Merge branch 'MDL-41090_rebased' of

This commit is contained in:
David Monllao 2018-01-15 15:52:29 +01:00
commit f4a30c5fdf
7 changed files with 185 additions and 40 deletions

View File

@ -36,15 +36,15 @@ Feature: Teachers can override the grade for any question
And I press "Submit all and finish"
And I click on "Submit all and finish" "button" in the "Confirmation" "dialogue"
And I log out
And I log in as "teacher1"
@javascript @_switch_window @_bug_phantomjs
Scenario: Validating the marking of an essay question attempt.
When I log in as "teacher1"
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage
And I follow "Quiz 1"
And I follow "Attempts: 1"
And I follow "Review attempt"
@javascript @_switch_window @_bug_phantomjs
Scenario: Validating the marking of an essay question attempt.
When I follow "Make comment or override mark"
And I follow "Make comment or override mark"
And I switch to "commentquestion" window
And I set the field "Mark" to "25"
And I press "Save"
@ -57,3 +57,35 @@ Feature: Teachers can override the grade for any question
And I should see "Complete" in the "Manually graded 10 with comment: " "table_row"
# This time is same as time the window is open. So wait for it to close before proceeding.
And I wait "2" seconds
@javascript @_switch_window @_file_upload @_bug_phantomjs
Scenario: Comment on a response to an essay question attempt.
When I log in as "teacher1"
And I follow "Manage private files"
And I upload "mod/quiz/tests/fixtures/moodle_logo.jpg" file to "Files" filemanager
And I click on "Save changes" "button"
And I am on "Course 1" course homepage
And I follow "Quiz 1"
And I follow "Attempts: 1"
And I follow "Review attempt"
And I follow "Make comment or override mark"
And I switch to "commentquestion" window
And I set the field "Comment" to "Administrator's comment"
# Atto needs focus to add image, select empty p tag to do so.
And I select the text in the "Comment" Atto editor
And I click on "Image" "button" in the "[data-fieldtype=editor]" "css_element"
And I click on "Browse repositories..." "button"
And I click on "Private files" "link" in the ".fp-repo-area" "css_element"
And I click on "moodle_logo.jpg" "link"
And I click on "Select this file" "button"
And I set the field "Describe this image for someone who cannot see it" to "It's the logo"
And I click on "Save image" "button"
# Editor is not inserting the html for the image correctly
# when running under behat so line below manually inserts it.
And I set the field "Comment" to "<img src=\"@@PLUGINFILE@@/moodle_logo.jpg\" alt=\"It's the logo\" width=\"48\" height=\"48\" class=\"img-responsive atto_image_button_text-bottom\"><!-- File hash: a8e3ffba4ab315b3fb9187ebbf122fe9 -->"
And I press "Save" and switch to main window
And I switch to the main window
And I should see "It's the logo" in the "3" "table_row"
And "//*[contains(@class, 'comment')]//img[contains(@src, 'moodle_logo.jpg')]" "xpath_element" should exist
# This time is same as time the window is open. So wait for it to close before proceeding.
And I wait "2" seconds

mod/quiz/tests/fixtures/moodle_logo.jpg vendored Normal file

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 898 B

View File

@ -124,6 +124,17 @@ abstract class question_behaviour {
public function check_file_access($options, $component, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload) {
if ($component == 'question' && $filearea == 'response_bf_comment') {
foreach ($this->qa->get_step_iterator() as $attemptstep) {
if ($attemptstep->get_id() == $args[0]) {
return true;
return false;
return $this->question->check_file_access($this->qa, $options, $component,
$filearea, $args, $forcedownload);
@ -202,7 +213,7 @@ abstract class question_behaviour {
return array();
$vars = array('comment' => PARAM_RAW, 'commentformat' => PARAM_INT);
$vars = array('comment' => question_attempt::PARAM_RAW_FILES, 'commentformat' => PARAM_INT);
if ($this->qa->get_max_mark()) {
$vars['mark'] = PARAM_RAW_TRIMMED;
$vars['maxmark'] = PARAM_FLOAT;
@ -507,15 +518,20 @@ abstract class question_behaviour {
* @param $comment the comment text to format. If omitted,
* $this->qa->get_manual_comment() is used.
* @param $commentformat the format of the comment, one of the FORMAT_... constants.
* @param $context the quiz context.
* @return string the comment, ready to be output.
public function format_comment($comment = null, $commentformat = null) {
public function format_comment($comment = null, $commentformat = null, $context = null) {
$formatoptions = new stdClass();
$formatoptions->noclean = true;
$formatoptions->para = false;
if (is_null($comment)) {
list($comment, $commentformat) = $this->qa->get_manual_comment();
list($comment, $commentformat, $commentstep) = $this->qa->get_manual_comment();
if ($context !== null) {
$comment = $this->qa->rewrite_response_pluginfile_urls($comment, $context->id, 'bf_comment', $commentstep);
return format_text($comment, $commentformat, $formatoptions);
@ -528,8 +544,9 @@ abstract class question_behaviour {
protected function summarise_manual_comment($step) {
$a = new stdClass();
if ($step->has_behaviour_var('comment')) {
$a->comment = shorten_text(html_to_text($this->format_comment(
$step->get_behaviour_var('comment')), 0, false), 200);
list($comment, $commentformat, $commentstep) = $this->qa->get_manual_comment();
$comment = question_utils::to_plain_text($comment, $commentformat);
$a->comment = shorten_text($comment, 200);
} else {
$a->comment = '';

View File

@ -69,9 +69,14 @@ abstract class qbehaviour_renderer extends plugin_renderer_base {
public function manual_comment_fields(question_attempt $qa, question_display_options $options) {
global $CFG;
$inputname = $qa->get_behaviour_field_name('comment');
$id = $inputname . '_id';
list($commenttext, $commentformat) = $qa->get_current_manual_comment();
list($commenttext, $commentformat, $commentstep) = $qa->get_current_manual_comment();
$editor = editors_get_preferred_editor($commentformat);
$strformats = format_text_menu();
@ -80,12 +85,27 @@ abstract class qbehaviour_renderer extends plugin_renderer_base {
$formats[$fid] = $strformats[$fid];
$draftitemareainputname = $qa->get_behaviour_field_name('comment:itemid');
$draftitemid = optional_param($draftitemareainputname, false, PARAM_INT);
if (!$draftitemid && $commentstep === null) {
$commenttext = '';
$draftitemid = file_get_unused_draft_itemid();
} else if (!$draftitemid) {
list($draftitemid, $commenttext) = $commentstep->prepare_response_files_draft_itemid_with_text(
'bf_comment', $options->context->id, $commenttext);
$editor->use_editor($id, array('context' => $options->context));
$editor->use_editor($id, question_utils::get_editor_options($options->context),
question_utils::get_filepicker_options($options->context, $draftitemid));
$commenteditor = html_writer::tag('div', html_writer::tag('textarea', s($commenttext),
array('id' => $id, 'name' => $inputname, 'rows' => 10, 'cols' => 60)));
$attributes = ['type' => 'hidden', 'name' => $draftitemareainputname, 'value' => $draftitemid];
$commenteditor .= html_writer::empty_tag('input', $attributes);
$editorformat = '';
if (count($formats) == 1) {
@ -105,7 +125,7 @@ abstract class qbehaviour_renderer extends plugin_renderer_base {
$comment = html_writer::tag('div', html_writer::tag('div',
html_writer::tag('label', get_string('comment', 'question'),
array('for' => $id)), array('class' => 'fitemtitle')) .
html_writer::tag('div', $commenteditor, array('class' => 'felement fhtmleditor')),
html_writer::tag('div', $commenteditor, array('class' => 'felement fhtmleditor', 'data-fieldtype' => "editor")),
array('class' => 'fitem'));
$comment .= $editorformat;
@ -168,7 +188,7 @@ abstract class qbehaviour_renderer extends plugin_renderer_base {
public function manual_comment_view(question_attempt $qa, question_display_options $options) {
$output = '';
if ($qa->has_manual_comment()) {
$output .= get_string('commentx', 'question', $qa->get_behaviour()->format_comment());
$output .= get_string('commentx', 'question', $qa->get_behaviour()->format_comment(null, null, $options->context));
if ($options->manualcommentlink) {
$url = new moodle_url($options->manualcommentlink, array('slot' => $qa->get_slot()));

View File

@ -954,6 +954,65 @@ abstract class question_utils {
$text = str_replace('@@PLUGINFILE@@/', '', $text);
return html_to_text(format_text($text, $format, $options), 0, false);
* Get the options required to configure the filepicker for one of the editor
* toolbar buttons.
* @param mixed $acceptedtypes array of types of '*'.
* @param int $draftitemid the draft area item id.
* @param object $context the context.
* @return object the required options.
protected static function specific_filepicker_options($acceptedtypes, $draftitemid, $context) {
$filepickeroptions = new stdClass();
$filepickeroptions->accepted_types = $acceptedtypes;
$filepickeroptions->return_types = FILE_INTERNAL | FILE_EXTERNAL;
$filepickeroptions->context = $context;
$filepickeroptions->env = 'filepicker';
$options = initialise_filepicker($filepickeroptions);
$options->context = $context;
$options->client_id = uniqid();
$options->env = 'editor';
$options->itemid = $draftitemid;
return $options;
* Get filepicker options for question related text areas.
* @param object $context the context.
* @param int $draftitemid the draft area item id.
* @return array An array of options
public static function get_filepicker_options($context, $draftitemid) {
return [
'image' => self::specific_filepicker_options(['image'], $draftitemid, $context),
'media' => self::specific_filepicker_options(['video', 'audio'], $draftitemid, $context),
'link' => self::specific_filepicker_options('*', $draftitemid, $context),
* Get editor options for question related text areas.
* @param object $context the context.
* @return array An array of options
public static function get_editor_options($context) {
global $CFG;
$editoroptions = [
'subdirs' => 0,
'context' => $context,
'maxbytes' => $CFG->maxbytes,
'noclean' => 0,
'trusttext' => 0,
'autosave' => false
return $editoroptions;

View File

@ -1107,8 +1107,10 @@ class question_attempt {
return null;
return new question_file_saver($draftitemid, 'question', 'response_' .
str_replace($this->get_field_prefix(), '', $name), $text);
$filearea = str_replace($this->get_field_prefix(), '', $name);
$filearea = str_replace('-', 'bf_', $filearea);
$filearea = 'response_' . $filearea;
return new question_file_saver($draftitemid, 'question', $filearea, $text);
@ -1164,6 +1166,8 @@ class question_attempt {
$this->behaviour->get_expected_data(), $postdata, '-');
$expected = $this->behaviour->get_expected_qt_data();
if ($expected === self::USE_RAW_DATA) {
$submitteddata += $this->get_all_submitted_qt_vars($postdata);
} else {
@ -1172,6 +1176,23 @@ class question_attempt {
return $submitteddata;
* Ensure that no reserved prefixes are being used by installed
* question types.
* @param array $expected An array of question type variables
protected function check_qt_var_name_restrictions($expected) {
global $CFG;
if ($CFG->debugdeveloper) {
foreach ($expected as $key => $value) {
if (strpos($key, 'bf_') !== false) {
debugging('The bf_ prefix is reserved and cannot be used by question types', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
* Get a set of response data for this question attempt that would get the
* best possible mark. If it is not possible to compute a correct
@ -1370,16 +1391,17 @@ class question_attempt {
* @return array(string, int) the most recent manual comment that was added
* to this question, and the FORMAT_... it is.
* to this question, the FORMAT_... it is and the step itself.
public function get_manual_comment() {
foreach ($this->get_reverse_step_iterator() as $step) {
if ($step->has_behaviour_var('comment')) {
return array($step->get_behaviour_var('comment'),
return array(null, null);
return array(null, null, null);
@ -1399,7 +1421,7 @@ class question_attempt {
if ($commentformat === null) {
$commentformat = FORMAT_HTML;
return array($comment, $commentformat);
return array($comment, $commentformat, null);

View File

@ -358,28 +358,27 @@ class qtype_essay_format_editorfilepicker_renderer extends qtype_essay_format_ed
$name, $context->id, $step->get_qt_var($name));
* Get editor options for question response text area.
* @param object $context the context the attempt belongs to.
* @return array options for the editor.
protected function get_editor_options($context) {
// Disable the text-editor autosave because quiz has it's own auto save function.
return array(
'subdirs' => 0,
'maxbytes' => 0,
'maxfiles' => -1,
'context' => $context,
'noclean' => 0,
'trusttext'=> 0,
'autosave' => false
return question_utils::get_editor_options($context);
* Get the options required to configure the filepicker for one of the editor
* toolbar buttons.
* @deprecated since 3.5
* @param mixed $acceptedtypes array of types of '*'.
* @param int $draftitemid the draft area item id.
* @param object $context the context.
* @return object the required options.
protected function specific_filepicker_options($acceptedtypes, $draftitemid, $context) {
debugging('specific_filepicker_options() is deprecated, use get_filepicker_options instead.', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);
$filepickeroptions = new stdClass();
$filepickeroptions->accepted_types = $acceptedtypes;
$filepickeroptions->return_types = FILE_INTERNAL | FILE_EXTERNAL;
@ -395,17 +394,13 @@ class qtype_essay_format_editorfilepicker_renderer extends qtype_essay_format_ed
return $options;
* @param object $context the context the attempt belongs to.
* @param int $draftitemid draft item id.
* @return array filepicker options for the editor.
protected function get_filepicker_options($context, $draftitemid) {
global $CFG;
return array(
'image' => $this->specific_filepicker_options(array('image'),
$draftitemid, $context),
'media' => $this->specific_filepicker_options(array('video', 'audio'),
$draftitemid, $context),
'link' => $this->specific_filepicker_options('*',
$draftitemid, $context),
return question_utils::get_filepicker_options($context, $draftitemid);
protected function filepicker_html($inputname, $draftitemid) {