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synced 2025-03-22 00:20:37 +01:00
MDL-76065 behat: LTI behat generators use UI
Replace steps that manually add LTI instances via the UI and use Behat generators. This improves the speed of the Behat test runs.
This commit is contained in:
@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ Feature: Add preconfigured tools via teacher interface
| name | Test tool activity |
When I am on the "Test tool activity" "lti activity editing" page logged in as teacher1
And I set the field "Tool URL" to local url "/mod/lti/tests/fixtures/tool_provider.php"
And I press "Save and return to course"
And I am on the "Test tool activity" "lti activity" page
And I press "Save and display"
And I switch to "contentframe" iframe
Then I should see "This represents a tool provider"
@ -87,14 +87,11 @@ Feature: Content-Item support
Scenario: Editing a manually configured external tool
Given I log in as "teacher1"
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage with editing mode on
And I add a "External tool" to section "1"
And the field "Preconfigured tool" matches value "Automatic, based on tool URL"
And I set the field "Activity name" to "Test tool activity 1"
And the "Select content" "button" should be disabled
And I set the field "Tool URL" to local url "/mod/lti/tests/fixtures/tool_provider.php"
And I press "Save and return to course"
Given the following "activities" exist:
| activity | course | name | typeid | toolurl |
| lti | C1 | Test tool activity 1 | 0 | /mod/lti/tests/fixtures/tool_provider.php |
And I am on the "Course 1" course page logged in as teacher1
And I turn editing mode on
When I open "Test tool activity 1" actions menu
And I choose "Edit settings" in the open action menu
Then the field "Preconfigured tool" matches value "Automatic, based on tool URL"
@ -29,13 +29,11 @@ Feature: View activity completion information in the LTI activity
Given I am on the "Music history" "lti activity" page logged in as student1
And the "View" completion condition of "Music history" is displayed as "done"
And the "Receive a grade" completion condition of "Music history" is displayed as "todo"
And I log out
And I am on the "Course 1" course page logged in as teacher1
And I navigate to "View > Grader report" in the course gradebook
And I turn editing mode on
And I give the grade "90.00" to the user "Vinnie Student1" for the grade item "Music history"
And I press "Save changes"
And I log out
When I am on the "Music history" "lti activity" page logged in as student1
Then the "Receive a grade" completion condition of "Music history" is displayed as "done"
And the "View" completion condition of "Music history" is displayed as "done"
@ -44,11 +42,9 @@ Feature: View activity completion information in the LTI activity
Given I am on the "Music history" "lti activity editing" page logged in as teacher1
And I expand all fieldsets
And I set the field "Completion tracking" to "Students can manually mark the activity as completed"
And I press "Save and return to course"
And I press "Save and display"
# Teacher view.
Given I am on the "Music history" "lti activity" page
And the manual completion button for "Music history" should be disabled
And I log out
# Student view.
When I am on the "Music history" "lti activity" page logged in as student1
Then the manual completion button of "Music history" is displayed as "Mark as done"
@ -20,17 +20,13 @@ Feature: Pass grade activity completion information in the LTI activity
And the following "activities" exist:
| activity | name | course | idnumber |
| lti | Music history | C1 | lti1 |
And I log in as "teacher1"
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage
And I navigate to "Settings" in current page administration
And I am on the "Course 1" "course editing" page logged in as teacher1
And I expand all fieldsets
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Enable completion tracking | Yes |
| Show activity completion conditions | Yes |
And I press "Save and display"
And I turn editing mode on
When I open "Music history" actions menu
And I click on "Edit settings" "link" in the "Music history" activity
And I am on the "Music history" "lti activity editing" page
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Completion tracking | Show activity as complete when conditions are met |
| Require view | 1 |
@ -38,7 +34,6 @@ Feature: Pass grade activity completion information in the LTI activity
| gradepass | 50 |
| completionpassgrade | 1 |
And I press "Save and return to course"
And I log out
Scenario: View automatic completion items as a teacher
Given I am on the "Music history" "lti activity" page logged in as teacher1
@ -51,32 +46,25 @@ Feature: Pass grade activity completion information in the LTI activity
And the "View" completion condition of "Music history" is displayed as "done"
And the "Receive a grade" completion condition of "Music history" is displayed as "todo"
And the "Receive a passing grade" completion condition of "Music history" is displayed as "todo"
And I log out
And I log in as "teacher1"
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage
And I am on the "Course 1" course page logged in as teacher1
And I navigate to "View > Grader report" in the course gradebook
And I turn editing mode on
And I give the grade "90.00" to the user "Vinnie Student1" for the grade item "Music history"
And I give the grade "20.00" to the user "Vinnie Student2" for the grade item "Music history"
And I press "Save changes"
And I log out
When I am on the "Music history" "lti activity" page logged in as student1
Then the "Receive a grade" completion condition of "Music history" is displayed as "done"
Then the "Receive a passing grade" completion condition of "Music history" is displayed as "done"
And the "View" completion condition of "Music history" is displayed as "done"
And I log out
When I am on the "Music history" "lti activity" page logged in as student2
Then the "Receive a grade" completion condition of "Music history" is displayed as "done"
Then the "Receive a passing grade" completion condition of "Music history" is displayed as "failed"
And the "View" completion condition of "Music history" is displayed as "done"
And I log out
When I am on the "Music history" "lti activity" page logged in as student3
Then the "Receive a grade" completion condition of "Music history" is displayed as "todo"
Then the "Receive a passing grade" completion condition of "Music history" is displayed as "todo"
And the "View" completion condition of "Music history" is displayed as "done"
And I log out
And I log in as "teacher1"
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage
And I am on the "Course 1" course page logged in as teacher1
And "Vinnie Student1" user has completed "Music history" activity
And "Vinnie Student2" user has completed "Music history" activity
And "Vinnie Student3" user has not completed "Music history" activity
Reference in New Issue
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