanke på webbplatsens hemsida, bör ALLA användare antas vara studenter/elever/deltagare/lärande? Om Du svarar \'Ja\' då kommer alla med ett bekräftat konto att kunna delta som student/elev/deltagare/lärande i dessa aktiviteter. Om Du svarar \'Nej\' kommer bara de användare som redan är deltagare i åtminstone en kurs att kunna ta del av dessa aktiviteter på hemsidan. Bara administratörer och (distans)lärare med speciella behörigheter kan agera som (distans)lärare i dessa aktiviteter på hemsidan.';
$string['configautologinguests'] = 'Ska besökare automatiskt loggas in som gäster när de klickar sig in i kurser med behörighet som gäster?';
@ -22,6 +24,8 @@ $string['configcountry'] = 'Om Du v
$string['configdbsessions'] = 'Om detta är avaktiverat så kommer den här inställningen att lagra information om aktuella sessioner Detta är speciellt användbart för stora/hårt belastade webbplatser eller webbplatser som är byggda som kluster av servrar. På de flesta webbplatser så borde detta antagligen vara avaktiverat s';
$string['configdebug'] = 'Om Du aktiverar det här så utökar Du PHP:s felrapportering. Systemet ger då ifrån sig fler varningar. Detta är av värde bara för utvecklare.';
$string['configdeleteunconfirmed'] = 'Om Du använder autenticering med e-post så är detta den tid inom vilken ett svar från användarna kommer att accepteras. Efter att denna tid har gått ut så kommer alla icke bekräftade konton att tas bort.';
$string['configdenyemailaddresses'] = 'Om Du avvisa e-postadresser från specifika domäner så listar Du dem här på samma sätt. Alla andra domäner kommer att accepteras. Ett exempel:
<strong>hotmail.com yahoo.co.uk</strong>';
$string['configdigestmailtime'] = 'Användare som väljer att prenumerera på sammanfattande e-postmeddelanden kommer att få dessa sammanfattningar dagligen. Den här inställningen bestämmer vid vilken tid på dygnet som det dagliga e-postmeddelandet kommer att skickas. (det \"cron\" som körs efter denna timme kommer att sända det)';
$string['configdisplayloginfailures'] = 'Det här kommer (för utvalda användare) att visa information om inloggningar som inte har lyckat.';
$string['configenablerssfeeds'] = 'Den här omkopplaren kommer att aktivera RSS-inmatningar från hela webbplatsen. För att faktiskt se några förändringar så behöver Du aktivera RSS-inmatningar i de individuella modulerna också - gå till inställningar för moduler i Administration->konfiguration';
@ -69,6 +73,7 @@ $string['configsectionuser'] = 'Anv
$string['configsecureforms'] = 'Moodle kan använda ytterligare en säkerhetsnivå när systemet tar emot data från ett formulär. Om detta är aktiverat så jämförs webbläsarens variabel HTTP_REFERER med det aktuella formulärets adress. I några enstaka fall kan det ge upphov till problem om användaren utnyttjar en brandvägg (t.ex. Zonealarm) som är inställd på att ta bort HTTP_REFERER från sin webbtrafik,. Symptom på detta är att man \"fastnar\" på ett formulär. Om Dina användare har problem med loginsidan så kanske Du vill avaktivera den här inställningen även om det öppnar Din sajt för lösenordsattacker. Om Du är tveksam så är det bäst att låta inställningen \'Ja\' vara kvar.';
$string['configsessioncookie'] = 'Med den här inställningen kan Du ändra namnet på den \'cookie\' som används för sessioner i Moodle. Detta är valfritt och behövs egentligen bara när Du kör fler än en instans (kopia) av Moodle på samma webbplats.';
$string['configsessiontimeout'] = 'Om användare som är inloggade på den här webbplatsen är inaktiva under en lång tid (utan att ladda ner sidor) så loggas de automatiskt ut. (Deras session tar slut). Den här variabeln bestämmer hur lång den tiden ska vara.';
$string['configshowblocksonmodpages'] = 'En del aktivitetsmoduler stödjer block på sina sidor. Om Du aktiverar detta så kommer (distans)lärare att kunna lägga till block på dessa sidor, annars visar gränssnittet inte denna egenskap.';
$string['configshowsiteparticipantslist'] = 'Alla dessa studenter/elever/deltagare/lärande och (distans)lärare kommer att finnas med på listan över deltagare på webbplatsen. Vem ska har rätt att se denna lista?';
$string['configsitepolicy'] = 'Har Du en policy för webbplatsen som alla användare måste se och godkänna innan de får tillräde till den här webbplatsen? Då ska Du ange URL-en till den här. URL-en kan peka vart som helst - en lämplig plats kunde vara en fil i katalogen för webbplatsens filer t.ex. http://dinwebbplats/file.php/1/policy.html';
$string['configslasharguments'] = 'Filer (bilder, uppladdade filer etc) tillhandahålls via ett skript som använder \'slash arguments\' (det andra valet här). Denna metod låter filer lättare bli mellanlagrade i webbklienter, proxyservrar etc. Dessvärre tillåter vissa PHP-servrar inte denna metod, så om Du har problem att se uppladdade filer eller bilder (t.ex. användares bilder) så bör Du sätta denna variabel till det första valet.';
@ -85,10 +90,10 @@ $string['confirmation'] = 'Bekr
$string['confirmdeletedst'] = 'Om Du tar bort det förinställda värde som kallas <strong>$a</strong> så avaktiverar detta omedelbart DST för alla användare av det förinställda. Detta kan, utan varning, ändra hur de uppfattar tiden. Är Du säker på att Du vill fortsätta?';
$string['confirmdeletedstdefault'] = '<strong>Det förinställda värde som kallas $a används för alla användare på den här webbplatsen! </strong>Om Du tar bort det ändrar, utan varning, hur de uppfattar tiden. Är Du säker på att Du vill fortsätta?';
$string['cronwarning'] = 'Skriptet <a href=\"cron.php\">cron.php skript för underhåll</a> har inte körts under de senaste 24 timmarna.<br />I <a href=\"../doc/?frame=install.html&sub=cron\">dokumentation för installation </a> kan Du hitta förklaringar om hur Du kan automatisera detta. ';
$string['dstisapreference'] = 'Varje användare kan välja vilket förinställt värde de vill använda';
$string['dstisforcedto'] = 'Tvinga alla användare att använda';
$string['dstpresets'] = 'Förinställda värden för DST';
$string['editingdstpreset'] = 'Att redigera förinställda värden för DST';
$string['dstpresetforced'] = 'Denna inställning har låsts av webbplatsens administratör';
$string['edithelpdocs'] = 'Redigera hjälpdokument';
$string['editingtimezone'] = 'Redigerar en tidszon';
$string['editstrings'] = 'Redigera strängar';
$string['emptydstlist'] = 'Det finns f.n. inga förinställda värden för DST som har definierats. Du kan lägga till ett genom att klicka på knappen \"Lägg till\".';
$string['errordstpresetactivateearlier'] = 'Månaden för aktivering måste vara av ett senare datum än månaden för avaktivering. ';
$string['errordstpresetnameempty'] = 'Namnet på ett förinställt värde kan inte vara tomt';
@ -96,22 +101,28 @@ $string['errordstpresetnameexists'] = 'Ett annat f
$string['filteruploadedfiles'] = 'Filtrera uppladdade filer';
$string['helpadminseesall'] = 'Kan administratörerna se alla händelser för kalendrar eller bara de som berör dem själva?';
$string['helpcalendarsettings'] = 'Att konfigurera olika aspekter på Moodle som har med kalender och datum/tid att göra.';
$string['helpdstforusers'] = 'Kan varje användare välja sina egna inställningar för DST?';
$string['helpmanagedstpresets'] = 'Klicka på den här knappen för att lägga till, redigera eller ta bort förinställda värden för DST som är tillgängliga på den här webbplatsen.';
$string['helpforcetimezone'] = 'Du kan antingen tillåta användare att välja sina tidszoner individuellt eller \"diktera\" en tidszom som gäller för alla.';
$string['helpmanagetimezones'] = 'Du kan antingen manuellt lägga till, redigera och ta bort profilerna för tidszonerna för den här webbplatsen, eller låta Moodle uppdatera och ladda ner nya profiler automatiskt från moodle.org';
$string['helpsitemaintenance'] = 'För uppgraderingar och annat arbete';
$string['helpstartofweek'] = 'Vilken dag inleder veckan i kalendern?';
$string['helpupcominglookahead'] = 'Hur många dagar framåt i tiden övervakar kalendern som standard när det gäller kommande händelser?';
$string['helpupcomingmaxevents'] = 'Hur många (maximalt) kommande händelser visas för användarna som standard?';
$string['helpweekenddays'] = 'Vilka dagar i veckan markeras som \"helgdagar\" och visas med en annan färg?';
$string['managedstpresets'] = 'Àdministrera förinställda värden för DST';
$string['managetimezones'] = 'Administrera profiler för tidszoner';
$string['nodstpresetsexist'] = 'Stödet för DST är avaktiverat för alla användare eftersom det inte finns några förinställda värden. Du kan definiera några förinställda värden genom att använda knappen här nedan.';
$string['optionalmaintenancemessage'] = 'Valfritt meddelande angående underhåll';
$string['returntocalendaroptions'] = 'Gå tillbaka till alternativen för kalender';
$string['sitemaintenance'] = 'Det pågår f.n underhålll på webbplasen och det är för tillfället inte tillgänglig.';
$string['sitemaintenancemode'] = 'Mod för underhåll';
$string['sitemaintenanceoff'] = 'Läget för underhåll har avaktiverats och webbplatsen fungerar normalt igen.';
$string['sitemaintenanceon'] = 'Din webbplats är f.n. i ett läge för underhåll. (bara adminstratörer kan logga in eller använda platsen).';
$string['sitemaintenancewarning'] = 'Din webbplats är f.n. i ett läge för underhåll. (bara adminstratörer kan logga in). För att återställa den här webbplatsen till normalt operativt läge <a href=\"maintenance.php\">avaktivera läget för underhåll</a>.';
$string['tabselectedtofront'] = 'På tabeller med tabbar bör raden med den för tillfället valda taggen placeras längst fram.';
$string['therewereerrors'] = 'Det fanns fel i Dina data';
$string['timezoneisforcedto'] = 'Tvinga alla användare att använda samma tidszon';
$string['timezonenotforced'] = 'Användare kan själva välja sin egen tidszon';
$string['timezones'] = 'Tidszoner';
$string['updatetimezones'] = 'Uppdatera profiler automatiskt';
$string['upgradelogs'] = 'För att Du ska kunna utnyttja all funktionalitet så måste Dina gamla loggar uppgraderas. <a href=\"$a\">Mer information</a>';
$string['upgradelogsinfo'] = 'En del förändringar har nyligen gjorts när det gäller hur loggarna lagras. För att Du ska kunna se alla Dina gamla loggar per aktivitet s a s så måste Dina gamla loggar uppgraderas. Detta kan ta lång tid, beroende på hur Din webbplats fungerar och det kan vara rätt krävande för databasen om det är en stor webbplats. När Du väl har påbörjat den här processen så bör Du också slutföra den (genom att hålla webbläsarens fönster öppet). Var dock inte orolig för Dina användare, webbplatsen bör fungera normalt för dem medan detta pågår. <br /><br /> Vill Du uppdatera Dina loggar nu?';
$string['upgradesure'] = 'Dina Moodle-filer har ändrats och Du håller på att automatiskt uppgradera Din server till den här versionen:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// assignment.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083131)
// assignment.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083134)
$string['allowresubmit'] = 'Låt användarna skicka om sina bidrag';
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ $string['maximumsize'] = 'Maximum storlek';
$string['modulename'] = 'Uppgift';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Uppgifter';
$string['newsubmissions'] = 'Uppgifterna är inskickade';
$string['noassignments'] = 'Det finns inga uppgifter ännu.';
$string['notgradedyet'] = 'Ännu ej bedömd';
$string['notsubmittedyet'] = 'Ännu inte inskickade uppgifter';
$string['overwritewarning'] = 'Varning: uppladdning igen kommer att ERSÄTTA Ditt nuvarande redan inskickade bidrag';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// attendance.php - created with Moodle 1.4 (2004083100)
// attendance.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083134)
$string['absentlong'] = 'Frånvarande';
@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ $string['defaultdynamicsection'] = 'Vill Du som standardval flytta n
$string['defaultgrade'] = 'Vill Du som standardval göra det möjligt att bedöma/värdera/betygssätta närvarolistorna?';
$string['defaulthoursinclass'] = 'Hur många timmar ska det vara som standardval i närvolistan?';
$string['defaultmaxgrade'] = 'Vilket ska vara standardval för det maximala (betygs)värdet för full närvaro?';
$string['defaultstudentstatus'] = 'Standardval för den studentens/elevesn/deltagarens/den lärandes status på nya närvarolistor';
$string['defaultstudentstatus'] = 'Standardval för den studentens/elevens/deltagarens/den lärandes status på nya närvarolistor';
$string['downloadexcelfull'] = 'Ladda ner kompletta kalkylblad (Excel)';
$string['downloadexceltotals'] = 'Ladda ner sammanfattande kalkylblad (Excel)';
$string['downloadtextfull'] = 'Ladda ner rapport i fulltext';
$string['downloadtexttotals'] = 'Ladda ner rapport som sammanfattande text';
$string['dynamicsection'] = 'Bestäm närvarovecka med utgångspunkt från detta datum';
$string['dynamicsectionmulti'] = 'Placera automatiskt listorna i sina respektive sektioner för vecko r';
$string['dynamicsectionmulti'] = 'Placera automatiskt listorna i sina respektive sektioner för veckor';
$string['dynsectionshort'] = 'Dynamiskt flyttad till sektion';
$string['endbeforestart'] = 'Slutdatum är före startdatum';
$string['endmulti'] = 'Datum för senaste närvarolista';
@ -1,7 +1,21 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// auth.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083131)
// auth.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083134)
$string['auth_cas_baseuri'] = 'Serverns URI (ingenting om det inte är en baseURI)<br />IF t.ex. CAS-servern svarar mot
värd.domän.se/CAS/ THEN <br />cas_baseuri=CAS/';
$string['auth_cas_create_user'] = 'Aktivera detta om Du vill lägga in CAS-auktoriserade användare i Moodles databas. Om inte som kommer bara användare som redan finns i Moodles databas att kunna logga in.';
$string['auth_cas_enabled'] = 'Aktivera detta om Du vill använda autenticering med CAS.';
$string['auth_cas_hostname'] = 'Värdnamn för CAS-server<br />t.ex. värd.domän.se';
$string['auth_cas_invalidcaslogin'] = 'Din inloggning misslyckades tyvärr - Dina rättigheter kunde inte bekräftas';
$string['auth_cas_language'] = 'Valt språk';
$string['auth_cas_logincas'] = 'Tillträde via en säker uppkoppling';
$string['auth_cas_port'] = 'CAS-serverns port';
$string['auth_cas_server_settings'] = 'Konfiguration av CAS-server';
$string['auth_cas_text'] = 'Säker uppkoppling';
$string['auth_cas_version'] = 'CAS version';
$string['auth_casdescription'] = 'Den här metode använder en CAS-server (Central Authentication Service)för att autentisera användare i en Single Sign On environment (SSO). Du kan också använda enkel LDAP autentisering. Om ett viss givet annvändarnamn och lösenord är giltigt enligt CAS så lägger Moodle in en ny användare i sin databas, och hämtar användarens egenskaper (attribut) från LDAP om så krävs. Vid nästföljande inloggningar så kontrolleras bara användarnamnet och lösenordet.';
$string['auth_castitle'] = 'Använd en CAS-server (SSO)';
$string['auth_common_settings'] = 'Vanliga inställningar';
$string['auth_data_mapping'] = 'Kartor över data';
$string['auth_dbdescription'] = 'Denna metod använder en extern databastabell för att kontrollera huruvida ett givet användarnamn och lösenord är giltigt. Om kontot är nytt, så kan information från andra fält också kopieras till Moodle.';
@ -11,7 +25,7 @@ $string['auth_dbfielduser'] = 'Namn p
$string['auth_dbhost'] = 'Den dator (värd) som används för databasservern.';
$string['auth_dbname'] = 'Namnet på själva databasen ';
$string['auth_dbpass'] = 'Lösenord som matchar ovanstående användarnamn';
$string['auth_dbpasstype'] = 'Specificera formatet på det fält som lösenordet ska ligga í. MD-kryptering går att använda om Du vill koppla upp Dig mot andra vanliga webbapplikationer som PostNuke.';
$string['auth_dbpasstype'] = 'Specificera formatet på det fält som lösenordet ska ligga i. MD-kryptering går att använda om Du vill koppla upp Dig mot andra vanliga webbapplikationer som PostNuke.';
$string['auth_dbtable'] = 'Namn på tabellen i databasen';
$string['auth_dbtitle'] = 'Använd en extern databas';
$string['auth_dbtype'] = 'Databastyp (se <A HREF=../lib/adodb/readme.htm#drivers>ADOdb dokumentation</A> för detaljer)';
@ -28,7 +42,7 @@ $string['auth_fcpasswd'] = 'L
$string['auth_fctitle'] = 'Använd en FirstClass-server';
$string['auth_fcuserid'] = 'AnvändarID för FirstClass-konto med inställningen \"Subadministrator\" aktiverad.';
$string['auth_imapdescription'] = 'Denna metod använder en IMAP-server för att kontrollera huruvida ett givet användarnamn och lösenord är giltigt.';
$string['auth_imaphost'] = 'IMAP-serverns adress. Använd IP-nummer, inte DNS- namn.';
$string['auth_imaphost'] = 'IMAP-serverns adress. Använd IP-nummer, inte DNS-namn.';
$string['auth_imapport'] = 'IMAP-serverns portnummer. Vanligtvis är detta 143 eller 993.';
$string['auth_imaptitle'] = 'Använd en IMAP-server';
$string['auth_imaptype'] = 'IMAP servertyp. IMAP-servrar kan ha olika typer av autenticeringar och förhandlingar.';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// block_glossary_random.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083134)
$string['aboutfooter'] = 'Det här blocket ärver en del inställningar från den ord- och begreppslista som den är kopplad till. Endast en av de följande texterna visas beroende på inställningarna i ord- och begreppslistan ';
$string['addentry'] = 'Lägg till Dina egna favoritcitat!';
$string['askaddentry'] = 'Om studenter/elever/deltagare/lärande har rätt att lägga till egna inlägg i ord- och begreppslistan så kommer en länk till ord- och begreppslistan att visas i den följande texten.';
$string['askinvisible'] = 'Om Du vill dölja den ursprungliga ord- och begreppslistan för studenterna/eleverna/deltagarna/de lärande så kommer ingen länk att visas. Den följande texten visas istället. ';
$string['askviewglossary'] = 'Om studenterna/eleverna/deltagarna/de lärande bara har rätt att se hela innehållet i ord- och begreppslistan så kommer en länk till ord- och begreppslistan att visas i den följande texten.';
$string['blockname'] = 'Slumpmässigt bidrag till en ord- och begreppslista';
$string['change_configuration'] = 'Ändra inställningarna för block';
$string['configureblock'] = 'Ändra inställningarna för det här blocket';
$string['intro'] = 'Se till att Du åtminstone har en ord- och begreppslista som innehåller åtminstone ett bidrag som är inlagt för den här kursen. Sedan kan Du finjustera inställningarna';
$string['invisible'] = '(fortsättning följer)';
$string['lastmodified'] = 'Det senast modifierade bidraget';
$string['nextone'] = 'Nästa bidrag';
$string['noentriesyet'] = 'Det finns ännu inga bidrag i den valda ord- och begreppslistan';
$string['notyetconfigured'] = 'Var snäll och konfigurera det här blocket med hjälp av ikonen för redigering.';
$string['notyetglossary'] = 'Du behöver åtminstone ha en valbar ord- och begreppslista';
$string['random'] = 'Slumpmässigt bidrag';
$string['refresh'] = 'Dagar innan ett nytt bidrag väljs ';
$string['select_glossary'] = 'Ta bidrag från den här ord- och begreppslistan';
$string['title'] = 'Titel';
$string['type'] = 'Hur ett nytt bidrag väljs';
$string['typehelp'] = '<b>Det senast modifierade bidraget</b> kommer alltid att visa det bidrag som senast modifierades och <b>Slumpmässigt bidrag</b> kommer att välja ett nytt slumpmässigt varje gång. Alternativet <b>Nästa bidrag</b> kommer att gå igenom bídragen i tur och ordning. Det sista alternativet är speciellt användbart när man även väljer ett antal dagar, så att Du kan lägga in ett \"Veckans citat\" eller ett \"Dagens tips\" som alla ser.';
$string['viewglossary'] = 'Fler citat...';
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// block_html.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083131)
// block_html.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083134)
$string['configcontent'] = 'Innehåll';
$string['configtitle'] = 'Titel på block';
$string['html'] = 'HTML';
$string['leaveblanktohide'] = 'Låt detta vara tomt för att dölja titeln';
$string['newhtmlblock'] = '(nytt HTML-block)';
@ -1,30 +1,32 @@
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<p>Moodle is an active and evolving work in progress. Development was started
by <a href="http://moodle.org/user/view.php?id=1&course=1" target="_top">Martin
Dougiamas</a> who continues to lead the project:</p>
<p><em>I've been working on it, in some way or other, for several years. It
started in the 90's when I was webmaster at <a target=_top href="http://www.curtin.edu.au/">Curtin
<p>Moodle is an active and evolving work in progress. Development was started
by <a href="http://moodle.org/user/view.php?id=1&course=1" target="_top">Martin
Dougiamas</a> who continues to lead the project:</p>
<p><em>I've been working on it, in some way or other, for several years. It
started in the 90's when I was webmaster at <a target="_top" href="http://www.curtin.edu.au/">Curtin
University of Technology</a> and a system administrator of their WebCT installation.
I encountered many frustrations with the WebCT beast and developed an itch
that needed scratching - there had to be a better way (no, not Blackboard
<p><em>I also know a lot of people in schools and smaller institutions (and
<p><em>I also know a lot of people in schools and smaller institutions (and
some big ones!) who want to make better use of the Internet but don't know
where to start in the maze of technologies and pedagogies that are out there.
I've always hoped there would be a Free alternative that such people could
use to help them move their teaching skills into the online environment. </em></p>
<p><em>My strong beliefs in the unrealised possibilities of Internet-based education
<p><em>My strong beliefs in the unrealised possibilities of Internet-based education
led me to complete a Masters and then a PhD in Education, combining my former
career in Computer Science with newly constructed knowledge about the nature
of learning and collaboration. In particular, I am particularly influenced
@ -32,42 +34,47 @@
as a social activity, but focusses attention on the learning that occurs while
actively constructing artifacts (such as texts) for others to see or use.
<p><em>It is crucial to me that this software be easy to use - in fact it should
<p><em>It is crucial to me that this software be easy to use - in fact it should
be as intuitive as possible. </em></p>
<p><em>I'm committed to continuing my work on Moodle and on keeping it Open
<p><em>I'm committed to continuing my work on Moodle and on keeping it Open
and Free. I have a deeply-held belief in the importance of unrestricted education
and empowered teaching, and Moodle is the main way I can contribute to the
realisation of these ideals.</em></p>
<p>A number of early prototypes were produced and discarded before he released
<p>A number of early prototypes were produced and discarded before he released
version 1.0 upon a largely unsuspecting world on August 20, 2002. This version
was targeted towards smaller, more intimate classes at University level, and
was the subject of research case studies that closely analysed the nature of
collaboration and reflection that occurred among these small groups of adult
<p>Since then there has been steady series of new releases adding new features,
<p>Since then there has been steady series of new releases adding new features,
better scalability and improved performance.
<p>As Moodle has spread and the community has grown, more input is being drawn
<p>As Moodle has spread and the community has grown, more input is being drawn
from a wider variety of people in different teaching situations. For example,
Moodle is now used not only in Universities, but in high schools, primary schools,
non-profit organisations, private companies, by independent teachers and even
homeschooling parents. A growing number of people from around the world are
contributing to Moodle in different ways - for more details see the <a href="?file=credits.html">Credits</a>
<p>An important feature of the Moodle project is the <a href="http://moodle.org" target="_top">moodle.org</a>
<p>An important feature of the Moodle project is the <a href="http://moodle.org" target="_top">moodle.org</a>
web site, which provides a central point for information, discussion and collaboration
among Moodle users, who include system administrators, teachers, researchers,
instructional designers and of course, developers. Like Moodle, this site is
always evolving to suit the needs of the community, and like Moodle it will
always be Free.
<p>In 2003, the company <a href="http://moodle.com/" target="_top">moodle.com</a>
was launched to provide additional commercial support for those need it, as
<p>In 2003, the company <a href="http://moodle.com/" target="_top">moodle.com</a>
was launched to provide additional commercial support for those who need it, as
well as managed hosting, consulting and other services.
<p>For more about our future plans for Moodle, see the <a href="?file=future.html">Future</a>
<p>For more about our future plans for Moodle, see the <a href="?file=future.html">Future</a>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
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<h2>Moodle Coding Guidelines</h2>
<h2 class="normaltext">General Rules</h2>
<h1>Moodle Coding Guidelines</h1>
<p class="normaltext">Any collaborative project needs consistency and stability
to stay strong.</p>
<p class="normaltext">These guidelines are to provide a goal for all Moodle code
to strive to. It's true that some of the older existing code falls short in
a few areas, but it will all be fixed eventually. All new code definitely must
adhere to these standards as closely as possible.</p>
<h2>General Rules</h2>
<ol class="normaltext">
<li>All files should use the .php extension.</li>
<li>All existing copyright notices must be retained. You can add your own if
<li>Each file should include the main config.php file.</li>
<li>Each file should check that the user is authenticated correctly, using require_login()
and isadmin(), isteacher(), iscreator() or isstudent().</li>
<li>All access to databases should use the functions in lib/datalib.php whenever
possible - this allows compatibility across a wide range of databases. You
should find that almost anything is possible using these functions. Any other
SQL statements should be: cross-platform; restricted to specific functions
within your code (usally a lib.php file); and clearly marked.</li>
<li>All strings should be translatable - create new texts in the "lang/en"
files and call them using get_string() or print_string().</li>
<li>All help files should be translatable - create new texts in the "en/help"
directory and call them using helpbutton().</li>
<li class="spaced">All code files should use the .php extension.</li>
<li class="spaced">All template files should use the .html extension.</li>
<li class="spaced">All text files should use Unix-style text format (most text
editors have this as an option).</li>
<li class="spaced">All php tags must be 'full' tags like <font color="#339900"><?php
?></font> ... not 'short' tags like <font color="#339900"><? ?></font>.
<li class="spaced">All existing copyright notices must be retained. You can
add your own if necessary.</li>
<li class="spaced">Each file should include the main config.php file.</li>
<li class="spaced">Each file should check that the user is authenticated correctly,
using require_login() and isadmin(), isteacher(), iscreator() or isstudent().</li>
<li class="spaced">All access to databases should use the functions in lib/datalib.php
whenever possible - this allows compatibility across a wide range of databases.
You should find that almost anything is possible using these functions. If you must write SQL code then make sure it is: cross-platform; restricted to specific functions
within your code (usually a lib.php file); and clearly marked.</li>
<li class="spaced">Don't create or use global variables except for the standard
$CFG, $SESSION, $THEME and $USER.</li>
<li class="spaced">All variables should be initialised or at least tested for
existence using isset() or empty() before they are used.</li>
<li class="spaced">All strings should be translatable - create new texts in
the "lang/en" files with concise English lowercase names and retrieve them
from your code using get_string() or print_string().</li>
<li class="spaced">All help files should be translatable - create new texts
in the "en/help" directory and call them using helpbutton().
<p>If you need to update a help file: </p>
<li>with a minor change, where an old translation of the
file would still make sense, then it's OK to make the change
but you should notify translation@moodle.org</li>
<li>for a major change you should create a new file by adding
an incrementing number (eg filename2.html) so that translators
can easily see it's a new version of the file. Obviously the
new code and the help index files should also be modified to point
to the newest versions.</li>
<li class="spaced">Incoming data from the browser (sent via GET or POST) automatically
has magic_quotes applied (regardless of the PHP settings) so that you can safely
insert it straight into the database. All other raw data (from files, or from databases)
must be escaped with <font color="#339900">addslashes()</font> before inserting it into the database.</li>
<li class="spaced">IMPORTANT: All texts within Moodle, especially those that have
come from users, should be printed using the format_text() function. This ensures that
text is filtered and cleaned correctly.</li>
<p> </p>
<h2 class="normaltext">Coding Style</h2>
<h2>Coding Style</h2>
<p class="normaltext">I know it can be a little annoying to change your style
if you're used to something else, but balance that annoyance against the annoyance
of all the people trying later on to make sense of Moodle code with mixed styles.
There are obviously many good points for and against any style that people use,
but the current style just <strong>is</strong>, so please stick to it. </p>
<ol class="normaltext">
<li>Don't use tabs at all. Use consistent indenting with 4 spaces.</li>
<li>Braces must always be used for blocks of code (even if there is only one
line). Moodle uses this style:
<li class="spaced"><strong>Indenting</strong> should be consistently 4 spaces.
Don't use tabs AT ALL. </li>
<li class="spaced"><strong>Variable names</strong> should always be easy-to-read,
meaningful lowercase English words. If you really need more than one word
then run them together, but keep them short as possible. Use
plural names for arrays of objects.
<p class="examplecode"><font color="#006600">GOOD: $quiz<br />
GOOD: $errorstring<br />
GOOD: $assignments (for an array of objects)<br />
GOOD: $i (but only in little loops)<br />
<br />
BAD: $Quiz <br />
BAD: $aReallyLongVariableNameWithoutAGoodReason<br />
BAD: $error_string</font></p>
<li class="spaced"><strong>Constants</strong> should always be in upper case,
and always start with the name of the module. They should have words separated
by underscores.
<p class="examplecode"><font color="#006600">define("FORUM_MODE_FLATOLDEST",
<li class="spaced"><strong>Function names</strong> should be simple English
lowercase words, and start with the name of the module to avoid conflicts between modules.
Words should be separated by underscores. Parameters should always have sensible
defaults if possible. Note there is no space between the function name and
the following (brackets). <br />
<p class="examplecode"> <font color="#007700">function </font><font color="#0000BB">forum_set_display_mode</font><font color="#007700">(</font><font color="#0000BB">$mode</font><font color="#007700">=</font><font color="#0000BB">0</font><font color="#007700">)
{<br />
global </font><font color="#0000BB">$USER</font><font color="#007700">,
</font><font color="#0000BB">$CFG</font><font color="#007700">;<br />
<br />
if (</font><font color="#0000BB">$mode</font><font color="#007700">)
{<br />
</font><font color="#0000BB">$USER</font><font color="#007700">-></font><font color="#0000BB">mode
</font><font color="#007700">= </font><font color="#0000BB">$mode</font><font color="#007700">;<br />
} else if (empty(</font><font color="#0000BB">$USER</font><font color="#007700">-></font><font color="#0000BB">mode</font><font color="#007700">))
{<br />
</font><font color="#0000BB">$USER</font><font color="#007700">-></font><font color="#0000BB">mode
</font><font color="#007700">= </font><font color="#0000BB">$CFG</font><font color="#007700">-></font><font color="#0000BB">forum_displaymode</font><font color="#007700">;<br />
}<br />
<li class="spaced"><strong>Blocks</strong> must always be enclosed in curly
braces (even if there is only one line). Moodle uses this style:
<p class="examplecode"> <font color="#006600">if (</font><font color="#0000CC">$quiz</font><font color="#006600">-></font><font color="#0000CC">attempts</font><font color="#006600">)
{<br />
if (</font><font color="#0000CC">$numattempts </font><font color="#006600">>
</font><font color="#0000CC">$quiz</font><font color="#006600">-></font><font color="#0000CC">attempts</font><font color="#006600">)
{<br />
</font><font color="#0000CC">error</font><font color="#006600">(</font><font color="#CC0000">$strtoomanyattempts</font><font color="#006600">,
</font><font color="#0000CC">error</font><font color="#006600">(</font><font color="#0000BB">$strtoomanyattempts</font><font color="#006600">,
</font><font color="#CC0000">"view.php?id=$cm</font><font color="#006600">-></font><font color="#CC0000">id"</font><font color="#006600">);<br />
}<br />
<li>more to come here .... this document is not nearly finished yet!</li>
<p align="center" class="normaltext"> </p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1">Version: $Id: faq.html,v 1.6 2003/03/30 13:54:28
moodler Exp $</font></p>
<li class="spaced"><strong>Strings</strong> should be defined using single quotes
where possible, for increased speed.<br />
<p class="examplecode"> <font color="#006600">$var = 'some text without any
variables';<br />
$var = "with special characters like a new line \n";<br />
$var = 'a very, very long string with a '.$single.' variable in it';<br />
$var = "some $text with $many variables $within it"; </font></p>
<li class="spaced"><strong>Comments</strong> should use two or three slashes
and line up nicely with the code.
<p class="examplecode"><font color="#006600">function </font><font color="#0000BB">forum_get_ratings_mean</font><font color="#007700">(</font><font color="#0000BB">$postid</font><font color="#007700">,
</font><font color="#0000BB">$scale</font><font color="#007700">, </font><font color="#0000BB">$ratings</font><font color="#007700">=</font><font color="#0000BB">NULL</font><font color="#007700">)
{<br />
</font><font color="#FF8000">/// Return the mean rating of a post given
to the current user by others.<br />
/// Scale is an array of possible ratings in the scale<br />
/// Ratings is an optional simple array of actual ratings (just integers)<br />
<br />
</font><font color="#007700">if (!</font><font color="#0000BB">$ratings</font><font color="#007700">)
{<br />
</font><font color="#0000BB">$ratings
</font><font color="#007700">= array(); </font><font color="#FF8000">//
Initialize the empty array</font><font color="#007700"><br />
if (</font><font color="#0000BB">$rates
</font><font color="#007700">= </font><font color="#0000BB">get_records</font><font color="#007700">(</font><font color="#DD0000">"forum_ratings"</font><font color="#007700">,
</font><font color="#DD0000">"post"</font><font color="#007700">, </font><font color="#0000BB">$postid</font><font color="#007700">))
{<br />
</font><font color="#FF8000">//
Process each rating in turn</font><font color="#007700"><br />
(</font><font color="#0000BB">$rates </font><font color="#007700">as </font><font color="#0000BB">$rate</font><font color="#007700">)
{</font> <br />
....etc </p>
<li class="spaced"><strong>Space</strong> should be used liberally - don't be
afraid to spread things out a little to gain some clarity. Generally, there
should be one space between brackets and normal statements, but no space between
brackets and variables or functions:<br />
<p class="examplecode"> <font color="#007700">foreach (</font><font color="#0000BB">$objects
</font><font color="#007700">as </font><font color="#0000BB">$key </font><font color="#007700">=></font><font color="#0000BB">
$thing</font><font color="#007700">)</font><font color="#006600"> {<br />
</font><font color="#007700"> </font><font color="#0000BB">process($thing);</font><font color="#006600">
<br />
} <br />
<br />
</font><font color="#007700">if (</font><font color="#0000BB">$x </font><font color="#007700">==
</font><font color="#0000BB">$y</font><font color="#007700">)</font><font color="#006600">
{<br />
</font><font color="#007700"> </font><font color="#0000BB">$a
</font><font color="#007700">= </font><font color="#0000BB">$b</font><font color="#007700">;</font><font color="#006600"><br />
} else if (</font><font color="#0000BB">$x </font><font color="#007700">==
</font><font color="#0000BB">$z</font><font color="#006600">) {<br />
</font><font color="#007700"> </font><font color="#0000BB">$a
</font><font color="#007700">= </font><font color="#0000BB">$c</font><font color="#007700">;</font><font color="#006600"><br />
} else {<br />
</font><font color="#007700"> </font><font color="#0000BB">$a
</font><font color="#007700">= </font><font color="#0000BB">$d</font><font color="#007700">;</font><font color="#006600"><br />
} </font></p>
<p> </p>
<h2>Database structures</h2>
<ol class="normaltext">
<li class="spaced">Every table must have an auto-incrementing <strong>id</strong> field (INT10) as primary index.</li>
<li class="spaced">The main table containing instances of each module must have the same name as the module (eg <strong>widget</strong>) and contain the following minimum fields:
<li><strong>id</strong> - as described above</li>
<li><strong>course</strong> - the id of the course that each instance belongs to</li>
<li><strong>name</strong> - the full name of each instance of the module</li>
<li class="spaced">Other tables associated with a module that contain information about 'things' should be named <strong>widget_things</strong> (note the plural).</li>
<li class="spaced">Column names should be simple and short, following the same rules as for variable names.</li>
<li class="spaced">Where possible, columns that contain a reference to the id field of another table (eg <strong>widget</strong>) should be called <strong>widgetid</strong>. (Note that this convention is newish and not followed in some older tables)</li>
<li class="spaced">Boolean fields should be implemented as small integer fields (eg INT4) containing 0 or 1, to allow for later expansion of values if necessary.</li>
<li class="spaced">Most tables should have a <strong>timemodified</strong> field (INT10) which is updated with a current timestamp obtained with the PHP <strong>time</strong>() function.</li>
<hr />
<p align="center"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
@ -1,210 +1,240 @@
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<p><b>Moodle </b>the package is Copyright © 2001-2003, <a target=_top href="http://dougiamas.com/">
Martin Dougiamas</a>. It is distributed under the <a href="?file=licence.html">
GNU Public License</a>.</p>
<h3><br>Special thanks</h3>
<b><a target=_top href="http://pctaylor.com">Dr Peter C. Taylor</a></b>,
at Curtin University of Technology in Perth, Australia, for working
with the earliest prototypes and making many useful suggestions along the way
<p>Many thanks to every person who has contributed to translating Moodle into
different languages. Each translation takes many hours of work, as there are
over 1000 phrases to translate (plus all the help files!). Many of the languages
have more than one contributor, sometimes working together and sometimes they've
taken over the work from a previous person.
<p>Maintaining a list of everyone here is too difficult. For the most up-to-date
information see the <a target=_top href="http://moodle.org/download/lang/">Language
download page</a>. </blockquote>
<p>Themes give Moodle sites some colour and life. Here are all the themes carried as part of the Moodle distribution, along with their authors:
<li><b>standard* and cordoroyblue</b>, by Martin Dougiamas
<li><b>oceanblue</b>, by Mitsuhiro Yoshida, <a target=_top href="http://mitstek.com">http://mitstek.com</a>
<li><b>brightretro</b>, by Thomas Murdock, <a target=_top href="http://sand-paper.org/">http://sand-paper.org</a>
<li><b>garden</b>, by Spiggy, <a target=_top href="http://phpgirl.com">http://phpgirl.com</a>
<h3><br>Other contributors</h3>
<p>Thanks to all of you who have
<li>donated via the <a target=_top href="http://moodle.org/donations">Donations page</a>,
<li>contributed to the <a target=_top href="http://moodle.org/bugs">bug tracker</a>, and
<li>participated in the <a target=_top href="http://moodle.org/community">Moodle Community</a>
<p>Special thanks to those who have contributed substantial amounts of time to helping with Moodle code, including:
Petri Asikainen,
Greg Barnett,
Ray Kingdon,
Eloy Lafuente,
Henrik Kaipe.
<p>Also, thanks to those of you who have at some time contributed with constructive
discussions, support, testing and bits of code. This list is long and always
changing, but some names include (in the order I added them):
Art Lader, Matt Hope, Tom Murdock, Sébastien Namèche, James Miller, Dustin
<h2>Overall guidance</h2>
<p><a href="http://dougiamas.com/" target="_top">Martin Dougiamas</a> is the originator, lead developer, project manager, release manager and general teaboy for the whole Moodle project. Do you take sugar?</p>
<p>The Moodle software package is <a href="?file=licence.html">Copyright © 1999-2004, Martin Dougiamas under the GNU GPL</a>.</p>
<p> </p>
<h2>Main Developers</h2>
<p>A special thanks from all of us goes to those who have contributed substantial and ongoing amounts of time
to writing Moodle code and helping it grow. These are people who "get" what developing Moodle is all about and without whom Moodle would be a far lesser thing:</p>
<strong> Eloy Lafuente (stronk7), Ray Kingdon, Williams Castillo, Petri Asikainen, Henrik Kaipe, Zbigniew Fiedorowicz, Gustav Delius, Thomas Robb, Janne Mikkonen, Jon Papaioannou, Scott Elliott, Shane Elliott, Roberto Pinna (Bobo), Mike Churchward, Petr Škoda (skodak), Penny Leach, Martin Langhoff</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<h2>Other Contributors</h2>
<p>Many other people have contributed (and are still contributing) with constructive
discussions, support, testing and various chunks of code and documentation. This list is long and always
changing, but some names include (in the order they were added):
<strong>Peter C. Taylor, Art Lader, Matt Hope, Tom Murdock, Sébastien Namèche, James Miller, Dustin
Rue, Holger Schadeck, Giovanni Tummarello, John Windmueller, Sean Keogh, Mitsuhiro
Yoshida, Mark Kimes, Mary Hunter, Przemyslaw Stencel, Roberto Pinna (Bobo),
John Eyre, Paula Edmiston, Scott Elliott, Howard Miller, Claudio Tavares,
Zbigniew Fiedorowicz, P. Timothy Ervin, Bob Calder, Ursula Raab, Thomas Robb,
David Delgado, Mad Alex, Gustav Delius.
<p>I apologise if I've forgotten to include your name here - it's very difficult
to maintain! Mail me (Martin) and gently remind me! :-) </p>
<h3><br>Moodle libraries</h3>
<p>Some of Moodle's libraries were written by other people, and are being redistributed
Yoshida, Greg Barnett, Mark Kimes, Mary Hunter, Russell Jungwirth, Przemyslaw Stencel,
John "Captain" Eyre, Paula Edmiston, Howard Miller, Claudio Tavares, P. Timothy Ervin,
Bob Calder, Ursula Raab, David Delgado, Mad Alex, Gaëtan Frenoy, Bernard Boucher,
Bryan Williams, Rob Butner, Koen Roggemans, David Scotson, Torsten Anderson, Eamon Costello, Hannes Gassert.</strong></p>
<p>Sorry if we've forgotten to include your name here - the Moodle community is large and active so this list is difficult
to maintain! Please email Martin and make your suggestions! :-) </p>
<p>Thanks also to <strong>everyone</strong> of you who have
<li>donated via the <a target="_top" href="http://moodle.org/donations">Donations
<li>contributed to the <a target="_top" href="http://moodle.org/bugs">bug tracker</a>,
<li>participated in the <a target="_top" href="http://moodle.org/community">Moodle
Community</a> </li>
<p> </p>
<p>One of Moodle's strengths is the number of translations it has. Each translation takes many hours of work, as there are
over 1000 phrases to translate (plus hundreds of help files!). Many of the languages
have more than one contributor, sometimes working together and sometimes working serially.
<p>Maintaining a list of all these wonderful people is too difficult, so please look at the <a target="_top" href="http://moodle.org/download/lang/">Language
download page</a> for names and details.</p>
<p>The Translation Coordinator is Koen Roggemans (<a href="mailto:tra%6es%6ca%74%69o%6e%40%6d%6f%6f%64%6c%65.org">translation@moodle.org</a>).</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Themes give Moodle sites some colour and life. Here are all the themes carried
as part of the Moodle distribution, along with their authors:
<li><b>standard* and cordoroyblue</b>, by Martin Dougiamas
<li><b>oceanblue</b>, by Mitsuhiro Yoshida, <a target="_top" href="http://mitstek.com">http://mitstek.com</a>
<li><b>brightretro, cornflower</b>, by Thomas Murdock, <a target="_top" href="http://sand-paper.org/">http://sand-paper.org</a>
<li><b>garden</b>, by Spiggy, <a target="_top" href="http://phpgirl.com">http://phpgirl.com</a> </li>
<li><strong>formal_white</strong>, by Andrea Bicciolo</li>
<p> </p>
<h2>Moodle libraries</h2>
<p>Some of Moodle's libraries were written by other people, and are being redistributed
as part of Moodle under their respective open source licenses that thankfully
allow us to do so. My thanks go out to the authors of all these excellent
products - without them Moodle would be missing important functionality. Copyright
information for each package is included below:</p>
<p><b>ADOdb </b>- lib/adodb<br>
<p><b>ADOdb </b>- lib/adodb</p>
<p>Database abstraction library for MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Oracle, Interbase,
Foxpro, Access, ADO, Sybase, DB2 and ODBC.</p>
<p>Version: 4.50<br />
Copyright © 2000-2004 John Lim (jlim@natsoft.com.my)<br />
License: Dual LGPL and BSD-style<br />
URL: <a href="http://adodb.sourceforge.net" target="newpage">http://adodb.sourceforge.net</a><br />
<p>Database abstraction library for MySQL, PostgreSQL, MSSQL, Oracle,
Interbase, Foxpro, Access, ADO, Sybase, DB2 and ODBC.</p>
<p>Version: 3.60<br>
Copyright © 2000-2003 John Lim (jlim@natsoft.com.my)<br>
License: Dual LGPL and BSD-style<br>
URL: <a href="http://php.weblogs.com/adodb" target="newpage">http://php.weblogs.com/adodb</a><br>
<p><b>Graph Class</b> - lib/graphlib.php </p>
<p>Class to draw line, point, bar, and area graphs, including numeric
x-axis and double y-axis.</p>
<p> Version: 1.6.3 (with modifications)<br>
Copyright © 2000 Herman Veluwenkamp, hermanV@mindless.com<br>
License: LGPL<br>
<p>Class to draw line, point, bar, and area graphs, including numeric x-axis
and double y-axis.</p>
<p> Version: 1.6.3 (with modifications)<br />
Copyright © 2000 Herman Veluwenkamp, hermanV@mindless.com<br />
License: LGPL<br />
<p><b>html2text</b> - lib/html2text.php</p>
<p>PHP script to convert HTML into an approximate text equivalent</p>
<p> Version: 1.0 (with modifications)<br />
Copyright © 2002 Mark Wilton-Jones<br />
License: <a href="http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/jslibs/termsOfUse.html">HowToCreate script license</a> with written permission<br />
URL: <a href="http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/php/">http://www.howtocreate.co.uk/php/</a><br />
<p><b>IP-Atlas</b> - lib/ipatlas</p>
<blockquote>PHP scripts to show the location of an IP address on a map.<br>
Version: 1.0 (with modifications)<br>
Copyright © 2002 Ivan Kozik<br>
License: GNU GPL<br>
URL: <a href="http://www.xpenguin.com/ip-atlas.php" target="newpage">http://www.xpenguin.com/ip-atlas.php</a><br>
<p><b>htmlArea</b> - lib/editor</p>
<p>Javascript/HTML script to put a GUI editor in textareas on Internet Explorer and Mozilla</p>
<p> Version: 3.0 beta (with modifications)<br />
Copyright © 2002 <a href="http://interactivetools.com">interactivetools.com</a>, inc.<br />
License: htmlArea License (based on BSD license)<br />
<p><b>IP-Atlas</b> - lib/ipatlas</p>
<p>PHP scripts to show the location of an IP address on a map.<br />
<br />
Version: 1.0 (with modifications)<br />
Copyright © 2002 Ivan Kozik<br />
License: GNU GPL<br />
URL: <a href="http://www.xpenguin.com/ip-atlas.php" target="newpage">http://www.xpenguin.com/ip-atlas.php</a></p>
<p><b>PclZip</b> - lib/pclzip</p>
<blockquote>Class to create, manage and unpack zip files.<br>
Version: 2.0 RC2<br>
Copyright © 2003 Vincent Blavet <vincent@phpconcept.net><br>
License: GNU GPL<br>
URL: <a href="http://www.phpconcept.net" target="newpage">http://www.phpconcept.net</a><br>
<p><b>kses</b> - lib/kses.php</p>
<p>HTML/XHTML filter that only allows some elements and attributes</p>
<p>Version: 0.2.1<br />
Copyright © 2002,2003 Ulf Harnhammar <br />
License: GNU GPL<br />
URL: <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/kses" target="newpage">http://sourceforge.net/projects/kses</a>
<p><b>PHP mailer</b> - lib/class.phpmailer.php<br>
<blockquote>Class for sending email using either sendmail, PHP mail(),
or SMTP. Methods are based upon the standard AspEmail(tm) classes.<br>
Version 1.71,<br>
Copyright © 2003 Brent R. Matzelle <bmatzelle@yahoo.com><br>
License: LGPL<br>
URL: <a href="http://phpmailer.sourceforge.net" target="newpage">http://phpmailer.sourceforge.net</a><br>
<p><b>PHP Simple Excel File Generator</b> - lib/psxlsgen.php</p>
<blockquote>Class to generate very simple MS Excel files (xls)
via PHP.<br>
Version: 0.3b<br>
Copyright © 2001 Erol Ozcan <eozcan@superonline.com><br>
License: GNU LGPL<br>
URL: <a href="http://psxlsgen.sourceforge.net" target="newpage">http://psxlsgen.sourceforge.net</a><br>
<p><b>Richtext Editor</b> - lib/rte</p>
<blockquote>HTML text editor for embedding in web pages.<br>
Version: 0.30 beta 1 (plus modifications)<br>
Copyright © 2001 Ramesys (Contracting Services) Limited <Austin.France@Ramesys.com>
License: GNU LGPL<br>
URL: <a href="http://richtext.sourceforge.net" target="newpage">http://richtext.sourceforge.net</a><br>
<p><b>SMTP class </b>- lib/class.smtp.php<br>
<blockquote>Class that can be used to connect and communicate with
any SMTP server. <br>
It implements all the SMTP functions defined in RFC821 except TURN.<br>
Version: 03/26/2001 <br>
Copyright © 2001 Chris Ryan <chris@greatbridge.com><br>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
<p><b>mimeTeX</b> - filter/tex</p>
<p>Compiled C program to convert TeX into GIFs<br />
<br />
Version: 1.4 <br />
Copyright © 2002-2004 John Forkosh Associates, Inc<br />
License: GNU GPL<br />
URL: <a href="http://www.forkosh.com/mimetex.html">http://www.forkosh.com/mimetex.html</a><br />
URL: <a href="http://moodle.org/download/mimetex">http://moodle.org/download/mimetex</a></p>
<p><b>overlibmws</b> - lib/overlib.js</p>
<p>Javascript library to enable DHTML popups, floating windows, events etc<br />
<br />
Version: July 2004<br />
Copyright © 2002-2004 Foteos Macrides<br />
Copyright © 1998-2004 Erik Bosrup<br />
License: Artistic Open Source License<br />
URL: <a href="http://www.macridesweb.com/oltest/">http://www.macridesweb.com/oltest/</a><br />
<p><b>PclZip</b> - lib/pclzip</p>
<p>Class to create, manage and unpack zip files.<br />
<br />
Version: 2.4 RC1<br />
Copyright © 2004 Vincent Blavet <vincent@phpconcept.net><br />
License: GNU GPL<br />
URL: <a href="http://www.phpconcept.net" target="newpage">http://www.phpconcept.net</a><br />
<p><b>PHP mailer</b> - lib/class.phpmailer.php</p>
<p>Class for sending email using either sendmail, PHP mail(), or SMTP.
Methods are based upon the standard AspEmail(tm) classes.<br />
<br />
Version 1.71,<br />
Copyright © 2003 Brent R. Matzelle <bmatzelle@yahoo.com><br />
License: LGPL<br />
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<p align="center"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
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<h2>Using CVS to access and update Moodle source code</h2>
<p>CVS is the Concurrent Versioning System. It's a commonly used way of storing
source code because it keeps versions of all files so that nothing is ever
lost, and usage by different people is tracked. It also provides ways to merge
code if two or more people are working on the same file. All code and all
versions are stored on a central server (in the case of Moodle, at <a target="_top" href="http://www.sf.net/">Sourceforge</a>).
<p>If you just want to access the current CVS version of Moodle with read-only access then
you don't need this page - just follow the simpler CVS instructions on the <a target="_top" href="http://moodle.org/download">Moodle download page</a>.</p>
<p>To use <a target="_top" href="http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/moodle/moodle/">Moodle's
CVS archive</a> (as a <a target="_top" href="http://sourceforge.net/project/memberlist.php?group_id=30935">developer
with write access</a>), you first need to have an <a href="http://sourceforge.net/account/register.php">account
on Sourceforge</a>. For the examples on this page, let's assume your username
is <strong><font color="#990000">myusername</font></strong> and your password
is <strong><font color="#990000">mypassword</font></strong>. Take special note of the
sourceforge instructions to <a target="_top" href="http://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=768&group_id=1#develhomedir">create your CVS home directory</a> - something you have to
do with every new account to "enable" it for CVS. Basically you just have to use ssh to interactively connect to cvs.sourceforge.net.</p>
<p>Once you have
a working Sourceforge account, contact <a
target="_top" href="http://moodle.org/user/view.php?id=1&course=1">Martin Dougiamas</a> so he can give you write access
to particular Moodle directories.</p>
<p>To avoid being prompted for <strong><font color="#990000">mypassword</font></strong>
every time you run a CVS command, follow the <a target="_top" href="http://sourceforge.net/account/editsshkeys.php">Sourceforge
directions for using authorized keys</a>. This step is optional, but it can
make your CVS experience a lot nicer.</p>
<p>With that done, you should have all the permissions you need, so you just
need to set up your machine and download the current sources so you can start
working on them. Below are instructions for Unix and Windows systems.</p>
<h3 class="sectionheading">1. Using CVS on Unix</h3>
<p>Sourceforge CVS uses ssh as a transport layer for security, so you will
have to set this CVS_RSH environment variable in your Unix shell:</p>
<pre><strong>setenv CVS_RSH ssh</strong> (for csh, tcsh etc)</pre>
<pre><strong>export CVS_RSH=ssh</strong> (for sh, bash etc)</pre>
<p>It's best to put this in your .bashrc or .cshrc so you don't have to type
it all the time. Then, check out Moodle using this (all one line): </p>
<pre><strong>cvs -z3 -d:ext:myusername@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/moodle co moodle</strong></pre>
<p>Don't try to do run this first CVS command into an existing moodle directory
- start fresh with a new directory.</p>
<p>Note that you will be prompted for <strong><font color="#990000">mypassword</font></strong>
for each command unless you set up <a target="_top" href="http://sourceforge.net/account/editsshkeys.php">authorized
<p>Now, you should have a new 'moodle' directory. You can rename it and move
it around if you like. Go into it: </p>
<pre><strong>cd moodle </strong></pre>
<p>All the latest Moodle files should be in there. You can now change files
in your copy. To compare your files against the main CVS copy on the server
use cvs diff, eg: </p>
<pre><strong>cvs diff -c config-dist.php
cvs diff -c lang</strong></pre>
<p>To fetch the latest updates from the server use: </p>
<pre><strong>cvs update -dP</strong> </pre>
<p>To copy your new files back to the server you would do something like:
<pre><strong>cd lang/ca
cvs commit</strong> </pre>
<p>You will be prompted to add some comments (depends on your default text
editor) ... add a meangingful comment and close the editor ... the files
will be sent to Sourceforge and stored. Done! </p>
<p>To save more time you can put default arguments into a file called .cvsrc
in your home directory. For example, mine contains: </p>
<pre><strong>diff -c
update -dP</strong> </pre>
<p>Try 'cvs help' for more details ... </p>
<h1>CVS for Moodle Developers</h1>
<p>CVS is the <strong>Concurrent Versioning System</strong>, a commonly-used way of managing source code for large software projects. CVS keeps all versions of all files so that nothing is ever lost, and usage by different people is tracked. It also provides ways to merge code if two or more people are working on the same file. All code and all versions are stored on a central server (in the case of Moodle, at <a target="_top" href="http://www.sf.net/">Sourceforge</a>). </p>
<p>If you just want to download Moodle using CVS to run a site, then you probably don't need this page - just follow the simpler CVS instructions on the <a target="_top" href="http://moodle.org/download">Moodle download page</a>.</p>
<p> </p>
<li><a href="#n1">Joining the project as a developer</a></li>
<li><a href="#n2">CVS Modules</a> </li>
<li><a href="#n3">Basic CVS Commands</a> <br />
3.1. <a href="#n3.1">CVS on Unix</a> <br />
3.2. <a href="#n3.2">CVS on Windows</a></li>
<li> <a href="#n4">Working with Branches</a><br />
4.1. <a href="#n4.1">Trunk development</a><br />
4.2. <a href="#n4.2">Stable branches for each release</a><br />
4.3. <a href="#n4.3">Feature branches for large changes</a> </li>
<br />
<h2><a name="n1" id="n1"></a>1. Joining the project as a developer</h2>
<p>So, you've been offered CVS write access to help us develop and maintain Moodle! <a href="http://sourceforge.net/project/memberlist.php?group_id=30935">Welcome aboard</a>!</p>
<p>To be able to write changes into <a target="_top" href="http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/moodle/moodle/">Moodle's CVS archive</a>, you first need to have an account at Sourceforge (<a href="http://sourceforge.net/account/register.php">registration is free and easy</a>). For the examples on this page, let's assume your username is <strong><font color="#990000">myusername</font></strong> and your password is <strong><font color="#990000">mypassword</font></strong>. Take special note of the sourceforge instructions to <a target="_top" href="http://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=768&group_id=1#develhomedir">create your CVS home directory</a> - something you have to do with every new account to "enable" it for CVS. Basically you just have to use ssh to interactively connect to cvs.sourceforge.net.</p>
<p>Once you have a working Sourceforge account, contact <a
target="_top" href="http://moodle.org/user/view.php?id=1&course=1">Martin Dougiamas</a> so he can set up your account with write access to particular Moodle directories.</p>
<p>To avoid being prompted for <strong><font color="#990000">mypassword</font></strong> every time you run a CVS command, follow the <a target="_top" href="http://sourceforge.net/account/editsshkeys.php">Sourceforge directions for using authorized keys</a>. This step is optional, but it can make your CVS experience a lot nicer.</p>
<p>With that done, you should have all the permissions you need, so you just need to set up your machine and download the current sources so you can start working on them. </p>
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading">2. Using CVS on Windows</h3>
<p>First, you need to download a completely fresh copy of Moodle using your
developer account.</p>
<p> 1. Get TortoiseCVS from <a target="_top" href="http://www.tortoisecvs.org/">tortoisecvs.org</a>
and install it, then reboot.<br>
2. Find or create a new folder somewhere where you want Moodle to be downloaded
3. Right-mouse-click that folder and choose "<strong>CVS Checkout</strong>"
from the menu. You should see a dialog box.<br>
4. Copy this text into the CVSROOT field (using your own username!):</p>
<pre> :ext:<font color="#990000">myusername</font>@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/moodle</pre>
5. Press the button: "<strong>Fetch list...</strong>".<br>
6. To the right of the button you should see a list of modules: choose
"<strong>moodle</strong>" from that list.<br>
7. Press the button: "<strong>OK</strong>" and everything should
be downloaded.<br>
<p>A dialog box should show all the files being downloaded, and after a while
you should have a complete copy of Moodle. After this first checkout, you
can fetch the latest updated files from the CVS server:</p>
<p> 1. Right-mouse-click on your Moodle folder (or any file) and select
"<strong>CVS Update</strong>". <br>
<p>After modifying files (you will note they change from green top red!),
you can commit them back to the CVS server like this:</p>
<p> 1. Right-mouse-click on your Moodle folder (or any file) and select
"<strong>CVS Commit...</strong>".<br>
2. In the dialog box, type a clear description of the changes you are
committing. <br>
3. Click "OK". Your changes will be sent to the server.<br>
<h2><a name="n2" id="n2"></a>2. CVS Modules</h2>
<p>Within CVS, the word "modules" refers to separate collections of code. In Moodle we have the following modules within our repository:</p>
<p><strong>moodle</strong> - the main Moodle source code</p>
<p><strong>contrib</strong> - user contributions and other assorted code in development</p>
<p><strong>mysql</strong> - a customised phpMyAdmin to plug into Moodle for database admin</p>
<p><strong>windows-cron</strong> - a small package that makes cron possible on Windows systems</p>
<p><strong>docs</strong> - various extra user-contributed documentation</p>
<p>Most people are working on the existing features in the <strong>moodle</strong> module, but many are also contributing new ideas in the <strong>contrib</strong> modules. Once code reaches a certain level of maturity in the <strong>contrib</strong> area, it can be migrated over into the main <strong>moodle</strong> tree. </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p align="center">Good luck!</p>
<p> </p>
<h2><a name="n3" id="n3"></a>3. Basic CVS Commands </h2>
<h3><a name="n3.1" id="n3.1"></a>3.1 CVS on Unix </h3>
<p>Sourceforge CVS uses ssh as a transport layer for security, so you will have to set a CVS_RSH environment variable in your Unix shell. It's best to put these commands in your .bashrc or .cshrc so you don't have to type it all the time<strong>:</strong></p>
<div class="commandline">setenv CVS_RSH ssh <em>(for csh, tcsh etc)</em><br />
export CVS_RSH=ssh <em>(for sh, bash etc)</em></div>
<p>Next, you can check out the latest development version of Moodle using this (all one line): </p>
<div class="commandline">cvs -z3 -d:ext:<span class="style1">myusername</span>@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/moodle co moodle</div>
<p>The command is similar for other CVS modules:</p>
<div class="commandline">cvs -z3 -d:ext:myusername@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/moodle co contrib</div>
<p>Don't try to do run this first CVS command over an existing moodle installation: start fresh with a new directory.</p>
<p>Note that you will be prompted for <strong><font color="#990000">mypassword</font></strong> for each command unless you set up <a target="_top" href="http://sourceforge.net/account/editsshkeys.php">authorized keys</a>.</p>
<p>Now, you should have a new 'moodle' directory. You can rename it and move it around if you like. Go into it: </p>
<div class="commandline">cd moodle </div>
<p>All the latest Moodle files should be in there. You can now change files in your copy. To compare your files and directories against the main CVS copy on the server use cvs diff, e.g.: </p>
<div class="commandline">cvs diff -c config-dist.php<br />
cvs diff -c lang </div>
<p>To fetch the latest updates from the server use: </p>
<div class="commandline">cvs update -dP</div>
<p>To copy your new files back to the server you would do something like: </p>
<div class="commandline">cd lang/ca <br />
cvs commit</div>
<p>You will be prompted to add some comments (depends on your default text editor) ... add a meaningful comment and close the editor ... the files will be sent to Sourceforge and stored. Done! </p>
<p>To save more time you can put default arguments into a file called .cvsrc in your home directory. For example, mine contains: </p>
<div class="commandline">diff -c <br />
update -dP</div>
<p>Try 'cvs help' for more details ... </p>
<p> </p>
<h3><a name="n3.2" id="n3.2"></a>3.2 CVS on Windows </h3>
<p>First, you need to download a completely fresh copy of Moodle using your developer account.</p>
<li> Get TortoiseCVS from <a target="_top" href="http://www.tortoisecvs.org/">tortoisecvs.org</a> and install it, then reboot.</li>
<li>Find or create a new folder somewhere where you want Moodle to be downloaded to.</li>
<li>Right-mouse-click that folder and choose "<strong>CVS Checkout</strong>" from the menu. You should see a dialog box.</li>
<li>Copy this text into the CVSROOT field (using your own username!):
<pre> :ext:<font color="#990000">myusername</font>@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/moodle</pre>
<li>Under the "Module" field, type "<strong>moodle</strong>" to get the latest development version of Moodle, "<strong>contrib</strong>" to get the contributions directory, or "<strong>mysql</strong>" to get the MySQL Admin module.</li>
<li>Press the button: "<strong>OK</strong>" and everything should be downloaded.<br />
<p>A dialog box should show all the files being downloaded, and after a while you should have a complete copy of Moodle. After this first checkout, you can fetch the latest updated files from the CVS server:</p>
<li> Right-mouse-click on your Moodle folder (or any file) and select "<strong>CVS Update</strong>". </li>
<li>Sit back and watch the logs scroll by. Take note of conflicts that may occur if your local code has changes that conflict with the incoming versions - you will need to edit these files and resolve the conflicts manually. <br />
<p>After modifying files (you will notice their icons change from green to red!), you can commit them back to the CVS server like this:</p>
<li> Right-mouse-click on your Moodle folder (or any file) and select "<strong>CVS Commit...</strong>".</li>
<li>In the dialog box, type a clear description of the changes you are committing.</li>
<li>Click "OK". Your changes will be sent to the server.<br />
<br />
<h2><a name="n4" id="n4"></a>4. Working with Branches</h2>
<p>This diagram shows how the main <strong>moodle</strong> module branches into different versions over time.</p>
<p align="center"><img src="pix/cvstree.png" width="500" height="200" /></p>
<p align="left">To see all the current tags and branches that are available, use this command on any old file (such as index.php in the top moodle directory):</p>
<div class="commandline">cvs status -v index.php</div>
<p>Some tagging guidelines:</p>
<li>Tag and branch names should always be all upper-case.</li>
<li>Tags and branches should ALWAYS be applied to the <strong>entire module</strong> (all of Moodle). Don't tag individual files or directories. </li>
<li>We don't allow renaming of tags because people may be relying on them, so get them right the first time! </li>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
<br />
<h3><a name="n4.1" id="n4.1"></a>4.1 Trunk development</h3>
<p>The Trunk of CVS is the main development version of Moodle. In CVS it is also known as the <span class="style4">HEAD</span>, or default branch.</p>
<p>Moodle developers try to keep this stable as possible, but as it usually contains new code it probably has bugs and small instabilities.</p>
<p>Every now and then we decide the product has enough features to make a release. At this time, the trunk is tagged with a <strong>MOODLE_XX_BETA</strong> tag (in case we ever want to roll back to that point) and a new branch is formed for the release, called <span class="style1">MOODLE_XX_STABLE</span>. </p>
<p>A Beta package is also released at this point - it's for testers who don't use CVS but want to test the latest features and report bugs.</p>
<p> </p>
<h3><a name="n4.2" id="n4.2"></a>4.2 Stable branches for each release</h3>
<p>As soon as the stable branch <span class="style3">MOODLE_XX_STABLE</span> is created, development efforts will fork into two streams for a while. Some people may continue working on new features in the trunk for the next release, but most developers should be concentrating on using the current <span class="style1"><strong>STABLE</strong></span> branch and fixing bugs that are found in it. </p>
<p>You can switch your local copy of Moodle to the STABLE version using the following command in Unix from the root directory:</p>
<div class="commandline">cvs update -dP -r <span class="style1">MOODLE_XX_STABLE</span></div>
<p>After that, all the commands described above will apply to that stable version. To return to the trunk version just issue:</p>
<div class="commandline">cvs update -dPA</div>
<p>On Windows clients you should have a menu from which you can choose the branch. </p>
<p>Once the new STABLE branch really stabilises, a release can be declared. Packages are created for distribution and the branch will be tagged (by Martin) with a tag named: <strong>MOODLE_XXX</strong></p>
<p>Periodically, bug fixes in the STABLE branch should be merged into the trunk so that they become available in future versions of Moodle. A floating tag called MOODLE_XX_MERGED will be maintained to keep track of the last merge. The procedure for such a merge is as follows:</p>
<li>Get out the very latest trunk version.<br />
<br />
<div class="commandline">cvs update -dPA</div>
<li>Merge everything on the branch since the last merge, into your trunk version<br /><br />
<div class="commandline">cvs update -kk -j MOODLE_13_MERGED -j MOODLE_13_STABLE</div>
<li>Carefully watch the update logs for conflicts, and fix every file that you see with a conflict</li>
<li>Check the merged copy back into CVS trunk version<br />
<br />
<div class="commandline">cvs commit</div>
<li>Go back to the branch version<br /><br />
<div class="commandline">cvs update -dPr MOODLE_13_STABLE</div>
<li>Update the floating merge tag so that this process can be repeated next time<br /><br />
<div class="commandline">cvs tag -RF MOODLE_13_MERGED</div>
<p><br />
Finally, the values for <em>$version</em> in all the Moodle version.php files within the stable branch should not be updated at all if possible (except the last digit if necessary). The reason is that someone updating from a very stable version to the next very stable version could miss database upgrades that happened on the trunk. </p>
<br />
<h3><a name="n4.3" id="n4.3"></a>4.3 Feature branches for large changes </h3>
<p>Occasionally, there may be a very large feature that needs to be checked in so several people can work on it, but it is too unstable to be included in the main development trunk.</p>
<p>In these cases a short-term branch can be created to work on the feature, and then merged back into the main trunk as soon as possible. An example called <span class="style1"><strong>MOODLE_14_WIDGET</strong></span> branch can be seen in the above diagram.</p>
<p>If you need to do this for your new WIDGET feature, follow these steps:</p>
<li>Discuss with other developers to make sure it's necessary!</li>
<li>Make a new tag on the <strong>trunk</strong> (for all of moodle) called <strong>MOODLE_XX_WIDGET_PRE</strong>
<br /><br />
<div class="commandline">cvs tag -R MOODLE_XX_WIDGET_PRE</div></li>
<li>Create your branch called <span class="style1"><strong>MOODLE_XX_WIDGET</strong></span>
<br /><br />
<div class="commandline">cvs tag -Rb <span class="style1">MOODLE_XX_WIDGET</span></div></li>
<li>Work in that branch until the feature is reasonably stable. Commit as necessary.
<br /><br />
<div class="commandline">cvs commit</div></li>
<li>When ready, merge the whole branch into the trunk, fix conflicts, commit it to the trunk and then abandon the branch.
<br />
<br />
<div class="commandline">
<strong>cvs update -dPA</strong><br />
<strong>cvs update -kk -j <span class="style1">MOODLE_XX_WIDGET</span></strong><br />
<strong>cvs commit </strong></div>
<br />
<p align="center">Good luck, be careful and have fun!</p>
<br />
<p align="center"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
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<h2>Developers Manual</h2>
<p>This document describes some of Moodle's design and how you can contribute.</p>
<p>It's a bit thin at the moment - better documentation will come eventually!</p>
<p>Sections in this document:</p>
<li><a href="#architecture">Moodle architecture</a></li>
<li><a href="#contribute">How you can contribute</a>
<li><a href="#activities">Learning activities</a></li>
<li><a href="#themes">Themes</a></li>
<li><a href="#languages">Languages</a></li>
<li><a href="#database">Database Schemas</a></li>
<li><a href="#courseformats">Course formats</a></li>
<li><a href="#doc">Documentation and articles</a></li>
<li><a href="#bugs">Participating in the bug tracker</a></li>
<h1>Developers Manual</h1>
<p>This document describes some of Moodle's design and how you can contribute.</p>
<p>It's a bit thin at the moment - better documentation will come eventually!</p>
<p>Sections in this document:</p>
<li><a href="#architecture">Moodle architecture</a></li>
<li><a href="#contribute">How you can contribute</a>
<li><a href="#activities">Learning activities</a></li>
<li><a href="#themes">Themes</a></li>
<li><a href="#languages">Languages</a></li>
<li><a href="#database">Database Schemas</a></li>
<li><a href="#courseformats">Course formats</a></li>
<li><a href="#doc">Documentation and articles</a></li>
<li><a href="#bugs">Participating in the bug tracker</a></li>
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="architecture"></a>1. Moodle architecture</h3>
<h2><a name="architecture"></a>1. Moodle architecture</h2>
<p>From a system administrator's perspective, Moodle has been designed according
to the following criteria:</p>
<li><strong>Moodle should run on the widest variety of platforms</strong><br>
<li><strong>Moodle should run on the widest variety of platforms</strong><br />
<br />
The web application platform that runs on most platforms is PHP combined
with MySQL, and this is the environment that Moodle has been developed in
(on Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X). Moodle also uses the ADOdb library for
database abstraction, which means Moodle can use <a href="http://php.weblogs.com/ADOdb_manual#drivers">more
than ten different brands of database</a> (unfortunately, though, it can
not yet <em><strong>set up tables</strong></em> in all these databases -
more on this later). <br>
more on this later). <br />
<br />
<li><strong>Moodle should be easy to install, learn and modify</strong><br>
Early prototypes of Moodle (1999) were built using <a target=_top href="http://www.zope.org/">Zope</a>
<li><strong>Moodle should be easy to install, learn and modify</strong><br />
<br />
Early prototypes of Moodle (1999) were built using <a target="_top" href="http://www.zope.org/">Zope</a>
- an advanced object-oriented web application server. Unfortunately I found
that although the technology was pretty cool, it had a very steep learning
curve and was not very flexible in terms of system administration. The PHP
@ -65,28 +58,28 @@
by libraries of clearly-named functions and consistent layout of script
files. PHP is also easy to install (binaries are available for every platform)
and is widely available to the point that most web hosting services provide
it as standard.<br>
it as standard.<br />
<br />
<li><strong>It should be easy to upgrade from one version to the next</strong><br>
<li><strong>It should be easy to upgrade from one version to the next</strong><br />
<br />
Moodle knows what version it is (as well as the versions of all plug-in
modules) and a mechanism has been built-in so that Moodle can properly upgrade
itself to new versions (for example it can rename database tables or add
new fields). If using CVS in Unix for example, one can just do a "cvs
update -d" and then visit the site home page to complete an upgrade.<br>
update -d" and then visit the site home page to complete an upgrade.<br />
<br />
<li><strong>It should be modular to allow for growth</strong><br>
<li><strong>It should be modular to allow for growth</strong><br />
<br />
Moodle has a number of features that are modular, including themes, activities,
interface languages, database schemas and course formats. This allows anyone
to add features to the main codebase or to even distribute them separately.
More on this below in the next section.<br>
More on this below in the next section.<br />
<br />
<li><strong>It should be able to be used in conjunction with other systems</strong><br>
<li><strong>It should be able to be used in conjunction with other systems</strong><br />
<br />
One thing Moodle does is keep all files for one course within a single,
normal directory on the server. This would allow a system administrator
to provide seamless forms of file-level access for each teacher, such as
@ -100,11 +93,11 @@
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="contribute" id="contribute"></a>2. How you can contribute</h3>
<h2><a name="contribute" id="contribute"></a>2. How you can contribute</h2>
<p>As mentioned above, Moodle has a number of features that are modular. Even
if you are not a programmer there are things you can change or help with.</p>
<p><strong><a name="activities" id="activities"></a>Learning Activities</strong></p>
<h3><a name="activities" id="activities"></a>Learning Activities</h3>
<p>These are by far the most important modules, and reside in the 'mod' directory.
There are seven default modules: assignment, choice, forum, journal, quiz,
@ -127,7 +120,7 @@
<li>widget_user_outline() - given an instance, return a summary of a
user's contribution</li>
<li>widget_user_complete() - given an instance, print details of a user's
contribution<br />
<li>To avoid possible conflict, any module functions should be named
starting with widget_ and any constants you define should start with
@ -144,7 +137,7 @@
modules forum on Using Moodle</a>.</p>
<p> </p>
<p> <strong><a name="themes" id="themes"></a>Themes</strong></p>
<h3><a name="themes" id="themes"></a>Themes</h3>
<p>Themes (or skins) define the look of a site. A number of simple themes
are provided in the main distribution, but you may want to create your own
@ -178,13 +171,12 @@
the themes for this will be a completely different format, but the advantage
will be a much higher possible degree of customisation (including moving
elements around the page).</p>
<p>More discussion about this in the <a target=_top href="http://moodle.org/mod/forum/view.php?id=46">Themes
<p>More discussion about this in the <a target="_top" href="http://moodle.org/mod/forum/view.php?id=46">Themes
forum on Using Moodle</a>. If you create a nice theme that you think others
might want to use, please post your zip file on the themes forum!<br>
might want to use, please post your zip file on the themes forum!<br />
<p> </p>
<p><strong><a name="languages" id="languages"></a>Languages</strong></p>
<h3><a name="languages" id="languages"></a>Languages</h3>
<p>Moodle has been designed for internationalisation. Each 'string' or 'page'
of text that is displayed as part of the interface is drawn from a set of
@ -201,16 +193,15 @@
<li>quiz.php - strings for quiz module</li>
<li>resource.php - strings for resource module</li>
<li>survey.php - strings for survey module</li>
<li>.... plus other modules if any.<br>
A string is called from these files using the <strong><em>get_string()</em></strong><em>
</em>or<em> <strong>print_string()</strong> </em>functions. Each string
<li>.... plus other modules if any.<br />
<br />
A string is called from these files using the <strong><em>get_string()</em></strong> or<em> <strong>print_string()</strong> </em>functions. Each string
supports variable substitution, to support variable ordering in different
languages.<em><br />
<br />
</em>eg $strdueby = get_string("assignmentdueby", "assignment",
userdate($date)); <br>
userdate($date)); <br />
<br />
If a string doesn't exist in a particular language, then the equivalent
in English will automatically be used instead.</li>
@ -227,16 +218,15 @@
<p>Note that you can edit languages online, using the administration web tools
under "Check this language". This makes it easy to not to only
create new languages but to refine existing ones. If you are starting a
new language, please contact me, <a target=_top href="http://dougiamas.com/">Martin
new language, please contact me, <a target="_top" href="http://dougiamas.com/">Martin
Dougiamas</a>. </p>
<p>You might also like to post in the <a target=_top href="http://moodle.org/mod/forum/view.php?id=43">Languages
<p>You might also like to post in the <a target="_top" href="http://moodle.org/mod/forum/view.php?id=43">Languages
forum on Using Moodle</a>. </p>
<p>If you are maintaining a language an ongoing basis, I can give you <a href="?file=cvs.html">CVS
write access to the Moodle source code</a> so that you can directly maintain
the files.</p>
<strong><a name="database" id="database"></a>Database Schemas</strong></p>
<h3><a name="database" id="database"></a>Database Schemas</h3>
<p>Given a working database with defined tables, the intentionally simple
SQL used in Moodle should work fine with a wide variety of database brands.</p>
@ -253,7 +243,7 @@
will make all this unnecessary.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong><a name="courseformats" id="courseformats"></a>Course Formats</strong></p>
<h3><a name="courseformats" id="courseformats"></a>Course Formats</h3>
<p>Moodle currently supports three different course formats: weekly, topics
and social. </p>
@ -264,17 +254,17 @@
in future releases.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong><a name="doc" id="doc"></a>Documentation and articles</strong></p>
<h3><a name="doc" id="doc"></a>Documentation and articles</h3>
<p>If you feel like writing a tutorial, an article, an academic paper or anything
else about Moodle, please do! </p>
<p>Put it on the web and make sure you include links to <a target=_top href="http://moodle.org/">http://moodle.org/</a></p>
<p>Put it on the web and make sure you include links to <a target="_top" href="http://moodle.org/">http://moodle.org/</a></p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong><a name="bugs" id="bugs"></a>Participating in the bug tracker</strong></p>
<h3><a name="bugs" id="bugs"></a>Participating in the bug tracker</h3>
<p>Finally, I would like to invite you to register on the "bug tracker"
at <a target=_top href="http://moodle.org/bugs/">http://moodle.org/bugs</a>
at <a target="_top" href="http://moodle.org/bugs/">http://moodle.org/bugs</a>
so you can file any bugs that you find and perhaps participate in discussing
and fixing them. </p>
<p>"Bugs" not only includes software bugs with current versions
@ -288,21 +278,18 @@
<p align="center">Thanks for using Moodle!<br>
<a target=_top href="http://dougiamas.com/">Martin Dougiamas</a>, Lead
<p align="center">Thanks for using Moodle!<br />
<br />
<a target="_top" href="http://dougiamas.com/">Martin Dougiamas</a>, Lead
Developer </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1">Version: $Id: developer.html,v 1.2 2001/12/09
10:34:19 martin Exp $</font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
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<h2>Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)</h2>
<h1>Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)</h1>
<p class="normaltext">This page contains answers to some of the most
frequently asked questions by people installing Moodle. If you have
followed the <a href="./?file=install.html">installation instructions</a> but
you still have a problem, then this page is probably the best place to be. </p>
<p class="normaltext">If you don't find your answer here try the <a href="http://moodle.org/mod/forum/index.php?id=5" target="_top">Using
Moodle</a> course on moodle.org. Start by searching the forums using a few keywords,
in case your problem has already been discussed. If you don't find
anything, then try posting your question into the appropriate forum - somebody will
usually be able to help you.</p>
<p class="normaltext">If you have tried a number of solutions without resolving an issue,
and you are running behind a firewall, it may be advisable to try re-configuring your
firewall to ensure that it is not blocking a required function or necessary communication.
Firewalls very rarely cause problems with Moodle but are occasionally responsible for
reduced functionality due to a mis-configuration in the firewall settings.
<p class="normaltext">Use this list to jump to the appropriate answer below:</p>
<p class="questionlink"><a href="#filenotfound">Whenever I try to access or view a file that I uploaded, I get an error "File not Found"</a></p>
@ -296,7 +83,7 @@ reduced functionality due to a mis-configuration in the firewall settings.
<p class="questionlink"><a href="#locale">Why doesn't my Moodle site display the
time & date correctly?</a></p>
time & date correctly?</a></p>
<p class="questionlink"><a href="#cron">Email copies are not being sent
@ -310,7 +97,7 @@ reduced functionality due to a mis-configuration in the firewall settings.
<h3 class="question"><a name="filenotfound"></a>Whenever I try to access or view
<h3><a name="filenotfound"></a>Whenever I try to access or view
@ -394,11 +181,11 @@ reduced functionality due to a mis-configuration in the firewall settings.
<h4 class="question"><a name="php"></a>PHP - is it installed and what version
<h3><a name="php"></a>PHP - is it installed and what version
do I have?</h4>
do I have?</h3>
@ -430,7 +217,7 @@ reduced functionality due to a mis-configuration in the firewall settings.
<h4 class="question"><a name="blankpages"></a>Why are all my pages blank? </h4>
<h3><a name="blankpages"></a>Why are all my pages blank? </h3>
@ -458,11 +245,11 @@ reduced functionality due to a mis-configuration in the firewall settings.
<h4 class="question"><a name="errorgetstring"></a>My pages show fatal errors such
<h3><a name="errorgetstring"></a>My pages show fatal errors such
as : call to undefined function: get_string()</h4>
as : call to undefined function: get_string()</h3>
@ -474,7 +261,7 @@ reduced functionality due to a mis-configuration in the firewall settings.
files\easyphp\www\moodle\config.php on line 94 <br>
files\easyphp\www\moodle\config.php on line 94 <br />
@ -510,11 +297,11 @@ reduced functionality due to a mis-configuration in the firewall settings.
<h4 class="question"><a name="headerssent"></a>Why do I keep getting error messages
<h3><a name="headerssent"></a>Why do I keep getting error messages
about "headers already sent"?</h4>
about "headers already sent"?</h3>
@ -578,11 +365,11 @@ reduced functionality due to a mis-configuration in the firewall settings.
<h4 class="question"><a name="failedopen"></a>I keep getting this error: Failed
<h3><a name="failedopen"></a>I keep getting this error: Failed
opening required '/web/moodle/lib/setup.php'</h4>
opening required '/web/moodle/lib/setup.php'</h3>
@ -610,11 +397,11 @@ reduced functionality due to a mis-configuration in the firewall settings.
<h4 class="question"><a name="quotes" id="quotes"></a>Any text I add with an apostrophe
<h3><a name="quotes" id="quotes"></a>Any text I add with an apostrophe
(') or a quote (") causes errors or comes up with a slash added</h4>
(') or a quote (") causes errors or comes up with a slash added</h3>
@ -630,7 +417,7 @@ reduced functionality due to a mis-configuration in the firewall settings.
<p class="answercode">magic_quotes_gpc = On<br>
<p class="answercode">magic_quotes_gpc = On<br />
@ -658,7 +445,7 @@ reduced functionality due to a mis-configuration in the firewall settings.
<h4 class="question"><a name="sessiontmp"></a>I keep getting error messages about session_start</h4>
<h3><a name="sessiontmp"></a>I keep getting error messages about session_start</h3>
@ -724,7 +511,7 @@ reduced functionality due to a mis-configuration in the firewall settings.
<h4 class="question"><a name="fixdirroot"></a>When I go to the admin page, I get told to make dirroot blank!</h4>
<h3><a name="fixdirroot"></a>When I go to the admin page, I get told to make dirroot blank!</h3>
@ -736,7 +523,7 @@ reduced functionality due to a mis-configuration in the firewall settings.
<table class=generalbox cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 align=center border=0>
<table class="generalbox" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" align="center" border="0">
@ -792,7 +579,7 @@ reduced functionality due to a mis-configuration in the firewall settings.
<h4 class="question"><a name="loginsetting"></a>I login but don't appear to be. I am logged in and can navigate freely.</h4>
<h3><a name="loginsetting"></a>I login but don't appear to be. I am logged in and can navigate freely.</h3>
@ -804,7 +591,7 @@ reduced functionality due to a mis-configuration in the firewall settings.
<h4 class="question"><a name="resource1"></a>When trying to add a resource I receive error messages.</h4>
<h3><a name="resource1"></a>When trying to add a resource I receive error messages.</h3>
@ -824,7 +611,7 @@ reduced functionality due to a mis-configuration in the firewall settings.
<h4 class="question"><a name="noadmin"></a>During the initial setting-up process, I never get asked to create an admin account!</h4>
<h3><a name="noadmin"></a>During the initial setting-up process, I never get asked to create an admin account!</h3>
@ -858,17 +645,19 @@ reduced functionality due to a mis-configuration in the firewall settings.
<h4 class="question"><a name="nologin"></a>I can't log in - I just stay stuck on the login screen.</h4>
<h3><a name="nologin"></a>I can't log in - I just stay stuck on the login screen.</h3>
<p class="answer">The most common cause for this is that your own computer (not your Moodle server)
has a firewall that is stripping referrer information from the browser.</p>
has a firewall that is stripping referrer information from the browser. Here are
some instructions for fixing <a href="http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/nip.nsf/46f26a2d6dafb0a788256bc7005c3fa3/b9b47ad7eddd343b88256c6b006a85a8?OpenDocument&src=bar_sch_nam">Norton firewall products</a>.</p>
<p class="answer">This can be fixed for everyone using your server by editing the Moodle configuration
<p class="answer">The server admin can also fix this for everyone by editing the Moodle configuration
page and changing the variable "<b>secureforms</b>" to "No".</p>
@ -888,7 +677,7 @@ reduced functionality due to a mis-configuration in the firewall settings.
<h4 class="question"><a name="backup"></a>How do I backup my whole Moodle site?</h4>
<h3><a name="backup"></a>How do I backup my whole Moodle site?</h3>
@ -918,7 +707,7 @@ reduced functionality due to a mis-configuration in the firewall settings.
<h4 class="question"><a name="locale"></a>Why doesn't my Moodle site display the time & date correctly?</h4>
<h3><a name="locale"></a>Why doesn't my Moodle site display the time & date correctly?</h3>
@ -944,9 +733,9 @@ reduced functionality due to a mis-configuration in the firewall settings.
<p class="answer"> </p>
<h4 class="question"><a name="cron"></a>Email copies are not being sent
<h3><a name="cron"></a>Email copies are not being sent
from my forums </h4>
from my forums </h3>
<p class="answer">You <strong>must</strong> set up cron properly if you want Moodle
@ -965,18 +754,11 @@ reduced functionality due to a mis-configuration in the firewall settings.
<p class="answer">Tip: Try the default setting in Moodle variables page. Leave the smtphost blank.
This will be acceptable for the majority of users.
<h2> </h2>
<h2> </h2>
<p class="answer">
<p class="answer">
<hr />
@ -988,7 +770,7 @@ This will be acceptable for the majority of users.
<hr />
@ -1000,11 +782,11 @@ This will be acceptable for the majority of users.
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1">Version: $Id: faq.html,v 1.6 2003/03/30 13:54:28
<p align="center"><font size="1">Version: $Id: faq.html,v 1.6 2003/03/30 13:54:28
@ -1,223 +1,220 @@
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<p>Moodle is an active and evolving product. This page lists just some of the
<title>Moodle Docs: Background</title>
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<p>Moodle is an active and evolving product. This page lists just some of the
many features it contains:</p>
<h3 class="sectionheading">Overall design</h3>
<li>Promotes a social constructionist pedagogy (collaboration, activities, critical
<h3>Overall design</h3>
<li>Promotes a social constructionist pedagogy (collaboration, activities, critical
reflection, etc)</li>
<li>Suitable for 100% online classes as well as supplementing face-to-face learning
<li>Simple, lightweight, efficient, compatible, low-tech browser interface</li>
<li>Easy to install on almost any platform that supports PHP. Requires only
<li>Suitable for 100% online classes as well as supplementing face-to-face learning
<li>Simple, lightweight, efficient, compatible, low-tech browser interface</li>
<li>Easy to install on almost any platform that supports PHP. Requires only
one database (and can share it).</li>
<li>Full database abstraction supports all major brands of database (except
<li>Full database abstraction supports all major brands of database (except
for initial table definition)</li>
<li>Course listing shows descriptions for every course on the server, including
<li>Course listing shows descriptions for every course on the server, including
accessibility to guests.</li>
<li>Courses can be categorised and searched - one Moodle site can support thousands
<li>Courses can be categorised and searched - one Moodle site can support thousands
of courses</li>
<li>Emphasis on strong security throughout. Forms are all checked, data validated,
<li>Emphasis on strong security throughout. Forms are all checked, data validated,
cookies encrypted etc</li>
<li>Most text entry areas (resources, forum postings, journal entries etc) can
<li>Most text entry areas (resources, forum postings, journal entries etc) can
be edited using an embedded WYSIWYG HTML editor</li>
<h3 class="sectionheading">Site management</h3>
<li>Site is managed by an admin user, defined during setup</li>
<li>Plug-in "themes" allow the admin to customise the site colours, fonts, layout
<h3 >Site management</h3>
<li>Site is managed by an admin user, defined during setup</li>
<li>Plug-in "themes" allow the admin to customise the site colours, fonts, layout
etc to suit local needs</li>
<li>Plug-in activity modules can be added to existing Moodle installations</li>
<li>Plug-in language packs allow full localisation to any language. These can
<li>Plug-in activity modules can be added to existing Moodle installations</li>
<li>Plug-in language packs allow full localisation to any language. These can
be edited using a built-in web-based editor. Currently there are language
packs for over <a href="http://moodle.org/download/lang/" target="_top">34
packs for over <a href="http://moodle.org/download/lang/" target="_top">43
<li>The code is clearly-written PHP under a GPL license - easy to modify to
<li>The code is clearly-written PHP under a GPL license - easy to modify to
suit your needs</li>
<h3 class="sectionheading">User management</h3>
<li>Goals are to reduce admin involvement to a minimum, while retaining high
<h3 >User management</h3>
<li>Goals are to reduce admin involvement to a minimum, while retaining high
<li>Supports a range of authentication mechanisms through plug-in authentication
<li>Supports a range of authentication mechanisms through plug-in authentication
modules, allowing easy integration with existing systems.</li>
<li>Standard email method: students can create their own login accounts. Email
<li>Standard email method: students can create their own login accounts. Email
addresses are verified by confirmation.</li>
<li>LDAP method: account logins can be checked against an LDAP server. Admin
<li>LDAP method: account logins can be checked against an LDAP server. Admin
can specify which fields to use.</li>
<li>IMAP, POP3, NNTP: account logins are checked against a mail or news server.
<li>IMAP, POP3, NNTP: account logins are checked against a mail or news server.
SSL, certificates and TLS are supported.</li>
<li>External database: any database containing at least two fields can be used
<li>External database: any database containing at least two fields can be used
as an external authentication source.</li>
<li>Each person requires only one account for the whole server - each account
<li>Each person requires only one account for the whole server - each account
can have different access</li>
<li>An admin account controls the creation of courses and creates teachers by
<li>An admin account controls the creation of courses and creates teachers by
assigning users to courses</li>
<li>A course creator account is only allowed to create courses and teach in
<li>A course creator account is only allowed to create courses and teach in
<li>Teachers may have editing privileges removed so that they can't modify the
<li>Teachers may have editing privileges removed so that they can't modify the
course (eg for part-time tutors)</li>
<li>Security - teachers can add an "enrolment key" to their courses to keep
<li>Security - teachers can add an "enrolment key" to their courses to keep
out non-students. They can give out this key face-to-face or via personal
email etc</li>
<li>Teachers can enrol students manually if desired</li>
<li>Teachers can unenrol students manually if desired, otherwise they are automatically
<li>Teachers can enrol students manually if desired</li>
<li>Teachers can unenrol students manually if desired, otherwise they are automatically
unenrolled after a certain period of inactivity (set by the admin)</li>
<li>Students are encouraged to build an online profile including photos, description.
<li>Students are encouraged to build an online profile including photos, description.
Email addresses can be protected from display if required.</li>
<li>Every user can specify their own timezone, and every date in Moodle is translated
<li>Every user can specify their own timezone, and every date in Moodle is translated
to that timezone (eg posting dates, assignment due dates etc)</li>
<li>Every user can choose the language used for the Moodle interface (English,
<li>Every user can choose the language used for the Moodle interface (English,
French, German, Spanish, Portuguese etc)</li>
<h3 class="sectionheading">Course management</h3>
<li>A full teacher has full control over all settings for a course, including
<h3 >Course management</h3>
<li>A full teacher has full control over all settings for a course, including
restricting other teachers</li>
<li>Choice of course formats such as by week, by topic or a discussion-focussed
<li>Choice of course formats such as by week, by topic or a discussion-focussed
social format</li>
<li>Flexible array of course activities - Forums, Journals, Quizzes, Resources,
<li>Flexible array of course activities - Forums, Journals, Quizzes, Resources,
Choices, Surveys, Assignments, Chats, Workshops</li>
<li>Recent changes to the course since the last login can be displayed on the
<li>Recent changes to the course since the last login can be displayed on the
course home page - helps give sense of community</li>
<li>Most text entry areas (resources, forum postings, journal entries etc) can
<li>Most text entry areas (resources, forum postings, journal entries etc) can
be edited using an embedded WYSIWYG HTML editor</li>
<li>All grades for Forums, Journals, Quizzes and Assignments can be viewed on
<li>All grades for Forums, Journals, Quizzes and Assignments can be viewed on
one page (and downloaded as a spreadsheet file)</li>
<li>Full user logging and tracking - activity reports for each student are available
<li>Full user logging and tracking - activity reports for each student are available
with graphs and details about each module (last access, number of times read)
as well as a detailed "story" of each students involvement including postings,
journal entries etc on one page.</li>
<li>Mail integration - copies of forum posts, teacher feedback etc can be mailed
<li>Mail integration - copies of forum posts, teacher feedback etc can be mailed
in HTML or plain text.</li>
<li>Custom scales - teachers can define their own scales to be used for grading
<li>Custom scales - teachers can define their own scales to be used for grading
forums, assignments and journals</li>
<li>Courses can be packaged as a single zip file using the Backup function.
<li>Courses can be packaged as a single zip file using the Backup function.
These can be restored on any Moodle server.</li>
<h3 class="sectionheading">Assignment Module</h3>
<li>Assignments can be specified with a due date and a maximum grade.</li>
<li>Students can upload their assignments (any file format) to the server -
<h3 >Assignment Module</h3>
<li>Assignments can be specified with a due date and a maximum grade.</li>
<li>Students can upload their assignments (any file format) to the server -
they are date-stamped.</li>
<li>Late assignments are allowed, but the amount of lateness is shown clearly
<li>Late assignments are allowed, but the amount of lateness is shown clearly
to the teacher</li>
<li>For each particular assignment, the whole class can be assessed (grade and
<li>For each particular assignment, the whole class can be assessed (grade and
comment) on one page in one form.</li>
<li>Teacher feedback is appended to the assignment page for each student, and
<li>Teacher feedback is appended to the assignment page for each student, and
notification is mailed out.</li>
<li>The teacher can choose to allow resubmission of assignments after grading
<li>The teacher can choose to allow resubmission of assignments after grading
(for regrading)</li>
<h3 class="sectionheading">Chat Module</h3>
<li>Allows smooth, synchronous text interaction</li>
<li>Includes profile pictures in the chat window</li>
<li>Supports URLs, smilies, embedded HTML, images etc</li>
<li>All sessions are logged for later viewing, and these can also be made available
<h3 >Chat Module</h3>
<li>Allows smooth, synchronous text interaction</li>
<li>Includes profile pictures in the chat window</li>
<li>Supports URLs, smilies, embedded HTML, images etc</li>
<li>All sessions are logged for later viewing, and these can also be made available
to students</li>
<h3 class="sectionheading">Choice Module</h3>
<li>Like a poll. Can either be used to vote on something, or to get feedback
<h3 >Choice Module</h3>
<li>Like a poll. Can either be used to vote on something, or to get feedback
from every student (eg research consent)</li>
<li>Teacher sees intuitive table view of who chose what</li>
<li>Students can optionally be allowed to see an up-to-date graph of results</li>
<h3 class="sectionheading">Forum Module</h3>
<li>Different types of forums are available, such as teacher-only, course news,
<li>Teacher sees intuitive table view of who chose what</li>
<li>Students can optionally be allowed to see an up-to-date graph of results</li>
<h3 >Forum Module</h3>
<li>Different types of forums are available, such as teacher-only, course news,
open-to-all, and one-thread-per-user.</li>
<li>All postings have the authors photo attached.</li>
<li>Discussions can be viewed nested, flat or threaded, oldest or newest first.</li>
<li>Individual forums can be subscribed to by each person so that copies are
<li>All postings have the authors photo attached.</li>
<li>Discussions can be viewed nested, flat or threaded, oldest or newest first.</li>
<li>Individual forums can be subscribed to by each person so that copies are
forwarded via email, or the teacher can force subscription for all</li>
<li>The teacher can choose not to allow replies (eg for an announcements-only
<li>The teacher can choose not to allow replies (eg for an announcements-only
<li>Discussion threads can be easily moved between forums by the teacher</li>
<li>Attached images are shown inline</li>
<li>If forum ratings are being used, these can be restricted to a range of dates</li>
<h3 class="sectionheading">Journal Module</h3>
<li>Journals are private between student and teacher.</li>
<li>Each journal entry can be directed by an open question.</li>
<li>For each particular journal entry, the whole class can be assessed on one
<li>Discussion threads can be easily moved between forums by the teacher</li>
<li>Attached images are shown inline</li>
<li>If forum ratings are being used, these can be restricted to a range of dates</li>
<h3 >Journal Module</h3>
<li>Journals are private between student and teacher.</li>
<li>Each journal entry can be directed by an open question.</li>
<li>For each particular journal entry, the whole class can be assessed on one
page in one form</li>
<li>Teacher feedback is appended to the journal entry page, and notification
<li>Teacher feedback is appended to the journal entry page, and notification
is mailed out.</li>
<h3 class="sectionheading">Quiz Module</h3>
<li>Teachers can define a database of questions for re-use in different quizzes</li>
<li>Questions can be stored in categories for easy access, and these categories
<h3 >Quiz Module</h3>
<li>Teachers can define a database of questions for re-use in different quizzes</li>
<li>Questions can be stored in categories for easy access, and these categories
can be "published" to make them accessible from any course on the
site. </li>
<li>Quizzes are automatically graded, and can be re-graded if questions are
<li>Quizzes are automatically graded, and can be re-graded if questions are
modified </li>
<li>Quizzes can have a limited time window outside of which they are not available</li>
<li>At the teacher's option, quizzes can be attempted multiple times, and can
<li>Quizzes can have a limited time window outside of which they are not available</li>
<li>At the teacher's option, quizzes can be attempted multiple times, and can
show feedback and/or correct answers</li>
<li>Quiz questions and quiz answers can be shuffled (randomised) to reduce cheating</li>
<li>Questions allow HTML and images</li>
<li>Questions can be imported from external text files</li>
<li>Quizzes can be attempted multiple times, if desired</li>
<li>Attempts can be cumulative, if desired, and finished over several sessions</li>
<li>Multiple-choice questions supporting single or multiple answers</li>
<li>Short Answer questions (words or phrases)</li>
<li>True-False questions </li>
<li>Matching questions</li>
<li>Random questions</li>
<li>Numerical questions (with allowable ranges)</li>
<li>Embedded-answer questions (cloze style) with answers within passages of
<li>Quiz questions and quiz answers can be shuffled (randomised) to reduce cheating</li>
<li>Questions allow HTML and images</li>
<li>Questions can be imported from external text files</li>
<li>Quizzes can be attempted multiple times, if desired</li>
<li>Attempts can be cumulative, if desired, and finished over several sessions</li>
<li>Multiple-choice questions supporting single or multiple answers</li>
<li>Short Answer questions (words or phrases)</li>
<li>True-False questions </li>
<li>Matching questions</li>
<li>Random questions</li>
<li>Numerical questions (with allowable ranges)</li>
<li>Embedded-answer questions (cloze style) with answers within passages of
text </li>
<li>Embedded descriptive text and graphics</li>
<h3 class="sectionheading">Resource Module</h3>
<li>Supports display of any electronic content, Word, Powerpoint, Flash, Video,
<li>Embedded descriptive text and graphics</li>
<h3 >Resource Module</h3>
<li>Supports display of any electronic content, Word, Powerpoint, Flash, Video,
Sounds etc</li>
<li>Files can be uploaded and managed on the server, or created on the fly using
<li>Files can be uploaded and managed on the server, or created on the fly using
web forms (text or HTML)</li>
<li>External content on the web can be linked to or seamlessly included within
<li>External content on the web can be linked to or seamlessly included within
the course interface.</li>
<li>External web applications can be linked in with data passed to them</li>
<h3 class="sectionheading">Survey Module</h3>
<ul><li>Built-in surveys (COLLES, ATTLS) have been proven as instruments for analysing online classes</li><li>Online survey reports always available, including many graphs. Data is downloadable as an Excel spreadsheet or CSV text file.</li><li>Survey interface prevents partly-finished surveys.</li><li>Feedback is provided to the student of their results compared to the class averages</ul>
<h3 class="sectionheading">Workshop Module</h3>
<li>Allows peer assessement of documents, and the teacher can manage and grade
<li>External web applications can be linked in with data passed to them</li>
<h3 >Survey Module</h3>
<li>Built-in surveys (COLLES, ATTLS) have been proven as instruments for analysing online classes</li>
<li>Online survey reports always available, including many graphs. Data is downloadable as an Excel spreadsheet or CSV text file.</li>
<li>Survey interface prevents partly-finished surveys.</li>
<li>Feedback is provided to the student of their results compared to the class averages
<h3 >Workshop Module</h3>
<li>Allows peer assessement of documents, and the teacher can manage and grade
the assessment.</li>
<li>Supports a wide range of possible grading scales</li>
<li>Teacher can provide sample documents for students to practice grading</li>
<li>Very flexible with many options.</li>
<p> </p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1">Version: $Id: features.html,v 1.2 2001/12/09
10:34:19 martin Exp $</font></p>
<li>Supports a wide range of possible grading scales</li>
<li>Teacher can provide sample documents for students to practice grading</li>
<li>Very flexible with many options.</li>
<p> </p>
<p align="center"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
@ -1,21 +1,32 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
<?php // $Id$
// Names of the documentation files
// Files with a definition "-" are treated as spacers
$string['intro.html'] = "Introduktion";
$string['background.html'] = "Bakgrund";
$string['features.html'] = "Det här är Moodle";
$string['release.html'] = "Om senaste versionen";
$string['-about'] = "About Moodle";
$string['intro.html'] = "Introduction";
$string['background.html'] = "Background";
$string['philosophy.html'] = "Philosophy";
$string['licence.html'] = "License";
$string['features.html'] = "Features";
$string['release.html'] = "Release Notes";
$string['future.html'] = "Future";
$string['credits.html'] = "Credits";
$string['-installation'] = "Administration";
$string['install.html'] = "Installation";
$string['faq.html'] = "Installation FAQ";
$string['installamp.html'] = "Apache, MySQL, PHP";
$string['upgrade.html'] = "Att uppgradera";
$string['teacher.html'] = "Manual lärare";
$string['developer.html'] = "Manual utvecklare";
$string['cvs.html'] = "Att använda CVS";
$string['future.html'] = "Framtid";
$string['credits.html'] = "Erkännanden";
$string['licence.html'] = "Licens";
$string['other.html'] = "Andra dokument";
$string['upgrade.html'] = "Upgrading";
$string['-usage'] = "Using Moodle";
$string['teacher.html'] = "Teacher Manual";
$string['other.html'] = "Other Docs";
$string['-development'] = "Development";
$string['developer.html'] = "Developer Manual";
$string['coding.html'] = "Coding Guide";
$string['cvs.html'] = "Using CVS";
$string['translation.html'] = "Translation";
@ -1,59 +1,61 @@
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<p>As Moodle gains in maturity, its directions are increasingly influenced by
<p>As Moodle gains in maturity, its directions are increasingly influenced by
the community of developers and users. A dynamic database of proposed features
and their status can be found at <a target=_top href="http://moodle.org/bugs/">moodle.org/bugs</a>.
and their status can be found at <a target="_top" href="http://moodle.org/bugs/">moodle.org/bugs</a>.
Your <a href="?file=credits.html">contributions</a> in the form of ideas, code,
feedback and promotion are all very welcome - see the <a href="?file=developer.html">Developers
manual</a> for more details.</p>
<p>Here is a rough map of the future (subject to change):
<dt>Version 1.2 - Late 2003</dt>
<dd>The major targets for this version include:
manual</a> and the <a href="http://moodle.org/help" target="_top">community forums</a> for more details. You can also pay to have certain features developed sooner- see <a href="http://moodle.com/development/" target="_top">moodle.com/development</a> for information and a quote. </p>
<p>Here is the current roadmap of the future, though this is always subject to change depending on <a href="http://moodle.org/donations/" target="_blank">sponsors</a> and <a href="/?file=credits.html">developers</a>. </p>
<h3>Version 1.5 - February 2005</h3>
<p>Moodle 1.5 aims to make Moodle fully compliant with important web accessibility standards such as WAI (W3C), SENDA (UK) and Section 508 (US).</p>
<p>The display code will conform to XHTML Transitional 1.0, and the CSS has also been cleaned up and extended to give designers more complete control over the look and feel of their sites. This release will not yet use templates. </p>
<p>There is also a long list of new features such as: </p>
<li>Support for groups/cohorts within courses</li>
<li>New architecture for Enrolments with plugins (similar to the
existing Authentication architecture) so that
external systems (eg Student Records, Paypal, LDAP etc)
can control student access within courses</li>
<li>Miscellaneous contributed code and bug fixes</li>
<li> Integrated instant Messaging feature for direct communication</li>
<li>Big improvements to the Quiz module, including: paged quizzes with a certain number of questions per page; improved interface for building quizzes; heirarchical question categories; </li>
<li>New block format, allowing multiple copies of blocks and better block configuration (old third-party blocks need to be upgraded, see the docs in the blocks directory) </li>
<li>Extended LDAP integration, so that LDAP can now control course creation, group assignments, user synchronisation etc</li>
<li>Certain user fields can be locked by the admin </li>
<li>Improved uploading, with support for automated Virus scanning of new documents using ClamAV.</li>
<li> Streamlined interface for the Workshop and Lesson modules </li>
<li> New Tidy filter to convert all user-supplied texts into XHTML</li>
<li> PAM authentication module</li>
<li> Sessions can now be stored in the database (useful for Moodle clusters)</li>
<li>Site Policy Agreements for users </li>
<li>Many other improvements and bug fixes </li>
<dt>Version 2.0 - Early 2004</dt>
<dd>This major release will include some major changes in internal structure
designed to add flexibility and scalability in many areas. Among the major
targets are:
<li> Rewritten display layer using XHTML-compatible code and complete implementation
of templates for increased standards-compliance, flexibility and accessibility </li>
<li> Wider use of PHP classes in key areas of the Moodle code, to make some
things easier for programmers writing new modules or integrating with
external systems</li>
<li> Stronger pedagogical support for both teachers and students </li>
<li> New access-control system allowing finely-defined roles and rights</li>
<li> Basic support for IMS and SCORM </li>
<li> Better integration of Moodle with moodle.org</li>
<li> Whatever else comes along :-) </li>
<p align="CENTER"> </p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
<p> </p>
<h3>Version 1.6 - middle of 2005 </h3>
<p>Many of the main pages in this version will be customisable using HTML templates. </p>
<p>Support for user blogs (replacing Journals).</p>
<p>My Moodle page</p>
<p>Improvements in structuring and maintaining the flow of courses </p>
<p> </p>
<h3>Version 2.0 - later in 2005 </h3>
<p>This major release will contain some exciting developments in making Moodle more network-aware, with a natural evolution of Moodle's focus on collaboration. More on this here later. </p>
<p align="center"> </p>
<p align="center"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
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<h2>Installing Moodle</h2>
<p>This guide explains how to install Moodle for the first time. It goes into some detail
about some of the steps, in order to cover the wide variety of small differences between
web server setups, so this document may look long and complicated. Don't be put off by this
- I usually set Moodle up in a few minutes!</p>
<p>Take your time and work through this document carefully - it will save you time later on.</p>
<p>Sections in this document:</p>
<li><a href="#requirements">Requirements</a></li>
<li><a href="#downloading">Download</a></li>
<li><a href="#site">Site structure</a></li>
<li><a href="#data">Create a data directory</a></li>
<li><a href="#database">Create a database</a></li>
<li><a href="#webserver">Check web server settings</a></li>
<li><a href="#config">Edit config.php</a></li>
<li><a href="#admin">Go to the admin page</a></li>
<li><a href="#cron">Set up cron</a></li>
<li><a href="#course">Create a new course</a></li>
<h1>Installing Moodle</h1>
<h2>Dont panic! <img src="http://moodle.org/pix/s/smiley.gif" /></h2>
<p>This guide explains how to install Moodle for the first time. For some of these steps it goes into a lot of detail to try and cover the majority of possible
web server setups, so this document may look long and complicated. Don't panic, once you know how to do it you can install Moodle in minutes!</p>
<p>If you have problems please read this document carefully - most common issues are answered in here.
If you still have trouble, you can seek help from
<a target="_blank" href="http://moodle.org/help">Moodle Help</a></p>
<p>Another option is to contact a <a target="_blank" href="http://moodle.com/hosting/">web hosting company</a>
who can completely maintain Moodle for you, so that you can ignore all this and get straight into educating!
<p> </p>
<p>Sections in this document:</p>
<li><a href="#requirements">Requirements</a></li>
<li><a href="#downloading">Download and copy files into place</a> </li>
<li><a href="#site">Site structure</a></li>
<li><a href="#installer">Run the installer script to create config.php</a> <ul>
<li><a href="#webserver">Check web server settings</a></li>
<li><a href="#database">Creating a database</a></li>
<li><a href="#data">Creating a data directory</a></li>
<li><a href="#admin">Go to the admin page to continue configuration</a></li>
<li><a href="#cron">Set up cron</a></li>
<li><a href="#course">Create a new course</a></li>
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="requirements"></a>1. Requirements</h3>
<p>Moodle is primarily developed in Linux using Apache, MySQL and PHP (also
@ -47,21 +56,10 @@
but Moodle should work fine under any web server that supports PHP, such
as IIS on Windows platforms.</li>
<li><a href="http://www.php.net/" target="_blank">PHP</a> scripting language (version 4.1.0
or later), with the following settings:
<li><a href="http://www.boutell.com/gd/" target="_blank">GD library</a>
turned ON, with support for JPG and PNG formats</li>
<li>zlib library turned ON (if you want to use backup/restore on Windows)</li>
<li>Sessions support turned ON</li>
<li>File uploading turned ON</li>
<li>Safe Mode must be turned OFF (see the forums on moodle.org for problems
caused by Safe Mode)</li>
or later). PHP 5 is supported as of Moodle 1.4. </li>
<li>a working database server: <a href="http://www.mysql.com/" target="_blank">MySQL</a>
or <a href="http://www.postgresql.org/" target="_blank">PostgreSQL</a> are
completely supported and recommended for use with Moodle 1.1. All other
databases will be supported fully in the next release.</li>
completely supported and recommended for use with Moodle. </li>
<p>Most web hosts support all of this by default. If you are signed up with
one of the few webhosts that does not support these features ask them why,
@ -70,38 +68,60 @@
then please see our guide: <a href="http://moodle.org/doc/?file=installamp.html">Installing
Apache, MySQL and PHP</a>. It provides some step-by-step instructions to install
all this on most popular platforms.</p>
<p> </p></blockquote>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="downloading"></a>2. Download</h3>
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="downloading"></a>2. Download and copy files into place </h3>
<p>There are two ways to get Moodle, as a compressed package and via CVS. These
are explained in detail on the download page: <a href="http://moodle.org/download/" target="_blank">http://moodle.org/download/</a></p>
<p>After downloading and unpacking the archive, or checking out the files via
CVS, you will be left with a directory called "moodle", containing
a number of files and folders. </p>
a number of files and folders.</p>
<p>You can either place the whole folder in your web server documents directory,
in which case the site will be located at <b>http://yourwebserver.com/moodle</b>,
or you can copy all the contents straight into the main web server documents
directory, in which case the site will be simply <b>http://yourwebserver.com</b>.</p>
<p>If you are downloading Moodle to your local computer and then uploading it to your web site, it is usually better to upload the whole archive as one file, and then do the unpacking on the server. Even web hosting interfaces like Cpanel allow you to uncompress archives in the "File Manager". </p>
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="site"></a>3. Site structure</h3>
<p>Here is a quick summary of the contents of the Moodle folder, to help get
<p>You can safely skip this section, but here is a quick summary of the contents of the Moodle folder, to help get
you oriented:</p>
<p>config.php - the ONLY file you need to edit to get started<br>
version.php - defines the current version of Moodle code<br>
index.php - the front page of the site</p>
<td width="130" valign="top">config.php</td>
<td valign="top">-</td>
<td valign="top">
contains basic settings. This file does not come with Moodle - you will create it. </td>
<td valign="top">install.php</td>
<td valign="top">-</td>
<td valign="top">the script you will run to create config.php </td>
<tr><td valign="top">version.php</td>
<td valign="top">-</td>
<td valign="top">
defines the current version of Moodle code
<tr><td valign="top">index.php</td>
<td valign="top">-</td>
<td valign="top">
the front page of the site
<li>admin/ - code to administrate the whole server </li>
<li>auth/ - plugin modules to authenticate users </li>
<li>auth/ - plugin modules to authenticate users </li>
<li>blocks/ - plugin modules for the little side blocks on many pages</li>
<li>calendar/ - all the code for managing and displaying calendars</li>
<li>course/ - code to display and manage courses </li>
<li>doc/ - help documentation for Moodle (eg this page)</li>
<li>files/ - code to display and manage uploaded files</li>
<li>lang/ - texts in different languages, one directory per language </li>
<li>lib/ - libraries of core Moodle code </li>
<li>login/ - code to handle login and account creation </li>
<li>mod/ - all Moodle course modules</li>
<li>mod/ - all the main Moodle course modules are in here </li>
<li>pix/ - generic site graphics</li>
<li>theme/ - theme packs/skins to change the look of the site.</li>
<li>user/ - code to display and manage users</li>
@ -109,104 +129,57 @@
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="data"></a>4. Create a data directory</h3>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="installer"></a>4. Run the Installer script to create config.php </h3>
<p>Moodle will also need some space on your hard disk to store uploaded files,
such as course documents and user pictures.</p>
<p>Create a directory for this purpose somewhere. For security, it's best that
this directory is NOT accessible directly via the web. The easiest way to do this
is to simply locate it OUTSIDE the web directory, otherwise protect it
by creating a file in the data directory called .htaccess, containing this line:
<pre>deny from all</pre>
<p>To make sure that Moodle can save uploaded files in this directory, check that
the web server software (eg Apache) has permission to write
to this directory. On Unix machines, this means setting the owner of the directory
to be something like "nobody" or "apache".</p>
<p>On many shared hosting servers, you will probably need to restrict all file access
to your "group" (to prevent other webhost customers from looking at or changing your files),
but provide full read/write access to everyone else (which will allow the web server
to access your files). Speak to your server administrator if you are having
trouble setting this up securely.</p>
<p>To run the installer script (install.php), just try to access your Moodle main URL using a web browser, or access <strong>http://yourserver/install.php</strong> directly. </p>
<p>(The Installer will try to set a session cookie. If you get a popup warning in your browser make sure you accept that cookie!) </p>
<p>Moodle will detect that configuration is necessary and will lead you through some screens to help you create a new configuration file called <strong>config.php. </strong>At the end of the process Moodle will try and write the file into the right location, otherwise you can press a button to download it from the installer and then upload config.php into the main Moodle directory on the server. </p>
<p>Along the way the installer will test your server environment and give you suggestions about how to fix any problems. For most common issues these suggestions should be sufficient, but if you get stuck, look below for more information about some of common things that might be holding you up. <br />
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="database"></a>5. Create a database</h3>
<p>You need to create an empty database (eg "moodle") in your database system
along with a special user (eg "moodleuser") that has access to that database
(and that database only). You could use the "root" user if you wanted to, but
this is not recommended for a production system: if hackers manage to discover
the password then your whole database system would be at risk, rather than
just one database.
<p>Example command lines for MySQL: </p>
# mysql -u root -p
TO moodleuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword';
> quit
# mysqladmin -p reload
<p>Example command lines for PostgreSQL: </p>
# su - postgres
> psql -c "create user moodleuser createdb;" template1
> psql -c "create database moodle;" -U moodleuser template1
> psql -c "alter user moodleuser nocreatedb;" template1
<p>(For MySQL I highly recommend the use of <a href="http://phpmyadmin.sourceforge.net/">phpMyAdmin</a>
to manage your databases - you can do all this via a web interface).</p>
<p>As of version 1.0.8, Moodle now supports table prefixes, and so can safely share
a database with tables from other applications.</p>
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="webserver" id="webserver"></a>6. Check your web server settings</h3>
<p>Firstly, make sure that your web server is set up to use index.php as a default
page (perhaps in addition to index.html, default.htm and so on).</p>
<p>In Apache, this is done using a DirectoryIndex parameter in your httpd.conf
file. Mine usually looks like this:</p>
<pre><strong>DirectoryIndex</strong> index.php index.html index.htm </pre>
<p>Just make sure index.php is in the list (and preferably towards the start
of the list, for efficiency).</p>
<p>Secondly, <b>if you are using Apache 2</b>, then you should turn on the <i>AcceptPathInfo</i>
variable, which allows scripts to be passed arguments like http://server/file.php/arg1/arg2.
This is essential to allow relative links between your resources, and also
provides a performance boost for people using your Moodle web site. You can
turn this on by adding these lines to your httpd.conf file.</p>
<pre><strong>AcceptPathInfo</strong> on </pre>
<p>Thirdly, Moodle requires a number of PHP settings to be active for it to
work. <b>On most servers these will already be the default settings.</b>
However, some PHP servers (and some of the more recent PHP versions) may
have things set differently. These are defined in PHP's configuration
file (usually called php.ini):</p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="webserver" id="webserver"></a>4.1 General web server settings </h3>
<pre>magic_quotes_gpc = 1 (preferred but not necessary)
<p>Firstly, make sure that your web server is set up to use index.php as a default
page (perhaps in addition to index.html, default.htm and so on).</p>
<p>In Apache, this is done using a DirectoryIndex parameter in your httpd.conf
file. Mine usually looks like this:</p>
<pre><strong>DirectoryIndex</strong> index.php index.html index.htm </pre>
<p>Just make sure index.php is in the list (and preferably towards the start
of the list, for efficiency).</p>
<p>Secondly, <b>if you are using Apache 2</b>, then you should turn on the <i>AcceptPathInfo</i>
variable, which allows scripts to be passed arguments like http://server/file.php/arg1/arg2.
This is essential to allow relative links between your resources, and also
provides a performance boost for people using your Moodle web site. You can
turn this on by adding these lines to your httpd.conf file.</p>
<pre><strong>AcceptPathInfo</strong> on </pre>
<p>Thirdly, Moodle requires a number of PHP settings to be active for it to
work. <b>On most servers these will already be the default settings.</b>
However, some PHP servers (and some of the more recent PHP versions) may
have things set differently. These are defined in PHP's configuration
file (usually called php.ini):</p>
<pre>magic_quotes_gpc = 1 (preferred but not necessary)
magic_quotes_runtime = 0 (necessary)
file_uploads = 1
session.auto_start = 0
session.bug_compat_warn = 0
<p>If you don't have access to httpd.conf or php.ini on your server, or you
have Moodle on a server with other applications that require different settings,
then don't worry, you can still OVERRIDE all of the default settings.
<p>To do this, you need to create a file called <b>.htaccess</b> in Moodle's
main directory that contains definitions for these settings.
This only works on Apache servers and only when Overrides have been allowed.
<p>If you don't have access to httpd.conf or php.ini on your server, or you
have Moodle on a server with other applications that require different settings,
then don't worry, you can often still OVERRIDE the default settings.
<p>To do this, you need to create a file called <b>.htaccess</b> in Moodle's
main directory that contains lines like the following.
This only works on Apache servers and only when Overrides have been allowed in the main configuration. </p>
DirectoryIndex index.php index.html index.htm
<IfDefine APACHE2>
@ -217,49 +190,87 @@ php_flag magic_quotes_gpc 1
php_flag magic_quotes_runtime 0
php_flag file_uploads 1
php_flag session.auto_start 0
php_flag session.bug_compat_warn 0</pre></blockquote>
<p>You can also do things like define the maximum size for uploaded files:
php_flag session.bug_compat_warn 0</pre>
<p>You can also do things like define the maximum size for uploaded files:
LimitRequestBody 0
php_value upload_max_filesize 2M
php_value post_max_size 2M
<p>The easiest thing to do is just copy the sample file from <strong>lib/htaccess</strong> and edit it to suit your needs. It contains further instructions. For
example, in a Unix shell:
<pre>cp lib/htaccess .htaccess</pre>
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="database"></a>4.2 Creating a database</h3>
<p>The easiest thing to do is just copy the sample file from lib/htaccess
and edit it to suit your needs. It contains further instructions. For
example, in a Unix shell:
<pre>cp lib/htaccess .htaccess</pre>
<p>You need to create an empty database (eg "<em>moodle</em>") in your database system
along with a special user (eg "moodleuser") that has access to that database
(and that database only). You could use the "root" user if you wanted to for a test server, but
this is not recommended for a production system: if hackers manage to discover
the password then your whole database system would be at risk, rather than
just one database. </p>
<p>If you are using a webhost, they will probably have a control panel web interface for you to create your database. </p>
<p>The <strong>Cpanel</strong> system is one of the most popular of these. To create a database in Cpanel, </p>
<li>Click on the "<strong>MySQL Databases</strong>" icon.</li>
<li>Type "moodle" in the database field and click "<strong>Add Database</strong>".</li>
<li> Type a username and password (not one you use elsewhere) in the respective fields and click "<strong>Add User</strong>".</li>
<li> Now use the "<strong>Add User to Database</strong>" button to give this new user account "<strong>ALL</strong>" rights to the new database.</li>
<li>Note that the username and database names may be prefixed by your Cpanel account name. When entering this information into the Moodle installer - use the full names.</li>
<p>If you have access to Unix command lines then you can do the same sort of thing by typing commands. </p>
<p>Here are some example Unix command lines for MySQL: </p>
# mysql -u root -p
TO moodleuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword';
> quit
# mysqladmin -p reload
<p>And some example command lines for PostgreSQL: </p>
# su - postgres
> psql -c "create user moodleuser createdb;" template1
> psql -c "create database moodle;" -U moodleuser template1
> psql -c "alter user moodleuser nocreatedb;" template1</pre>
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="data"></a>4.3 Creating a data directory </h3>
<p>Moodle will also need some space on your server's hard disk to store uploaded files, such as course documents and user pictures. </p>
<p>The Moodle installer tries hard to create this directory for you but if it fails then you will have to create a directory for this purpose manually. </p>
<p>For security, it's best that this directory is NOT accessible directly via the web. The easiest way to do this is to simply locate it OUTSIDE the web directory, but if you must have it in the web directory then protect it by creating a file in the data directory called .htaccess, containing this line: </p>
<pre>deny from all</pre>
<p>To make sure that Moodle can save uploaded files in this directory, check that the web server software (eg Apache) has permission to read, write and execute in this directory. </p>
<p>On Unix machines, this means setting the owner of the directory to be something like "nobody" or "apache", and then giving that user read, write and execute permissions.</p>
<p>On Cpanel systems you can use the "File Manager" to find the folder, click on it, then choose "Change Permissions". On many shared hosting servers, you will probably need to restrict all file access to your "group" (to prevent other webhost customers from looking at or changing your files), but provide full read/write access to everyone else (which will allow the web server to access your files). </p>
<p>Speak to your server administrator if you are having trouble setting this up securely. In particular some sites that use a PHP feature known as "Safe Mode" may <em>require</em> the administrator to create this directory properly for you. </p>
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="config"></a>7. Edit config.php</h3>
<p>Now you can edit the configuration file, <strong>config.php</strong>, using a
text editor. This file is used by all other files in Moodle.</p>
<p>To start with, make a copy of <strong>config-dist.php</strong> and name it
config.php. We do this so that your config.php won't be overwritten in case
you upgrade Moodle later on. </p>
<p>Edit <strong>config.php</strong> to specify the database details that you
just defined (including a table prefix - notice that this is REQUIRED for
PostgreSQL), as well as the site address, file system directory and data directory.
The config file itself has detailed directions and examples.</p>
<p>Once you have done this the rest of the installation is via a web interface.
For the rest of this installation document we will assume your site is at:
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="admin"></a>8. Go to the admin page</h3>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="admin"></a>5. Go to the admin page to continue configuration </h3>
<p>The admin page should now be working at: <u>http://example.com/moodle/admin</u>.
If you try and access the front page of your site you'll be taken there automatically
anyway. The first time you access this admin page, you will be presented with
a GPL "shrinkwrap" agreement with which you must agree before you
can continue with the setup.</p>
<p>(Moodle will also try to set some cookies in your browser. If you have your
browser set up to let you choose to accept cookies, then you <b>must</b> accept
the Moodle cookies, or Moodle won't work properly.)
<p>Once the basic <strong>config.php</strong> has been correctly created in the previous step, trying to access the front page of your site will take you the "admin" page for the rest of the configuration.</p>
<p>The first time you access this admin page, you will be presented with
a GPL "shrinkwrap" agreement with which you <strong>must</strong> agree before you
can continue with the setup.</p>
<p>Now Moodle will start setting up your database and creating tables to store
data. Firstly, the main database tables are created. You should see a number
of SQL statements followed by status messages (in green or red) that look
@ -274,30 +285,31 @@ php_value post_max_size 2M
'0', timemodified int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (id))
<p><font color="#006600">SUCCESS</font></p>
<p>...and so on, followed by: <font color="#006600">Main databases set up
successfully.</font> </p>
<p>If you don't see these, then there must have been some problem with the database
or the configuration settings you defined in config.php. Check that PHP isn't
in a restricted "Safe Mode" (commercial web hosts sometimes have safe mode
turned on). You can check PHP variables by creating a little file containing
<? phpinfo() ?> and looking at it through a browser. Check all these and
try this page again.</p>
<p>Scroll down the very bottom of the page and press the "Continue"
<p>Next you will see a similar page that sets up all the tables required by
each Moodle module. As before, they should all be <font color="#006600">green</font>.</p>
<p>...and so on, followed by: <font color="#006600">Main databases set up
successfully.</font> </p>
<p class="style3">If you don't see these, then there must have been some problem with the database
or the configuration settings you defined in config.php. Check that PHP isn't
in a restricted "Safe Mode" (commercial web hosts sometimes have safe mode
turned on). You can check PHP variables by creating a little file containing <strong><?php phpinfo() ?></strong> and looking at it through a browser. Check all these and
try this page again.</p>
<p>Scroll down the very bottom of the page and press the "Continue"
<p>You should now see a form where you can define more configuration variables
for your installation, such as the default language, SMTP hosts and so on.
Don't worry too much about getting everything right just now - you can always
come back and edit these later on using the admin interface. Scroll down to
come back and edit these later on using the admin interface. The defaults are designed to be useful and secure for most sites. Scroll down to
the bottom and click "Save changes".</p>
<p>If (and only if) you find yourself getting stuck on this page, unable to
continue, then your server probably has what I call the "buggy referrer" problem.
This is easy to fix: just turn off the "secureforms" setting, then
try to continue again.</p>
<p class="style3">If (and only if) you find yourself getting stuck on this page, unable to
continue, then your server probably has what I call the "buggy referrer" problem.
This is easy to fix: just turn off the "secureforms" setting, then
try to continue again.</p>
<p>Next you will see more pages that print lots of status messages as they set up all the tables required by the various Moodle module. As before, they should all be <font color="#006600">green</font>.</p>
<p>Scroll down the very bottom of the page and press the "Continue" link.</p>
<p>The next page is a form where you can define parameters for your Moodle site
and the front page, such as the name, format, description and so on. Fill
this out (you can always come back and change these later) and then press
@ -319,12 +331,12 @@ php_value post_max_size 2M
<p class="style3">(If for any reason your install is interrupted, or there is a system error
of some kind that prevents you from logging in using the admin account, you
can usually log in using the default username of "<strong>admin</strong>",
with password "<strong>admin</strong>".)</p>
<p>(If for any reason your install is interrupted, or there is a system error
of some kind that prevents you from logging in using the admin account, you
can usually log in using the default username of "<strong>admin</strong>",
with password "<strong>admin</strong>".)</p>
<p>Once successful, you will be returned to home page of your site. Note the
<p>Once successful, you will be returned to the home page of your new site! Note the
administration links that appear down the left hand side of the page (these
items also appear on a separate Admin page) - these items are only visible
to you because you are logged in as the admin user. All your further administration
@ -335,9 +347,10 @@ php_value post_max_size 2M
<li>administering teacher accounts</li>
<li>changing site-wide settings like themes etc</li>
<p>But you are not done installing yet! There is one very important thing still to do (see the next section on cron). </p>
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="cron"></a>9. Set up cron</h3>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="cron"></a>6. Set up cron -- IMPORTANT! </h3>
<p>Some of Moodle's modules require continual checks to perform tasks. For example,
Moodle needs to check the discussion forums so it can mail out copies of posts
@ -346,10 +359,10 @@ php_value post_max_size 2M
cron.php. However, it can not run itself, so you need to set up a mechanism
where this script is run regularly (eg every five or ten minutes). This provides
a "heartbeat" so that the script can perform functions at periods
defined by each module.</p>
defined by each module. This kind of regular mechanism is known as a <strong>cron service</strong>. </p>
<p>Note that the machine performing the cron <b>does not need to be the same
machine that is running Moodle</b>. For example, if you have a limited web
hosting service that does not have cron, then you can might choose to run
hosting service that does not have a cron service, then you can might choose to run
cron on another server or on your home computer. All that matters is that
the cron.php file is called regularly. </p>
<p>The load of this script is not very high, so 5 minutes is usually reasonable,
@ -361,56 +374,61 @@ php_value post_max_size 2M
<p>Now, you need to set up some of way of running the script automatically and
regularly. </p>
<h4> Running the script from a command line</h4>
<p>You can call the page from the command line just as you did in the example
above. For example, you can use a Unix utility like 'wget':</p>
<p><b>On Windows systems</b></p>
<pre>wget -q -O /dev/null http://example.com/moodle/admin/cron.php</pre>
<p>The simplest way is to use this little package <a href="http://moodle.org/download/modules/moodle-cron-for-windows.zip" title="Click to download this package (150k)" target="_blank"><strong>moodle-cron-for-windows.zip</strong></a> which makes this whole thing very easy by installing a small Windows service. Run it and forget about it!</p>
<p>Note in this example that the output is thrown away (to /dev/null).</p>
<p>The same thing using lynx:</p>
<p><strong>On web hosting services</strong></p>
<pre>lynx -dump http://example.com/moodle/admin/cron.php > /dev/null</pre>
<p> Your web-based control panel may have a web page that allows you to set up this cron process. For example, on Cpanel system, look for a button called "Cron jobs". In there you can put the same sort of Unix commands as listed below. </p>
<p>Alternatively you could use a standalone version of PHP, compiled to be run
on the command line. The advantage with doing this is that your web server
logs aren't filled with constant requests to cron.php. The disadvantage is
that you need to have access to a command-line version of php.</p>
<h4> Using the command line on Unix </h4>
<pre>/opt/bin/php /web/moodle/admin/cron.php
<p>There are different command line programs you can use to call the page from the command line. Not all of them may be available on a given server.</p>
<p>For example, you can use a Unix utility like 'wget':</p>
<pre>wget -q -O /dev/null http://example.com/moodle/admin/cron.php</pre>
<p>Note in this example that the output is thrown away (to /dev/null).</p>
<p>The same thing using lynx:</p>
<pre>lynx -dump http://example.com/moodle/admin/cron.php > /dev/null</pre>
<p>Alternatively you could use a standalone version of PHP, compiled to be run
on the command line. The advantage with doing this is that your web server
logs aren't filled with constant requests to cron.php. The disadvantage is
that you need to have access to a command-line version of php.</p>
<pre>/opt/bin/php /web/moodle/admin/cron.php
(Windows) C:\apache\php\php.exe C:\apache\htdocs\moodle\admin\cron.php
<h4>Automatically running the script every 5 minutes</h4>
<p><b>On Unix systems</b>: Use <b>cron</b>. Edit your cron settings from the commandline
using "crontab -e" and add a line like:</p>
<h4>Using the crontab program on Unix </h4>
<pre>*/5 * * * * wget -q -O /dev/null http://example.com/moodle/admin/cron.php</pre>
<p>Usually, the "crontab" command will put you into the 'vi' editor. You enter
<p> All that Cpanel does is provide a web interface to a Unix utility known as crontab. If you have a command line, you can set up crontab yourself using the command:</p>
<pre>crontab -e</pre>
<p>and then adding one of the above commands like:</p>
<pre>*/5 * * * * wget -q -O /dev/null http://example.com/moodle/admin/cron.php</pre>
<p>Usually, the "crontab" command will put you into the 'vi' editor. You enter
"insert mode" by pressing "i", then type in the line as above, then exit insert mode by
pressing ESC. You save and exit by typing ":wq", or quit with saving using ":q!" (without the quotes).</p>
<p><b>On Windows systems</b>: The simplest way is to use this little package <a href="http://moodle.org/download/moodle-cron-for-windows.zip" title="Click to download this package (150k)" target="_blank">moodle-cron-for-windows.zip</a>
which makes this whole thing very easy. You can also explore using the built-in
Windows feature for "Scheduled Tasks".</p>
<p>On web hosts: Your web-based control panel may have a web page that allows
you to set up this cron process. Ask your administrator for details on how
it works.</p>
pressing ESC. You save and exit by typing ":wq", or quit without saving using ":q!" (without the quotes).</p>
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="course"></a>10. Create a new course</h3>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="course"></a>7. Create a new course</h3>
<p>Now that Moodle is running properly, you can create a course. </p>
<p>Now that Moodle is running properly, you can try creating a new course to play with. </p>
<p>Select "Create a new course" from the Admin page (or the admin
links on the home page).</p>
<p>Fill out the form, paying special attention to the course format. You don't
have to worry about the details too much at this stage, as everything can
be changed later by the teacher.</p>
be changed later by the teacher. Note that the yellow help icons are everywhere to provide contextual help on any aspect. </p>
<p>Press "Save changes", and you will be taken to a new form where
you can assign teachers to the course. You can only add existing user accounts
from this form - if you want to create a new teacher account then either ask
@ -420,9 +438,11 @@ php_value post_max_size 2M
link on the home page.</p>
<p>See the "<a href="./?file=teacher.html">Teacher Manual</a>" for more details
on course-building.</p>
<p> </p>
<p align="center"><strong>Happy exploring and happy Moodling!</strong></p>
<p align="center"><strong>If you like Moodle, please consider <a href="http://moodle.org/donations/" target="_blank">donating</a> to help us cover our costs! </strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
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<h2>Installing Apache, MySQL and PHP</h2>
<p>Moodle is written in a scripting language called PHP, and stores most of its
<h1>Installing Apache, MySQL and PHP</h1>
<p>Moodle is written in a scripting language called PHP, and stores most of its
data in a database. The database we recommend is MySQL. Before installing Moodle
you must have a working PHP installation and a working database to turn your
computer into a functional web server platform. These packages can be tricky
to set up for average computer users, so this page has been written to try to
make this process as simple as possible for different platforms:</p>
<li><a href="#host" class="questionlink">Hosting Service</a></li>
<li><a href="#mac" class="questionlink">Mac OS X</a></li>
<li><a href="#redhat" class="questionlink">Redhat Linux</a></li>
<li><a href="#windows" class="questionlink">Windows</a></li>
<p class="questionlink"> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="host" id="host"></a>Hosting Service</h3>
<p>Unfortunately hosting services vary quite a lot in the way they work. Some
<li><a href="#host" class="questionlink">Hosting Service</a></li>
<li><a href="#mac" class="questionlink">Mac OS X</a></li>
<li><a href="#redhat" class="questionlink">Redhat Linux</a></li>
<li><a href="#windows" class="questionlink">Windows</a></li>
<p class="questionlink"> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="host" id="host"></a>Hosting Service</h3>
<p>Unfortunately hosting services vary quite a lot in the way they work. Some
will even install Moodle for you.</p>
<p>Most will offer a web-based control panel to control your site, create databases
<p>Most will offer a web-based control panel to control your site, create databases
and set up cron. Some may also offer terminal access via ssh, so that you
can use the command shell to do things.</p>
<p>You should work your way through the <a href="./?file=install.html">Installation
<p>You should work your way through the <a href="./?file=install.html">Installation
guide</a> and take each step at a time. Ask your hosting provider if you get
stuck. </p>
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="mac" id="mac"></a>Mac OS X</h3>
<p>The easiest way to do this is use the Apache server that Apple provides,
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="mac" id="mac"></a>Mac OS X</h3>
<p>The easiest way to do this is use the Apache server that Apple provides,
and add PHP and MySQL using Marc Liyanage's packages. Both of the pages below
come with good instructions that we won't duplicate here:</p>
<p><strong>PHP</strong>: Download from here: <a href="http://www.entropy.ch/software/macosx/php/" target="_top">http://www.entropy.ch/software/macosx/php/</a></p>
<p><strong>MySQL</strong>: Download here: <a href="http://www.entropy.ch/software/macosx/mysql/" target="_top">http://www.entropy.ch/software/macosx/mysql/</a></p>
<p>Once these are installed the standard <a href="./?file=install.html">Installation
<p><strong>PHP</strong>: Download from here: <a href="http://www.entropy.ch/software/macosx/php/" target="_top">http://www.entropy.ch/software/macosx/php/</a></p>
<p><strong>MySQL</strong>: Download here: <a href="http://www.entropy.ch/software/macosx/mysql/" target="_top">http://www.entropy.ch/software/macosx/mysql/</a></p>
<p>Once these are installed the standard <a href="./?file=install.html">Installation
guide</a> should be fairly straightforward.</p>
<p>A more detailed walkthrough is here: <a href="http://moodle.org/wiki/index.php/InstallingMoodle">http://moodle.org/wiki/index.php/InstallingMoodle</a></p>
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="redhat"></a>Redhat Linux</h3>
<p>You should install all available RPM packages for Apache, PHP and MySQL.
<p>A more detailed walkthrough is here: <a href="http://moodle.org/wiki/index.php/InstallingMoodle">http://moodle.org/wiki/index.php/InstallingMoodle</a></p>
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="redhat"></a>Redhat Linux</h3>
<p>You should install all available RPM packages for Apache, PHP and MySQL.
One package that people frequently forget is the php-mysql package which is
necessary for PHP to talk to MySQL.</p>
<p>Once these are installed the standard <a href="./?file=install.html">Installation
<p>Once these are installed the standard <a href="./?file=install.html">Installation
guide</a> should be fairly straightforward.</p>
<p>A more detailed walkthrough is here: <a href="http://moodle.org/wiki/index.php/InstallingMoodle">http://moodle.org/wiki/index.php/InstallingMoodle</a></p>
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="windows" id="windows"></a>Windows</h3>
<p>The easiest way to do this is use <a href="http://www.easyphp.org/" target="_blank">EasyPHP</a>,
<p>A more detailed walkthrough is here: <a href="http://moodle.org/wiki/index.php/InstallingMoodle">http://moodle.org/wiki/index.php/InstallingMoodle</a></p>
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="windows" id="windows"></a>Windows</h3>
<p>The easiest way to do this is use <a href="http://www.easyphp.org/" target="_blank">EasyPHP</a>,
a package that bundles all the software you need into a single Windows application.
Here are the steps from start to finish:</p>
<li> Firstly, if you have ever installed MySQL before (even as part of another
<li> Firstly, if you have ever installed MySQL before (even as part of another
package), uninstall it all, delete all the MySQL files and make sure you
delete <strong>c:\my.cnf</strong> and <strong>c:\windows\my.ini</strong>.You
might want to do a search and delete ANY file called <strong>my.cnf</strong>
or <strong>my.ini</strong>.</li>
<li> If you've ever installed PHP before delete any files called <strong>php4ts.dll</strong>
<li> If you've ever installed PHP before delete any files called <strong>php4ts.dll</strong>
from around your Windows directory, as well as any files called <strong>php.ini</strong>.</li>
<li> Download EasyPHP from here: <a href="http://www.easyphp.org/telechargements/dn.php?F=easyphp1-6.php3" target="_blank">http://www.easyphp.org/telechargements/dn.php?F=easyphp1-6.php3</a>
<li> Download EasyPHP from here: <a href="http://www.easyphp.org/telechargements/dn.php?F=easyphp1-7">http://www.easyphp.org/telechargements/dn.php?F=easyphp1-7</a>
(approx 10 Mb)</li>
<li> Run the downloaded file: <strong>easyphp1-6_setup.exe</strong>. The installation
<li> Run the downloaded file: <strong>easyphp1-7_setup.exe</strong>. The installation
process is in French but is otherwise much like installing any other Windows
program - I advise accepting the defaults and letting it all install. Note
that "Suivant" means Next.and "Oui" means Yes.</li>
<li>At the end of the install leave the checkbox selected to "Lancer
EasyPHP" (Start EasyPHP) and hit the 'Terminer" button.You might
that "Suivant" means Next and "Oui" means Yes.</li>
<li>At the end of the install leave the checkbox selected to "Lancer
EasyPHP" (Start EasyPHP) and hit the 'Terminer" button. You might
be taken to a information web page which you can safely ignore. </li>
<li>If all went well - congratulations! Apache, PHP and MySQL are all installed
<li>If all went well - congratulations! Apache, PHP and MySQL are all installed
and running! You should see a black E in your toolbar tray. You can right
click on it to get a menu which will let you control the running programs,
but you won't be needing that for now.</li>
<li> The next thing you need to do is to set up a database for Moodle to use.
Using a browser, go to <a href="http://localhost/mysql/" target="_blank">http://localhost/mysql/</a>
(note the final slash).</li>
<li>If asked for a username, use "root" with a blank password. You
click on it to get a menu which will let you control the running programs.</li>
<li>Some things may be in French and you may prefer English. You can download this file <a href="http://www.easyphp.org/telechargements/dn.php?F=indexUS_1.7">http://www.easyphp.org/telechargements/dn.php?F=indexUS_1.7</a> which contains English versions of www and home folder in the EasyPHP1-7 folder. These can be copied over the default files.</li>
<li> The next thing you need to do is to set up a database for Moodle to use.
Right-click the black E in the toolbar tray and choose Administration, then click DB Management (beside PHPMyAdmin).</li>
<li>If asked for a username, use "<strong>root</strong>" with a <strong>blank password</strong>. You
should see a phpMyAdmin web interface that allows you to create a new databases
and user accounts. </li>
<li>Create a new database by typing "moodle" into the field and
<li>Create a new database by typing "moodle" into the field and
hitting the "Create" button. That was easy!</li>
<li>You can also create a new user to access your database if you want. This
<li>You can also create a new user to access your database if you want. This
can be a bit tricky for a first-time user, so you might just want to use
the existing user "root" with no password in your Moodle config
for now, and fix this later.</li>
<li> You're ready to install Moodle! Download the latest release of Moodle
<li> You're ready to install Moodle! Download the latest release of Moodle
from <a href="http://moodle.org/download" target="_blank">http://moodle.org/download</a>,
then unzip the archive.</li>
<li>Copy your moodle files into <strong>C:\Program Files\EasyPHP\www. </strong>You
<li>Copy your moodle files into <strong>C:\Program Files\EasyPHP\www. </strong>You
can either copy the entire moodle directory (ie C:\Program Files\EasyPHP\www\moodle)
or copy all the <em>contents</em> of the moodle directory. If you choose
this second option then you will be able to access your Moodle home page
using http://localhost/ instead of http://localhost/moodle/.</li>
<li> Make a new empty folder somewhere else for Moodle to store uploaded files
<li> Make a new empty folder somewhere else for Moodle to store uploaded files
in, eg: <strong>C:\moodledata</strong></li>
<li> Go into your Moodle folder. Make a copy of config-dist.php, and call
<li> Go into your Moodle folder. Make a copy of config-dist.php, and call
it config.php</li>
<li> Edit config.php using a text editor (Notepad will do, just be careful
<li> Edit config.php using a text editor (Notepad will do, just be careful
that it doesn't add unwanted spaces at the end). </li>
<li>Put in all your new database info:<br>
$CFG->dbtype = 'mysql';<br>
$CFG->dbhost = 'localhost';<br>
$CFG->dbname = 'moodle';<br>
$CFG->dbuser = 'root'; <br>
$CFG->dbpass = '';<br>
$CFG->dbpersist = true;<br>
$CFG->prefix = 'mdl_';<br>
<li>And put in all your file paths:<br>
<li>Put in all your new database info:<br />
$CFG->dbtype = 'mysql';<br />
$CFG->dbhost = 'localhost';<br />
$CFG->dbname = 'moodle';<br />
$CFG->dbuser = 'root'; <br />
$CFG->dbpass = '';<br />
$CFG->dbpersist = true;<br />
$CFG->prefix = 'mdl_';</li>
<li>And put in all your file paths:<br />
$CFG->wwwroot = 'http://localhost/moodle'; // Use an external address
if you know it. <br>
$CFG->dirroot = 'C:\Program Files\EasyPHP\www\moodle'; <br>
$CFG->dataroot = 'C:\moodledata';<br>
<li>Save config.php - you can ignore the other settings if there are any.</li>
<li>You're nearly there now! The rest of the setup is all web-based. Visit
if you know it. <br />
$CFG->dirroot = 'C:\Program Files\EasyPHP\www\moodle'; <br />
$CFG->dataroot = 'C:\moodledata';</li>
<li>Save config.php - you can ignore the other settings if there are any.</li>
<li>You're nearly there now! The rest of the setup is all web-based. Visit
<a href="http://localhost/moodle/admin/" target="_blank">http://localhost/moodle/admin/</a>
with your browser to continue the setup via your browser.</li>
<li>To use zip files with Moodle (for example the backups use zip) you might
<li>To use zip files with Moodle (for example the backups use zip) you might
need to enable "zlib". You can do this by going to your EasyPHP
directory (<strong>C:\Program Files\EasyPHP</strong>), and running the program
phpini.exe in there. Put a mark in the checkbox next to "zlib.dll".
Close that window, then go to the black E in your toolbar and right-click
it to get a menu - select "Restart" from this menu.</li>
<li>Lastly, you need to set up some sort of cron. See the <a href="./?file=install.html">Installation
<li>Lastly, you need to set up some sort of cron. See the <a href="./?file=install.html">Installation
guide</a> for more details on this.</li>
<p>If you don't or can't use EasyPHP, here are some a few tips to make sure
<p>If you don't or can't use EasyPHP, here are some a few tips to make sure
your PHP is set up correctly and avoid common problems:</p>
<li>Make sure you enable the GD module so Moodle can process images - you
<li>Make sure you enable the GD module so Moodle can process images - you
may have to edit php.ini and remove the comment (;) from this line: 'extension=php_gd2.dll'.
<li>Make sure you enable the Zlib module so that you can create and unpack
<li>Make sure you enable the Zlib module so that you can create and unpack
zip files from within Moodle.</li>
<li>Make sure sessions is turned on - you may have to edit php.ini and fix
<li>Make sure sessions is turned on - you may have to edit php.ini and fix
the directory for <strong>session.save_path</strong> - instead of the default
"/tmp" use a Windows directory like "c:/temp".</li>
<p> </p>
<h3> </h3>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
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<p>Moodle is a software package for producing internet-based courses and web sites.
It's an ongoing development project designed to support a <a href="http://dougiamas.com/writing/edmedia2003/" target="_top">social constructionist</a> framework of education. </p>
<p>Moodle is provided freely as <a href="http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition_plain.html" target="_top">
<title>Moodle Docs: Introduction</title>
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<p>Moodle is a software package for producing internet-based courses and web sites.
It's an ongoing development project designed to support a <a href="?file=philosophy.html">social constructionist</a> framework of education. </p>
<p>Moodle is provided freely as <a href="http://www.opensource.org/docs/definition_plain.html" target="_top">
Open Source</a> software (under the <a href="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html" target="_top">
GNU Public License</a>). Basically this means Moodle is copyrighted, but that
you have additional freedoms. You are allowed to copy, use and modify Moodle
provided that you agree to: <strong>provide the source to others</strong>; <strong>not
modify or remove the original license and copyrights</strong>, and <strong>apply
this same license to any derivative work</strong>. Read the license for full
details and please contact the <a href="http://moodle.org/user/view.php?id=1&course=1">copyright
details and please contact the <a href="http://moodle.org/user/view.php?id=1&course=1">copyright
holder</a> directly if you have any questions.
<p>Moodle will run on any computer that can run <a href="http://www.php.net/" target="_top">
<p>Moodle will run on any computer that can run <a href="http://www.php.net/" target="_top">
PHP</a>, and can support many types of database (particularly <a href="http://www.mysql.com/" target="_top">MySQL</a>).</p>
<p>The word Moodle was originally an acronym for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic
<p>The word Moodle was originally an acronym for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic
Learning Environment, which is mostly useful to programmers and education theorists.
It's also a verb that describes the process of lazily meandering through something,
doing things as it occurs to you to do them, an enjoyable tinkering that often
leads to insight and creativity. As such it applies both to the way Moodle was
developed, and to the way a student or teacher might approach studying or teaching
an online course. Anyone who uses Moodle is a Moodler.</p>
<p>Come and <a href="http://moodle.org/community/" target="_top">moodle with us</a>!</p>
<p>Come <a href="http://moodle.org/community/" target="_top">moodle with us</a>!</p>
<p><br />
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
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<h2>Other documentation</h2>
<h1>Other documentation</h1>
<p class="normaltext">Here are some links to other sources of Moodle documentation:</p>
<p class="normaltext"><a href="../help.php?file=index.html">Index of all Moodle
help pages</a> - a list of all the context-sensitive help files within Moodle</p>
<p class="normaltext"><a href="http://moodle.org/docs/">User-contributed documentation</a>
- this page lists documentation contributed by Moodle users</p>
<p align="center" class="normaltext"> </p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
<hr />
<p align="center"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
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<p>The design and development of Moodle is guided by a particular philosophy of learning, a way of thinking that you may see referred to in shorthand as a "<em>social constructionist pedagogy</em>". (Some of you scientists may already be thinking "soft education mumbo jumbo" and reaching for your mouse, but please read on - this is useful for every subject area!)</p>
<p>This page tries to explain in simple terms what that phrase means by unpacking <strong>four main concepts</strong> behind it. Note that each of these is summarising one view of an immense amount of diverse research so these definitions may seem thin if you have read about these before.</p>
<p>If these concepts are completely new to you then it is likely that these ideas will be hard to understand at first - all I can recommend is that you read it carefully, while thinking about your own experiences of trying to learn something.<br>
<p>If these concepts are completely new to you then it is likely that these ideas will be hard to understand at first - all I can recommend is that you read it carefully, while thinking about your own experiences of trying to learn something.<br />
<h3>1. Constructivism</h3>
<p>This point of view maintains that people actively <strong>construct</strong> new knowledge as they interact with their environment. </p>
<p>Everything you read, see, hear, feel, and touch is tested against your prior knowledge and if it is viable within your mental world, may form new knowledge you carry with you. Knowledge is strengthened if you can use it successfully in your wider environment. You are not just a memory bank passively absorbing information, nor can knowledge be "transmitted" to you just by reading something or listening to someone.</p>
<p>This is not to say you can't learn anything from reading a web page or watching a lecture, obviously you can, it's just pointing out that there is more interpretation going on than a transfer of information from one brain to another.<br>
<p>This is not to say you can't learn anything from reading a web page or watching a lecture, obviously you can, it's just pointing out that there is more interpretation going on than a transfer of information from one brain to another.<br />
<h3>2. Constructionism</h3>
<p>Constructionism asserts that learning is particularly effective when constructing something for others to experience. This can be anything from a spoken sentence or an internet posting, to more complex artifacts like a painting, a house or a software package.</p>
<p>For example, you might read this page several times and still forget it by tomorrow - but if you were to try and explain these ideas to someone else in your own words, or produce a slideshow that explained these concepts, then I can guarantee you'd have a better understanding that is more integrated into your own ideas. This is why people take notes during lectures, even if they never read the notes again.<br>
<p>For example, you might read this page several times and still forget it by tomorrow - but if you were to try and explain these ideas to someone else in your own words, or produce a slideshow that explained these concepts, then I can guarantee you'd have a better understanding that is more integrated into your own ideas. This is why people take notes during lectures, even if they never read the notes again.<br />
<h3>3. Social Constructivism</h3>
<p>This extends the above ideas into a social group constructing things for one another, collaboratively creating a small culture of shared artifacts with shared meanings. When one is immersed within a culture like this, one is learning all the time about how to be a part of that culture, on many levels.</p>
<p>A very simple example is an object like a cup. The object can be used for many things, but its shape does suggest some "knowledge" about carrying liquids. A more complex example is an online course - not only do the "shape" of the software tools indicate certain things about the way online courses should work, but the activities and texts produced within the group as a whole will help shape how each person behaves within that group.<br>
<p>A very simple example is an object like a cup. The object can be used for many things, but its shape does suggest some "knowledge" about carrying liquids. A more complex example is an online course - not only do the "shapes" of the software tools indicate certain things about the way online courses should work, but the activities and texts produced within the group as a whole will help shape how each person behaves within that group.<br />
<h3>4. Connected and Separate</h3>
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<p>This idea looks deeper into the motivations of individuals within a discussion. <strong>Separate</strong> behaviour is when someone tries to remain 'objective' and 'factual', and tends to defend their own ideas using logic to find holes in their opponent's ideas. <strong>Connected</strong> behaviour is a more empathic approach that accepts subjectivity, trying to listen and ask questions in an effort to understand the other point of view. <strong>Constructed</strong> behaviour is when a person is sensitive to both of these approaches and is able to choose either of them as appropriate to the current situation.</p>
<p>In general, a healthy amount of connected behaviour within a learning community is a very powerful stimulant for learning, not only bringing people closer together but promoting deeper reflection and re-examination of their existing beliefs.</p>
<hr />
<p>Once you are thinking about all these issues, it helps you to focus on the experiences that would be best for learning from the learner's point of view, rather than just publishing and assessing the information you think they need to know. It can also help you realise how each participant in a course can be a teacher as well as a learner. Your job as a 'teacher' can change from being 'the source of knowledge' to being an influencer and role model of class culture, connecting with students in a personal way that addresses their own learning needs, and moderating discussions and activities in a way that collectively leads students towards the learning goals of the class.</p>
<p>Obviously Moodle doesn't force this style of behaviour, but this is what it is best at supporting. In future, as the technical infrastructure of Moodle stabilises, further improvements in pedagogical support will be a major direction for Moodle development.</p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
<hr />
<p align="center"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
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<h2>Release notes</h2>
<h1>Latest Release notes</h1>
<h3>Moodle 1.4.3 (17 December, 2004)</h3>
<p>(Because this release contains important security fixes, we highly advise that sites using any
previous version of Moodle upgrade to this version as soon as possible.)</p>
<h3> New in Moodle 1.1.1 (10 September, 2003):</h3>
<dt> </dt>
<dt>General Fixes</dt>
<dt>Some important security fixes</dt>
<li>Translation improvements in many languages</li>
<li>Frame fix when switching languages in documentation</li>
<li>All short PHP tags removed ... short_tags is no longer a requirement</li>
<li>Forum search results link using anchor tag for better context</li>
<li>Removed target from "delete" link on user editing page</li>
<li>'Search' on social format moved closer to the top to prevent browser
self-scrolling </li>
<li>Page redirection is faster and no longer causes intermediate page
to be stored in IE history</li>
<li>Course listings improved when courses are displayed, including more
<li>Category listings show courses in full when there are under ten courses</li>
<li>Invisible courses are always shown last in My Courses</li>
<li>Course creators can now see all hidden categories and courses</li>
<li>Styles added for category and course names</li>
<li>Removed tags from question text on quiz 'simplestat' report</li>
<li>Added percentages to downloaded data from 'simplestat' report</li>
<li>Allow external deep linking using guest account ?username=guest</li>
<li>Any admin can now add/remove course creators</li>
<li>Primary admin can now update own username/password even with external authentication</li>
<li>Quizzes can now be specified as having "no grade" and no grades will be shown</li>
<li>When editing a language, missing strings files are created if possible</li>
<li>Fixed bug in weekly journal date calculations</li>
<li>Fixed bug in config.php that made error_reporting not work</li>
<li>Fixed bug when editing user name with quotes in it</li>
<li>Fixed bug in email obfuscation for email addresses with numbers in
them </li>
<li>Fixed missing PostgreSQL schema for chat module</li>
<li>Fixed several typos in PostgreSQL upgrading code</li>
<li>Fixed some uninitialised variables</li>
<li>Several bugs fixed in Workshop module</li>
<li>Better checking/cleaning of cookie data</li>
<li>Preventative measures for session fixation</li>
<li>Better checking/cleaning of parameters for RSS feeds, ip atlas parameters, glossary, forum, theme selection, SCORM module, document viewer</li>
<li>Added protection in viewing of uploaded files</li>
<li>Added protection against directory traversal</li>
<li>Fix for variable $FULLME necessary for cron</li>
<li>Prevention against internal libraries being called directly.</li>
<li>Prevent viewing of glossary if it's a hidden activity</li>
<li>Hidden sections hidden from students in recent activity</li>
<li>Fixed problem with guest user being able to see events in the calendar</li>
<li>Fixed encoding of TEX expressions</li>
<h3> New in Moodle 1.1 (28 August, 2003):</h3>
<dt> </dt>
<dt>Major Changes</dt>
<dt>A few new things</dt>
<li>A completely new <strong>backup</strong> system for backup and restore
of courses (Thanks, Eloy!)</li>
<li>A new <strong>workshop</strong> module for peer grading (Thanks, Ray!)</li>
<li>A new <strong>chat</strong> module for synchronous discussions</li>
<li>All-new <strong>course manager</strong> to handle very large numbers
of courses (tested with 3700)</li>
<li>Custom-defined <strong>grading scales</strong> that can be used throughout
a course</li>
<li>Performance improvements in many areas</li>
<li>Enforced enrolment uniqueness, this is also a performance fix.</li>
<li>Added transaction support for PostgreSQL </li>
<li>Logging in and logging out are now logged</li>
<li>Wiki and SCORM now both use new zipping code - this fixes reported SCORM issues</li>
<li>New paging system for glossary</li>
<li>User info from LDAP truncated for insertion into moodle to prevent data loss</li>
<li>Updated pclzip to new version</li>
<li>Memory_limit can be overriden by higher config settings from php.ini, commandline, httpd.conf, .htaccess</li>
<li>New translations started: Maori, Kannada, Albanian and Vietnamese</li>
<li>Many additions to other language packs</li>
<li>Teachers can now always try quizzes, even if they're not open yet</li>
<li>Glossary print view is now different for each format.</li>
<li>Glossary search now also searches aliases</li>
<li>Vastly improved multilang filter with more forgiving syntax </li>
<dt>Performance improvements</dt>
<li>Clean up of the whole admin menu organisation to make it clearer</li>
<li>Categories can be nested and sorted alphabetically or manually</li>
<li>Courses and whole categories can be hidden from students</li>
<li>Course descriptions and names can be searched for keywords</li>
<li>Large categories are now completely paged</li>
<li>Improved web caching for stylesheets and images</li>
<li>"My courses" display on the home page when logged in.</li>
<li>Inclusion of non-linked page to display ALL user pictures at once
(see /userpix)</li>
<li>The "secureforms" feature now defaults to OFF.</li>
<li>Moodle now doesn't care if "magic quotes" is on or off.</li>
<li>Images in /pix were rearranged and tidied up</li>
<li>HTML email is better formatted for wider compatibility</li>
<li>Mail bounces are now sent to the admin user</li>
<li>Better cron tasks (less CPU used) and duplicate enrolments are now
<li>Improved display of logs with infinite paging and increased flexibility</li>
<li>User log graphs now work at site-level (showing ALL logs on the site)</li>
<li>People with manual accounts can now recover their password</li>
<li>Improved system for defining/printing help files for major activity
<li>Activity modules can now have settings</li>
<li>Email addresses are all completely obfuscated (to fool web spiders)</li>
<li>There is now an index to the help files</li>
<li>Library (Mark Kimes' add-on) is now supported if it is installed (see Moodle contrib for Library source)</li>
<li>Better caching headers mean improved performance on all pages when using back button</li>
<li>Database indexes added in many places to enhance performance in large scale deployments</li>
<li>Performance improvements throughout moodle where courses were being listed.</li>
<li>Various optimizations by removing unnecessary database retrievals and sorting.</li>
<dt>Other bug fixes</dt>
<li>Teachers can now have their course editing privileges removed</li>
<li>Teachers can now manually enrol students if they want to</li>
<li>Teacher management is now all combined in one interface</li>
<li>Activities can be moved any distance with two clicks</li>
<li>Topics/weeks can now be moved up and down</li>
<li>Pop-up menu to quickly switch between topics/weeks when collapsed</li>
<li>When self-enrolling, students are notified and given a chance to cancel</li>
<li>Teachers and students see list of "My Courses" on course
home pages.</li>
<li>Grades can be hidden from students if not needed</li>
<li>Fixed restoring into a new course generating duplicate course idnumbers</li>
<li>Fixed many small Postgres issues </li>
<li>Fixed unnecessary notices when debug mode on</li>
<li>Fixed some more PHP5 Notices</li>
<li>Fixed support for apostrophes, quotes and backslashes in LDAP user data</li>
<li>Fix for pagination of search course results for Postgres </li>
<li>Fixed bug with whitespace in user search</li>
<li>Fixed chatroom bug where all chat users listed in multiple chatrooms </li>
<li>Fix for installation script bug</li>
<li>Case sensitive usernames in bulk user import fixed</li>
<li>Fixed bug in redirection after rating forum post</li>
<li>Fixed bug in quiz with matching questions</li>
<li>Fixed bug in quiz preview</li>
<li>Fixed bug in language editing</li>
<li>Multiple small fixes in SCORM module</li>
<li>SCORM module shows user pictures properly</li>
<li>Activity names sorted by name in activity filter</li>
<li>Glossary search will search aliases as well</li>
<li>Any RSS errors will result in a valid RSS error file rather than invalid RSS.</li>
<li>Fixed problem with SCORM package validation and PHP5</li>
<li>Fixed problem with backup/restore and empty categories</li>
<li>Better XHTML in wiki</li>
<li>Bug fix in chat reports for first chat session</li>
<li>Fixed a problem with SCORM when deleting a lot of files, or very large files</li>
<li>Fixed some problems with encyclopedia format in glossary</li>
<li>Fixed bug in SCORM integration with zipping code</li>
<li>Fixed bug in dialogue plain text email notifications</li>
<li>Fixed missing sesskey variables in social activity block </li>
<li>Excess sections for a course are now hidden in the navmenu</li>
<li>Added daylight savings time fixes for the calendar</li>
<li>First quiz edit in a new course has a default category assigned</li>
<li>Fixed bug in paypal module when accepting payment amount</li>
<li>Fixed bug in course files with loss of choose mode </li>
<li><strong>Hungarian</strong> and <strong>Greek</strong> have been added,
and there are lots of other updates. As usual, the language packs within
this release may not be fully completed yet. You can always download
the newest language packs from <a href="http://moodle.org/download/lang/">http://moodle.org/download/lang/</a>.</li>
<li>Updates and fixes to most languages</li>
<li>Languages now have a parent language (for displaying missing strings)</li>
<li>Some fixes for locales and time display in several languages</li>
<li>es_mx is being phased out in favour of "es" (International
Spanish) </li>
<li>Much improved searching, with multiple keywords, paging etc</li>
<li>Forum grading can be either off, used by everyone, or used only by teachers</li>
<li>Forum grading can use custom scales or numbers</li>
<li>A date range can be set to restrict the posts that can be graded.</li>
<li>Admin now has access to some settings via Admin -> Modules -> Forums </li>
<li>After editing a post, user is returned to post in context</li>
<li>Attached images are displayed inline</li>
<li>Email copies in plain text format now print URLs nicely</li>
<li>New question type: Embedded Answers (Cloze) - allows text passages
with embedded answers</li>
<li>New question type: Numerical - allows a range of numerical answers
to be entered</li>
<li>New question type: Description - not a real question, it allows text/graphics
to be inserted anywhere</li>
<li>Expanded quiz reporting with modular report plugins</li>
<li>New feature for repeat attempts, where each attempt builds on the
last </li>
<li>If the quiz is closing within the next 24 hours, a small countdown
clock is shown in the title bar and alerts warn at ten minutes and zero
<li>Some refactoring to the quiz code to make it easier to extend with
new question types</li>
<li>Web links can now be in very customisable pop-up windows.</li>
<li>Admin now has access to some settings via Admin -> Modules ->
<dt>Some of the more annoying bugs recently fixed</dt>
<li>Moving posts now also moves attachments</li>
<li>No more warnings when looking for uploaded files in an empty course</li>
<li>Students no longer always get plain-format mail on force-subscribed
<li>Cookies can no longer interfere with the admin setup during installation</li>
<li>Effectively no limit to the number of activities per section</li>
<li>Several fixes when dealing with zip files, especially on Windows</li>
<li>Admins can now edit accounts created from external databases</li>
<li>Session no longer conflicts with other software</li>
<li>Excel files now work on non-Intel machines</li>
<dt> </dt>
<dd> </dd>
<h3> New in Moodle 1.0.9 (29th May, 2003) :</h3>
<dt> General</dt>
<li>Various optimisations and significant performance enhancements</li>
<li>Several obscure security fixes</li>
<li>Moodle is now well-behaved when enclosed within a frame</li>
<li>Richtext editor can now be used in more text-editing fields</li>
<li>New format "Plain text format", useful when posting code or HTML.</li>
<li>New format "Wiki format", allows Wiki-style tagging in most places</li>
<li>New popup allows emoticons/smilies to be inserted by clicking on images</li>
<li>Ability to specify permissions of new folders and files created on the server</li>
<li>Some fixes for servers running in Safe Mode (some file problems remain)</li>
<li>Various fixes for cleaning some external text of quotes, etc</li>
<li>Various fixes for PostgreSQL 7.3 compatibility</li>
<li>Started migration of HTML code towards XHTML Transitional</li>
<li>Countless other little fixes all over the place</li>
<dt> Languages</dt>
<li><b>10</b> new language packs! Argentinian Spanish, Czech, Portuguese, Slovakian, Romanian, Danish, Russian, Polish, Chinese Traditional and French Canadian.</li>
<li>Fixes and upgrades to almost all language packs</li>
<li>Language can be specified for the current session (see menu on home page and login page) and can be changed on any page by something to the url, eg: http://moodle.org/?lang=ru </li>
<li>Language menu can be restricted to a subset of languages and even removed.
<li>Truetype fonts are now part of the language packs</li>
<li>ALL dates/times can now be reformatted as part of the language pack</li>
<li>A small but annoying bug was fixed with the web-based language editor on Windows servers that caused language files to grow</li>
<dt> Developers</dt>
<li>Global debug variable gives more feedback about uninitialised variables and the like</li>
<li>Various fixes to tidy up and further standardise some of the PHP code</li>
<li>Various fixes for robustness (ensuring variables are always initialised)</li>
<dt> Admin</dt>
<li><font color=red>Some changed options and code in config-dist.php (if upgrading, compare with your current config.php or rebuild your config.php from scratch)</font></li>
<li><font color=red>Many changes to themes - authors of custom themes should read <a href="http://moodle.org/theme/UPGRADE.txt">theme/UPGRADE.txt</a> </font></li>
<li>New moodle.org registration function for security notifications etc</li>
<li>Admin directory can be moved from /admin to something else (see config-dist.php)</li>
<li>User listing is now paged, and can now be searched for strings</li>
<li>Module management: activity modules can now be individually disabled or deleted completely</li>
<li>Improvements to the language editing page</li>
<li>Better checking of PHP environment during installation, with warnings</li>
<li>Cleaner installation procedure.</li>
<dt> User management</dt>
<li>New role: Course creator - just like teacher but can also create new courses</li>
<li>New authentication plug-in named "manual", prevents users from creating their own accounts</li>
<li>"Forgot Password" routine now uses an email confirmation before resetting password</li>
<dt> Courses</dt>
<li>Activities on the course page now have a little button to hide/show that activity to students</li>
<li>Whole topics/weeks can also now be hidden or shown</li>
<li>The list of participants now has some paging, to cope with very large classes</li>
<li>Zip/Unzip is now supported by an internal zip library, removing
the dependence on external programs to do this. This also means that
zip/unzip now works on Windows.</li>
<dt> Assignments</dt>
<li>Assignment submissions can be sorted</li>
<li>Assignment notification mail isn't sent to unenrolled students</li>
<dt> Forums</dt>
<li>Display of forum discussions list is greatly improved</li>
<li>Whole discussions can be moved to any other forum with a single click</li>
<li>Date/time of posts is now "last modified", not "created"</li>
<li>Blank subject-lines or messages are now prevented</li>
<li>More intelligent parsing and display of text in posts</li>
<li>Force Subscribe now works on the "Site News" forum (mails all active students/teachers)</li>
<li>Better handling of mailouts to prevent the possibility of double copies
that sometimes happened with very large classes</li>
<dt> Workshop Assignment module (not included: available soon as a separate download)</dt>
<li>A very interesting new module contributed by Ray Kingdon,</li>
<li>A flexible tool that implements a variety of peer-grading and
example-setting schemes that involve a whole group in examining
and grading pieces of work.</li>
<dt> Quizzes</dt>
<li>New question type, Random Question (selects from all questions in the same category)</li>
<li>New question type, Matching Question (student must match answers to questions)</li>
<li>New question type, Random Matching Short-Answers (randomly creates Matching Questions
from the available Short Answer questions in the same category)</li>
<li>Quiz question import from text files (modular design allows expansion to new formats - a beta Blackboard module is included)</li>
<li>'Create multiple questions' wizard to quickly create a random quiz</li>
<li>Quiz questions may be randomly shuffled</li>
<li>Quiz answers (multiple choice, etc) may be randomly shuffled</li>
<li>Fixed off-by-one error when "Save Grades" button wasn't used.</li>
<li>Regrading works properly if the quiz has been changed</li>
<li>Editing a question after it's already been used in a quiz no longer affects quiz results</li>
<li>Multiple choice answers are labelled a,b,c not 1,2,3</li>
<dt> Resources</dt>
<li>Better performance when editing large text or HTML resources</li>
<li>Plain images are now display centered within a proper web page (not raw).</li>
<li>Wiki format added as a new option for Resource pages</li>
<dt> Custom Themes</dt>
<li>A number of new styles have been added to all built-in themes. Some of these are ESSENTIAL
to viewing some of the new features. PLEASE SEE
<a href="http://moodle.org/theme/UPGRADE.txt">theme/UPGRADE.txt</a>
<li>Custom themes now have the capability to re-define all the little button graphics.
There is a new entry in theme/x/config.php ($THEME->custompix) and a new
optional subdirectory "pix". See the theme cordoroyblue for an example.</li>
<p>Older releases can be seen in the <a href="http://moodle.org/mod/forum/view.php?f=1">Moodle.org announcement forum</a>.
<p> </p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1"><a href="../doc/" target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
<h3> Moodle 1.4.2 (5th November, 2004)</h3>
<p>(Because this release contains important security fixes, we highly advise that sites using any
previous version of Moodle upgrade to this version as soon as possible.)</p>
<dt>Some important security fixes</dt>
<li>Better checking/cleaning of script parameters used in quite a few areas
throughout Moodle (a BIG thanks to Petr Skoda for his recent security audit!)</li>
<li>Quoted some SQL parameters in the glossary module to prevent possible injection</li>
<dt>A few small new things</dt>
<li>New PAM authentication module for direct authentication on Unix/Linux</li>
<li>Course creators can now restore to new or existing courses</li>
<li>Forum posts now include detailed headers to allow correct threading in mail clients</li>
<dt>And a bunch of other bug fixes</dt>
<li>Backup is now more able to cope with errors (eg if backup is interrupted)
and can clean up uncompleted files</li>
<li>Fix for database authentication against a PostgreSQL database</li>
<li>Fixes for some parts of installation to PostgreSQL</li>
<li>Forum subject lines are now only broken up in recent activity display</li>
<li>Database-based enrolments now actually work :-)</li>
<li>SQL fixes for creation of RSS feeds from PostgreSQL</li>
<li>Added rtsp to the list of allowed protocols in cleaned HTML text</li>
<li>User profile and profile editing page can be called without parameters</li>
<li>Upgraded xmlize library to latest version</li>
<li>Upgraded phpmailer library to latest version</li>
<li>Various small code-only cleanups</li>
<li>Admin menu now allows backup/restore of the "site course" (front page)</li>
<li>Fixed a display bug in the forums index which only showed in PHP5</li>
<li>Highlighting function (eg after search) was stripping backslashes</li>
<li>Info from LDAP is now decoded from utf8</li>
<li>Course listings now work better with very large amounts of courses</li>
<li>Two SCORM bugs fixed (a typo and a problem with onbeforeunload)</li>
<li>Some cleanups when printing text, headers and variables in Lesson</li>
<li>Calendar now functions as expected even when you login as someone else</li>
<li>Fixed a few remaining short PHP tags</li>
<li>Better randomness for random questions (fix for bug introduced in 1.4)</li>
<li>When a teacher is removed from a course, they are now also removed from all groups in that course</li>
<li>Fixed strip_pages bug in Wiki</li>
<li>Fixes for charset detection in backups and multilang filter under PHP5</li>
<br />
<h3> Moodle 1.4.1 (12th September, 2004)</h3>
<dt>A few little new things</dt>
<li>New "Email Protection" filter will obfuscate all email addresses within all texts
(to help prevent automated address-harvesting)</li>
<li>Allowed email addresses can now be restricted (see config-dist.php for details)</li>
<li>Extra instructions for translators embedded in translation interface</li>
<li>New help page for Directory Paths</li>
<dt>And some bug fixes</dt>
<li>Improved performance when viewing site logs</li>
<li>Improved paging and performance in glossary</li>
<li>Glossary entries are now shown correctly if they belong to multiple categories</li>
<li>Do not redeclare auth_user_login upon failed login</li>
<li>Fixed two missing icons in the cordoroyblue theme</li>
<li>Fixed missing "New event" button on Upcoming Events page</li>
<li>Always addslashes on chat messages from daemon users before inserting into db.</li>
<li>Fixes for handling of fixed enrollment periods when this is set for a course</li>
<li>Site course ID (defined as SITEID) is no longer assumed to be always 1</li>
<li>Default memory limits are increased beyond 16M, to help Moodle continue
working even when there is some unplanned memory problem</li>
<li>Smilies are now rendered as pictures in Markdown format texts</li>
<li>Workshops work under Recent Activity again</li>
<li>file.php can now only be used to access data within courses</li>
<li>Improved behaviour of calendar blocks on home page</li>
<li>Fixed quotes bug with PostgreSQL database specification produced by installer</li>
<li>Fixed sometimes-missing display of correct answers during quiz review</li>
<li><tt> and <code> are now allowed tags</li>
<li>Section summaries, course summaries and labels are again no longer cleaned of Javascript</li>
<li>Fixed a rare LDAP bug that could cause new accounts not to be created </li>
<br />
<h3> Moodle 1.4 (31st August, 2004)</h3>
<li>Compatibility with PHP 5</li>
<li>New easy installer wizard leads you through the creation of the initial config.php file</li>
<li>Installation is now completely localised to your preferred language</li>
<li>Completely revamped Resource module make it easier to add new resources and to send data to them.</li>
<li>New Enrolment system featuring modules such as completely automated Paypal payments,
flatfile scanning, or external database control.</li>
<li>Blocks now work on the front page, plus you can put a topic section above the middle part</li>
<li>Chat now includes a server-side daemon (in PHP) for scalable, instant chat</li>
<li>New Wiki module!</li>
<li>New support for editing text using the Markdown format</li>
<li>Many bug fixes in all areas</li>
<dt>Under the hood</dt>
<li>Resource module has its own Add menu now, and uses class-based submodules, making it much
easier now to add new resource types to this menu</li>
<li>Quiz module has been refactored into class-based questiontype plugins.</li>
<li>Enrolment process has been refactored into class-based enrolment plugins.</li>
<li>Glossary display formats are now name-based, and it's easier to plugin new ones.</li>
<li>Improved behaviour of many modules when they are used on the site page.</li>
<li>Revised Filter structure is faster and now compatible with Turck MMcache.</li>
<li>Adding activities is now more forgiving of fields left empty</li>
<li>We can now alter PostgreSQL columns at will using table_column()</li>
<li>RSS generation has been sped up tremendously, putting much less load on cron</li>
<li>Some bigger modules have split lib.php into locallib.php for less memory usage</li>
<dt>Languages and localisation</dt>
<li>Updates to nearly every language pack</li>
<li>Moodle can override the default character set in Apache, making languages more reliable</li>
<li>Multibyte languages now wrap properly</li>
<li>Better handling of locales and encodings on very multilingual sites (like moodle.org)</li>
<li>New languages: Slovenian and Hebrew! </li>
<dt>Security Fixes</dt>
<li>Fixed a number of possible XSS entry points and path disclosures</li>
<li>Attributes of tags in HTML are now parsed even more thoroughly for naughty scripts</li>
<li>User profile pages are no longer available by default to strangers</li>
<li>All text is now cleaned on output (not just input)</li>
<li>Email addresses are not used on outgoing mail if the user requests that</li>
<li>New setting <strong>loginhttps</strong> will use secure https for the login, then switch back to http</li>
<li>Spiffy new interfaces for adding/removing students, creators and admins</li>
<li>Failed logins are now logged, and can be displayed to users upon a successful login</li>
<li>Logs now support viewing by group, and by errors</li>
<li>Modules now behave more consistently on the site front page</li>
<li>Front page "students" can be all users on site, or all users in at least one course on the site </li>
<li>Email-sending can now be enabled/disabled on any user's profile page</li>
<li>All authentication methods will now co-exist with internally-created accounts</li>
<li>New support for authenticating against First Class servers</li>
<li>Fixes for POP3 authentication</li>
<li>Visitors can be automatically logged in as guest</li>
<li>Jump menu now always shows "Jump to" to help distribute clues about what it does</li>
<li>Jump menu now has a much clearer way of grouping activities into sections</li>
<li>Block system can now cope with custom course formats and changes in format</li>
<li>New login block allows login from site front page</li>
<li>Online users block on home page shows users from the whole site</li>
<li>New editor configuration screen for the admin</li>
<li>New support for anchors within pages</li>
<li>Spell-checking is now supported in the editor, it uses aspell on your server operating system</li>
<li>Chat now includes a server-side daemon (in PHP) for scalable, instant chat</li>
<li>Significantly revamped to make a lot more sense, with more option</li>
<li>Several fixes when dealing with groups</li>
<li>Users can choose to receive forum posts as daily digests of subject lines or whole posts.</li>
<li>Discussion listing is now paged</li>
<li>Teachers now have complete control over forum subscriptions, and can subscribe anyone at will</li>
<li>"Last post" date is shortened and linked to the last post</li>
<li>Forums now list RSS feeds on the index page</li>
<li>Better-looking HTML mail using the full stylesheet</li>
<li>Forum mail older than two days is never sent out (to prevent unwanted floods)</li>
<li>Blocked mail is logged so that teachers can see it</li>
<li>Discussion branches can be "split" from the main discussion, into a new discussion</li>
<li>Glossary entries can be defined as "always editable"</li>
<li>Glossaries now list RSS feeds on the index page</li>
<li>Many fixes throughout</li>
<li>New floating timer for timed quizzes</li>
<li>Attempts may now be restricted to specific computers</li>
<li>Quizzes can now require a special password</li>
<li>New question type for Calculated Questions</li>
<li>Numerical questions now support units<li>Questions can be previewed in the editing pages</li>
<li>Questions can now be exported in several formats</li>
<li>More intelligent handling of category listing when editing questions</li>
<li>New (and incomplete) XML export format, will eventually be quiz-feature-complete</li>
<li>Shortanswers can now contain all sorts of strange characters</li>
<li>Adding resources is now a one-step process with more control</li>
<li>Web page, Web link, Uploaded file and Program resource all combined into one type!</li>
<li>Program resources replaced by Parameters that allow a lot of of interesting interaction with external resources, both remote and uploaded into Moodle. </li>
<li>Collapsible forms with memory to make forms less daunting for beginners without slowing down experienced users </li>
<li>Many fixes and improvements - works with an even wider variety of packages</li>
<li>Optional extra verification of the manifest file </li>
<br />
<div align="center" class="style1"><strong><font size="+1">Finally, don't forget to look at some of the <a href="http://moodle.org/download/modules/" target="_blank">many optional and innovative modules under development</a>.
<br />
<br />
<div align="center" class="style1"><strong><font size="+1">If you experience any bugs in this release, please report them <a href="http://moodle.org/bugs" target="_blank">moodle.org/bugs</a> so we can fix them in the next release.</font></strong></div>
<br />
<a href="./?file=releaseold.html">Old release information</a>
<br />
<p align="center"><font size="1"><a href="../doc/" target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
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<h1>Old Release notes</h1>
<h3> New in Moodle 1.3.4 (11th August, 2004)</h3>
<li>Some compatibility was added for handling glossaries and resources from Moodle 1.4.</li>
<li>Forbid restricted users from changing enrolments</li>
<dt>Bug fixes</dt>
<li>Fixed a reported vulnerability involving arguments to forum/post.php file</li>
<li>Fixed a possible vulnerability involving strings in Moodle texts</li>
<li>Fixed a rare glitch with attempt numbers in quizzes</li>
<li>Fixed a bug with regular expression logic in short answers</li>
<li>Fixed a typo in the PostgreSQL install</li>
<li>Fixed some documentation links</li>
<br />
<h3> New in Moodle 1.3.3 (16th July, 2004)</h3>
<li>The ADOdb library was upgraded to a version compatible with PHP 5.0</li>
<li>Improvements to the detection and conversion of URLs in backups</li>
<dt>Bug fixes</dt>
<li>A possible vulnerability involving arguments to the help.php file was fixed.</li>
<li>A possible vulnerability involving language setting was fixed.</li>
<li>Fixes for the editing of lang strings with double quotes in them</li>
<li>Several small problems fixed in Glossary</li>
<li>Some minor issues fixed in the Scorm module</li>
<br />
<h3> New in Moodle 1.3.2 (9th July, 2004)</h3>
<li>The SCORM module is now included as standard </li>
<li>Some new languages (Malaysian, Estonian) </li>
<li>Many more existing languages are now completed up to 1.3.x</li>
<dt>Bug fixes</dt>
<li>A possible front page vulnerability with Moodle servers on some old PHP versions was fixed. If you are using a version of PHP previous to 4.3 then it might be a good idea to upgrade to this version of Moodle. </li>
<li>Important fixes to logic when forums are used for group activities</li>
<li>Editing teacher profiles are visible even to separated groups in a class </li>
<li>Subject lines in multibyte languages in recent activity are no longer broken by wrapping function </li>
<li>A few issues related to glossary export/import were fixed</li>
<li>Backup is now better at managing it's temporary files </li>
<li>Other small fixes here and there </li>
<br />
<h3> New in Moodle 1.3.1 (4th June, 2004)</h3>
<dt>Bug fixes</dt>
<li>Some HTML code affecting stability of HTML editor under IE6 on some pages was fixed</li>
<li>Some bugs were fixed in several auto-linking text filters</li>
<li>Improved-looking navigation bar (using the » character)</li>
<li>Flash files now have their own icon</li>
<li>Adding course links using HTML editor now fixed for teachers</li>
<li>Section links block now preserves focussed view</li>
<li>Sites files now respect forcelogin setting</li>
<li>Upgrading blocks without database functions now works</li>
<li>Language updates</li>
<br />
<h3> New in Moodle 1.3 (25th May, 2004)</h3>
<dt>Major new features</dt>
<li>New <strong>Calendar</strong> feature (thanks to Jon Papaioannou and the <a target="_blank" href="http://www.sch.gr/">Greek School Network</a>!)</li>
<li>New <strong>Blocks </strong>feature, allowing blocks to be added and moved around on course pages (thanks to Jon Papaioannou, Eloy Lafuente and others!)</li>
<li>New <strong>RSS System</strong> allows Forums and Glossaries (and later other modules) to publish RSS feeds (Thanks, Eloy!)</li>
<li><strong>Mediaplugin</strong> filter now supports auto-embedding of Quicktime, Flash, and Windows Media files.</li>
<li>A new <strong>Activity Names</strong> filter will automatically add hyperlinks to other activities in the same course whenever their name is mentioned.</li>
<dt>Other new features</dt>
<li>New resource type "Directory" will display a whole directory of uploaded files (including subdirectories)</li>
<li>Resources that are files (uploaded, or webpages) now show the relevant icon on the course page</li>
<li>Most internal HTML links within forums and resources are now preserved during backup/restores</li>
<li>It is now possible to pass normal http arguments to files in the Files section. This allows some fancier HTML and Flash in resources.</li>
<li>$CFG->forceloginforprofiles can be set to prevent guests from seeing site-level user profiles (including Google).</li>
<li>When Google access is enabled, then Google web page translations now work too.</li>
<li>Sessions are now stored privately in the Moodle data directory - this makes Moodle work better on clusters, and solves some session timeout problems when using Moodle on shared web hosts</li>
<li>User pictures can now be easily deleted from the profile editing page</li>
<li>Talking in Chat now appears in the main logs.</li>
<li>Hidden sections in courses can now be completely hidden from students (course setting)</li>
<li>Improvements to text inside graphs for some non-English languages, using Unicode fonts.</li>
<li>Improved interface for managing Scales, as well as better handling in mulitlingual sites</li>
<li>All students can now be unenrolled with one button (on the Students page)</li>
<li>Subscribers to forums can now be manually subscribed or unsubscribed in groups</li>
<li>Better handling of some European characters in filenames and usernames</li>
<li>Feedback notices for a hidden assignment aren't mailed out until it's unhidden</li>
<li>Expanded support for importing Blackboard quizzes</li>
<li>The cron script can now be run using a PHP binary from any directory</li>
<li>The HTML editor has been further improved and streamlined.</li>
<li>The default recent activity display is now calculated from the last access to that course (or two days, whichever is more recent). Previously it was from the last login to the site.</li>
<li>Confirmation emails are now in HTML and Text, to help prevent breaking of confirmation link.</li>
<li><b>New languages</b>: Farsi, Latvian, Norwegian Primary School, Unicode version of Traditional Chinese.</li>
<dt>Bug fixes</dt>
<li>Hundreds of small bugs were fixed in all areas, generally improving appearance and robustness.</li>
<li>As always, if you find bugs in Moodle, please <a href="http://moodle.org/bugs/">report them to our Bug Tracker</a>!</li>
<p> </p>
<dt><font size="+1">Finally, don't forget to look at some of the <a href="http://moodle.org/download/modules/" target="_blank">many optional modules under development</a>, including the SCORM module, the Wiki module, the Hot Potatoes module and many other innovations.</font></dt>
<br />
<br />
<h3> New in Moodle 1.2.1 (25th March, 2004)</h3>
<dt>Various small bug fixes</dt>
<li>Fixed some bugs that were causing survey graphs and results not to display in some circumstances</li>
<li>Improved security in the cron script</li>
<li>Fixed WebCT quiz import to deal with missing images, shortanswers and escaped characters</li>
<li>Fixed formatting on editor dialog to insert links</li>
<li>Prevent glossary from adding links to activity names that are already links</li>
<li>Fixed some timezone calculations when user isn't present</li>
<li>Characters like :( in Javascript code within filtered HTML are no longer converted to a sad smiley</li>
<li>Improved handling of ratings for single forums when secureforms is on.</li>
<li>Multichoice question creation now defaults to a single correct answer format</li>
<li>Guests can no longer see email addresses if "show only to course participants" has been set by that user</li>
<li>Primary admin is now the lowest-numbered entry in user_admins, rather than the admin with the lowest userid.</li>
<li>Modified flash MP3 plugin to improve brightness of Play button on darker screens</li>
<li>Various polishing and improvements in many language packs</li>
<br />
<h3> New in Moodle 1.2 (20th March, 2004)</h3>
<dt>Major new features</dt>
<li>New support for <strong>groups</strong> and cohorts within courses (with many options)</li>
<li><strong>Text filters</strong> allow arbitrary processing on all text in Moodle, including <strong>automatic linking</strong>, <strong>mathematics support</strong>, <strong>multi-language content</strong> and infinitely more possibilities</li>
<li>A fantastic new <strong>Glossary module</strong> (thanks to Williams Castillo!) with many different ways to contruct learning activities based around collecting definitions</li>
<li>A great new <strong>Lesson module</strong> (thanks to Ray Kingdon!) easily creates active content with pathways and multiple-choice questions</li>
<li>A new <strong>Label module</strong> allows arbitrary HTML in the course page</li>
<li>An improved <strong>WYSIWYG editor</strong>, faster and more cross-platform than the old one</li>
<li><strong>Automatic backups</strong> can be scheduled by the administrator for all courses at once</li>
<li>Activities can now be indented on the course outline, allowing more structure</li>
<li>A new report for Recent Activity makes it easier to see what's happened recently</li>
<li>A new logs button on every activity links to the logs page to show logs per-activity</li>
<li>Restore button now always functional</li>
<li>Improved "index" view for all modules</li>
<li>Improvements to participants display, including paging and initial searching</li>
<li>Excel downloads are more compatible with different operating systems</li>
<li>Better error reporting when adding/updating activities</li>
<li>Search box no longer auto-focuses (it was causing annoying auto-scrolling on long courses)</li>
<li>Self-unenrollment link on the course page for students</li>
<li>Change password link on the course page for students</li>
<li>Students can now be allowed to see their own activity reports (course setting)</li>
<li>Teachers can browse the course files for images when using the new editor</li>
<li>New image of empty box as destination when moving activities</li>
<li>Accesses are now recorded by course, so the participant listings make more sense</li>
<li>The activity navbar now has buttons for previous and next activities</li>
<li>File dates were incorrect on some systems - this is now fixed.</li>
<li>Old chat users are no longer shown in the recent activity</li>
<dt>Site administration</dt>
<li>An important security fix preventing teachers from logging in as admins who are students in their course</li>
<li>New setting "forcelogin" can force people to log in before they can see any of the site</li>
<li>New setting "opentogoogle" allows Google and people referred by Google to get in as guest</li>
<li>New setting "timezone" allows a default timezone to be set for the whole site</li>
<li>New setting "deleteunconfirmed" specifies the time we'll wait for email accounts to be confirmed</li>
<li>New setting "allowunenroll" enables/disables students from unenrolling themselves from courses</li>
<li>New setting "fullnamedisplay" allows override for the formatting of user full names so students can only see "firstname lastname", "lastname firstname" or "firstname"</li>
<li>Individual users can have their email disabled by the teacher or admin (useful for dealing with broken mail accounts that are bouncing)</li>
<li>Upload sizes can now be controlled throughout Moodle using "maxbytes". There is a site limit (bounded by the current PHP limits), which itself is the upper bound for course limits, which is the upper bound for activity limits.</li>
<li>Moodle cookies can be customised (helps when running multiple Moodles on one site)</li>
<li>Included script for analysing database performance (admin/dbperformance.php)</li>
<li>Included standalone script to check a server for Moodle compatibility (lib/compatible.php)</li>
<li> If a file called cronextra.php exists in the dataroot then cron will run that too. This allows sites to have "special" maintenance features.</li>
<li>Course formats are now more like plugins, in separate directories</li>
<li>Users can now be uploaded from text files</li>
<li>If $CFG->disableuserimages is defined (in config.php) then user images can not be changed</li>
<li>If $CFG->admineditalways is defined then the administrator can edit ANY post at any time.</li>
<li>If $CFG->filterall is defined then even little things liks forum subjects and activity names are filtered</li>
<li>Support for restricted demo users (eg the teacher demo on Moodle.org) - usernames can be added to a list of names in config.php. eg $CFG->restrictusers = 'teacher,fred';</li>
<li>Fixes for Internet Explorer can be more robust at using the style sheet</li>
<li>Miscellaneous fixes and improvements to themes - <strong>custom themes need upgrading!</strong></li>
<li>New languages: Galego and Lithuanian</li>
<li>Improved language editing interface - it allows the current language to be chosen and allows each file to be edited separately.</li>
<li>The list of country names can now be translated, as can the editor buttons, smiley names and file sizes (Mb, Gb etc)</li>
<li>Language packs can now define the default language direction (RTL or LTR)</li>
<li>Language packs can now define the order that people's names should be shown in</li>
<li>Language files are now written using slightly more efficient PHP code</li>
<li>Finally got rid of the final bogus linefeeds in the multi-line strings</li>
<li>Courses can now "force" a language on all users</li>
<dt>Backup / Restore</dt>
<li>Automatic backups can be scheduled by the administrator for all courses at once</li>
<li>Logs are now fully restored</li>
<li>All needed users are now included in course backups (even if no longer enrolled)</li>
<li>Miscellaneous fixes and improvements</li>
<dt>Text Filters and Formatting</dt>
<li>Warning: the new text filters can increase the load on your server, particularly when used with complex filters. Use them with caution. </li>
<li>The new <strong>glossary filter</strong> can create links to glossary entries from matching words throughout Moodle.</li>
<li>The new <strong>TeX filter</strong> can convert TeX code found anywhere in Moodle into true Mathematics notation (GIF format image). There is also an <strong>algebra</strong> filter with a simpler input format (more like calculators).</li>
<li>The new <strong>censor filter</strong> can be enabled to filter out bad words.</li>
<li>The new <strong>multilang filter</strong> allows texts to be entered in multiple languages, and only the best one will be shown to each user (depending on their language setting)</li>
<li>The <nolink> tag can be used to prevent autolinking within a passage of text.</li>
<li>More tags are now allowed, including <acronym> and all <math> tags.</li>
<li>Some areas where text wasn't properly filtered before (security risk) have now been fixed.</li>
<dt>Developer API</dt>
<li>A new coding guide is available</li>
<li>A new Philosophy guide is available ;-)</li>
<li>Improvements to the template for new modules</li>
<li>Modules should now specify the minimum version of Moodle they are compatible with</li>
<li>Scripts can specify to print_header() whether the page is pure XML</li>
<li>Any module can save and retrieve user preferences that stay around between logins</li>
<li>Chat sessions can now be deleted</li>
<li>Scheduled chat times now show the timezone to make it clearer</li>
<li>Forum viewing preferences are remembered between logins</li>
<li>"Show parent" link on all posts for faster navigation around forums</li>
<li>Anchor tags allow individual posts to be referenced in all views</li>
<li>Improvements to cron job when manually run, as well as logging of mailer errors</li>
<li>Only print the ratings button when there are ratings to be made</li>
<li>Vastly improved email text versions of HTML forum posts</li>
<li>When replying, an outline of other replies is shown.</li>
<li>When using the HTML editor to post, other formatting options are no longer provided.</li>
<li>Journal questions can now use the HTML editor</li>
<li>Some fixes to the report page when assessing journal entries</li>
<li>Questions and categories can now be edited without needing to open a quiz</li>
<li>All questions can now use any of the Moodle editing formats</li>
<li>New import format: <strong>GIFT</strong> format (this is the new default format)</li>
<li>New import format: <strong>Course Test Manager</strong></li>
<li>New import format: <strong>WebCT</strong> format</li>
<li>New import format: <strong>Aiken</strong> format</li>
<li>Short-Answer questions can now use wildcards for matching eg wild*rds</li>
<li>Images now work in questions from external published categories</li>
<li>Improved the overview reports to show more info and allow deletion of attempts</li>
<li>Added a new detailed quiz report for statistical anaylsis</li>
<li>All question types can now have up to 10 answers each</li>
<li>Menus in quiz editing no longer need submit buttons (just select from menu)</li>
<li>Fixed bug that occurred when re-grading SOME quizzes with random questions in them</li>
<li>Fixed bug that occurred in backups of quizzes with random questions in them</li>
<li>Many other small bugs fixed</li>
<li>Teachers can browse files more directly when creating uploaded file</li>
<li>New settings to allow a default URL, a default search page and default popup settings</li>
<li>Uploaded files can appear in popups too.</li>
<li>Much better display of popups when using the navbar to go there</li>
<li>MP3 files are now streamed using a built-in Flash MP3 player</li>
<li>Video files (Media player, Quicktime) are embedded using local plugins</li>
<li>Changes to handling of peer assessments</li>
<li>New assessment phase</li>
<li>New options for the league table</li>
<li>Moodle now ignores any folders that Frontpage may have added to it (_vti_cnf).</li>
<li>Improved HTML -> XHTML in many places</li>
<li>Many fixes for non-MySQL databases</li>
<li>A few hard-coded text strings around the place were made translatable</li>
<li>User profile data is now properly cleaned</li>
<li>FIxes for when Moodle is embedded within a frame (eg in Postnuke)</li>
<li>Bug fixes to Wiki mode</li>
<li>Admin can no longer edit external accounts</li>
<li>Qmail users can use "qmail" in the smtphosts field for better results</li>
<li>Multiple methods of redirecting, to work around some browser bugs</li>
<li>Small improvements to the display of grades in the gradebook</li>
<li>More student profile fields can be edited, such as department and institution, and these are also written to grade dumps in text or Excel.</li>
<li>When a student is added as a teacher, they are now automatically unenrolled from being a student</li>
<li>Upgraded ADOdb (database layer)</li>
<hr />
<h3> New in Moodle 1.1.1 (10 September, 2003):</h3>
<dt> </dt>
<dt>General Fixes</dt>
<dt>General Fixes</dt>
<li>Translation improvements in many languages</li>
@ -56,19 +425,14 @@
<li>Several bugs fixed in Workshop module</li>
<hr />
<h3> New in Moodle 1.1 (28 August, 2003):</h3>
<dt> </dt>
<dt>Major Changes</dt>
<dt>Major Changes</dt>
<li>A completely new <strong>backup</strong> system for backup and restore
@ -82,11 +446,7 @@
<li>Performance improvements in many areas</li>
<li>Clean up of the whole admin menu organisation to make it clearer</li>
@ -116,12 +476,7 @@
<li>Library (Mark Kimes' add-on) is now supported if it is installed (see Moodle contrib for Library source)</li>
<li>Teachers can now have their course editing privileges removed</li>
@ -136,12 +491,7 @@
<li>Grades can be hidden from students if not needed</li>
<li><strong>Hungarian</strong> and <strong>Greek</strong> have been added,
@ -155,12 +505,7 @@
Spanish) </li>
<li>Much improved searching, with multiple keywords, paging etc</li>
@ -173,11 +518,7 @@
<li>Email copies in plain text format now print URLs nicely</li>
<li>New question type: Embedded Answers (Cloze) - allows text passages
@ -196,12 +537,7 @@
new question types</li>
<li>Web links can now be in very customisable pop-up windows.</li>
@ -209,11 +545,7 @@
<dt>Some of the more annoying bugs recently fixed</dt>
<li>Moving posts now also moves attachments</li>
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<li>Excel files now work on non-Intel machines</li>
<dt> </dt>
<dd> </dd>
<hr />
<h3> New in Moodle 1.0.9 (29th May, 2003) :</h3>
<dt> General</dt>
<li>Various optimisations and significant performance enhancements</li>
<li>Several obscure security fixes</li>
<li>Moodle is now well-behaved when enclosed within a frame</li>
@ -254,9 +581,11 @@
<li>Various fixes for PostgreSQL 7.3 compatibility</li>
<li>Started migration of HTML code towards XHTML Transitional</li>
<li>Countless other little fixes all over the place</li>
<dt> Languages</dt>
<li><b>10</b> new language packs! Argentinian Spanish, Czech, Portuguese, Slovakian, Romanian, Danish, Russian, Polish, Chinese Traditional and French Canadian.</li>
<li>Fixes and upgrades to almost all language packs</li>
<li>Language can be specified for the current session (see menu on home page and login page) and can be changed on any page by something to the url, eg: http://moodle.org/?lang=ru </li>
@ -264,15 +593,19 @@
<li>Truetype fonts are now part of the language packs</li>
<li>ALL dates/times can now be reformatted as part of the language pack</li>
<li>A small but annoying bug was fixed with the web-based language editor on Windows servers that caused language files to grow</li>
<dt> Developers</dt>
<li>Global debug variable gives more feedback about uninitialised variables and the like</li>
<li>Various fixes to tidy up and further standardise some of the PHP code</li>
<li>Various fixes for robustness (ensuring variables are always initialised)</li>
<dt> Admin</dt>
<li><font color=red>Some changed options and code in config-dist.php (if upgrading, compare with your current config.php or rebuild your config.php from scratch)</font></li>
<li><font color=red>Many changes to themes - authors of custom themes should read <a href="http://moodle.org/theme/UPGRADE.txt">theme/UPGRADE.txt</a> </font></li>
<li>New moodle.org registration function for security notifications etc</li>
@ -282,29 +615,37 @@
<li>Improvements to the language editing page</li>
<li>Better checking of PHP environment during installation, with warnings</li>
<li>Cleaner installation procedure.</li>
<dt> User management</dt>
<li>New role: Course creator - just like teacher but can also create new courses</li>
<li>New authentication plug-in named "manual", prevents users from creating their own accounts</li>
<li>"Forgot Password" routine now uses an email confirmation before resetting password</li>
<dt> Courses</dt>
<li>Activities on the course page now have a little button to hide/show that activity to students</li>
<li>Whole topics/weeks can also now be hidden or shown</li>
<li>The list of participants now has some paging, to cope with very large classes</li>
<li>Zip/Unzip is now supported by an internal zip library, removing
the dependence on external programs to do this. This also means that
zip/unzip now works on Windows.</li>
<dt> Assignments</dt>
<li>Assignment submissions can be sorted</li>
<li>Assignment notification mail isn't sent to unenrolled students</li>
<dt> Forums</dt>
<li>Display of forum discussions list is greatly improved</li>
<li>Whole discussions can be moved to any other forum with a single click</li>
<li>Date/time of posts is now "last modified", not "created"</li>
@ -313,16 +654,20 @@
<li>Force Subscribe now works on the "Site News" forum (mails all active students/teachers)</li>
<li>Better handling of mailouts to prevent the possibility of double copies
that sometimes happened with very large classes</li>
<dt> Workshop Assignment module (not included: available soon as a separate download)</dt>
<li>A very interesting new module contributed by Ray Kingdon,</li>
<li>A flexible tool that implements a variety of peer-grading and
example-setting schemes that involve a whole group in examining
and grading pieces of work.</li>
<dt> Quizzes</dt>
<li>New question type, Random Question (selects from all questions in the same category)</li>
<li>New question type, Matching Question (student must match answers to questions)</li>
<li>New question type, Random Matching Short-Answers (randomly creates Matching Questions
@ -335,15 +680,19 @@
<li>Regrading works properly if the quiz has been changed</li>
<li>Editing a question after it's already been used in a quiz no longer affects quiz results</li>
<li>Multiple choice answers are labelled a,b,c not 1,2,3</li>
<dt> Resources</dt>
<li>Better performance when editing large text or HTML resources</li>
<li>Plain images are now display centered within a proper web page (not raw).</li>
<li>Wiki format added as a new option for Resource pages</li>
<dt> Custom Themes</dt>
<li>A number of new styles have been added to all built-in themes. Some of these are ESSENTIAL
to viewing some of the new features. PLEASE SEE
<a href="http://moodle.org/theme/UPGRADE.txt">theme/UPGRADE.txt</a>
@ -351,15 +700,15 @@
<li>Custom themes now have the capability to re-define all the little button graphics.
There is a new entry in theme/x/config.php ($THEME->custompix) and a new
optional subdirectory "pix". See the theme cordoroyblue for an example.</li>
<hr />
<p>Older releases can be seen in the <a href="http://moodle.org/mod/forum/view.php?f=1">Moodle.org announcement forum</a>.
<p> </p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1"><a href="../doc/" target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1"><a href="../doc/" target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
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<h2>Teacher Manual</h2>
<h1>Teacher Manual</h1>
<p>This page is a very quick guide to creating online courses with Moodle. It
outlines the main functions that are available, as well as some of the main
decisions you'll need to make.</p>
<p>Sections in this document:</p>
<li><a href="#started">Getting started</a></li>
@ -39,28 +29,29 @@
<p>Here are three general tips that will help you get started.</p>
<li><strong>Don't be afraid to experiment:</strong>
<blockquote>feel free to poke around and change things. It's hard to break anything
<blockquote>feel free to poke around and change things. It's hard to break anything
in a Moodle course, and even if you do it's usually easy to fix it.
<li><strong>Notice and use these little icons</strong>:
<p> <img src="../pix/i/edit.gif"> - the <strong>edit icon</strong>
<p> <img src="../pix/i/edit.gif" /> - the <strong>edit icon</strong>
lets you edit whatever it is next to.</p>
<p><img src="../pix/help.gif" width="22" height="17"> - the <strong>help
icon</strong> will provide you with a popup help window </p>
<p> <img src="../pix/i/hide.gif" width="16" height="16"> - the <strong>open-eye
<p><img src="../pix/help.gif" width="22" height="17" /> - the <strong>help
icon</strong> will provide you with a <a target="helpwindow" href="../help.php?file=index.html">popup help window</a></p>
<p> <img src="../pix/i/hide.gif" width="16" height="16" /> - the <strong>open-eye
icon</strong> will let you hide something from students</p>
<p> <img src="../pix/i/show.gif" width="16" height="16"> - the <strong>closed-eye
<p> <img src="../pix/i/show.gif" width="16" height="16" /> - the <strong>closed-eye
icon</strong> will make a hidden item available</p>
<li><strong>Use the navigation bar at the top of each page</strong>
should help remind you where you are and prevent getting lost.
<p> </p></blockquote>
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="settings"></a>Course settings</h3>
<p>The first thing you should do is look under the "Administration"
@ -80,13 +71,13 @@
formats (ignore the different colours, which are set for a whole site by the
site administrator):</p>
<p align="center"><strong>Weekly format:</strong></p>
<p align="center"><img src="pix/weekly.jpg" width="570" height="527"></p>
<p align="center"><img src="pix/weekly.jpg" width="570" height="527" /></p>
<p align="center"> </p>
<p align="center"><strong>Topics format:</strong></p>
<p align="center"><img src="pix/topics.jpg" width="570" height="463"></p>
<p align="center"><img src="pix/topics.jpg" width="570" height="463" /></p>
<p align="center"> </p>
<p align="center"><strong>Social format:</strong></p>
<p align="center"><img src="pix/social.jpg" width="570" height="429"></p>
<p align="center"><img src="pix/social.jpg" width="570" height="429" /></p>
<p> </p>
<p>Note that the weekly and topics formats are very similar in structure. The
main difference is that each box in the weekly format covers exactly one week,
@ -94,8 +85,8 @@
format doesn't use much content at all and is based around just one forum
- this is displayed on the main page.</p>
<p>See the help buttons on the Course Settings page for more details.</p>
<p> </p></blockquote>
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="upload"></a>Uploading files</h3>
<p>You may have existing content that you want to add to your course, such as
@ -105,7 +96,7 @@
or delete them.</p>
<p>All of this is achieved through the <strong>Files</strong> link in your Administration
menu. The Files section looks like this:</p>
<p align="center"><img src="pix/files.jpg" width="400" height="347"></p>
<p align="center"><img src="pix/files.jpg" width="400" height="347" /></p>
<p> </p>
<p>This interface is only available to teachers - it is not accessible by students.
Individual files are made available to students later on (as "Resources"
@ -126,8 +117,8 @@
<p>A final note: if your content resides out on the web then you don't need
to upload the files at all - you can link directly to them from inside the
course (see the Resources module and the next section).</p>
<p> </p></blockquote>
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="activities"></a>Setting up activities</h3>
<p>Building a course involves adding course activity modules to the main page
@ -145,25 +136,25 @@
<dd>An assignment is where you set a task with a due date and a maximum grade.
Students will be able to upload one file to satisify the requirements. The
date they upload their file is recorded. Afterwards, you will have a single
page on which ou can view each file (and how late or early it is), and then
page on which you can view each file (and how late or early it is), and then
record a grade and a comment. Half an hour after you grade any particular
student, Moodle will automatically email that student a notification. </dd>
student, Moodle will automatically email that student a notification.
<br />
<br /></dd>
<dd>A choice activity is very simple - you ask a question and specify a choice
of responses. Students can make their choice, and you have a report screen
where you can see the results. I use it to gather research consent from
my students, but you could use it for quick polls or class votes.</dd>
my students, but you could use it for quick polls or class votes.
<br />
<br /></dd>
<dd>This module is by far the most important - it is here that discussion
takes place. When you add a new forum, yu will presented with a choice of
different types - a simple single-topic discussion, a free-for-all general
forum, or a one-discussion-thread-per-user.</dd>
forum, or a one-discussion-thread-per-user.
<br />
<br /></dd>
<dd>Each journal activity is an entry in the whole course journal. For each
one you can specify an open-ended question that guides what students write,
@ -174,24 +165,24 @@
to grade and comment all the entries for that week or topic, and students
will receive an automatic email informing them of your feedback. Journals
are not designed to be continually added to - if you need to do that then
add more journal activities.</dd>
add more journal activities.
<br />
<br /></dd>
<dd>Resources are the content of your course. Each resource can be any file
you have uploaded or can point to using a URL. You can also maintain simple
text-based pages by typing them directly into a form.</dd>
text-based pages by typing them directly into a form.
<br />
<br /></dd>
<dd>This module allows you to design and set quiz tests, consisting of multiple
choice, true-false, and short answer questions. These questions are kept
in a categorised database, and can be re-used within courses and even between
courses. Quizzes can allow multiple attempts. Each attempt is automatically
marked, and the teacher can choose whether to give feedback or to show correct
answers. This module includes grading facilities. </dd>
answers. This module includes grading facilities.
<br />
<br /></dd>
<dd>The survey module provides a number of predefined survey instruments that
are useful in evaluating and understanding your class. Currently they include
@ -199,14 +190,14 @@
in the course as a diagnostic tool and at the end of the course as an evaluation
tool (I use one every week in my courses).</dd>
<br />
<p>After adding your activities you can move them up and down in your course
layout by clicking on the little arrow icons (<img src="../pix/t/up.gif" width="9" height="10">
<img src="../pix/t/down.gif" width="9" height="10">) next to each one. You
can also delete them using the cross icon <img src="../pix/t/delete.gif" width="10" height="10">,
and re-edit them using the edit icon <img src="../pix/t/edit.gif" width="10" height="11">.</p>
<p> </p></blockquote>
layout by clicking on the little arrow icons (<img src="../pix/t/up.gif" width="9" height="10" />
<img src="../pix/t/down.gif" width="9" height="10" />) next to each one. You
can also delete them using the cross icon <img src="../pix/t/delete.gif" width="10" height="10" />,
and re-edit them using the edit icon <img src="../pix/t/edit.gif" width="10" height="11" />.</p>
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="course"></a>Running the course</h3>
<p>There are some big plans to extend this document into a more comprehensive
@ -232,25 +223,25 @@
but it's a crucial part of building and maintaining a community feel in
your course.</li>
<p> </p></blockquote>
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading"><a name="further"></a>Further information</h3>
<p>If you have any particular problems with your site, you should contact your
local site administrator.</p>
<p>If you have some great ideas for improvements to Moodle, or even some good
stories, come over to <a href="http://moodle.org/" target="_top">moodle.org</a>
and join us in the course called "<a href="http://moodle.org/course/view.php?id=5" target=_top >Using
and join us in the course called "<a href="http://moodle.org/course/view.php?id=5" target="_top" >Using
Moodle</a>". We'd love to hear from you, and you can help Moodle improve.</p>
<p>If you want to contribute to coding new modules, or writing documentation,
or papers, contact me: <a href="http://moodle.org/user/view.php?id=1&course=1" target="_top">Martin
or papers, contact me: <a href="http://moodle.org/user/view.php?id=1&course=1" target="_top">Martin
Dougiamas</a> or browse the "bug tracker" site for Moodle, at <a href="http://moodle.org/bugs/" target="_top">moodle.org/bugs</a></p>
<p>Finally, remember to use the help icons - here is an <a target="helpwindow" href="../help.php?file=index.html">index of all the help files in Moodle</a>.</p>
<p align="center">Thanks for using Moodle - and good luck with your teaching!</p>
<hr />
<p> </p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1">Version: $Id: teacher.html,v 1.4 2002/08/18 10:00:01
<p align="center"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1">Version: $Id: teacher.html,v 1.4 2002/08/18 10:00:01
martin Exp $</font></p>
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<h1>Moodle Translation Guide</h1>
@ -119,11 +121,8 @@ restrict the available languages on <span style="font-weight: bold;">Admin >&
<ol style="margin-left: 80px;">
<li>Log on to your Moodle server as an administrator. </li>
<li>Go to <span style="font-weight: bold;">Administration >> Configuration >> Language</span>, which is the language administration page. </li>
<li>On this page you can choose your language from the menu, then choose "Compare and Edit Language".</li>
@ -147,9 +146,7 @@ language in moodle.php, otherwise English is always used by default. </li>
@ -166,6 +163,21 @@ making sure not to modify any code in the file (there usually is no
code, just HTML-tags). (DON'T USE A WORDPROCESSOR to write the
help-files because these programs add too much rubbish to the files).</p>
<p style="margin-left: 80px;">Take care to write the helpfiles XHTML-compliant. This means in short:</p>
<ul style="margin-left: 80px;">
<li>All tags should be closed: <span style="color:rgb(255, 0, 0);" ><p></span>lalala<span style="color:rgb(255, 0, 0);" ></p></span></li>
<li>All elements should be nested: <span style="color:rgb(255, 0, 0);" ><p></span> lalala <span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 255);" ><em></span>lalala<span style="color:rgb(0, 0, 255);" ></em></span> <span style="color:rgb(255, 0, 0);" ></p></span></li>
<li>All elements and attributes must be lower case</li>
<li>All atributes should be written in full and with quotes : <span style="color:rgb(255, 0, 0);" ><p align="right"></span> lalala </p></li>
<li>Empty elements must end with />: <span style="color:rgb(255, 0, 0);" ><br /> <hr /></span>. You should add an extra space before the "/" symbol.</li>
<li>An <img should have an alt (it can be empty) like <span style="color:rgb(255, 0, 0);" ><img alt src="picture.gif"></span></li>
<li><span style="color:rgb(255, 0, 0);" ><?=</span> and <span style="color:rgb(255, 0, 0);" ><?</span> should be <span style="color:rgb(255, 0, 0);" ><?php</span></li>
<li>There should not be ANY font tags at all. <span style="color:rgb(255, 0, 0);" > <p><em> <h1> <h2></span> etc should be enough for the language files ...</li>
<li>The language name in the languagepack ($string['thislanguage'] in moodle.php) should generally use Unicode Numeric Character References (NCR) if possible, because this allows the name to work within ANY encoding context (see the Chinese pack for example).</li>
<p style="margin-left: 80px;">None of the files in the help folder need a doc type, html, body, head opening and closing tags - these files are included with help.php. The script will take care of welforming the pages. This means also there is not much room for HTML creativity! Please stick to the English example.</p>
<p style="margin-left: 80px;">The files in the docs folder must be completely XHTML compliant, including doc type, header etc.</p>
<p style="margin-left: 80px;">Clicking on "Check for missing strings"
in the language administration screen will also show you what files you
@ -185,7 +197,7 @@ Your interface language will be available in future versions of Moodle.<br />
<p style="margin-left: 40px;">Simply archive your whole new language directory as a <span style="font-weight: bold;">zip</span> file and email it to translation@moodle.org.<br />
<p style="margin-left: 40px;">Simply archive your whole new language directory as a <span style="font-weight: bold;">zip</span> file and email it to <a href="mailto:tra%6es%6ca%74%69o%6e%40%6d%6f%6f%64%6c%65.org">translation@moodle.org</a>.<br />
<p style="margin-left: 40px;">We will get back to you with further details.<br />
@ -199,15 +211,19 @@ Your interface language will be available in future versions of Moodle.<br />
<p style="margin-left: 40px;">If you are committed to maintaining a language in Moodle, it's best to use <a href="?file=cvs.html">Moodle CVS</a> so that you have an up-to-date version of Moodle, and can easily "check in" your changes directly into the Moodle project.<br />
<p style="margin-left: 40px;">If you are committed to maintaining a language in Moodle, it's best to use <a href="?file=cvs.html">Moodle CVS</a> so that you have an up-to-date version of Moodle, and can easily "check in" your changes directly into the Moodle project. Contact <a href="mailto:tra%6es%6ca%74%69o%6e%40%6d%6f%6f%64%6c%65.org">translation@moodle.org</a> if you need help setting this up.<br />
<p style="margin-left: 40px;">To keep in touch with changes in the project it is a very good idea to subscribe to the <a href="http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=30935" target="_top">CVS mailing list</a>. This helps to keep your
<p style="margin-left: 40px;">You must also subscribe to the <a target="_top" href="http://moodle.org/mod/forum/view.php?id=43">Languages Forum</a> for news and discussion about issues that affect translations.<br />
<p style="margin-left: 40px;">Finally, to keep in touch with changes in the project on a day-to-day basis it is a very good idea to subscribe to the <a href="http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=30935" target="_top">CVS mailing list</a>. This helps to keep your
translation as close to the English text as possible.<br />
<p style="margin-left: 40px;"><br />
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
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<h2>Upgrading Moodle</h2>
<h1>Upgrading Moodle</h1>
<p>Moodle is designed to upgrade cleanly from any earlier version to any later
<p>Moodle is designed to upgrade cleanly from any earlier version to any later
version. </p>
<p>When upgrading a Moodle installation you should follow these steps:</p>
<h3 class="sectionheading">1. Backup important data</h3>
<p>Although it is not strictly necessary, it is always a good idea to make a
<p>When upgrading a Moodle installation you should follow these steps:</p>
<h3 class="sectionheading">1. Backup important data</h3>
<p>Although it is not strictly necessary, it is always a good idea to make a
backup of any production system before a major upgrade, just in case you need
to revert back to the older version for some reason. In fact, it's a good
idea to automate your server to backup your Moodle installation daily, so
that you can skip this step.</p>
<p>There are three areas that need backing up:</p>
<p><strong>1. The Moodle software directory itself</strong></p>
<p>Make a separate copy of these files before the upgrade, so that you can
<p>There are three areas that need backing up:</p>
<p><strong>1. The Moodle software directory itself</strong></p>
<p>Make a separate copy of these files before the upgrade, so that you can
retrieve your config.php and any modules you have added like themes, languages
etc<strong><br />
<p><strong>2. Your data directory.</strong></p>
<p>This is where uploaded content resides (such as course resources and
<p><strong>2. Your data directory.</strong></p>
<p>This is where uploaded content resides (such as course resources and
student assignments) so it is very important to have a backup of these
files anyway. Sometimes upgrades may move or rename directories within
your data directory.<strong><br>
your data directory.<strong><br />
<p><strong>3. Your database</strong></p>
<p>Most Moodle upgrades will alter the database tables, adding or changing
<p><strong>3. Your database</strong></p>
<p>Most Moodle upgrades will alter the database tables, adding or changing
fields. Each database has different ways to backup. One way of backing
up a MySQL database is to 'dump' it to a single SQL file. The following
example shows Unix commands to dump the database called "moodle":</p>
<p><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">mysqldump moodle > moodle-backup-2002-10-26.sql</font></p>
<p>You can also use the "Export" feature in Moodle's optional
<p><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">mysqldump moodle > moodle-backup-2002-10-26.sql</font></p>
<p>You can also use the "Export" feature in Moodle's optional
"Database" web interface to do the same thing on all platforms.</p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading">2. Install the new Moodle software</h3>
<p><strong>Using a downloaded archive</strong></p>
<p>Do not overwrite an old installation unless you know what you are doing
<h3 class="sectionheading">2. Install the new Moodle software</h3>
<p><strong>Using a downloaded archive</strong></p>
<p>Do not overwrite an old installation unless you know what you are doing
... sometimes old files can cause problems in new installations. The best
way it to rename the current Moodle directory to something else, then unpack
the new Moodle archive into the old location.</p>
<p><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">mv moodle moodle.backup<br>
<p><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">mv moodle moodle.backup<br />
tar xvzf moodle-1.1.tgz</font></p>
<p>Next, copy across your config.php and any other plugins such as custom
<p>Next, copy across your config.php and any other plugins such as custom
<p><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">cp moodle.backup/config.php moodle<br>
<p><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">cp moodle.backup/config.php moodle<br />
cp -pr moodle.backup/theme/mytheme moodle/theme/mytheme</font></p>
<p><strong>Using CVS</strong></p>
<p>If you are using CVS, just go into the Moodle root directory and update
<p><strong>Using CVS</strong></p>
<p>If you are using CVS, just go into the Moodle root directory and update
to the new files:</p>
<p><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">cvs update -dP</font></p>
<p>Make sure you use the "d" parameter to create new directories
<p><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">cvs update -dP</font></p>
<p>Make sure you use the "d" parameter to create new directories
if necessary, and the "P" parameter to prune empty directories.</p>
<p>If you have been editing Moodle files, watch the messages very closely
<p>If you have been editing Moodle files, watch the messages very closely
for possible conflicts. All your customised themes and non-standard plugins
will be untouched.</p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<h3 class="sectionheading">3. Finishing the upgrade</h3>
<p>The last step is to trigger the upgrade processes within Moodle.</p>
<p>To do this just visit <a target=_top href="../admin/index.php">the admin page of your
<h3 class="sectionheading">3. Finishing the upgrade</h3>
<p>The last step is to trigger the upgrade processes within Moodle.</p>
<p>To do this just visit <a target="_top" href="../admin/index.php">the admin page of your
<p><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">http://example.com/moodle/admin</font></p>
<p>It doesn't matter if you are logged in as admin or not.</p>
<p> Moodle will automatically detect the new version and perform all the database
<p><font face="Courier New, Courier, mono">http://example.com/moodle/admin</font></p>
<p>It doesn't matter if you are logged in as admin or not.</p>
<p> Moodle will automatically detect the new version and perform all the database
or filesystem upgrades that are necessary. If there is anything it can't do
itself (very rare) then you will see messages telling you what you need to
do. </p>
<p> </p>
<p> Assuming all goes well (no error messages) then you can start using your new
<p> </p>
<p> Assuming all goes well (no error messages) then you can start using your new
version of Moodle and enjoy the new features!</p>
<p>If you have trouble with the upgrade, visit <a target=_top href="http://moodle.org/">moodle.org</a>
and post on the <a target=_top href="http://moodle.org/mod/forum/view.php?id=28">Installation
<p>If you have trouble with the upgrade, visit <a target="_top" href="http://moodle.org/">moodle.org</a>
and post on the <a target="_top" href="http://moodle.org/mod/forum/view.php?id=28">Installation
Support Forum</a> in the Using Moodle course.</p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="CENTER"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1"><a href="." target="_top">Moodle Documentation</a></font></p>
<p align="center"><font size="1">Version: $Id$</font></p>
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// enrol_ldap.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083131)
// enrol_ldap.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083134)
$string['description'] = '<p>Du kan använda en LDAP-server för att styra Dina registreringar. Utgångspunkten är att Ditt LDAP-träd innehåller grupper som visar en karta till kurserna och att var och en av dessa grupper/kurser har kartor över medlemsdata som visar vägen till studenterna/eleverna/deltagarna/de lärande</p><p>Utgångspunkten är att kurser är definierade som grupper i LDAP där varje grupp har ett flertal fält för medlemsskap (<em>member</em> eller <em>memberUid</em>) som innehåller en unik identifiering av användaren.</p><p>För att använda LDAP-registrering <strong>måste</strong> Dina användare ha giltiga fält för ID-nummer. LDAP-grupperna måste ha detta ID-nummer i fältet för medlemmar för att man ska kunna registrera en användare på en kurs. Detta kommer i normalfallet att fungera bra om Du redan använder autenticering via LDAP.</p><p>Registreringarna kommer att uppdateras när användaren loggar in. Du kan också köra ett skript för att synkronisera registreringarna. Titta i <em>enrol/ldap/enrol_ldap_sync.php</em>.</p>
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// enrol_paypal.php - created with Moodle 1.3.2 (2004052502)
// enrol_paypal.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083134)
$string['business'] = 'E-postadressen till Ditt affärskonto hos PayPal';
$string['description'] = 'Modulen för PayPal gör det möjligt för Dig att skapa betalkurser. Om kostnaden för en kurs är 0 sä avkrävs studenterna/eleverna/deltagarna/de lärande inte någon kursavgift. Det finns en global kostnad (gällande för hela webbplatsen) som Du kan ange här. Därutöver kan Du ange en specifik kostnad för varje enskild kurs. Om Du anger en kurskostnad så är det den som gäller och inte den globala.';
$string['description'] = 'Modulen för PayPal gör det möjligt för Dig att skapa betalkurser. Om kostnaden för en kurs är 0 så avkrävs studenterna/eleverna/deltagarna/de lärande inte någon kursavgift. Det finns en global kostnad (gällande för hela webbplatsen) som Du kan ange här. Därutöver kan Du ange en specifik kostnad för varje enskild kurs. Om Du anger en kurskostnad så är det den som gäller och inte den globala.';
$string['enrolname'] = 'Paypal';
$string['sendpaymentbutton'] = 'Skicka betalning via Paypal';
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// error.php - created with Moodle 1.4 (2004083100)
// error.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083134)
$string['adminprimarynoedit'] = 'Ingen kan redigera huvudadministratören';
$string['confirmsesskeybad'] = 'Beklagar, men det gick inte att bekräfta Din nyckel för sessionen vilket är nödvändigt för att fullfölja den här handlingen. Det här är en säkerhetsåtgärd för att förebygga att viktiga funktioner utförs på felaktiga eller illasinnade sätt i Ditt namn. Var snäll och kontrollera noga att Du verkligen vill fullfölja detta.';
$string['coursegroupunknown'] = 'Den kurs som hör till grupp $a har inte angivits';
$string['erroronline'] = 'Fel på rad $a';
@ -11,12 +12,14 @@ $string['groupalready'] = 'Anv
$string['groupunknown'] = 'Grupp $a är inte kopplad till den angivna kursen';
$string['invalidfieldname'] = '\'$a\' är inte ett giltigt fältnamn';
$string['missingfield'] = 'Fältet ';
$string['modulerequirementsnotmet'] = 'Det gick inte att installera modulen \"$a->modulename\" ($a->moduleversion). Den kräver en nyare version av Moodle (f n använder Du $a->currentmoodle, Du behöver $a->requiremoodle). ';
$string['notavailable'] = 'Detta är inte tillgängligt f n';
$string['modulerequirementsnotmet'] = 'Det gick inte att installera modulen \"$a->modulename\" ($a->moduleversion). Den kräver en nyare version av Moodle (f.n. använder Du $a->currentmoodle, Du behöver $a->requiremoodle). ';
$string['notavailable'] = 'Detta är inte tillgängligt f.n.';
$string['onlyeditown'] = 'Du kan bara redigera Din egen information.';
$string['processingstops'] = 'Processandet upphör här. De återstående posterna har inte ändrats.';
$string['restricteduser'] = 'Ditt nuvarande konto \"$a\" tillåter tyvärr inte detta. ';
$string['sessionipnomatch'] = 'Beklagar, men Ditt IP-nummer tycks ha ändrats sedan Du först loggade in. Det här är en säkerhetsåtgärd för att förebygga att \'crackers\' stjäl Din identitet medan Du är inloggad på den här webbplatsen. Vanliga användare bör inte få se detta meddelande - var snäll och be administratören för Din webbplats om hjälp.';
$string['unknowncourse'] = 'Okänd kurs som kallas \"$a\"';
$string['usernotaddederror'] = 'Användaren \"$a\" har inte lagts till, detta p g a ett okänt fel.';
$string['usernotaddederror'] = 'Användaren \"$a\" har inte lagts till, detta p.g. a. ett okänt fel.';
$string['usernotaddedregistered'] = 'Användaren \"$a\" har inte lagts till, denne/a är redan registrerad';
$string['usernotavailable'] = 'Detaljerna kring denne användare är inte tillgängliga för Dig.';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// exercise.php - created with Moodle 1.4.2+ (2004083126)
// exercise.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083134)
$string['absent'] = 'Frånvarande';
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ $string['criterion'] = 'Kriterium';
$string['deadline'] = 'Stoppdatum/tid';
$string['deadlineis'] = 'Stoppdatum/tid är $a';
$string['delete'] = 'Ta bort ';
$string['deletesubmissionwarning'] = 'Varning! Det finns $a bedömningar/värderingar/betygssättningar som är kopplade till det här bidraget. Vi rekommenderar kraftfullt att Di INTE tar bort bidraget. ';
$string['deletesubmissionwarning'] = 'Varning! Det finns $a bedömningar/värderingar/betygssättningar som är kopplade till det här bidraget. Vi rekommenderar kraftfullt att Du INTE tar bort bidraget. ';
$string['deleting'] = 'Tar bort.';
$string['description'] = 'Beskrivning';
$string['descriptionofexercise'] = 'Till en övningsuppgift som $a ska göra ska det finnas en beskrivning, i Word- eller HTML-format, av det arbete som ska utföras. Filen laddas upp till övningen innan uppgiften blir tillgänglig för $a. Det är även möjligt att skapa en uppsättning olika varianter av samma övning eller uppgift, återigen i Word- eller HTML-format och ladda upp dessa till övningsuppgiften innan den blir tillgänglig för $a. ';
@ -157,10 +157,7 @@ $string['theexercise'] = '
$string['theexerciseandthesubmissionby'] = 'Övningsuppgift och inskickat bidrag av $a';
$string['thegradeis'] = 'Betyget/omdömet är $a';
$string['thereisfeedbackfromthe'] = 'Det finns återkoppling från $a';
$string['thischarset'] = 'iso-8859-1';
$string['thisdirection'] = 'ltr';
$string['thisisaresubmission'] = 'Det här är ett återinskickat bidrag från $a<br />Din bedömning/värdering/betygssättning av deras tidigare inskickade bidrag visas.<br />När Du har tittat på de senast inskickade bidragen var då snäll och rätta/ändra/komplettera den här bedömningen/värderingen/betygssättningen och klicka på någon av knapparna i sidfoten. ';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Swedish';
$string['title'] = 'Titel';
$string['typeofscale'] = 'Typ av skala';
$string['unassessed'] = '$a inte bedömd/värderad/betygssatt';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// flash.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083134)
$string['accesses'] = 'Tillgång till Flash aktiviteter.';
$string['allresultsheading'] = 'Lista över alla resultat från $a. Bara tillgängliga för (distans)lärare eller admin.';
$string['answers'] = 'Avgivna svar och betyg/omdömen';
$string['col_headings_ans_q_no'] = 'Fråga nummer';
$string['col_headings_answer'] = 'Avgivet svar';
$string['col_headings_answers'] = 'Avgivna svar';
$string['col_headings_flash_name'] = 'Namn på Flash aktivitet';
$string['col_headings_grade'] = 'Betyg/omdöme';
$string['col_headings_id'] = 'ID';
$string['col_headings_time'] = 'Tid använd för att besvara frågan';
$string['col_headings_timemodified'] = 'Svar registrerat klockan';
$string['col_headings_timemodified_date'] = 'Svar registrerade klockan';
$string['col_headings_user_firstname'] = 'Användarens förnamn';
$string['col_headings_user_fullname'] = 'Användare';
$string['col_headings_user_lastname'] = 'Användarens efternamn';
$string['dotest'] = 'Klicka här för att göra testet';
$string['downloadcsv'] = 'Ladda ner som kommaseparerade värden (csv fil)';
$string['gradingmethod'] = 'Metod för betygssättning/avgivande av omdöme';
$string['gradingmethod_ave'] = 'Medelbetyg/omdöme för varje fråga';
$string['gradingmethod_best'] = 'Bästa betyg/omdöme för varje fråga';
$string['gradingmethod_best_q'] = 'Betyg/omdöme för det bästa försöket på hela testet';
$string['gradingmethod_first'] = 'Bara det första försöket på testet får ett betyg/omdöme';
$string['gradingmethod_last'] = 'Betyg/omdöme för det sista försöket på testet.';
$string['gradingmethodused'] = 'Metod för betygssättning/avgivande av omdöme på det här testet : {$a}.';
$string['modulename'] = 'Flash-aktivitet';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Flash -aktiviteter';
$string['movie'] = 'Film';
$string['nextpage'] = 'Nästa sida';
$string['nogrades'] = 'Det hra inte registrerats några resultat för den här aktiviteten.';
$string['not_answered'] = 'Du har inte gjort något försök att besvara den här frågan.';
$string['not_taken'] = 'Du har inte genomfört det här testet än.';
$string['resultsheading'] = '{$a->fullname}\'s resultat av $a->flashname';
$string['see_all_results'] = 'Visa alla resultat på det här testet';
$string['taken_test_n_times'] = 'Har genomfört testet $a gånger';
$string['timemodified'] = 'Testet har genomförts den ';
$string['yourgrade'] = 'Ditt ({$a->fullname}) betyg/omdöme för den här aktiviteten : $a->grade av $a->maxgrade.';
$string['yourresultsheading'] = 'Ditt({$a->fullname}) resultat på $a->flashname';
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// forum.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083131)
// forum.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083134)
$string['addanewdiscussion'] = 'Lägg till ett nytt diskussionsämne';
$string['addanewtopic'] = 'Lägg till ett nytt ämne';
$string['allforums'] = 'Alla forum';
$string['allowchoice'] = 'Tillåt alla att välja';
$string['allowdiscussions'] = 'Kan en $a göra inlägg i detta forum?';
$string['allowratings'] = 'Vill Du att det ska vara tillåtet att bedöma/värdera inlägg?';
@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ $string['configdisplaymode'] = 'Det f
$string['configenablerssfeeds'] = 'Den här omkopplaren aktiverar RSS -inmatning för alla forum. Du måste dock fortfarande koppla på inmatningen manuellt i inställlningarna för varje enskilt forum.';
$string['configlongpost'] = 'Alla inlägg som överskrider den här längden (förutom HTML) anses vara långa.';
$string['configmanydiscussions'] = 'Maximalt antal diskussionsämnen som visas per sida i ett forum.';
$string['configmaxbytes'] = 'Standardval (förinställt värde) för den maximala storleken på bifogade filer på den här webbsajten (det finns även lokala inställningar för t ex varje enskild kurs)';
$string['configmaxbytes'] = 'Standardval (förinställt värde) för den maximala storleken på bifogade filer på den här webbsajten (det finns även lokala inställningar för t.ex. varje enskild kurs)';
$string['configoldpostdays'] = 'Antal dagar då vilket gammalt inlägg som helst ska anses vara läst.';
$string['configreplytouser'] = 'När ett inlägg i ett forum har skickats som e-post; ska det då innehålla användarens e-postadress så att mottagarna kan svara personligen snarare än via forumet? Även om Du väljer \"Ja\" för denna inställning så kan användaren i sin profil välja att dölja sin e-postadress.';
$string['configshortpost'] = 'Alla inlägg som överskrider den här längden (förutom HTML) anses vara långa.';
@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ $string['discussionsstartedbyrecent'] = 'Diskussioner som nyligen har inletts av
$string['discussthistopic'] = 'Diskutera detta ämne';
$string['eachuserforum'] = 'Var och en bidrar med ett diskussionsämne';
$string['edit'] = 'Redigera';
$string['editedby'] = 'Redigerad av $a->name - $a->date';
$string['editing'] = 'Redigering';
$string['emptymessage'] = 'Något var fel med Ditt inlägg. Kanske skrev Du inte in någon text, eller så var bilagan för stor. Dina ändringar har INTE sparats.';
$string['everyonecanchoose'] = 'Alla kan välja att prenumerera';
@ -53,6 +55,7 @@ $string['forcesubscribeq'] = 'Tvinga alla att prenumerera?';
$string['forum'] = 'Forum';
$string['forumintro'] = 'Introduktion till forum';
$string['forumname'] = 'Forumets namn';
$string['forumposts'] = 'Inlägg i forum';
$string['forums'] = 'Forum';
$string['forumtype'] = 'Typ av forum';
$string['generalforum'] = 'Standardforum för allmänt bruk';
@ -83,6 +86,7 @@ $string['nameteacher'] = 'L
$string['newforumposts'] = 'Nya inlägg i forum';
$string['nodiscussions'] = 'Det finns ännu inga diskussionsämnen i detta forum';
$string['noguestpost'] = 'Tyvärr, gäster har ingen behörighet att göra inlägg här';
$string['noguestsubscribe'] = 'Gäster får tyvärr inte prenumerera för att få inlägg i forum skickade med e-post.';
$string['nomorepostscontaining'] = 'Det gick inte att hitta några inlägg som innehåller \'$a\' ';
$string['nonews'] = 'Inga nya inlägg ännu';
$string['noposts'] = 'Inga inlägg';
@ -93,6 +97,7 @@ $string['nownotsubscribed'] = '$a->name kommmer INTE f
$string['nowsubscribed'] = '$a->name kommer få kopior av \'$a->forum\' med e-post.';
$string['numposts'] = '$a inlägg';
$string['olderdiscussions'] = 'Äldre diskussionsämnen';
$string['oldertopics'] = 'Äldre ämnen';
$string['openmode0'] = 'Inga diskussionsämnen, inga svar';
$string['openmode1'] = 'Inga diskussionsämnen, men svar är tillåtna';
$string['openmode2'] = 'Diskussionsämnen och svar är tillåtna';
@ -135,9 +140,21 @@ $string['replyforum'] = 'Svar till forum';
$string['rsssubscriberssdiscussions'] = 'Visa RSS-inmatningen för \'$a\' diskussionsämnen';
$string['rsssubscriberssposts'] = 'Visa RSS-inmatningen för \'$a\' inlägg';
$string['search'] = 'Sök';
$string['searchdatefrom'] = 'Inlägget måste vara nyare än så här';
$string['searchdateto'] = 'Inlägget måste vara äldre än så här';
$string['searchforumintro'] = 'Var snäll och mata in sökord i ett eller flera av de följande textfälten:';
$string['searchforums'] = 'Sök forum';
$string['searchfullwords'] = 'De här orden bör stå som hela ord';
$string['searchnotwords'] = 'De här orden bör INTE tas med';
$string['searcholderposts'] = 'Sök äldre inlägg...';
$string['searchphrase'] = 'Exakt den här frasen måste vara med i inlägget';
$string['searchresults'] = 'Sökresultat';
$string['searchsubject'] = 'De här orden bör vara med i ämnet';
$string['searchuser'] = 'Det här namnet bör matcha författarens namn';
$string['searchuserid'] = 'Författarens Moodle-ID';
$string['searchwhichforums'] = 'Välj vilket/vilka forum Du vill söka i';
$string['searchwords'] = 'De här orden kan förekomma var som helst i inlägget';
$string['seeallposts'] = 'Visa alla inlägg som den här användaren har gjort';
$string['sendinratings'] = 'Sänd in mina senaste bedömningar/värderingar';
$string['showsubscribers'] = 'Visa prenumeranter';
$string['singleforum'] = 'Ett enkelt enskilt diskussionsämne';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
<h2>Avancerad användning av "Markdown"</h2>
<div id="Main">
<div class="article">
<p>Den här sektionen ger ytterligare information utöver vad som sägs i den sektion som kallas 'Att uvidga text med Markdown' för att de som har speciella krav ska kunna göra det mesta av Markdown. Om Du inte känner igen, eller inte behöver, den formatering som är listad nedan, så behöver Du inte bry Dig om den här sektionen. Du kan alltid komma tillbaka hit vid behov. </p>
<li><a href="#linebreaks">Line Breaks</a></li>
<li><a href="#hr">Horizontal Rules</a></li>
<li><a href="#image_links">Linked Images</a></li>
<li><a href="#embedded">Embedding HTML</a></li>
<li><a href="#preformatted">Pre-formatted Code</a></li>
<li><a href="#special_char">Using Special Characters</a></li>
<li><a href="#further">Further Reading</a></li>
<h2><a id="linebreaks">Line Breaks</a></h2>
<p>In some texts, for instance in poetry and verse, it is often necessary to insert line breaks. Trying to do so with the return key will not give the intended effect as by default the lines will be run together to create a paragraph.</p>
<p><strong><code>The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men,<br />
Gang aft agley,<br />
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,<br />
For promis'd joy!</code></strong></p>
<p>The above input, using the enter key to insert line breaks will give the following output as such breaks are ignored:</p>
<p>The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men,
Gang aft agley,
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
For promis'd joy!</p>
<p>But by ending each line with two spaces you can force a line break as follows:</p>
<p>The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men,<br />
Gang aft agley,<br />
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,<br />
For promis'd joy! </p>
<h2><a id="hr">Horizontal Rules</a></h2>
<p>Horizontal rules can be created by placing three or more asterisks (*), hyphens (-) or underscores (_) on a line by themselves.</p>
<p>This will work:</p>
<p>but you can add spaces or further characters to make it more obviously a section break in the text editing window e.g.</p>
<p><strong><code>* * * * *</code></strong></p>
<p><strong><code>_ _ _ _ _</code></strong></p>
<p>All of these methods give the exact same result:</p>
<hr />
<h2><a id="image_links">Hyperlinked Images</a></h2>
<p>The Enhancing Text With Markdown document gives instructions for creating web links and inserting images. It may not be obvious that these can be combined to create images that are also clickable links.</p>
<p><strong><code>[the google search engine][google]</code></strong></p>
<p><strong><code>![the google logo][logo]</code></strong></p>
<p>Above are a standard web link and image. By placing the image where the link text would be found you end up with this:</p>
<p><strong><code>[![the google logo][logo]][google]</code></strong></p>
<p>This line above, in combination with the following link definitions elsewhere in the document:</p>
<p><strong><code>[logo]: http://www.google.com/images/logo.gif</code></strong><br />
<strong><code>[google]: http://www.google.com/ "click to visit Google.com"</code></strong></p>
<p>combine to produce the following clickable image link (with tooltip if you hover over it):</p>
<p><a href="http://www.google.com/" title="click to visit Google.com"><img src="http://www.google.com/images/logo.gif" alt="the google logo" /></a></p>
<p>An example of where this technique might be handy is in linking small 'thumbnail' images to downloads of the larger photos.</p>
<h2><a id="embedded">Embedding HTML</a></h2>
<p>If you are already proficient in HTML then there may be occasions when Markdown does not allow you as much control as you are used to. Luckily Markdown is designed for this eventuality and allows you to embed HTML directly within Markdown formatted text.</p>
<p><strong><code>* <small>small text</small></code></strong><br />
<strong><code>* <big>big text</big></code></strong> </p>
<li><small>small text</small> </li>
<li><big>big text</big> </li>
<p>Note that the HTML markup co-exists with the Markdown code for bullet lists. This frees you from the mundane task of writing complex HTML for basic formatting features such as paragraphs and lists while still allowing you to access the full power of HTML in specific situations.</p>
<h2><a id="preformatted">Displaying HTML or Preformatted Text</a></h2>
<p>If, unlike in the section above, you wish the HTML you enter to be displayed exactly as you typed it, rather than processed as HTML then you can start each line with four space characters.</p>
<pre><code><p>A paragraph in <b>HTML</b> displayed as code</p>
<p>This also works for displaying computer code:</p>
<pre><code>print "Command-line arguments: (@ARGV)n";
<p>As this formatting is often used for computer program listings and other text which may plausibly contain the characters that Markdown uses to indicate different types of formatting, Markdown's formatting is switched off for these lines:</p>
<pre><code>Normally this word would be **bold**.
<p>To include such characters within normal text, see the section below.</p>
<h2><a id="special_char">Using Special Characters</a></h2>
<p>If you wish to use any of the special characters that trigger Markdown formatting without them being processed simply precede them with a backslash character (). This is known as 'escaping' a character. The backslash is not displayed but the character immediately following it is shown, exactly as entered.</p>
<p><strong><code>*asterisks, not emphasis*</code></strong></p>
<p>*asterisks, not emphasis*</p>
<p>rather than</p>
<p><strong><code>*emphasis, not asterisks*</code></strong></p>
<p>which gives</p>
<p><em>emphasis, not asterisks</em></p>
<h2><a id="further">Further Reading</a></h2>
<p>The Markdown system is not unique to Moodle, it is used in an ever increasing number of web publishing tools. You can find out more about it at <a href="http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/">http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/</a></p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<p align="center"><b>Advanced settings</b></p>
<p>Selecting any of these check boxes will cause the corresponding options
to be hidden from teachers by default.</p>
<p>However, they will still be able to access these "Advanced settings"
using a button on the editing page for this module.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
<p align="center"><b>Comparison of Assessments</b></p>
<p>In an exercise it is usual for a piece of work to be assessed twice. A
student assesses their work before submitting it and the teacher then
(re)assesses the work. The teacher's assessment uses the student's
assessment as the starting point. An exercise allows the teacher to award
a proportion of the grade to the student's assessment, the remainder of
the grade is allocated to the teacher's assessment of the work. (The
maximum grades for these are called "Grade for Student
Assessments" and "Grade for Submissions" respectively.) Note
that the grade from the student's assessment is not used. The student's
assessment is given a grade based on how well it matches the teacher's
<p>The degree of agreement between the student's and teacher's assessment is
based on the differences between the scores in individual elements
(actually the squared differences are used). The mean of these differences
must to converted into a meaningful grade. The "Comparison of
Assessments" option allows the teacher a degree of control on how
these comparisons are converted into grades.</p>
<p>To get some idea on what effect this option has, take the (fairly simple)
case of an assessment which has ten Yes/No questions. For example the
assessment might use questions like "Is the chart correctly formatted?",
"Is the calculated profit $100.66?", etc. Assume there are ten such
questions. When the "Very Lax" setting is chosen, prefect
agreement between the student's and teacher's assessment gives a grade of
100%, if there is only one question which does not match the grade is 90%,
two disagreements give a grade of 80%, three
disagreements 70%, etc.. That might seem very reasonable and you might be thinking
why is this option called a "Very Lax" comparison. Well, consider
the case of a student doing a completely random assessment where the
answers of the ten questions are simply
guessed. On average this would result in five of the ten questions being
matched. So the "monkey's" assessment would get a grade of around
50%. The situation gets a little more sensible with the "Lax"
option, then
the random assessment gets around 20%. When the "Fair" option is
chosen, random guessing will result in a zero grade most of the
time. At this level, a grade of 50% is given when the two assessments agree
on eight questions of the ten. If three questions are in disagreement then
the grade given is 25%. When the option is set to "Strict" having
two questions out of sync gives a grade of 40%. Moving into the "Very
Strict" territory a disagreement in just two questions drops the grade to
35% and having a single question in disagreement gives a grade of 65%.</p>
<p>This example is sightly artificial as most assessments usually have elements
which have a range of values rather than just Yes or No. In those cases the
comparison is likely to result in somewhat higher grades then the values
indicated above. The various levels (Very Lax, Lax, Fair...) are given so
that the teacher can fine tune the comparisons. If they feel that the grades
being given for assessments are too low then this option should be moved
towards the "Lax" or even "Very Lax" choices. And
alternatively, if the grades for the student's assessments are, in general,
felt to be too high this option should be moved to either the
"Strict" or "Very Strict" choices. It is really a
matter of trial and error with the best starting point being the
"Fair" option.</p>
<p>During the course of the exercise the teacher may feel that the grades given
to the student assessments are either too high or too low. These grades are
shown on the exercise's Administration Page. In this case, the teacher can
change the setting of this option and re-calculate the student assessment
grades (the "Grading Grades"). The re-calculation is done by
clicking the "Re-grade Student Assessments" link found on the
administration page of the exercise. This can be safely performed at any
time in the exercise.</p>
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
<p align="center"><b>RSS-matning till det här forumet</b></p>
<p>Det här alternativet låter Dig aktivera RSS-matningar till det här forumet.</p>
<p align="center"><b>RSS-utmatning från det här forumet</b></p>
<p>Det här alternativet låter Dig aktivera RSS-matningar från det här forumet.</p>
<p>Du kan välja mellan två typer av forum:</p>
<li><b>Diskussionsämnen:</b> Om Du använder det här så kommer det att ingå nya
diskussionsämnen i forumet inklusive de inledande bidragen till dessa i de genererade matningarna.</li>
<li><b>Bidrag:</b> Om Du använder det här så kommer det att varje nytt bidrag i forumet att ingå
i de genererade matningarna..</li>
<li><b>Diskussionsämnen:</b> Om Du använder det här så kommer de nya
diskussionsämnen i forumet, inklusive de inledande bidragen till dessa, att ingå i de genererade utmatningarna.</li>
<li><b>Bidrag:</b> Om Du använder det här så kommer varje nytt bidrag i forumet att ingå
i de genererade utmatningarna.</li>
@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
<p align="center">
<b><?php echo get_string('itemanal', 'quiz') ?></b>
<p> Den här tabellen listar responserna till varje fråga och frekvensen för varje respons. </p>
<li>Frekvenserna för <b>korrekta svar</b> visas med <font color="red"><b>röd text</b></font>.</li>
<li>Frekvenserna för <b>felaktiga svar</b> visas med <font color="blue"><b>blå text</b></font>.</li>
<li>Frekvenserna för <b>inte beaktade svar</b> visas med <font color="brown"><b>brun text</b></font>.</li>
<li>Frekvenserna för <b>numeriska data</b> visas med <font color="green"><b>grön text</b></font>.</li>
<P align="center">
<B><?php echo get_string('itemanal', 'quiz') ?></B>
This table lists the responses to each question and the frequency of each response.
<LI>The frequencies of <B>correct answers</B> are shown in <FONT color="red"><B>red text</B></FONT>.</LI>
<LI>The frequencies of <B>wrong answers</B> are shown in <FONT color="blue"><B>blue text</B></FONT>.</LI>
<LI>The frequencies of <B>ignored answers</B> are shown in <FONT color="brown"><B>brown text</B></FONT>.</LI>
<LI>The frequencies of <B>numeric data</B> are shown in <FONT color="green"><B>green text</B></FONT>.</LI>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
<P align="center">
<B>Force Moodle to use Moodle-compatible media players</B>
<DT><B><?php print_string('no') ?></B></DT>
<DD>Moodle will not change the settings of any media players in the quiz</DD>
<DT><B><?php print_string('yes') ?></B></DT>
<DD>Moodle will force the quiz to use Moodle-compatible media players
to play the following types of file:
More information:
<A href="help.php?module=hotpotatoes&file=mediaplayers.html">
Relative URLs, media players and Hot Potatoes</A>
@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
<p><b>Hot Potatoes</b> (utvecklingsmodul)</p>
<li><a href="help.php?module=hotpotatoes&file=analysistable.html">Analystabell</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=hotpotatoes&file=navigation.html">Navigation</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=hotpotatoes&file=outputformat.html">Format för output</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=hotpotatoes&file=reportselector.html">Att välja rapport</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=hotpotatoes&file=responsestable.html">Tabell för responser</a></li>
<P><B>Hot Potatoes</B> (development)</P>
<LI><A href="help.php?module=hotpotatoes&file=analysistable.html">Analysis table</A></LI>
<LI><A href="help.php?module=hotpotatoes&file=navigation.html">Navigation</A></LI>
<LI><A href="help.php?module=hotpotatoes&file=outputformat.html">Format for output</A></LI>
<LI><A href="help.php?module=hotpotatoes&file=reportselector.html">Selecting a report </A></LI>
<LI><A href="help.php?module=hotpotatoes&file=responsestable.html">Table of responses</A></LI>
<LI><A href="help.php?module=hotpotatoes&file=shownextquiz.html">Show next quiz?</A></LI>
<LI><A href="help.php?module=hotpotatoes&file=forceplugins.html">Force media plugins</A></LI>
<LI><A href="help.php?module=hotpotatoes&file=mediaplayers.html">Relative URLs, media players and Hot Potatoes</A></LI>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
<P align="center">
<B>Relative URLs, media players and Hot Potatoes</B></P>
<DD>the address of an internet resource, such as a webpage, image or sound file.</DD>
<DT><I>absolute URL</I></DT>
<DD>a URL that begins with "http://" is called an absolute URL. Wherever it is used, it always refers to the same target resource.</DD>
<DT><I>relative URL</I></DT>
<DD>a URL that does not begin with "http://" is called a relative URL. It can be combined with the absolute URL of a "base" page, to get the absolute URL of the target resource.</DD>
<P><B>Relative URLs in Hot Potatoes quizzes</B></P>
<P>Relative URLs are a convenient way to specify images, sounds and videos in a Hot Potatoes quiz, because they allow the quiz to be viewed and tested on a local PC, before being uploaded to a Moodle site. When the quiz is uploaded to the Moodle site, the multimedia files must also be uploaded, so that they are available when the quiz is administered via Moodle.</P>
<P>For security reasons, Moodle does not allow direct access to course files. All requests for files in a given course go through a guardian script which verfies that the person requesting the file is enrolled in the course. However, this mechanism can break relative links used in the quiz, because the normal rules for deriving an absolute URL from a relative URL do not work.</P>
<P>The solution is simple enough: <FONT color="red"><B>all relative URLs must be converted to absolute URLs </B></FONT> by the time the quiz reaches the browser. In the case of Hot Potatoes quizzes, the URLs will be converted by Moodle, so content creators do not have to bother with this tedious and error-prone task. </P>
<P><B>Media players in Hot Potatoes quizzes </B></P>
<P>Some media players will not accept the media file if it comes via the script which guards the course files. In this situation, it is necessary to replace the media player with one that is known to be compatible with Moodle. You can do this yourself by modifying the reference to the media player in the quiz, or you can force Moodle to do it by setting the "Force media plugins" option on the quiz's settings page to "Yes".</P>
<P> </P>
@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
<p><img src="<?php echo $CFG->wwwroot?>/mod/hotpotatoes/icon.gif" alt="" /> <b>Hot Potatoes</b></p>
Hot Potatoes låter distansläraren skapa olika test som
studenterna/eleverna/deltagarna/de lärande ska genomföra.
Hot Potatoes lets e.g. the teacher create various types of quizzes.</p>
<li>Kortsvars-frågor osv</li>
<li>Multiple Choice</li>
<li>Match etc</li>
<p>Den här modulen skapar olika typer av detaljerade rapporter angående försök och resultat. </p>
This module also creates different types of reports
concerning attempts and results.
@ -1,39 +1,48 @@
<p align="center"><b>Navigation</b></p>
<p> Du kan ange olika former av verktyg för navigation i en <? print_string('modulename', 'hotpotatoes') ?>.</p>
<dt><b><? echo $hotpotatoes_navigation[navigation_bar] ?></b></dt>
Den navigeringsrad som är standard i Moodle kommer att visas i samma fönster som
testet längst upp på sidan. <br />
<dt><b><?php echo $hotpotatoes_navigation[navigation_frame] ?></b></dt>
<dd>Den navigeringsrad som är standard i Moodle kommer att visas
i en separat ram längst upp i testet.
<dt><b><?php echo $hotpotatoes_navigation[navigation_iframe] ?></b></dt>
<dd>Den navigeringsrad som är standard i Moodle kommer att visas
i samma fönster som testet och testet kommer att vara inbäddat i en
<dt><b><?php echo $hotpotatoes_navigation[navigation_buttons] ?></b></dt>
<dd>Testet kommer att visas med navigationsknapparna (om det finns några)
definierade i testet.
<dt><b><?php echo $hotpotatoes_navigation[navigation_give_up] ?></b></dt>
<dd>Testet kommer att visas med en enskild "Ge upp"-knapp
längst upp på sidan.
<dt><b><?php echo $hotpotatoes_navigation[navigation_none] ?></b></dt>
<dd>Testet kommer att visas utan några verktyg för navigation, dvs
det kommer inte att finnas någon navigationsrad för Moodle eller några
navigationsknappar för Hot Potatoes.
<br /><br />
När alla frågor i det aktuella testet har besvarats på ett korrekt sätt så
kommer Moodle antingen att återgå till kursens hemsida eller visa nästa test.
Detta beror på hur "<?php print_string('shownextquiz', 'hotpotatoes') ?>"
är inställt för field det aktuella testet.
<P align="center">
You can specify different navigation aids for a Hot Potatoes XML Quiz.
<DT><B>Moodle navigation bar</B></DT>
The standard Moodle navigation bar will be displayed in the same
window as the quiz at the top of the page.<BR>
<DT><B>Moodle navigation frame</B></DT>
The standard Moodle navigation bar will be displayed in a separate
frame at the top of the quiz.
<DT><B>Embedded <IFRAME></B></DT>
The standard Moodle navigation bar will be displayed in the same
window as the quiz and the quiz will be embedded in an <IFRAME>.
<DT><B>Hot Potatoes quiz buttons </B></DT>
The quiz will be displayed with the navigation buttons, if any,
defined in the quiz.
<DT><B>A single "Give Up" button</B></DT>
The quiz will be displayed with a single "Give Up" button
at the top of the page.
The quiz will be displayed with no navigation aids. i.e. neither
a Moodle navigation bar nor any Hot Potatoes navigation buttons.
When all questions on the current quiz have been answered correctly,
Moodle will either return to the course page or display the next quiz,
depending on the setting of the "Show next quiz?" field
for the current quiz.
@ -1,30 +1,34 @@
<?php require_once("$CFG->dirroot/mod/hotpotatoes/lib.php");?>
<p align="center"> <b>Format för output </b></p>
<p>Du kan ange olika format för visning av testet.</p>
<dt><b><?php echo $hotpotatoes_outputformat[outputformat_best] ?></b></dt>
<dd>Testet kommer att visas i det bästa formatet med tanke på webbläsaren.</dd>
<P align="center">
<B>Output Format</B>
You can specify different formats to display the quiz
<DD>The quiz will be displayed in the best format for the browser.</DD>
<dt><b><?php echo $hotpotatoes_outputformat[outputformat_v6_plus] ?></b></dt>
<dd>Testet kommer att visas i ett drag-och-släpp-format för webbläsare av typ v6+</dd>
<DD>The quiz will be displayed in a drag and drop format for v6+ browsers</DD>
<dt><b><?php echo $hotpotatoes_outputformat[outputformat_v6] ?></b></dt>
<dd>Testet kommer att visas i ett format för webbläsare av typ v6</dd>
<DD>The quiz will be displayed in format for v6 browsers</DD>
<dt><b><?php echo $hotpotatoes_outputformat[outputformat_v5] ?></b></dt>
<dd>Testet kommer att visas i ett format för webbläsare av typ v5 </dd>
<DD>The quiz will be displayed in a format for v5 browsers</DD>
<dt><b><?php echo $hotpotatoes_outputformat[outputformat_v4] ?></b></dt>
<dd>Testet kommer att visas i ett format för webbläsare av typ v4</dd>
<DD>The quiz will be displayed in a format for v4 browsers</DD>
<dt><b><?php echo $hotpotatoes_outputformat[outputformat_v3] ?></b></dt>
<dd>Testet kommer att visas i ett format för webbläsare av typ v3</dd>
<DD>The quiz will be displayed in a format for v3 browsers</DD>
<dt><b><?php echo $hotpotatoes_outputformat[outputformat_flash] ?></b></dt>
<dd>Testet kommer att visas i ett format för Flash</dd>
<DD>The quiz will be displayed in using Flash</DD>
<dt><b><?php echo $hotpotatoes_outputformat[outputformat_mobile] ?></b></dt>
<dd>Testet kommer att visas i ett format som passar för att visa på små enheter
som t.ex. en mobiltelefon.
The quiz will be displayed in a format suitable for viewing on
small mobile devices such as cell phones
@ -1,100 +1,98 @@
$strabandoned = get_string('abandoned', 'hotpotatoes');
$strinprogress = get_string('inprogress', 'hotpotatoes');
<style type="text/css">
<STYLE type="text/css">
DD {font-size:0.8em; margin-top:0.5em;}
<p align="center"><b>Att välja en rapport</b></p>
<p>Du kan ange olika kriterier för att välja olika format för output för
de rapporter som är möjliga i Hot Potatoes.</p>
<P align="center">
<B>Selecting a Report</B>
You can specify different selection criteria and different output formats for the
Hot Potatoes reports.
if (isadmin()) { // only admins can select a course
<dt><b>Att välja en kurs</b></dt>
<DT><B>Selecting a course</B></DT>
<dd><b><?php print_string('thiscourse', 'hotpotatoes') ?></b><br />
Rapporten kommer att visa responser från deltagare
i den aktuella kursen.</dd>
<dd><b><?php print_string('allmycourses', 'hotpotatoes') ?></b><br />
Rapporten kommer att visa responser från deltagare för alla kurser som
använder detta test och och i vilka Du är (distans)lärare-
För att kunna användas i ett flertal kurser så måste testet vara
placerat i katalogen för Webbplatsens filer.
Detta alternativ är bara tillgängligt för weebbplatsens systemadministratör.
<DD><B>this course</B><BR>
The report will show responses by participants in the current course</DD>
<DD><B>all my courses</B><BR>
The report will show responses by participants for all courses which
use this quiz and in which you are a teacher.
To be used in several courses, the quiz must be located in the Site
files directory.
This option is only available to site administrators.
<dt><b>Att välja användare</b></dt>
<dd><b><?php print_string('students', 'hotpotatoes') ?></b><br />
Rapporten kommer att visa responser endast från studenter/elever/deltagare/lärande
Responser från (distans)lärare kommer inte att inkluderas i rapporten.
<DT><B>Selecting users</B></DT>
The report will show responses by students only.
Teacher's responses will not be included in the report
<dd><b><?php print_string('studentsandteachers', 'hotpotatoes') ?></b><br />
Rapporten kommer att visa responser från studenter/elever/deltagare/lärande ocgh (distans)lärare.
Responser från "gäst"-användare, om det finns några, kommer också att inkluderas.
<dt><b>Att välja betyg/omdömen</b></dt>
<dd><b><?php print_string('bestattempt', 'hotpotatoes') ?></b><br />
Rapporten kommer bara att visa responserna från det bästa försöket för varje användare.
<DD><B>students and teachers</B><BR>
The report will show responses by students and teachers.
Responses by the "guest" user, if any, will also be included.
<DT><B>Selecting grades</B></DT>
<DD><B>best attempt</B><BR>
The report will only include the responses from the best attempt by each user</DD>
<dd><b><?php print_string('allattempts', 'hotpotatoes') ?></b><br />
Rapporten kommer att visa responserna från alla försök för varje användare.
<dt><b>Att välja ett format för output</b></dt>
<dd><b><?php print_string('reportoverview', 'quiz') ?></b><br />
Den här rapporten är en lista över försök på det här testet.
"<?php p($strabandoned) ?>" försök är inkluderade,
men "<?php p($strinprogress) ?>" försök visas inte.
Den visar bilden, namnet och det bästa resultatet för varje användare.
och resultatet, tiden och hur lång tid varje försök tog.
<br /><br />
Försök kan markeras och därefter tas bort om Du så önskar.
<dd><b><?php print_string('reportsimplestat', 'quiz') ?></b><br />
Den här rapporten är en lista över fullföljda försök på det här testet.
Försök som är markerade som "<?php p($strabandoned) ?>" eller
"<?php p($strinprogress) ?>" är inte inkluderade.
Rapporten visar namnet och det bästa resultatet för varje användare samt
resultatet för varje fråga i varje försök.
<br /><br />
Det visar också medelresultatet på de enskilda frågorna och på testet som helhet.
<br />
En detaljerad rapport över försöken kan laddas ner i Excel- eller textformat.
<dd><b><?php print_string('reportfullstat', 'quiz') ?></b><br />
Den här rapporten visar alla detaljer angående alla fullföljda försök för det här testet.
<br /><br />
<DD><B>all attempts</B><BR>
The report will include the responses from all attempts by each user</DD>
<DT><B>Selecting an output format</B></DT>
This report is a list of attempts at this quiz.
"abandoned" attempts are included,
but "in progress" attempts are not shown.
Försök som är markerade som "<?php p($strabandoned) ?>" or
"<?php p($strinprogress) ?>" är inte inkluderade.
<br /><br />
Rapporten innehåller följande tabeller:
<b>Tabellen över responser</b>, som visar hur varje användare
gav respons på varje fråga i vart och ett av deras fösök med testet.
<b>Tabellen för analys av komponenter</b>, som listat responserna på varje fräga och
frekvensen för varje response.
En detaljerad rapport över försöken kan laddas ner i Excel- eller textformat..
It shows the picture, name and best score for each user,
and the score, time and duration of each attempt.
Attempts may be selected and then deleted if required.
<DD><B>Simple statistics</B><BR>
This report is a list of all completed attempts at this quiz.
Attempts marked as "abandoned" or
"in progress" are not included.
The report shows the name and best score for each user, and the score
of each question in each attempt.
It also gives the averages scores of the individual
questions and the quiz as a whole.
Details of the attempts may be downloaded in Excel or text format.
<DD><B>Detailed statistics</B><BR>
This report shows full details of all completed attempts at this quiz,
Attempts marked as "abandoned" or
"in progress" are not included.
The report contains the following tables:
the <B>responses table</B>, which shows how each user responded
to each question in each of their attempts at the quiz.
the <B>item analysis table</B>, which lists the responses to each
question and the frequency of each response.
The details shown in this report may be downloaded in Excel or text format.
@ -1,27 +1,24 @@
// message strings
$strhints = get_string('hints', 'hotpotatoes');
$strclues = get_string('clues', 'hotpotatoes');
$strchecks = get_string('checks', 'hotpotatoes');
$strpenalties = get_string('penalties', 'hotpotatoes');
<p align="center">
<b><?php echo get_string('indivresp', 'quiz') ?></b>
<p>Den här tabellen visar hur varje användare gav respons (svarade) på
varje fråga i vart och ett av deras försök på testet.</p>
Responserna är färgkodade enligt följande:</p>
<ul style="margin-top:0px">
<li><font color="red"><b>Korrekt svar</b></font></li>
<li><font color="blue"><b>Felaktigt svar</b></font></li>
<li><font color="green"><b>xx% (<?php echo $strhints.'-'.$strclues.'-'.$strchecks.'-'.$strpenalties ?>)</b></font>
<li><b>xx</b> är det procentuella resultatet för den här frågan</li>
<li><b><?php echo $strhints ?></b> är det antal tips som har efterfrågats</li>
<li><b><?php echo $strclues ?></b> är det antal ledtrådar som har efterfrågats</li>
<li><b><?php echo $strchecks ?></b> är det antal kontroller som har genomförts i den här frågan</li>
<li><b><?php echo $strpenalties ?></b> är det antal avdrag som har gjorts för den här frågan</li>
<P align="center">
<B><?php print_string('indivresp', 'quiz') ?></B>
This table shows how each user responded to each
question in each of their attempts at the quiz.
The responses are color-coded as follows:
<UL style="margin-top:0px">
<LI><FONT color="red"><B>Correct answers</B></FONT></LI>
<LI><FONT color="brown"><B>Ignored answers</B></FONT> (if any)</LI>
<LI><FONT color="blue"><B>Wrong answers</B></FONT> (if any)</LI>
<LI><FONT color="green"><B>score% (hints,clues,checks)</B></FONT>
<LI><B>score</B> is the percentage score for this question</LI>
<LI><B>hints</B> is the number hints requested</LI>
<LI><B>clues</B> indicates whether the clue was shown (=1) or not (=0)</LI>
<LI><B>checks</B> is the number checks performed on this question.
A value of "-1" means that the student clicked the "Show answer" button</LI>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
<P align="center">
<B><?php print_string('shownextquiz', 'hotpotatoes') ?></B>
<DT><B><?php print_string('no') ?></B></DT>
<DD>When the Hot Potatoes quiz is finished, Moodle will
record the results and return to the main page for the
current course</DD>
<DT><B><?php print_string('yes') ?></B></DT>
<DD>When the Hot Potatoes quiz is finished, Moodle will
record the results and then display the next Hot Potatoes
quiz in the current section. If there is no such quiz,
Moodle will return to the main page for the current course</DD>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<p align="center"><b>Att ange bakgrundsfärg för bildspel</b></p>
<p>Skriv in en kod på 6 tecken för att ange bakgrundsfärg för bildspelet.</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<p align="center"><b>Att ange en standard för resultat</b></p>
<p>Det här ger Dig möjlighet att ange ett numeriskt värde (en siffra) för varje svar.
Svar kan antingen ha negativa eller positiva värden. Importerade frågor kommer att automatiskt
tilldelas 1 poäng för rätt svar och 0 poäng för felaktiga svar. Detta kan Du dock ändra efter det att Du har importerat frågorna.</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<p align="center"><b>Ta bort användares försök för den här lektionen (användar-ID)</b></p>
<p>Skriv in ett användarnamn här och klicka på "Spara ändringar" för att ta bort alla försök och alla betyg/omdömen för denne/a användare.</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
<p align="center"><b>Visa vänster meny</b></p>
<p>Det här kommer att visa en lista över sidorna (förgreningstabeller) i lektionen.
Frågesidor, klustersidor, etc kommer inte att visas som standardmässigt förval,
(Du kan däremot välja att visa frågesidorna genom att markera det alternativet för frågan).</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<p align="center"><b>Höjd för bildspel</b></p>
<p>Ange höjden på bildspelet i antal pixlar.</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<p align="center"><b>Visa höga resultat</b></p>
<p>En lista över de höga resultaten på lektionen kommer att visas. Studenter/elever/deltagare/lärande som får ett högt resultat kan ange ett eget kodnamn
när de listar sina resultat. Det finns ett textfilter som kontrollerar att ingen använder "fula" eller olämpliga ord.</p>
@ -1,22 +1,47 @@
<p><b>Lektion</b> (standardmodul)</p>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=overview.html">Översikt</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=mods.html">Lektion</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=useeditor.html"> Att använda HTML-redigeraren</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=retake.html"> Att tillåta att studenter/elever/deltagare/lärande gör om en lektion<br /><br /></a></li></ul>
<ul> <li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=grade.html">Betyget/omdömet på lektionen<br /><br /></a></li> </ul>
<ul><li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=handlingofretakes.html">Hantering av repetition av lektioner</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=maxattempts.html">Maximalt antal tillåtna försök (av en student/elev/deltagare/lärande)</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=minquestions.html">Det minimala antalet frågor i en lektion</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=maxpages.html">Maximalt antal (kort) att visa</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=nextpageaction.html">Vad som händer om svaret är rätt?<br /><br /></a></li>
<ul><li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=questiontypes">Typer av frågor</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=questionoption.html">Alternativ för fråga<br /><br /></a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=overview.html">Översikt</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=mods.html">Lektion</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=useeditor.html"> Att använda HTML-redigeraren
<br /><br /></a></li></ul>
<ul> <li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=grade.html">Betyget/omdömet på lektionen </a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=highscores.html">Visa Höga resultat</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=maxhighscores.html">Antal Höga resultat som ska visas<br /><br /></a></li>
Import av frågor
<ul> <li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=import.html">Att importera nya frågor</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=displayleft.html">Visa vänster meny</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=handlingofretakes.html">Hantering av repetition av lektioner</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=retake.html"> Att tillåta att studenter/elever/deltagare/lärande göra om en lektion</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=maxattempts.html">Maximalt antal tillåtna försök (av en student/elev/deltagare/lärande)</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=deleteattempts.html">Ta bort användares försök för den här lektionen (användar-ID)</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=maxpages.html">Maximalt antal (kort) att visa</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=timed.html">Tidsstyrning</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=maxtime.html">Tidsbegränsning</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=modattempts.html">Tillåt studenter/elever/deltagare/lärande att backa i lektionen</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=usepassword.html">Lektion som är lösenordsskyddad</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=password.html">Lösenord</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=practice.html">Övningslektion</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=timed.html">Tidsstyrning</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=lessondefault.html">Använd inställningarna för den här lektionen som standardmässigt förval<br /><br /></a></li>
<ul><li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=questiontypes">Typer av frågor</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=questionoption.html">Alternativ för fråga</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=minquestions.html">Det minimala antalet frågor i en lektion</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=review.html">Visa knappen "Besvara frågan igen"</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=nextpageaction.html">Vad som händer om svaret är rätt?<br /><br /></a></li>
Import av frågor
<ul> <li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=import.html">Att importera nya frågor</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=slideshow.html">Bildspelsformat</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=bgcolor.html">Att ange bakgrundsfärg för bildspel</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=height.html">Att ange höjd för bildspel</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=width.html">Att ange bredd för bildspel</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=lesson&file=tree.html">Visning i trädformat<br /><br /></a></li>
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<p align="center"><b>Använd inställningarna för den här lektionen som standardmässigt förval </b></p>
<p>Om Du väljer 'Ja' innan Du sparar lektionen så kommer de inställningar som Du har gjort för den här lektionen att vara standardmässigt förval nästa gång Du skapar en lektion för den här kursen.</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<p align="center"><b>Antal Höga resultat som ska visas</b></p>
<p>Ange ett tal för att begränsa hur många toppresultat som ska visas.</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<p align="center"><b>Tidsbegränsning</b></p>
<p>Skriv in ett tal som anger tidsbegränsningen i form av antal minuter.</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<p align="center"><b>Tillåt studenter/elever/deltagare/lärande att backa i lektionen.</b></p>
<p>Det här kommer att låta studenterna/eleverna/deltagarna/de lärande
att navigera bakåt genom lektionen för att ändra sina svar.</p>
@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
<p>En lektion kan presentera innehåll på ett intressant och flexibelt sätt.
Den består av ett antal sidor. Varje sida avslutas normalt sett med en fråga
och ett antal möjliga svar. Beroende på vilket svar studenten/eleven/deltagaren/den lärande
väljer så han/hon antingen fortsätta till nästa sida eller tvingas gå tillbaka till föregående sida.
väljer så kan han/hon antingen fortsätta till nästa sida eller tvingas gå tillbaka till föregående sida.
Navigationen genom lektionen kan vara enkel eller komplex, till stor del beroende på hur innehållets struktur presenteras.</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Under Construction
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<p align="center"><b>Lösenord</b></p>
<p>Om Du tidigare (genom att välja 'Ja' ) har angivit att det ska finnas ett lösenord för att skydda lektionen så ska Du skriva in lösenordet här.</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<p align="center"><b>Övningslektion</b></p>
<p>En övningslektion kommer inte att visas i betygskatalogen.</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<p align="center"><b>Visa knappen "Besvara frågan igen"</b></p>
<p>Det här kommer att visa en knapp efter en fråga som har besvarats felaktigt. Då kan studenten/eleven/deltagaren/den lärande göra ett nytt försök att besvara frågan. Det fungerar inte
med essäfrågor så aktivera inte detta om Du använder sådana frågor.</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<p align="center"><b>Bildspelsformat</b></p>
<p>Med det här kan Du aktivera att lektionen visas som ett bildspel, med en fixerad bredd och höjd och med en standardmässig bakgrundsfärg. En CSS-baserad skrollningslist kommer att visas om bredden eller höjden på sidan är större än den aktuella skärmen. Frågorna kommer att "brytas ut ur" bildspelsformatet. Endast sidor (förgreningstabeller) kommer att visas i en delbild i bildspelet som standardmässigt förval. Knappar med texten 'Nästa' och 'Föregående' kommer att visas längst ute till vänster och höger om det alternativet är valt för den aktuella bilden. Övriga knappar kommer att vara centrerade under bilden.</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<p align="center"><b>Tidsstyrning</b></p>
<p>Det här anger en tidsbegränsning för lektionen. Studenter/elever/deltagare/lärande får se en JavaScript-räknare och den tid som går åt kommer att registreras i databasen. P.g.a. av att JavaScriptet inte är helt konsekvent, så stängs man inte ut från lektionen när tiden är ute.
Frågor som besvaras efter detta räknas emellertid inte. Den förbrukade tiden kontrolleras i databasen varje någon skickar in ett svar.</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<p align="center"><b>Visning i trädformat</b></p>
<p>Det här kommer att visa en lista över sidorna och frågorna i form av länkar. Sidor kommer att visas i blått och frågor i rött. Detta kan vara till hjälp när man ska navigera genom en lektion med många sidor.</p>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<p align="center"><b>Att använda HTML-redigeraren</b></p>
<p>När Du redigerar sidor så aktiverar det här alternativet användning av HTML-redigeraren
istället för enkla textrutor. Med redigeraren kan Du enkelt formattera texten eller
istället för enkla textrutor. Med redigeraren kan Du enkelt formatera texten eller
lägga till "avancerade" saker som länkar.</p>
<p>Du startar redigeraren genom att klicka på kryssrutan invid
<b>Använd redigeraren</b>. Redigeraren är kopplad till individuella komponenter.
@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ lägga till "avancerade" saker som länkar.</p>
<p>Om Du behöver använda redigeraren för några av komponenterna på en sida
så markerar Du först kryssrutorna för <b>Använd redigeraren</b>.
Sidan visas då igen för att aktivera användning av redigeraren.
Det här åstadkommer Du genom att klick på knappen <b>Visa sidan igen</b>
Det här åstadkommer Du genom att klicka på knappen <b>Visa sidan igen</b>
längst ner på sidan.</p>
<p>Lägg märke till att Du bör vara försiktig när Du använder redigeraren.
I de flesta fall så uppstår inga problem alls. Men Du bör <i>inte</i> använda redigeraren
för <b>Svar på frågor av typen kortsvar eller numerisk</b>. Redigeraren kan
för <b>Svar på frågor av typen 'kortsvar' eller 'numerisk'</b>. Redigeraren kan
då lägga till extra "osynliga" HTML-taggar som <b>förhindrar</b>
att jämförelserna fungerar som det är tänkt.
Dessutom så används <b>Beskrivningar</b> i förgreningstabeller i knappar och om de innehåller
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<p align="center"><b>Lektion som är lösenordsskyddad</b></p>
<p>Det här innebär att studenterna/eleverna/deltagarna/de lärande inte kommer att kunna göra lektionen om de inte skriver in lösenordet.</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<p align="center"><b>Bredd på bildspel</b></p>
<p>Skriv in ett tal för det antal pixlar som ska utgöra bredden på bilderna.</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<p align="center"><b>Att hantera "Egen enkät" genom att använda phpESP</b></p>
Modulen "Egen enkät" använder phpESP för att skapa och hantera de enkäter
som Du utvecklar själv. </p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
<p align="center"><b>Typer av svar på en "Egen enkät"</b></p>
<p>Om Du vill att Dina användare bara ska kunna besvara en enkät en gång så
markerar Du "Besvara en gång".
<br /><br />Om Du vill att de ska kunna besvara den flera gånger så markerar Du "Besvara flera gånger".
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<p align="center"><b>Välj en enkät</b></p>
<p>Välj en enkät från listan över tillgängliga
<i>aktiva</i> enkäter som finns i phpESP. Om Din enkät inte är listad så är den förmodligen inte <b>aktiv</b>.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
<p align="center"><b>Typer av responser på enkäter</b></p>
<p>Du kan: <ul><li>visa Dina användares fullständiga namn med varje respons
genom att ställa in detta till "Fullständigt namn" ELLER</li>
<li>dölja Dina användares identiteter från responserna
genom att ställa in detta till "Anonym". </li></ul>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
<p align="center"><b>Calculated questions</b></p>
Calculated questions offers a way to create individual numerical question by the use of wildcards that are substituted with individual values when the quiz is taken.
<br />Below is a shrunken view of the main editing page with some example inputs:<br />
<tr valign="top">
<td align="right"><p><b>Question:</b></p>
<textarea id="questiontext" name="questiontext" rows="5" cols="40" wrap="virtual">How much is {a} + {b} ?</textarea>
<tr valign="top">
<td align="right"><p><b>Image to display:</b></p></td>
<select name="image"><option value="" selected="selected">None</option><option value="grevture.gif">grevture.gif</option></select>
<tr valign="top">
<td align="right"><p><b>Correct Answer Formula:</b></p></td>
<input align="left" type="text" id="formula0" name="answer[]" size="20" value="{a} + {b}">
<input type="hidden" name="fraction[]" value="1.0">
<tr valign="top">
<td align="right"><p><b>Tolerance:</b></p></td>
<input align="left" type="text" id="tolerance0"" name="tolerance[]" size="15" value="0.01">±
<tr valign="top">
<td align="right"><p><b>Tolerance Type:</b></p></td>
<select name="tolerancetype[]"><option value="1" selected="selected">Relative</option><option value="2">Nominal</option><option value="3">Geometric</option></select>
<tr valign="top">
<td align="right"><p><b>Significant Figures:</b></p></td>
<select name="correctanswerlength[]"><option value="1">1</option><option value="2" selected="selected">2</option><option value="3">3</option><option value="4">4</option><option value="5">5</option><option value="6">6</option><option value="7">7</option><option value="8">8</option><option value="9">9</option><option value="10">10</option></select>
<br />
In the question text input and "Correct Answer Formula" {a} and {b} can be seen. These and any other {name} can be used as a wildcard that is substituted by some value when the quiz is taken. Also, the correct answer is calculated when the quiz is submitted using the expression in "Correct Answer Formula", which is calculated as a numerical expression after the substitution of the wildcards. The possible wildcard values are set or generated on a later page in "editing wizard" for calculated questions...
<br/>The example formula uses the operator +. Other accepted operators are -*/ and % where % is the modulo operator. It is also possible to use some PHP-style mathematical function. Among these there are 24 single-argument function:<br /><b>
abs, acos, acosh, asin, asinh, atan, atanh, ceil, cos, cosh, deg2rad, exp, expm1, floor, log, log10, log1p, rad2deg, round, sin, sinh, sprt, tan, tanh
</b><br />and two two-argument functions<br /><b>
atan2, pow
</b><br />and the functions <b>min</b> and <b>max</b> that can take two or more arguments. It is also possible to use the function <b>pi</b> that takes no arguments but do not forget the use the parentheses - the correct usage is <b>pi()</b>. Similarly the other function must have their argument(s) within parentheses. Possible usage is for example <b>sin({a}) + cos({b}) * 2</b>. It should not be any problem to wrap functions within each other like <b>cos(deg2rad({a} + 90))</b> etc.
<br />More details on how to use these PHP-style functions can be found in the <a target="phpmathdoc" href="http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.math.php">documentation at the PHP web site</a>
<br /><br />
As for numerical questions it is possible to allow a margin within which all responses are accepted as correct. The "Tolerance" field is used for this. However, there are three different types of tolerances. These are <b>Relative, Nominal and Geometric</b>. If we say that the correct answer at quiz time is calculated to 200 and the tolerance is set to 0.5 then the different tolerance types work like this:
<br /><br /><b>Relative:</b> A tolerance interval is calculated by multiplying the correct answer with 0.5, ie in this case we get 100 so for this tolerance the correct response must be between 100 and 300. (200 ± 100)<br />
This is useful if the magnitude of the correct answer can differ greatly between different wildcard values.
<br /><br /><b>Nominal:</b> This is the simplest tolerance type but not very powerful. The correct response must be between 199.5 and 200.5 (200 ± 0.5)<br />
This tolerance type can be useful if the differences between different correct answers are small.
<br /><br /><b>Geometric:</b> The upper limit of the tolerance interval is calculated as 200 + 0.5*200 and is the same as for the relative case. The lower limit is calculated as 200/(1 + 0.5). The correct response must then be between 133.33 and 300.<br />
This is useful for complex calculation that must have great tolerances where relative tolerances of 1 or more would be used for the upper limit but clearly not acceptable for the lower limit as it would make zero a correct answer for all cases.
<br /><br />
The field <b>Significant Figures</b> does only relate to how the correct answer should be presented in the review or the reports. Examples: If it is set to 3 then the correct answer 13.333 would be presented as 13.3; 1236 would be presented as 1240; 23 would be presented as 23.0 etc.
<br /><br />
The feedback field and the optional unit fields work just like they do for numerical questions.
<br />
@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
<p align="center"><b>Kategorier av frågor</b></p>
<p>Hellre än att ha alla Dina frågor i en enda lång
lista så kan Du skapa olika kategorier som Du kan dela upp frågorna i.
<p>Varje kategori består av ett namn och en kort beskrivning.</p>
<p>Varje kategori kan också 'publiceras', vilket betyder att
kategorin (och alla frågor i den) kommer att vara tillgänglig
för alla kurser på denna server, så att andra kurser kan
använda Dina frågor i sina test.</p>
<p>Kategorier kan också skapas eller tas bort om man vill.
Men om Du försöker att ta bort en kategori som innehåller
frågor så kommer Du att bli ombedd att ange en annan kategori
som Du vill flytta dem till.</p>
<p align="center"><b>Kategorier av frågor</b></p>
<p>Det är bättre att skapa kategorier att förvara alla Dina frågor i än att ha dem i
en enda lång lista.</p>
<p>Varje kategori består av ett namn och en kort beskrivning.</p>
<p>Du kan även "publicera" varje kategori. Det innebär att kategorin (med alla de frågor som ingår)
kommer att vara tillgänglig för alla kurser på den här servern så att andra kurser kan använda Dina frågor i sina test.</p>
<p>Du kan också skapa kategorier eller ta bort dem som Du vill.
Om Du försöker ta bort en kategori som innehåller frågor kommer Du att få en fråga om Du vill flytta frågorna till en annan kategori.</p>
<p>Du kan också arrangera kategorier i en hierarki så att det blir lättare att hantera
dem. Fältet 'Flytta kategori till' låter Dig flytta en kategori till en annan kategori.</p>
<p>Genom att klicka på pilarna i fältet 'Ordna' kan Du ändra på den ordning enligt vilken
kategorierna är listade.</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<p align="center"><b>Decimalpoäng</b></p>
<p>Genom att använda den här inställningen kan Du ange antalet decimaler som
ska visas i betyget/omdömet för varje försök.</p>
@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ Allmänt
<li><a href="help.php?module=quiz&file=mods.html">Test</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=quiz&file=categories.html">Kategorier</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=quiz&file=createmultiple.html">Att skapa flera test</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=quiz&file=description.html">Beskrivningar<br /><br /></a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=quiz&file=description.html">Beskrivningar</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=quiz&file=popup.html">Att visa i ett "säkert" fönster.<br /><br /></a></li>
<ul> <li><a href="help.php?module=quiz&file=questiontypes.html">Frågetyper - att skapa en ny fråga</a></li>
@ -17,7 +18,8 @@ Allmänt
<li><a href="help.php?module=quiz&file=random.html">Slumpade frågor</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=quiz&file=randomsamatch.html">Slumpade kortsvars para-ihop-frågor</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=quiz&file=shuffleanswers.html">Blanda svaren</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=quiz&file=shufflequestions.html">Blanda frågorna<br /><br /></a></li></ul>
<li><a href="help.php?module=quiz&file=shufflequestions.html">Blanda frågorna</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=quiz&file=questiondatasets.html">Frågor med dataset<br /><br /></a></li></ul>
<ul> <li><a href="help.php?module=quiz&file=correctanswers.html">Visa de rätta svaren</a></li>
@ -26,12 +28,14 @@ Allmänt
<ul> <li><a href="help.php?module=quiz&file=grademethod.html">Metoder för betyg/omdömen</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=quiz&file=maxgrade.html">Maxbetyg/omdöme</a></li>
<li> <a href="help.php?module=quiz&file=decimalpoints.html">Decimalpoäng</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=quiz&file=discrimination.html">Index för diskriminering<br /><br /></a></li></ul>
<ul> <li><a href="help.php?module=quiz&file=attempts.html">Försök</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=quiz&file=review.html">Låt användarna titta på sina försök efter det att testet är avslutat</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=quiz&file=repeatattempts.html">Varje försök bygger på det senaste<br /><br /></a></li></ul>
<li><a href="help.php?module=quiz&file=repeatattempts.html">Varje försök bygger på det senaste</a></li>
<li><a href="help.php?module=quiz&file=review2.html">Tillåt visning av tidigare försök<br /><br /></a></li></ul>
Att importera och exportera frågor
<ul> <li><a href="help.php?module=quiz&file=import.html">Att importera frågor</a></li>
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
<p align="center"><b>Att visa i ett "säkert" fönster.</b></p>
<p>Det "säkra" fönstret försöker erbjuda lite förbättrad säkerhet för test
(så att det ska bli svårare att kopiera och fuska). Detta sker genom att
man begränsar en del av de saker som studenterna/eleverna/deltagarna/de lärande kan
göra med sina webbläsare.</p>
<p>Det som händer är följande:
<li>Javascript är ett krav.</li>
<li>Testet visas i ett nytt fönster i full storlek.</li>
<li>Vissa händelser med musen förhindras.</li>
<li>Vissa kommandon via tangentbordet förhindras.</li>
<p>OBS: <b>Den här ger INTE vattentät säkerhet.</b> Förlita Dig INTE på
det här som Din enda strategi för att motverka fusk. Det är omöjligt att
skydda test fullständigt i webbmiljön. Andra strategier som Du kan prova är
att skapa riktigt stora databaser med frågor som Du kan välja ut slumpmässigt.
Ännu bättre är det om Du omprövar hela Ditt sätt att sköta uppföljningen genom att
t.ex. värdera aktivitet i forum, bidrag till ord- och begreppslistor, wikis, workshops,
uppgifter osv högre.</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
<p align="center"><b>Frågor med dataset</b></p>
<p>Ett dataset är en samling av data som Du använder för att skapa en fråga
(som t.ex. en beräknad fråga), där datasetet infogas i form av en variabel
inne i frågan. </p>
<p>Du kan skapa ett "<i>privat</i>" dataset för en specifik fråga,
eller ett "<i>återbrukbart</i>" dataset som kan användas i alla frågor som ingår i en viss kategori.</p>
<p>När Du skapar en fråga som använder dataset, så kommer Du att få arbeta med
två dialogrutor. </p>
<p>Den första dialogrutan låter Dig tilldela ett specifikt dataset som ska
bytas ut för varje variabel.</p>
<p>Den andra dialogrutan låter Dig lägga till och ta bort set av tal i datasetet.
De tal som används för enskilda frågor som presenteras för studenterna/eleverna/deltagarna/de lärande kommer att väljas ut ur detta set.</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<p align="center"><b>Tillåt visning av tidigare försök</b></p>
<p>Det här alternativet kontrollerar huruvida och när studenterna/eleverna/deltagarna/de lärande kommer att kunna granska sina tidigare försök på detta test.</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
<p align="center"><b>How to Search</b></p>
<p>Full-text searching supports a number of options, listed below. You can combine
these to specify your search more precisely.</p>
<td><strong>search for these words</strong></td>
<td>For basic searching of one or more words anywhere in the texts, just type them separated by spaces. All words longer than two characters are used.</td>
<td><strong>+search +for these words</strong></td>
<td>The previous example would also match "information" because it contains "for". To force exact matching of a word, use the plus sign.</td>
<td><strong>+search -engine</strong></td>
<td>Use the minus sign if there are particular exact words you don't want included in the search.</td>
<td><strong>"search engine"</strong></td>
<td>To search for a particular phrase, use double quotes around it.</td>
<td>To search for texts by a particular user, prefix a word from their name with "user:".</td>
<td>If you know the user id of a particular user, you can search for them like this.</td>
<td>To search for a word within the subject or title of a text only, prefix the word with "subject:".</td>
<p>For advanced searching, press the search button without typing anything in the words field - you will see
a complete form that makes it easier to do advanced searches.</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
<p align="center"><b>Add Comment to Bank</b></p>
<p>Frequently used comments can be added to the Assessment form so that there
is no need to re-type them each time they are required. These
"stock" comments appear below the Feedback/Comment box. Clicking
on the comment adds that text to the Feedback box. The steps to add a
comment to the Assessment form are:</p>
<li>Type the comment in the Feedback/Comment Box;</li>
<li>Click on the "Add Comment to Bank" button.</li>
<p>The Assessment form is redisplayed. The new comment is left in the
Feedback/Comment box and it also appears (as a link) below the
Feedback/Comment box. In future assessments the comment can be added by
simply clicking on the comment text. It is then added to the
Feedback/Comment box.</p>
<p>The stock comments are always added to the end of any existing text in the
Feedback/Comment box and separated from that text by a space.</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
<p align="center"><b>Analysis of Assessments</b></p>
<p>This analysis looks at the assessments made on the examples as well as those made during the peer assessment phase of the assignment. It attempts to select the better assessments out of this pool of teacher and student assessments. These "good" assessments are then used in the calculation of the final grade.
<p>This analysis is best done when there are teacher assessments available. These assessments can act as a benchmark against which the student assessments can be judged. The teacher does <b>not</b> need to assess every example and every submission but for the analysis to be meaningful it is better to have more assessments from the teacher than the average number of assessments made by each student. And the more assessments made by the teacher the more confident the teacher can be of the results of the analysis.
<p>The Analysis is usually done in a number of times, each time changing one or more of the options. The analysis is controlled by the three options which appear on the top of the page.
<li>The Loading for Teacher Assessments sets the weighting to given the teacher's assessments compared to the students' assessments in the error analysis stage. If the teacher wants their own grading strategy to dominate the way the students grade the submissions then the teacher should be the assessor with the smallest average error in the "Error Table". If the teacher is not the first one listed than the loading of the teacher's assessments is increased until the teacher has the lowest average error. This then implies that the teacher's assessments are dominate and the students who grade like the teacher are also listed in the top part of the Error Table. The students listed at the bottom part of the table are grading in ways which not match the teacher assessments (nor those of the students in the top of the table). The more assessments that are available from the teacher the more likely that this option will not have to be used to force the teacher to the top of the table. Note that this option does <b>not</b> apply a weighting factor the teacher's assessments when they used in the calculation of final grades. In that calculation the teacher assessments have the same weight as the student assessments. So for example if a student's submission is graded at 41% by the teacher and 45% and 55% by their peers the final grade given to the submission is (41% + 45% + 55%) / 3, that is 47%.</li>
<li>The Weight for Grading of Assessments is used in the calculation of the Final Grade. A simple formula is used to calculate a student's "Grading Performance". It is the proportion of "good"assessments that student have done compared to the maximum number of assessments open to them. So, if for example, the assignment asks the students to do 3 assessments of the example submission and 5 peer assessments and the student does 7 assessments and 1 of those is dropped from the analysis (see below), then their grading performance is (7 - 1)/8, that is 75%. The final grade for the assignment a weighted combination of this grading performance and the grade given to their submission (or best grade if they made more than one submission). The grade for the submission is always given a weight of 1. So setting this option to say, 0.5, means that the two grades are added together in the proportion 0.5:1 or 33% of the grading performance and 66% of the grade of the submission.</li>
<li>The Percentage of Assessments to drop determines the number of the assessments which are to be excluded when calculating the final grades. This number can be set in one of two ways.
<ul><li>Given the way the Grading Performance is calculated each student could, if they assessed all the work allocated to them, achieve full marks (for this element) if no assessments are dropped. If the teacher wishes to have a more reason average grade then setting this option to 30% would result in the average Grading Performance of about 70% (again if all students graded all the assessments open to them).</li>
<li>Alternatively the number of assessments to drop might be set such that the remaining "good" assessments result in the Average Errors being constrained to some reasonable value. These are the percentages given in the fourth column of the Error Table. For example, it may be thought that all the student assessments should (on average) lie within the 20% range. Then the analysis is repeated a number of times adjusting the number of assessments to drop until the figures in this column all lie within a particular limit. </li>
<p>In addition to the Error Table the analysis lists the grades of all assessments and the final grades given to the students. This table should be inspected to see if the results are reasonable. In particular if many assessments are dropped then some submissions may left unassessed and the student's final grade will be far too small. The analysis does given the number of submissions at the top of page and again just before the Grades Table. These two numbers should be same. If there are one or more unassessed submissions and the teacher does not want to decrease the number of dropped assessments then those submissions should be assessed by the teacher and the analysis repeated. It is important that all submissions are assessed at least once in the final stage of the analysis that is when the final grades are calculated.
<p>There is a balance between the number of assessments dropped and the overall final grade. The more assessments dropped the lower the final grades are likely to be. However, if poor assessments are <b>not</b> dropped then students may complain about the quality of the assessments which determine the grade for their work. Provided there are enough assessments by the teacher to dominate the analysis without too much forcing, then it would seem reasonable to drop somewhere between 15% and 30% of the assessments.
<p>Note that this analysis does take a long time as it involves an iterative process. Lengthy delays are to be expected.
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
<p align="center"><b>Comparison of Assessments</b></p>
<p>In a workshop it is common for the same piece of work to be assessed by the
teacher and the students. If examples are used then the teacher first
assesses them before the students assess a selection of them. The work from
the students may well be assessed by the teacher, at least in part, and
very possibly by a number of students. A workshop allows the teacher to award
a proportion of the grade to the student's assessments, the remainder of
the grade is allocated to the assessments of the work itself. (The
proportions of the grade given to these two areas is set towards the end of
the workshop.) A student's assessments are given a grade based on how well
they match the corresponding assessments make by the teacher. (In the
absence of a teacher assessment then the average of the peer assessments is
<p>The degree of agreement between the student's and teacher's assessment is
based on the differences between the scores in individual elements
(actually the squared differences are used). The mean of these differences
must to converted into a meaningful grade. The "Comparison of
Assessments" option allows the teacher a degree of control on how
these comparisons are converted into grades.</p>
<p>To get some idea on what effect this option has, take the (fairly simple)
case of an assessment which has ten Yes/No questions. For example the
assessment might use questions like "Is the chart correctly formatted?",
"Is the calculated profit $100.66?", etc. Assume there are ten such
questions. When the "Very Lax" setting is chosen, prefect
agreement between the student's and teacher's assessment gives a grade of
100%, if there is only one question which does not match the grade is 90%,
two disagreements give a grade of 80%, three
disagreements 70%, etc.. That might seem very reasonable and you might be thinking
why is this option called a "Very Lax" comparison. Well, consider
the case of a student doing a completely random assessment where the
answers of the ten questions are simply
guessed. On average this would result in five of the ten questions being
matched. So the "monkey's" assessment would get a grade of around
50%. The situation gets a little more sensible with the "Lax"
option, then
the random assessment gets around 20%. When the "Fair" option is
chosen, random guessing will result in a zero grade most of the
time. At this level, a grade of 50% is given when the two assessments agree
on eight questions of the ten. If three questions are in disagreement then
the grade given is 25%. When the option is set to "Strict" having
two questions out of sync gives a grade of 40%. Moving into the "Very
Strict" territory a disagreement in just two questions drops the grade to
35% and having a single question in disagreement gives a grade of 65%.</p>
<p>This example is sightly artificial as most assessments usually have elements
which have a range of values rather than just Yes or No. In those cases the
comparison is likely to result in somewhat higher grades then the values
indicated above. The various levels (Very Lax, Lax, Fair...) are given so
that the teacher can fine tune the comparisons. If they feel that the grades
being given for assessments are too low then this option should be moved
towards the "Lax" or even "Very Lax" choices. And
alternatively, if the grades for the student's assessments are, in general,
felt to be too high this option should be moved to either the
"Strict" or "Very Strict" choices. It is really a
matter of trial and error with the best starting point being the
"Fair" option.</p>
<p>During the course of the workshop the teacher may feel that the grades given
to the student assessments are either too high or too low. These grades are
shown on the exercise's Administration Page. In this case, the teacher can
change the setting of this option and re-calculate the student assessment
grades (the "Grading Grades"). The re-calculation is done by
clicking the "Re-grade Student Assessments" link found on the
administration page of the workshop. This can be safely performed at any
time in the workshop.</p>
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
<p align="center"><b>Number of Attachment expected on Submissions</b></p>
<p>The number entered here determines how many "upload boxes" are
shown when the student submits a piece of work. The number can be zero,
that is no attachments are allowed. If attachments are expected, the number
is set to 1, 2, up to 5. Normally the number will be 0 or 1, but in some
assignments the students may be asked to submit more than one attachment.</p>
<p>If the number is set to 3, say, and the student only attaches two files to
their submission, the two files are attached and there is <b>no</b> warning
message. Thus, when submitting work (in a single operation) students can
attach an arbitrary number of files to their submissions, up to the maximum
number given by this option.</p>
<p>Note this option does <b>not</b> set the maximum number of attachments a student
can add to their submission. It just determines how many "upload
boxes" are shown. The student is free to add more attachments to their
submission by editing that submission. This would be unusual.</p>
<p>The default value for this option is zero, that is no attachments are
Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<p align="center"><b>Passwords</b></p>
<p>This field sets the "access" password for this exercise. The
password can be up to 10 characters long. The password can be reset at any
time during the workshop. Whether students are asked for the password to
enter the workshop is determined by the "Use Password" option.</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
<p align="center"><b>Re-grading Student Assessments</b></p>
<p>This link re-calculates the "Grading grades" of all the student
assessments which have a corresponding teacher assessment. Normally it is
<b>not</b> necessary to action this re-calculation. Student assessments
are automatically graded after the teacher has assessed the relevant piece
of work from the student.</p>
<p>If, however, the Grading grades are felt to be too high or too low the
teacher may wish to change the "Comparison of Assessments" option
(by Updating the Exercise). The default value of this option is
"Fair". If the grading grades are too high then setting the
option to either "Strict" or "Very Strict" will reduce
the grades. Or alternatively if the grades are too low, setting the option
to " Lax" or "Very Lax" will increase the grades.</p>
<p>If a change to the Grading grades is required the steps are:
<li>Update the Workshop with the new value of the Comparison of Assessments
<li>Go to the Workshop's Administration page and click on the
"Re-grade Student Assessments" link.</li>
The new grades will be displayed. These process can be safely repeated.</p>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
<p align="center"><b>Release Teacher Grades</b></p>
<p>This date can be used to withhold the assessments (and grades) made by the
teacher until the given date. By default the date is set to the workshop's
creation date and time. If the date is not changed then the teacher's
assessments are available to the students a short time after they are done
(the short time is typically half an hour, the "maxeditingtime").
Setting this option allows the teacher to withhold their own assessments
until later in the assignment. For example if the teacher wishes to
withhold their own assessments until the deadline date, then the Release
date is set to the same date as the deadline.
@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// hotpot.php - created with Moodle 1.4.2+ (2004083126)
// hotpot.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083134)
$string['clearall'] = 'Töm allt';
$string['deleteall'] = 'Ta bort allt';
$string['modulename'] = 'Test av typen Hot Potatoes';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Test av typen Hot Potatoes';
$string['really'] = 'Vill Du verkligen ta bort alla resultat för det här testet?';
$string['clearall'] = 'Rensa alla';
$string['deleteall'] = 'Ta bort alla';
$string['modulename'] = 'Hot Potatoes test';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Hot Potatoes test';
$string['really'] = 'Vill Du verkligen ta bort alla resultat på detta test?';
$string['strattemptlabel'] = 'Försök: Resultat, Datum Tid (Varaktighet), [Avdrag]';
$string['thischarset'] = 'iso-8859-1';
$string['thisdirection'] = 'ltr';
$string['thislanguage'] = 'Swedish';
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// hotpotatoes.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083131)
// hotpotatoes.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083134)
$string['abandoned'] = 'avbruten';
$string['allattempts'] = 'alla försök';
$string['allmycourses'] = 'alla mina kurser';
$string['average'] = 'Medel';
$string['bestattempt'] = 'det bästa försöket';
$string['checks'] = 'kontrollerar';
$string['clues'] = 'ledtrådar';
@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ $string['deletedattempts'] = '$a f
$string['deletedresponses'] = '$a responser har tagits bort ';
$string['enterafilename'] = 'Var snäll och skriv in ett filnamn';
$string['filetype'] = 'Filtyp';
$string['forceplugins'] = 'Tvinga fram media plugins';
$string['giveup'] = 'Ge upp';
$string['hints'] = 'tips';
$string['ignored'] = 'Inte beaktad';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// install.php - created with Moodle 1.4 (2004083100)
// install.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083134)
$string['admindirerror'] = 'Den katalog för administration som är angiven är felaktig';
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ $string['dbtype'] = 'Typ';
$string['directorysettings'] = '<p>Var snäll och bekräfta placeringarna av denna installation av Moodle</p>
Ange den fullständiga adressen till Moodle. Om Din webbplats går att nå via flerfaldiga (ett antal olika) URL:er så bör Du välja den som är mest naturlig för Dina användare (studenter etc).
Ta inte inte med något avslutande vänsterslutat snedstreck \"/\".</p>
Ta inte inte med något avslutande vänsterlutat snedstreck \"/\".</p>
<p><b>Katalogen för Moodle</b>
Ange den fullständiga sökvägen till den här installationen. Kontrollera att det stämmer med sådant som är skiftlägeskänsligt (stor/liten bokstav).
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ $string['fileuploadshelp'] = '<p>Uppladdning av filer verkar vara avaktiverat p
<p>För att aktivera uppladdning av filer så måste Du (eller Din systemadministratör) redigera den övergripande php.ini-filen på Ert system och ändra inställningen för <b>uppladdning av filer (file uploads)</b> till \'1\'.</p>';
$string['gdversion'] = 'GD version';
$string['gdversionerror'] = 'GD biblioteket bör vara tillgängligt för att Du ska kunna bearbeta och skapa bilder. ';
$string['gdversionhelp'] = '<p>Det verkar som om GD inte är installerat på Din server inte. </p>
$string['gdversionhelp'] = '<p>Det verkar som om GD inte är installerat på Din server. </p>
<p>GD är ett bibliotek som är nödvändigt i PHP om Moodle ska kunna bearbeta bilder (som t ex bilderna i användarprofilerna) eller skapa nya (som t ex graferna till loggarna). Moodle kommer fortfarande att fungera utan GD men dessa funktioner kommer alltså att saknas. </p>
<p>Om Du vill lägga till GD under UNIX, så får Du kompilera PHP genom att använda parametern --with-gd.</p>
<p>Under Windows kan Du vanligtvis redigera php.ini och ta bort kommentarmarkeringen för den rad som refererar till libgd.dll</p>';
@ -67,8 +67,7 @@ $string['memorylimithelp'] = '<p>Minnesbegr
<p>Vi rekommenderar att Du konfigurerar PHP med en högre begränsning, som t ex 16M. Det finns flera sätt att göra detta som Du kan pröva med:</p> <ol>
<li>Om Du har möjlighet till det så kan Du kompilera om PHP med<i>--enable-memory-limit </i>Detta gör det möjligt för Moodle att ställa in minnesbegränsningen själv. </li>
<li>Om Du har tillgång till Din php.ini-fil så kan Du ändra inställningen för <b>memory limit</b> till något i stil med 16M. Om Du inte har tillgång själv så kan Du kanske be Din systemadministratör att göra detta åt Dig.</li>
<li>På en del PHP-servrar kan Du skapa en .htaccess-fil i Moodle-katalogen som innehåller den här raden: <blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote>.<br />Detta kan dock på en del servrar leda till att <b>inga</b> PHP-sidor fungerar. (Du får Error-sidor istället för de riktiga) så då får Du ta bort .htaccess-filen.</ol>
<li>På en del PHP-servrar kan Du skapa en .htaccess-fil i Moodle-katalogen som innehåller den här raden: <blockquote>php_value memory_limit 16M</blockquote>.<br />Detta kan dock på en del servrar leda till att <b>inga</b> PHP-sidor fungerar. (Du får Error-sidor istället för de riktiga) så då får Du ta bort .htaccess-filen.</li>
$string['mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp'] = 'PHP har inte konfigurerats på det sätt som måste i förhållande till MySQL-extensionen för att kunna kommunicera med MySQL. Var snäll och kontrollera Din php.ini-fil eller kompilera om PHP.';
$string['pass'] = 'Pass';
@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// journal.php - created with Moodle 1.2 development (2003111400)
// journal.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083134)
$string['alwaysopen'] = "Alltid öppen";
$string['blankentry'] = "Tomt inlägg";
$string['daysavailable'] = "Antal tillgängliga dagar";
$string['editingended'] = "Redigeringsperioden är slut";
$string['editingends'] = "Redigeringsperioden slutar";
$string['entries'] = "Bidrag";
$string['feedbackupdated'] = "Återkopplingen för \$a inlägghar uppdaterats";
$string['journalmail'] = "\$a->teacher har skickat in viss återkoppling på Ditt inlägg till '\$a->journal'
Du kan hitta återkopplingen som ett tillägg till Ditt inlägg: \$a->url";
$string['journalmailhtml'] = "\$a->teacher har skickat in viss återkoppling på Ditt inlägg till '<i>\$a->journal</i>'<br /><br />
Du kan hitta återkopplingen som ett tillägg till Ditt <a href=\\\"\$a->url\\\"> inlägg till journalen.";
$string['journalname'] = "Namn på Journal";
$string['journalquestion'] = "Journalfråga";
$string['journalrating1'] = "Inte tillfredställande";
$string['journalrating2'] = "Tillfredställande";
$string['journalrating3'] = "Utomordentligt";
$string['modulename'] = "Journal";
$string['modulenameplural'] = "Journaler";
$string['newjournalentries'] = "Nya journalinlägg";
$string['noentry'] = "Inget inlägg";
$string['noratinggiven'] = "Ingen betyg/omdöme avgivet";
$string['notopenuntil'] = "Denna journal öppnas inte förrän";
$string['notstarted'] = "Du har inte påbörjat denna journal ännu";
$string['overallrating'] = "Översiktligt om betyg/omdömen";
$string['rate'] = "Värdera";
$string['saveallfeedback'] = "Spara alla mina återkopplingar";
$string['startoredit'] = "Starta eller redigera mitt inlägg i journalen";
$string['viewallentries'] = "Visa \$a journalinlägg";
$string['alwaysopen'] = 'Alltid öppen';
$string['blankentry'] = 'Tomt inlägg';
$string['daysavailable'] = 'Antal tillgängliga dagar';
$string['editingended'] = 'Redigeringsperioden är slut';
$string['editingends'] = 'Redigeringsperioden slutar';
$string['entries'] = 'Bidrag';
$string['feedbackupdated'] = 'Återkopplingen för $a inlägg har uppdaterats';
$string['journalmail'] = '$a->teacher har skickat in viss återkoppling på Ditt inlägg till \'$a->journal\'
Du kan hitta återkopplingen som ett tillägg till Ditt inlägg: $a->url';
$string['journalmailhtml'] = '$a->teacher har skickat in viss återkoppling på Ditt inlägg till \'<i>$a->journal</i>\'<br /><br />
Du kan hitta återkopplingen som ett tillägg till Ditt <a href=\"$a->url\"> inlägg till journalen.';
$string['journalname'] = 'Namn på Journal';
$string['journalquestion'] = 'Journalfråga';
$string['journalrating1'] = 'Inte tillfredställande';
$string['journalrating2'] = 'Tillfredställande';
$string['journalrating3'] = 'Utomordentligt';
$string['modulename'] = 'Journal';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Journaler';
$string['newjournalentries'] = 'Nya journalinlägg';
$string['noentry'] = 'Inget inlägg';
$string['noratinggiven'] = 'Ingen betyg/omdöme avgivet';
$string['notopenuntil'] = 'Denna journal öppnas inte förrän';
$string['notstarted'] = 'Du har inte påbörjat denna journal ännu';
$string['overallrating'] = 'Översiktligt om betyg/omdömen';
$string['rate'] = 'Värdera';
$string['saveallfeedback'] = 'Spara alla mina återkopplingar';
$string['startoredit'] = 'Starta eller redigera mitt inlägg i journalen';
$string['viewallentries'] = 'Visa $a journalinlägg';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// lesson.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083131)
// lesson.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083134)
$string['accesscontrol'] = 'Styrning av tillgänglighet';
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ $string['answersfornumerical'] = 'Svar p
$string['arrangebuttonshorizontally'] = 'Vill Du ordna knapparna till förgreningarna horisontellt i bildspelsläge?';
$string['attempt'] = 'Försök: $a';
$string['attempts'] = 'Försök';
$string['available'] = 'Tillgänglig fr o m';
$string['available'] = 'Tillgänglig fr.o.m.';
$string['averagescore'] = 'Genomsnittsligt resultat';
$string['averagetime'] = 'Genomsnittslig tid';
$string['backtreeview'] = 'Tillbaka till visning av träd';
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ $string['canretake'] = '$a kan g
$string['casesensitive'] = 'Skiftlägeskänslig (stor/liten bokstav gör skillnad)';
$string['checkbranchtable'] = 'Kontrollera tabell för förgreningar';
$string['checkedthisone'] = 'kontrollerade den här.';
$string['checknavigation'] = 'Kontrollera navigatíon';
$string['checknavigation'] = 'Kontrollera navigation';
$string['checkquestion'] = 'Kontrollera fråga';
$string['classstats'] = 'Statistik för klass';
$string['clicktopost'] = 'Klicka här för att lägga till Ditt betyg/omdöme till listan över Höga resultat.';
@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ $string['correctanswerscore'] = 'Resultat avseende korrekta svar';
$string['correctresponse'] = 'Korrekt svar';
$string['customscoring'] = 'Egen utformning av resultat';
$string['deadline'] = 'Stoppdatum/tid';
$string['deleteattempts'] = 'Ta bort alla försök för den här lektionen användarid';
$string['defaultessayresponse'] = 'Din essä kommer att få ett betyg/omdöme av kursens distanslärare.';
$string['deleteattempts'] = 'Ta bort alla försök av studenter/elever/deltagare/lärande för den här lektionen (användarid)';
$string['deletedpage'] = 'Borttagen sida';
$string['deleting'] = 'Tar bort';
$string['deletingpage'] = 'Tar bort sidan: $a';
@ -105,10 +106,10 @@ $string['leftduringtimednoretake'] = 'Du har avbrutit under en tidsstyrd lektion
$string['lesson'] = '$a Lektion';
$string['lessonclosed'] = 'Den här lektionen stängdes $a';
$string['lessondefault'] = 'Använd den här lektionens inställningar som standardinställningar.';
$string['lessonformating'] = 'Att formattera lektioner';
$string['lessonformating'] = 'Att formatera lektioner';
$string['lessonmenu'] = 'Meny för lektion';
$string['lessonopen'] = 'Den här lektionen kommer att öppnas $a';
$string['lessonstats'] = 'Statistik för Lektion';
$string['lessonstats'] = 'Statistik för lektion';
$string['loginfail'] = 'Det gick inte att logga in, vara snäll och försök igen...';
$string['lowscore'] = 'Lågt resultat';
$string['lowtime'] = 'Låg tid';
@ -182,12 +183,12 @@ $string['randompageinbranch'] = 'Slumpad fr
$string['rank'] = 'Rangordna';
$string['reached'] = 'uppnådd';
$string['receivedcredit'] = 'Tillgodoräknat resultat';
$string['redisplaypage'] = 'Sida för återvisning';
$string['redisplaypage'] = 'Sida för visning igen';
$string['report'] = 'Redovisning';
$string['response'] = 'Svarsreaktion';
$string['returnmainmenu'] = 'Tillbaka till huvudmenyn';
$string['returntocourse'] = 'Tillbaka till kursen';
$string['reviewlesson'] = 'Se lektion igen';
$string['reviewlesson'] = 'Visa lektion igen';
$string['reviewquestionback'] = 'Ja, jag vill försöka igen';
$string['reviewquestioncontinue'] = 'Nej, jag vill gå vidare till nästa fråga';
$string['sanitycheckfailed'] = 'Kontrollen misslyckades. Det här försöket har tagits bort';
@ -222,11 +223,11 @@ $string['timed'] = 'Tidsstyrd';
$string['timeremaining'] = 'Återstående tid';
$string['timetaken'] = 'Använd tid';
$string['topscorestitle'] = 'De högsta $a->maxhighscores resultaten för lektionen $a->name.';
$string['treeview'] = 'Visning av träd';
$string['treeview'] = 'Visning i trädformat';
$string['unseenpageinbranch'] = 'Ej visad fråga inom en förgrening';
$string['updatedpage'] = 'Uppdaterad sida';
$string['updatefailed'] = 'Uppdateringen misslyckades';
$string['updatesuccess'] = 'Uppdateringen vara framgångsrik';
$string['updatesuccess'] = 'Uppdateringen var framgångsrik';
$string['useeditor'] = 'Använd redigeraren';
$string['usemaximum'] = 'Använd maximum';
$string['usemean'] = 'Använd medel';
@ -235,7 +236,7 @@ $string['viewallpages'] = 'Visa alla sidor';
$string['viewgrades'] = 'Visa betyg/omdömen';
$string['viewhighscores'] = 'Visa listan över höga resultat';
$string['viewlessonstats'] = 'Visa statistik för lektion';
$string['waitpostscore'] = 'Var snäll och vänta medan höga resultat läggs in';
$string['waitpostscore'] = 'Var snäll och vänta medan höga resultat läggs in...';
$string['welldone'] = 'Bra gjort!';
$string['whatdofirst'] = 'Vad vill Du börja med?';
$string['wronganswerjump'] = 'Hopp enligt fel svar';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// message.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083131)
// message.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083134)
$string['addcontact'] = 'Lägg till kontakt';
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ $string['ago'] = 'F
$string['allmine'] = 'Alla meddelanden från mig till mig';
$string['allstudents'] = 'Alla meddelanden mellan studenter/elever/deltagare/lärande i kursen';
$string['allusers'] = 'Alla meddelanden från alla användare';
$string['backupmessageshelp'] = 'Om detta är altiverat så kommer snabbmeddelanden att tas med i automatiska säkerhetskopieringar för hela webbplatsen.';
$string['beepnewmessage'] = 'Avge en ljudsignal när det kommer in ett nytt meddelande';
$string['blockcontact'] = 'Blockera kontakt';
$string['blockedmessages'] = '$a meddelande(n) till/från blockerade användare';
@ -22,8 +23,7 @@ $string['includeblockedusers'] = 'Ta med blockerade anv
$string['incomingcontacts'] = 'Inkommande kontakter ($a)';
$string['keywords'] = 'Nyckelord';
$string['keywordssearchresults'] = 'Sökresultat: $a meddelanden funna';
$string['maxmessages'] = 'Maximalt antal meddelanden som ska visas i historiken över diskussionsämnen
$string['maxmessages'] = 'Maximalt antal meddelanden som ska visas i historiken över diskussionsämnen';
$string['message'] = 'Meddelande';
$string['messagehistory'] = 'Historik för meddelanden';
$string['messages'] = 'Meddelanden';
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ $string['onlyfromme'] = 'Endast meddelanden fr
$string['onlymycourses'] = 'Endast i mina kurser';
$string['onlytome'] = 'Endast meddelanden till mig';
$string['pagerefreshes'] = 'Den här sidan uppdateras automatiskt var $a sekund';
$string['readmessages'] = '$ lästa meddelanden ';
$string['removecontact'] = 'Ta bort kontakt';
$string['savemysettings'] = 'Spara mina inställningar';
$string['search'] = 'Sök';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// moodle.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083131)
// moodle.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083134)
$string['action'] = 'Åtgärd';
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ $string['activityclipboard'] = 'Flyttar denna aktivitet : <b>$a</b>';
$string['activityiscurrentlyhidden'] = 'Tyvärr, den här aktiviteten är för tillfället dold.';
$string['activitymodule'] = 'Aktivitetsmodul';
$string['activityreport'] = 'Aktivitetsrapport';
$string['activityreports'] = 'Aktivitetsrapporter';
$string['activityselect'] = 'Välj den här aktiviteten och flytta den någon annanstans.';
$string['activitysince'] = 'Aktiviteter sedan $a';
$string['add'] = 'Lägg till';
@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ redigera valfritt konto.';
$string['adminhelpenrolments'] = 'Välj interna eller externa sätt att kontrollera registeringar på kurser';
$string['adminhelpfailurelogs'] = 'Blädda igenom loggarna för att hitta misslyckade försök att logga in';
$string['adminhelplanguage'] = 'För att kontrollera och redigera det aktuella språkpaketet.';
$string['adminhelplogs'] = 'Gå igenom dokumentationen (loggarna)för alla aktiviteter på webbplatsen.';
$string['adminhelplogs'] = 'Gå igenom dokumentationen (loggarna) för alla aktiviteter på webbplatsen.';
$string['adminhelpmanageblocks'] = 'Hantera installerade block och deras inställningar';
$string['adminhelpmanagedatabase'] = 'Direkt åtkomst till databasen. Var försiktig!';
$string['adminhelpmanagefilters'] = 'Välj textfilter och därmed sammanhängande inställningar';
@ -62,9 +63,11 @@ $string['administrator'] = 'Administrat
$string['administrators'] = 'Administratörer';
$string['administratorsall'] = 'Alla administratörer';
$string['administratorsandteachers'] = 'Administratörer och (distans)lärare';
$string['advanced'] = 'Avancerad';
$string['advancedfilter'] = 'Avancerade filter';
$string['advancedsettings'] = 'Avancerade inställningar';
$string['again'] = 'Igen';
$string['aimid'] = 'AIM ID';
$string['all'] = 'Alla';
$string['allactivities'] = 'Alla aktiviteter';
$string['alldays'] = 'Alla dagar';
@ -84,7 +87,7 @@ $string['always'] = 'Alltid';
$string['answer'] = 'Svar';
$string['areyousuretorestorethis'] = 'Vill Du fortsätta?';
$string['areyousuretorestorethisinfo'] = 'Senare i den här processen kommer Du att kunna välja om Du vill lägga till den här säkerhetskopieringen till en befintlig kurs eller skapa en helt ny kurs.';
$string['assessment'] = 'Rättning/bedömning/(ut)värdering/betygssättning/examinattion';
$string['assessment'] = 'Rättning/bedömning/(ut)värdering/betygssättning/examination';
$string['assignadmins'] = 'Registrera administratörer';
$string['assigncreators'] = 'Registrera kursutvecklare';
$string['assignstudents'] = 'Registrera studenter/elever/deltagare/lärande';
@ -93,16 +96,16 @@ $string['assignstudentspass'] = 'Allt Du kan t
$string['assignteachers'] = 'Utse (distans)lärare';
$string['authentication'] = 'Autentisering';
$string['autosubscribe'] = 'Automatisk prenumeration på forum';
$string['autosubscribeno'] = 'Nej. jag vill inte bli automatisk registrerad som prenumerant på forum.';
$string['autosubscribeyes'] = 'Ja. Registrera mig som prenumerant när jag gör ett inlägg i ett visst forum.';
$string['autosubscribeno'] = 'Nej, jag vill inte bli automatiskt registrerad som prenumerant på forum.';
$string['autosubscribeyes'] = 'Ja, registrera mig som prenumerant när jag gör ett inlägg i ett visst forum.';
$string['availability'] = 'Tillgänglighet';
$string['availablecourses'] = 'Tillgängliga kurser';
$string['backup'] = 'Backup';
$string['backup'] = 'Säkerhetskopiering';
$string['backupcoursefileshelp'] = 'Om den här inställningen är aktiverad så kommer kursfilerna automatiskt att tas med i säkerhetskopieringarna';
$string['backupdate'] = 'Datum för säkerhetskopiering';
$string['backupdetails'] = 'Detaljerad info om säkerhetskopiering';
$string['backupfailed'] = 'Några av Dina kurser sparades inte!!';
$string['backupfilename'] = 'backup';
$string['backupfailed'] = 'Några av Dina kurser sparades inte!';
$string['backupfilename'] = 'säkerhetskopiering';
$string['backupfinished'] = 'Säkerhetskopieringen framgångsrikt avslutad';
$string['backupincludemoduleshelp'] = 'För att välja om Du vill ta med kursmoduler med eller utan användardata i säkerhetskopieringen';
$string['backupkeephelp'] = 'Hur många säkerhetskopierade filer för varje kurs vill Du ha kvar på hårddisken? (de äldsta tas automatiskt bort)';
@ -124,6 +127,8 @@ $string['blockdeleteconfirm'] = 'Du h
$string['blockdeletefiles'] = 'All data som var kopplad till blocket \'$a->block\' har tagits bort från databasen. För att komplettera borttagandet (och förhindra att blocket återinstallerar sig självt) så bör Du nu ta bort följande katalog från Din server: $A->directory';
$string['blocks'] = 'Block';
$string['blocksaddedit'] = 'Lägg till/Redigera block';
$string['blockseditoff'] = 'Redigering av block är avaktiverat';
$string['blocksediton'] = 'Redigering av block är aktiverat';
$string['blocksetup'] = 'Sätter upp tabeller för block';
$string['blocksuccess'] = '$a tabeller har satts upp korrekt';
$string['bycourseorder'] = 'Ordna enligt kurser';
@ -134,11 +139,13 @@ $string['category'] = 'Kategori';
$string['categoryadded'] = 'Kategorin \'$a\' lades till';
$string['categorydeleted'] = 'Kategorin \'$a\' togs bort';
$string['categoryduplicate'] = 'Kategorin \'$a\' finns redan!';
$string['censorbadwords'] = 'shit,fucked,fucker,fuck,dickhead,dick,cockhead,cock,cunt,asshole,arsehole,prick,bitch,jism,whore,slut,wanker,wank,bastard,dildo,masturbate,orgasm,penis,nigger,pussy,vagina,skit,knulla,kuk,fitta,runka,neger,hora,rövknullare,bög,flata';
$string['changedpassword'] = 'Ändrat lösenord';
$string['changepassword'] = 'Ändra lösenord';
$string['changessaved'] = 'Ändringar sparade';
$string['checkingbackup'] = 'Kontrollerar säkerhetskopia';
$string['checkingcourse'] = 'Kontrollerar kurs';
$string['checkingforbbexport'] = 'Kontrollerar om det finns något som har exporteras från Blackboard';
$string['checkinginstances'] = 'Kontrollerar instanser';
$string['checkingsections'] = 'Kontrollerar sektioner';
$string['checklanguage'] = 'Kontrollera språk';
@ -168,6 +175,7 @@ $string['clicktochange'] = 'Klicka f
$string['closewindow'] = 'Stäng detta fönster';
$string['comparelanguage'] = 'Jämför och redigera det aktuella språket';
$string['complete'] = 'Komplett';
$string['completereport'] = 'Komplett rapport';
$string['configuration'] = 'Konfiguration';
$string['confirm'] = 'Bekräfta';
$string['confirmed'] = 'Din registrering har blivit bekräftad';
@ -183,6 +191,7 @@ $string['copyingzipfile'] = 'Kopierar zip.fil...';
$string['copyrightnotice'] = 'Meddelande om upphovsrätt';
$string['cost'] = 'Meddelande om upphovsrätt';
$string['costdefault'] = 'Standardkostnad';
$string['counteditems'] = '$a->count $a->items';
$string['country'] = 'Land';
$string['course'] = 'Kurs';
$string['courseavailable'] = 'Den här kursen är öppen för studenter/elever/deltagare/lärande';
@ -194,6 +203,7 @@ $string['coursecreators'] = 'Kursutvecklare';
$string['coursefiles'] = 'Kursfiler';
$string['courseformats'] = 'Kursformat';
$string['coursegrades'] = 'Kursbetyg';
$string['coursehidden'] = 'Den här kursen är f.n. inte tillgänglig för studenter/elever/deltagare/lärande';
$string['courseinfo'] = 'Kursinformation';
$string['courserestore'] = 'Återställ kurs';
$string['courses'] = 'Kurser';
@ -212,6 +222,7 @@ $string['creatingcoursemodules'] = 'Skapar kursmoduler...';
$string['creatingevents'] = 'Skapar händelser';
$string['creatinggroups'] = 'Skapar grupper';
$string['creatinglogentries'] = 'Skapar log \'entries\'...';
$string['creatingmessagesinfo'] = 'Skapar info om meddelanden';
$string['creatingmetacoursedata'] = 'Skapar metainformation om kurs';
$string['creatingnewcourse'] = 'Skapar en ny kurs...';
$string['creatingscales'] = 'Skapar skalor...';
@ -235,8 +246,8 @@ $string['databaseupgradebackups'] = 'S
$string['databaseupgradeblocks'] = 'Versionen av block är nu $a';
$string['databaseupgrades'] = 'Uppgraderar databas...';
$string['date'] = 'Datum';
$string['datemostrecentfirst'] = 'Datum - det senast först';
$string['datemostrecentlast'] = 'Datum - det senast sist';
$string['datemostrecentfirst'] = 'Datum - det senaste först';
$string['datemostrecentlast'] = 'Datum - det senaste sist';
$string['day'] = 'dag';
$string['days'] = 'dagar';
$string['decodinginternallinks'] = 'Avkodar interna länkar';
@ -284,12 +295,13 @@ $string['doyouagree'] = 'Har Du l
$string['duplicate'] = 'Kopiera';
$string['duplicatinga'] = 'Kopierar: $a';
$string['duplicatingain'] = 'Kopierar: $a->what i $a->in ';
$string['edhelpbgcolor'] = 'Definiera bakgrundsfärgen för det område som Du vill redigera.<br />Giltiga värden är t ex #ffffff eller \"white\"';
$string['edhelpaspellpath'] = 'För att använda stavningskontroll inom redigeraren så MÅSTE <strong>aspell 0.50</strong> eller senare vara installerad på Din server, och Du måste ange rätt sökväg för att få tillgång till aspell binary. På Unix/Linux-system, så är den här sökvägen normalt sett <strong>/usr/bin/aspell</strong>, men det kan vara någonting annat.';
$string['edhelpbgcolor'] = 'Definiera bakgrundsfärgen för det område som Du vill redigera.<br />Giltiga värden är t.ex. #ffffff eller \"white\"';
$string['edhelpcleanword'] = 'Den här inställningen aktiverar eller avaktiverar formatfiltrering som är specifik för Word.';
$string['edhelpenablespelling'] = 'Aktivera eller avaktivera stavningskontroll. När den är aktiverad så måste <strong>aspell</strong> vara aktiverat på servern.';
$string['edhelpfontfamily'] = 'Egenskapen för \"font-family\" (typsnittsfamilj) är en lista över namn på olika typsnitt eller på generella sådana (med eller utan seriffer t ex). Dessa namn på typsnitt måste vara kommaseparerade.';
$string['edhelpfontlist'] = 'Definiera de typsnitt som Du vill ha med i redigerarens utfällbara meny för typsnitt (fonter).';
$string['edhelpfontsize'] = 'Standardstorleken på typsnittet (fonten) anger storleken på typsnittet.<br />Giltiga värden är t ex: medium, large, smaller, larger, 10pt, 11px.';
$string['edhelpfontsize'] = 'Standardstorleken på typsnittet (fonten) anger storleken på typsnittet.<br />Giltiga värden är t.ex.: medium, large, smaller, larger, 10pt, 11px.';
$string['edit'] = 'Redigera $a';
$string['editcoursesettings'] = 'Redigera kursinställningar';
$string['editfiles'] = 'Redigera filer';
@ -351,8 +363,8 @@ $string['emaildisplayyes'] = 'Till
$string['emailenable'] = 'Den här e-postadressen är redan registrerad';
$string['emailenableclick'] = 'Klicka här för att aktivera alla möjligheter att skicka e-post till den här adressen.';
$string['emailexists'] = 'Din e-postadress är redan registrerad.';
$string['emailformat'] = 'E-post format';
$string['emailmustbereal'] = 'Obs: Din e-postadress måste vara giltig';
$string['emailformat'] = 'format för e-post ';
$string['emailmustbereal'] = 'Obs! Din e-postadress måste vara giltig';
$string['emailnotallowed'] = 'E-postadresser i de här domänerna är inte tillåtna ($a)';
$string['emailonlyallowed'] = 'Det här e-postmeddelandet är inte ett av dem som är tillåtna ($a)';
$string['emailpasswordconfirmation'] = 'Hej $a->firstname!
@ -379,6 +391,7 @@ $string['encryptedcode'] = 'Krypterad kod';
$string['enrolledincourse'] = 'Registerad på kurs ';
$string['enrolledincoursenot'] = 'Inte registerad på kurs ';
$string['enrollfirst'] = 'Du måste registrera Díg på någon av kurserna för att kunna utnyttja några av aktiviteterna på webbplatsen.';
$string['enrolme'] = 'Regstrera mig på den här kursen';
$string['enrolmentconfirmation'] = 'Du håller på att registrera Dig som student/elev/deltagare/lärande på denna kurs. <br /> Är Du säker på att Du vill fullfölja detta?';
$string['enrolmentkey'] = 'Kursnyckel';
$string['enrolmentkeyfrom'] = 'Denna kurs kräver en \'kursnyckel\' - <br />
@ -387,7 +400,7 @@ $string['enrolmentkeyhint'] = 'Den angivna kursnyckeln var felaktig, var v
(Här är ett tips - det börjar med \'$a\')';
$string['enrolmentnew'] = 'Ny registrering på $a';
$string['enrolmentnewuser'] = '$a->user har registrerat sig på kursen \"$a->course\"';
$string['enrolmentnointernal'] = 'Manuell registrering är f n inte aktiverad';
$string['enrolmentnointernal'] = 'Manuell registrering är f.n. inte aktiverad';
$string['enrolmentnotyet'] = 'Du kan tyvärr inte få tillgång till den här kursen förrän <br /> $a';
$string['enrolments'] = 'Registreringar';
$string['enrolperiod'] = 'Registreringsperiod';
@ -440,7 +453,7 @@ $string['formatmarkdown'] = 'Markdown format';
$string['formatplain'] = 'Ren text';
$string['formatsocial'] = 'Gemenskaps- format';
$string['formattext'] = 'Autoformat för Moodle ';
$string['formattexttype'] = 'Formattering';
$string['formattexttype'] = 'Formatering';
$string['formattopics'] = 'Ämnesformat';
$string['formatweeks'] = 'Veckoformat';
$string['formatwiki'] = 'Wíki format';
@ -483,6 +496,7 @@ $string['groupfor'] = 'f
$string['groupinfo'] = 'Info om vald grupp';
$string['groupinfomembers'] = 'Info om valda medlemmar';
$string['groupinfopeople'] = 'Info om valda personer';
$string['groupmembers'] = 'Gruppmedlemmar';
$string['groupmemberssee'] = 'Visa gruppmedlemmar';
$string['groupmembersselected'] = 'Medlemmar i vald grupp';
$string['groupmode'] = 'Grupp mode';
@ -499,13 +513,13 @@ $string['groupsseparate'] = 'Olika grupper';
$string['groupsvisible'] = 'Synliga grupper';
$string['guestskey'] = 'Tillåt gäster som har nyckeln';
$string['guestsno'] = 'Tillåt inte gäster ';
$string['guestsnotallowed'] = 'Tyvärr, \'$a\' tillåter inte gäster.';
$string['guestsnotallowed'] = 'Tyvärr, \'$a\' tillåter inte gäster.';
$string['guestsyes'] = 'Tillåt gäster utan nyckeln';
$string['guestuser'] = 'Gästanvändare';
$string['guestuserinfo'] = 'Denna användare är en speciell användare som tillåts endast läsbehörighet till några kurser.';
$string['help'] = 'Hjälp';
$string['helpemoticons'] = 'Använd \'emoticons\'';
$string['helpformatting'] = 'Om att formattera text ';
$string['helpformatting'] = 'Om att formatera text ';
$string['helphtml'] = 'Hur Du skriver HTML';
$string['helpindex'] = 'Index över alla hjälpfiler';
$string['helppicture'] = 'Hur Du laddar upp en bild';
@ -575,6 +589,7 @@ $string['latestlanguagepack'] = 'S
$string['latestnews'] = 'Senaste nytt';
$string['leavetokeep'] = 'Lämna detta tomt om Du vill behålla Ditt nuvarande lösenord';
$string['license'] = 'GPL Licens';
$string['liketologin'] = 'Vill Du logga in nu med ett komplett användarkonto?';
$string['list'] = 'Lista';
$string['listfiles'] = 'Lista över filer i $a';
$string['listofallpeople'] = 'Lista över samtliga personer';
@ -590,7 +605,7 @@ $string['loginguest'] = 'Logga in som g
$string['loginsite'] = 'Logga in till denna webbplats';
$string['loginsteps'] = 'Hej!
<br />
För att få tillgång till de kurser som Du vill delta i så måste Du bl a skapa ett nytt användarkonto på denna webbplats. Varje individuell kurs kan också ha en engångsnyckel \"kursnyckel\". Den behöver Du dock inte förrän senare.
Du måste bl.a. skapa ett nytt användarkonto på denna webbplats för att få tillgång till de kurser som Du vill delta i. Varje individuell kurs kan också ha en engångsnyckel \"kursnyckel\". Den behöver Du dock inte förrän senare.
Så här skapar Du Ditt konto:
<ol size=\"2\">
<li>Fyll i formuläret på sidan <a href=$a>
@ -599,16 +614,15 @@ uppgifterna om Dig sj
<li>Ett e-postmeddelande kommer därefter
omedelbart att sändas till
Din e-postadress.</li>
<li>Läs din e-post, och klicka på webb
länken som den innehåller.</li>
<li>Läs din e-post, och klicka på webblänken som den innehåller.</li>
<li>Ditt konto kommer därmed att bekräftas
och Du kommer att loggas in.</li>
<li>Nu kan Du välja vilken kurs Du
vill delta i.</li>
<li>Om Du måste ange en \"kursnyckel\" - så
får Du använda den som Din lärare har
givit Dig. Detta kommer att registrera
Dig på en sådan kurs kurs som kräver det.</li>
givit Dig. Med den kan Du registrera
Dig på en sådan kurs som kräver det.</li>
<li>Nu kan Du använda hela kursen.
Från och med nu behöver Du bara skriva
in Ditt användarnamn och lösenord
@ -657,7 +671,7 @@ $string['metaassigncourses'] = 'F
$string['metacourse'] = 'Metakurs';
$string['metanoalreadycourses'] = 'Inga kurser är redan fördelade';
$string['metanopotentialcourses'] = 'Det finns inga tillgängliga kurser';
$string['metapotentialcourses'] = 'Kurser som äR tillgängliga';
$string['metapotentialcourses'] = 'Kurser som är tillgängliga';
$string['metaremovecourse'] = 'Ta bort den här kursen';
$string['min'] = 'minut';
$string['mins'] = 'minuter';
@ -704,6 +718,7 @@ $string['moveright'] = 'Flytta till h
$string['moveselectedcoursesto'] = 'Flytta valda kurser till...';
$string['movetoanotherfolder'] = 'Flytta till en annan mapp';
$string['moveup'] = 'Flytta upp';
$string['msnid'] = 'MSN ID';
$string['mustchangepassword'] = 'Det nya lösenordet måste vara ett annat än det som gäller f.n.';
$string['mustconfirm'] = 'Du måste bekräfta Ditt login';
$string['mycourses'] = 'Mina kurser';
@ -749,6 +764,7 @@ $string['no'] = 'Nej';
$string['nobody'] = 'Ingen';
$string['nocoursesfound'] = 'Inga kurser som innehåller orden \'$a\' kunde hittas.';
$string['nocoursesyet'] = 'Inga kurser i denna kategori';
$string['nodstpresets'] = 'Administratören har inte aktiverat stöd för \"Daylights Saving Time\"';
$string['noexistingadmins'] = 'Inga befintliga administratörer. Detta är ett meddelande om ett allvarligt fel och Du borde aldrig ha sett det';
$string['noexistingcreators'] = 'Inga befintliga kursutvecklare';
$string['noexistingstudents'] = 'Inga befintliga studenter/elever/deltagare/lärande';
@ -760,7 +776,7 @@ $string['noimagesyet'] = 'Inga bilder har laddats upp till Din kurs
$string['nomorecourses'] = 'Inga fler matchande kurser kunde hittas.';
$string['nomoreidnumber'] = 'För att undvika kollisioner används inga id-nummer';
$string['none'] = 'Ingen';
$string['nopotentialadmins'] = 'Inga möjliga adminstratörer';
$string['nopotentialadmins'] = 'Inga möjliga administratörer';
$string['nopotentialcreators'] = 'Inga möjliga kursutvecklare';
$string['nopotentialstudents'] = 'Inga möjliga studenter/elever/deltagare/lärande ';
$string['nopotentialteachers'] = 'Inga möjliga distanslärare/handledare/coacher';
@ -773,6 +789,7 @@ $string['noresults'] = 'Inga resultat';
$string['normal'] = 'Normal';
$string['normalfilter'] = 'Normalt filter';
$string['nostudentsfound'] = 'Hittade ingen/inga $a';
$string['nostudentsingroup'] = 'Det finns inga studenter/elever/deltagare/lärande i den här gruppen ännu';
$string['nostudentsyet'] = 'Inga studenter/elever/deltagare/lärande har antagits till denna kurs ännu';
$string['nosuchemail'] = 'Ingen sådan e-postadress';
$string['notavailable'] = 'Ej tillgänglig';
@ -787,6 +804,7 @@ $string['notifyloginfailuresmessagestart'] = 'H
$string['notifyloginfailuressubject'] = '$a :: Information om misslyckade försök att logga in';
$string['notincluded'] = 'Ingår ej';
$string['notingroup'] = 'Du måste tyvärr vara registrerad i en grupp för att ta del av den här aktiviteten.';
$string['notpublic'] = 'Inte offentlig';
$string['nousersmatching'] = 'Inga användare som matchar \'$a\' kunde hittas';
$string['nousersyet'] = 'Det finns inga användare ännu';
$string['now'] = 'nu';
@ -806,6 +824,7 @@ $string['optional'] = 'Valfri';
$string['order'] = 'Order';
$string['other'] = 'Annat';
$string['outline'] = 'Disposition';
$string['outlinereport'] = 'Rapport ang disposition';
$string['page'] = 'Sida';
$string['pageheaderconfigablock'] = 'Konfigurerar ett block i %%fullname%%';
$string['parentcoursenotfound'] = 'Det gick inte att hitta någon \'föräldra\'-kurs';
@ -826,7 +845,7 @@ $string['pathnotexists'] = 'S
$string['pathslasherror'] = 'Sökvägar kan inte avslutas med snedstreck (slash)!!';
$string['paymentinstant'] = 'Använd knappen nedan för att betala och bli registrerad inom några minuter!';
$string['paymentrequired'] = 'För att få tillgång till den här kursen måste Du betala först.';
$string['paymentsorry'] = 'Tack för Din betalning! Tyvärr så har Din betalning ännu inte slutförts och Du är ännu ínte registrerad för att få tillgång till kursen \"$a->fullname\". Fortsätt gärna med att försöka få tillgång till kursen inom några sekunder men om Du har fortsatta problem så måste Du kontakta $a->teacher eller webbplatsens administratör ';
$string['paymentsorry'] = 'Tack för Din betalning! Tyvärr så har Din betalning ännu inte slutförts och Du är ännu ínte registrerad för att få tillgång till kursen \"$a->fullname\". Fortsätt gärna med att försöka få tillgång till kursen inom några sekunder men om Du har fortsatta problem så måste Du kontakta $a->teacher eller webbplatsens administratör. ';
$string['paymentthanks'] = 'Tack för Din betalning! Du är nu registrerad på Din kurs: <br />\"$a\"';
$string['people'] = 'Personer';
$string['personalprofile'] = 'Personlig profil';
@ -845,18 +864,23 @@ $string['preferredtheme'] = 'Det tema Du f
$string['preview'] = 'Förhandsgranska';
$string['previeworchoose'] = 'Förhandsgranska eller välj ett tema';
$string['previous'] = 'Tidigare';
$string['profile'] = 'Profil';
$string['publicdirectory'] = 'Offenlig katalog';
$string['publicdirectory0'] = 'Var snäll och publicera inte den här webbplatsen';
$string['publicdirectory1'] = 'Publicera bara webbplatsens namn';
$string['publicdirectory2'] = 'Publicera webbplatsen med en länk';
$string['publicsitefileswarning'] = 'Obs! de filer som är placerade här är tillgängliga för alla';
$string['question'] = 'Fråga';
$string['readinginfofrombackup'] = 'Läser från backup';
$string['readinginfofrombackup'] = 'Läser från säkerhetskopia';
$string['readme'] = 'LAESMIG';
$string['recentactivity'] = 'Senast aktivitet';
$string['recentactivity'] = 'Senaste aktivitet';
$string['recentactivityreport'] = 'Full rapport angående senaste aktiviteter';
$string['recreatedcategory'] = 'Kategorin $a har återskapats';
$string['refreshingevents'] = 'Uppdaterar händelser';
$string['registration'] = 'Registrering av Moodle ';
$string['registrationcontact'] = 'Kontakt från användarna';
$string['registrationcontactno'] = 'Nej, jag vill inte ha något formulär för kontakt i listan över webbplatsen.';
$string['registrationcontactyes'] = 'Ja, lägg in ett formulär så att presumtiva moodlare kan kontakta mig.';
$string['registrationemail'] = 'Meddelanden via e-post';
$string['registrationinfo'] = 'Den här sidan hjälper Dig att registrera Din Moodle-sajt hos moodle.org. Registreringen är gratis. Den största fördelen med att registrera sajten är att Du kommer med på en e-postlista (som skickar ut ett begränsat antal meddelanden) för utskick av viktig information om säkerhetsvarningar och nya versioner av Moodle.<p>Som standardval så kommer den information som Du lämnar att vara privat och kommer inte att säljas eller överlåtas till någon annan. Den enda anledningen till att vi samlar in den här informationen är för att erbjuda support och för att kunna skapa en statistisk bild av Moodle-gemenskapen i dess helhet.</p>
@ -888,7 +912,7 @@ $string['role'] = 'Roll';
$string['rss'] = 'RSS';
$string['rssarticles'] = 'Antal aktuella RSS-artiklar';
$string['rsserror'] = 'Fel vid läsning av RSS-data';
$string['rsstype'] = 'RSS-inmatningar för denna aktivitet';
$string['rsstype'] = 'RSS-utmatningar för denna aktivitet';
$string['savechanges'] = 'Spara ändringar';
$string['saveto'] = 'Spara i';
$string['scale'] = 'Skala';
@ -904,7 +928,7 @@ $string['screenshot'] = 'Sk
$string['search'] = 'Sök';
$string['searchagain'] = 'Sök igen';
$string['searchcourses'] = 'Sök kurser';
$string['searchhelp'] = 'Du kan söka på flera ord samtidigt.<p>ord: sök varje matchande ord inom texten<br />+ord: sök endast ord som matchar exakt<br />-ord: ta inte med resultat som innehåller detta ord.';
$string['searchhelp'] = 'Du kan söka på flera ord samtidigt.<br /><br />ord: sök varje matchande ord inom texten<br />+ord: sök endast ord som matchar exakt<br />-ord: ta inte med resultat som innehåller detta ord.';
$string['searchresults'] = 'Sökresultat';
$string['sec'] = 'Sekund';
$string['secs'] = 'Sekunder';
@ -954,6 +978,7 @@ $string['sizeb'] = 'bytes';
$string['sizegb'] = 'Gb';
$string['sizekb'] = 'Kb';
$string['sizemb'] = 'Mb';
$string['skypeid'] = 'Skype ID';
$string['socialheadline'] = 'Gemenskapsforum - senaste tema';
$string['someallowguest'] = 'Några kurser kan tillåta gäster';
$string['someerrorswerefound'] = 'Några uppgifter saknades eller var felaktiga. Se nedan för detaljer.';
@ -962,6 +987,7 @@ $string['specifyname'] = 'Du m
$string['startdate'] = 'Kursens startdatum';
$string['startsignup'] = 'Starta nu genom att skapa ett nytt konto!';
$string['state'] = 'Stat/region';
$string['statistics'] = 'Statistik';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['strftimedate'] = '%%d %%B %%Y';
$string['strftimedateshort'] = '%%d %%B';
@ -1025,7 +1051,7 @@ $string['unpacking'] = 'Packar upp $a';
$string['unsafepassword'] = 'Osäkert lösenord - försök med något annat';
$string['unusedaccounts'] = 'Konton som inte har använts på mer än $a dagar tas automatiskt bort';
$string['unzip'] = 'Packa upp';
$string['unzippingbackup'] = 'Packar upp backup';
$string['unzippingbackup'] = 'Packar upp säkerhetskopia';
$string['up'] = 'Upp';
$string['update'] = 'Uppdatera';
$string['updated'] = 'Uppdaterat $a';
@ -1077,14 +1103,15 @@ $string['virusfound'] = 'P
$string['virusfoundlater'] = 'En fil som Du laddade upp den $a->date med filnamnet $a->filename till kursen $a->course har visat sig innehålla ett virus. Här är ett sammandrag av vad som hände med Din fil:
Om det var ett inskickat arbete så kanske Du vill skicka om det så att Din distanslärare kan se det. ';
$string['virusfoundlateradmin'] = 'Påkallar systemadministratörens uppmärksamhet!En fil som laddades upp den $a->date med filnamnet $a->filename till kursen $a->course av användaren $a->user har visat sig innehålla ett virus. Här är ett sammandrag av vad som hände med filen:
$string['virusfoundlateradmin'] = 'Påkallar systemadministratörens uppmärksamhet! En fil som laddades upp den $a->date med filnamnet $a->filename till kursen $a->course av användaren $a->user har visat sig innehålla ett virus. Här är ett sammandrag av vad som hände med filen:
Användaren har också meddelats.';
$string['virusfoundlateradminnolog'] = 'Påkallar systemadministratörens uppmärksamhet!En fil som laddades upp med filnamnet $a->filename har visat sig innehålla ett virus. Moodle kunde inte analysera problemet och returnera den informationen till användaren. Här är ett sammandrag av vad som hände med filen:
$string['virusfoundlateradminnolog'] = 'Påkallar systemadministratörens uppmärksamhet! En fil som laddades upp med filnamnet $a->filename har visat sig innehålla ett virus. Moodle kunde inte analysera problemet och returnera den informationen till användaren. Här är ett sammandrag av vad som hände med filen:
$string['virusfoundsubject'] = '$a: Virus har hittats!';
$string['virusfounduser'] = 'Den fil som Du laddade upp med namnet , $a->filename, har skannats med ett antivirusprogram och det visade sig att den innehöll ett virus! Din fil laddades INTE upp på rätt sätt.';
$string['virusfounduser'] = 'Den fil som Du laddade upp med namnet, $a->filename, har skannats med ett antivirusprogram och det visade sig att den innehöll ett virus! Din fil laddades INTE upp på rätt sätt.';
$string['virusplaceholder'] = 'Den här filen som laddades upp visade sig innehålla ett virus. Den har flyttats eller tagits bort och användaren har meddelats.';
$string['visibletostudents'] = 'Synlig för $a';
$string['webpage'] = 'Webbsida';
$string['week'] = 'Vecka';
$string['weekhide'] = 'Dölj denna vecka för $a';
@ -1101,13 +1128,13 @@ $string['whattocallzip'] = 'Vad vill Du kalla .zip-filen?';
$string['withchosenfiles'] = 'Med valda filer';
$string['withoutuserdata'] = 'Utan användardata';
$string['withuserdata'] = 'Med användardata';
$string['wordforstudent'] = 'Ditt ord för lärande/student/studerande/elev/deltagare etc i singular';
$string['wordforstudent'] = 'Ditt ord i singular för lärande/student/studerande/elev/deltagare etc. ';
$string['wordforstudenteg'] = 't.ex. lärande, student, studerande,elev, deltagare etc';
$string['wordforstudents'] = 'Ditt ord i plural för lärande, studenter, studerande, deltagare etc';
$string['wordforstudentseg'] = 't ex lärande, studenter, studerande, deltagare, elever etc';
$string['wordforteacher'] = 'Ditt ord för distanslärare/handledare/coach etc i singular';
$string['wordforstudents'] = 'Ditt ord i plural för lärande, studenter, studerande, deltagare etc';
$string['wordforstudentseg'] = 't.ex. lärande, studenter, studerande, deltagare, elever etc';
$string['wordforteacher'] = 'Ditt ord i singular för distanslärare/handledare/coach etc ';
$string['wordforteachereg'] = 't.ex. (distans)lärare, ledare, koordinatör, utbildare, handledare, coach etc.';
$string['wordforteachers'] = 'Ditt ord för distanslärare/handledare/coacher i plural';
$string['wordforteachers'] = 'Ditt ord i plural för distanslärare/handledare/coacher ';
$string['wordforteacherseg'] = 't.ex. (distans)lärare, ledare, koordinatörer, utbildare, handledare, coacher etc.';
$string['writingcategoriesandquestions'] = 'Skriver kategorier och frågor';
$string['writingcoursedata'] = 'Skriver kursdata';
@ -1116,14 +1143,16 @@ $string['writinggeneralinfo'] = 'Skriver allm
$string['writinggroupsinfo'] = 'Skriver info om grupper';
$string['writingheader'] = 'Skriver huvudrubrik';
$string['writingloginfo'] = 'Skriver info om loggar';
$string['writingmessagesinfo'] = 'Skriver info om meddelanden';
$string['writingmoduleinfo'] = 'Skriver info om moduler';
$string['writingscalesinfo'] = 'Skriver info om skalor';
$string['writinguserinfo'] = 'Skriver info om användare';
$string['wrongpassword'] = 'Fel lösenord för detta användarnamn';
$string['yahooid'] = 'Yahoo ID';
$string['yes'] = 'Ja';
$string['youareabouttocreatezip'] = 'Du håller på att skapa en .zip-fil som innehåller ';
$string['youaregoingtorestorefrom'] = 'Du håller på att starta en process för att återställa ';
$string['yourlastlogin'] = 'Din senaste login var';
$string['yourlastlogin'] = 'Din senaste inloggning var';
$string['yourself'] = 'Dig själv';
$string['yourteacher'] = 'Din $a';
$string['zippingbackup'] = 'Packar ihop säkerhetskopian';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// netpublish.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083134)
$string['abstract'] = 'Sammanfattning';
$string['addnewarticle'] = 'Lägg till en ny artikel';
$string['addnewordelete'] = 'Lägg till /ta bort sektion';
$string['addsuccessful'] = 'En ny artikel <strong>$a</strong> har lagts till';
$string['article'] = 'Artikel';
$string['articleview'] = 'Visa artikel';
$string['author'] = 'Författare';
$string['by'] = 'Av';
$string['changearticlestatusconfirm'] = 'Du håller på att ändra status på den här artikeln. Är Du säker på att Du vill fortsätta?';
$string['content'] = 'Innehåll';
$string['created'] = 'Skapad';
$string['deletearticle'] = 'Ta bort artikel';
$string['deletearticleconfirm'] = 'Du håller på att ta bort artikeln <strong>$a</strong>. Är Du säker på att Du vill fortsätta?';
$string['deleteimageconfirm'] = 'Du håller på att ta bort en bild<strong>$a</strong>! Vill Du verkligen fortsätta?';
$string['deletesection'] = 'Ta bort sektion';
$string['deletesectionconfirm'] = 'Du håller på att ta bort den här sektionen <strong>$a</strong>. Är Du säker på att Du vill fortsätta?';
$string['deletesuccessful'] = 'Artikeln har tagits bort.';
$string['done'] = 'Klart';
$string['draft'] = 'Utkast';
$string['editarticle'] = 'Redigera artikel';
$string['editsuccessful'] = 'Artikeln <strong>$a</strong> har uppdaterats';
$string['finaledit'] = 'Slutlig redigering';
$string['firstedit'] = 'Första redigeringen';
$string['frontpage'] = 'Första sidan';
$string['headline'] = 'Rubrik';
$string['hold'] = 'Avvakta';
$string['imagebank'] = 'Bildarkiv';
$string['managesections'] = 'Hantera sektioner';
$string['maximagesize'] = 'Maximal storlek på bilder';
$string['modified'] = 'Modifierad';
$string['modulename'] = 'NätTidning';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'NätTidningar';
$string['noarticles'] = 'Det har inte publicerats några artiklar i den här sektionen ännu.';
$string['notpublished'] = 'Ännu inte publicerad. ';
$string['pendingarticles'] = 'Artiklar på väg';
$string['preview'] = 'Förhandsgranska';
$string['publish'] = 'Publicera';
$string['published'] = 'Publicerad';
$string['readmore'] = 'Läs mer...';
$string['section'] = 'Sektion';
$string['sectionname'] = 'Namn på sektion';
$string['sections'] = 'Sektioner';
$string['sectionview'] = 'Visa sektions-id $a';
$string['status'] = 'Status';
$string['toplevel'] = 'Översta nivån';
$string['unauthorizedstatus'] = 'Bara distanslärare kan publicera artiklar,';
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// questionnaire.php - created with Moodle 1.4 (2004083100)
// questionnaire.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083134)
$string['alreadyfilled'] = 'Du har redan fyllt i den här enkäten. Tack så mycket.';
$string['modulename'] = 'Enkät';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Enkäter';
$string['modulename'] = 'Egen enkät';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Egna enkäter';
$string['mustcomplete'] = '<b>Du måste fullfölja den här enkäten <i>nu</i> för att registrera Dina resultat. Du kommer inte att få komplettera den vid ett annat tillfälle.</b>';
$string['notavail'] = 'Den enkäten är ännu inte tillgänglig. Försök igen senare.';
$string['qmanage'] = 'Hantera undersökningar';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// quiz.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083131)
// quiz.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083134)
$string['acceptederror'] = 'Tillåten felmarginal';
@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ $string['addquestionstoquiz'] = 'L
$string['addrandom1'] = 'Lägg till';
$string['addrandom2'] = 'slumpmässiga frågor';
$string['addselectedtoquiz'] = 'Lägg det markerade till testet';
$string['addtoquiz'] = 'Lägg till till test';
$string['affectedstudents'] = 'Påverkade $a';
$string['aiken'] = 'Aiken-format';
$string['allinone'] = 'Obegränsat';
$string['allowreview'] = 'Tillåt granskning';
@ -25,6 +27,8 @@ $string['answerswithacceptederrormarginmustbenumeric'] = 'Bara numeriska svar ka
$string['answertoolong'] = 'Svaret är för långt efter rad $a (max 255 tecken)';
$string['aon'] = 'AON-format';
$string['attempt'] = 'Försök $a';
$string['attemptduration'] = 'Förbrukad tid';
$string['attemptedon'] = 'Försök genomfört den';
$string['attemptfirst'] = 'Första försök';
$string['attemptincomplete'] = 'Det här försöket (av $a) är ännu inte avslutat';
$string['attemptlast'] = 'Senaste försök';
@ -44,9 +48,12 @@ $string['casesensitive'] = 'Stor eller liten bokstav g
$string['caseyes'] = 'Ja, stor /liten bokstav måste matcha exakt';
$string['categories'] = 'Kategorier';
$string['category'] = 'Kategori';
$string['categoryadded'] = 'Kategorin \'$a\' lades till';
$string['categorydeleted'] = 'Kategorin \'$a\' togs bort';
$string['categoryinfo'] = 'Info om kategori';
$string['categorymove'] = 'Denna kategori \'$a->name\' innehåller $a->count frågor. Var vänlig välj en annan kategori att flytta dem till.';
$string['categorymoveto'] = 'Flytta dem till denna kategori';
$string['categorynoedit'] = 'Du har inte behörighet att redigera privilegier i kategorin \'$a\'.';
$string['categoryupdated'] = 'Kategorin uppdaterades framgångsrikt';
$string['checkanswer'] = 'Kontrollera ';
$string['choice'] = 'Val';
@ -74,14 +81,18 @@ $string['datasetdefinitions'] = '
$string['datasetnumber'] = 'Tal/Nummer';
$string['daysavailable'] = 'Dagar tillgängligt';
$string['decimalformat'] = 'decimaler';
$string['decimalpoints'] = 'Decimal poäng';
$string['decimals'] = 'med $a';
$string['default'] = 'Standard';
$string['defaultgrade'] = 'Normalpoäng';
$string['defaultinfo'] = 'Standardkategori för frågor.';
$string['deleteattemptcheck'] = 'Är Du helt säker på att Du vill ta bort de här försöken för gott?';
$string['deletequestioncheck'] = 'Är Du helt säker på att Du vill ta bort \'$a\'?';
$string['deletequestionscheck'] = 'Är Du verkligen säker på att Du vill ta bort de följande frågorna?';
$string['deleteselected'] = 'Ta bort de/t markerade';
$string['description'] = 'Beskrivning';
$string['discrimination'] = 'Diskrim. Index';
$string['displayoptions'] = 'Alternativ för visning';
$string['eachattemptbuildsonthelast'] = 'Varje försök bygger på det senaste';
$string['editcategories'] = 'Redigera kategorier';
$string['editcategory'] = 'Redigera kategori';
@ -130,6 +141,7 @@ $string['functiontakestwoargs'] = 'Funktionen $a m
$string['generatevalue'] = 'Generera ett nytt värde mellan';
$string['geometric'] = 'Geometrisk';
$string['gift'] = 'GIFT-format';
$string['grade'] = 'Betyg/omdöme';
$string['gradeaverage'] = 'Medelbetyg';
$string['gradehighest'] = 'Högsta betyg';
$string['grademethod'] = 'Betygsättningsmetod';
@ -153,13 +165,14 @@ $string['link'] = 'L
$string['listitems'] = 'Lista på delar';
$string['literal'] = 'Literal';
$string['loguniform'] = 'siffror. från en ';
$string['makecopy'] = 'Spara som en ny fråga';
$string['marks'] = 'Poäng';
$string['match'] = 'Para_ihop';
$string['matchanswer'] = 'Svara på para-ihop-fråga';
$string['max'] = 'Max';
$string['min'] = 'Min';
$string['minutes'] = 'Minuter';
$string['missinganswer'] = 'För få : SVAR,´:Lx, :Rx satser för frågerad $a. Du måste definiera minst 2 möjliga svar.';
$string['missinganswer'] = 'För få : SVAR,:Lx, :Rx satser för frågerad $a. Du måste definiera minst 2 möjliga svar.';
$string['missingcorrectanswer'] = 'Du måste ange rätt svar ';
$string['missingname'] = 'Frågan saknar namn ';
$string['missingquestion'] = 'Det saknas en frågeetikett efter rad $a';
@ -167,6 +180,7 @@ $string['missingquestiontext'] = 'Du har inte angivit sj
$string['missingword'] = 'Lucktext';
$string['modulename'] = 'Test';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Test';
$string['moveto'] = 'Flytta till >>';
$string['multianswer'] = 'Inbäddade svar';
$string['multichoice'] = 'Flera val';
$string['multiplier'] = 'Multiplikator';
@ -179,6 +193,7 @@ $string['newlocal2'] = 'en fil ur en ny upps
$string['newlocal3'] = 'en länk ur en ny uppsättning av länkarr som bara kommer att användas av den här frågan';
$string['noanswers'] = 'Du valde inga svar!';
$string['noattempts'] = 'Inga försök har gjorts med detta test';
$string['noattemptsmatchingfilter'] = 'Det finns inga försök från $a som matchar dessa initialer';
$string['nodataset'] = 'ingenting --detta är inte ett wild card';
$string['nominal'] = 'Nominell';
$string['nomoreattempts'] = 'Inga fler försök tillåtna';
@ -210,6 +225,7 @@ $string['questioninuse'] = 'F
$string['questionname'] = 'Frågans namn';
$string['questionnametoolong'] = 'Frågans namn är för långt på rad $a (max 255 tecken). Namnet har trunkerats.';
$string['questions'] = 'Frågor';
$string['questionsinuse'] = '(* Frågor som äär markerade med en asterisk används redan i en del test. Dessa frågor kommer inte att tas bort från dessa test. De tas bara bort från listan över kategorier.)';
$string['questionsperpage'] = 'Maximalt antal frågor per sida';
$string['questiontypesetupoptions'] = 'Aternativa inställningar för frågetyper:';
$string['quizavailable'] = 'Detta test är tillgängligt till: $a';
@ -237,6 +253,8 @@ $string['regradecount'] = '$a->changed av $a->attempt betyg
$string['relative'] = 'Relativ';
$string['remove'] = 'Ta bort';
$string['rename'] = 'Ändra namn';
$string['replace'] = 'Byt ut';
$string['replacementoptions'] = 'Byt ut i';
$string['report'] = 'Rapporter';
$string['reportfullstat'] = 'Detaljerad statistik';
$string['reportmulti_percent'] = 'Flerfaldiga procent';
@ -263,10 +281,16 @@ $string['score'] = 'Rena po
$string['select'] = 'Välj';
$string['selectall'] = 'Välj alla';
$string['selectcategoryabove'] = 'Välj en kategori ovan';
$string['selectedattempts'] = 'Valda försök...';
$string['selectnone'] = 'Avmarkera alla';
$string['shortanswer'] = 'Kort svar';
$string['show'] = 'Visa';
$string['showcorrectanswer'] = 'Vill Du visa de rätta svaren i återkopplingen?';
$string['showdetailedmarks'] = 'Visa detaljerad betygsinformation';
$string['showfeedback'] = 'Vill Du visa återkoppling efter det att frågorna är besvarade?';
$string['showhidden'] = 'Visa även dolda frågor';
$string['shownoattempts'] = 'Visa de studenter/elever/deltagare/lärande som inte har gjort några försök';
$string['showteacherattempts'] = 'Visa de försök som(distans)lärare har gjort';
$string['shuffleanswers'] = 'Frågorna skall ges i slumpmässig ordning';
$string['shufflequestions'] = 'Svarsalternativen skall ges i slumpmässig ordning';
$string['significantfigures'] = 'med $a';
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?PHP // $Id$
// resource.php - created with Moodle 1.4 (2004083100)
// resource.php - created with Moodle 1.4.3 + (2004083134)
$string['addresource'] = 'Lägg till resurs';
@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ $string['resourcetypehtml'] = 'Utforma en webbsida';
$string['resourcetypelabel'] = 'Infoga en etikett';
$string['resourcetypetext'] = 'Utforma en textsida';
$string['searchweb'] = 'Sök en webbsida';
$string['serverurl'] = 'URL till servern ($a->wwwroot)';
$string['variablename'] = 'Namn på variabel';
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