Can now pass the image tag text to the helpbutton function. Tidied up the

emoticonhelpbutton function to use new helpbutton function.
This commit is contained in:
moodler 2005-01-21 05:04:24 +00:00
parent a7ba1215b0
commit f6ad05ef44

View File

@ -3043,28 +3043,37 @@ function error ($message, $link='') {
* @param string $text If defined then this text is used in the page, and
* the $page variable is ignored.
* @param boolean $return If true then the output is returned as a string, if false it is printed to the current page.
* @param string $imagetext The full text for the helpbutton icon. If empty use default help.gif
* @return string
* @todo Finish documenting this function
function helpbutton ($page, $title='', $module='moodle', $image=true, $linktext=false, $text='', $return=false) {
function helpbutton ($page, $title='', $module='moodle', $image=true, $linktext=false, $text='', $return=false,
$imagetext='') {
global $CFG, $THEME;
if ($module == '') {
$module = 'moodle';
$linkobject = '<span class="formhelplinks">';
if ($image) {
$icon = $CFG->pixpath .'/help.gif';
if ($linktext) {
$linkobject = "<span class=\"formhelplinks\">$title<img align=\"middle\" border=\"0\" ".
" height=\"17\" width=\"22\" alt=\"\" src=\"$icon\" /></span>";
} else {
$linkobject = "<img align=\"middle\" border=\"0\" height=\"17\" width=\"22\" ".
" alt=\"$title\" style=\"cursor:help;\" src=\"$icon\" />";
if ($imagetext == '') {
$imagetext = '<img align="middle" border="0" height="17" width="22" alt="'.$title.'" src="'.
$CFG->pixpath .'/help.gif" />';
if ($linktext) {
$linkobject .= $title.'&nbsp;';
$linkobject .= $imagetext;
} else {
$linkobject = '<span class="formhelplinks">'. $title .'</span>';
$linkobject .= $title;
$linkobject .= '</span>';
if ($text) {
$url = '/help.php?module='. $module .'&amp;text='. htmlentities(urlencode($text));
} else {
@ -3096,12 +3105,9 @@ function emoticonhelpbutton($form, $field) {
$SESSION->inserttextform = $form;
$SESSION->inserttextfield = $field;
helpbutton('emoticons', get_string('helpemoticons'), 'moodle', false, true);
echo '&nbsp;';
link_to_popup_window ('/help.php?module=moodle&amp;file=emoticons.html', 'popup',
'<img src="'. $CFG->pixpath .'/s/smiley.gif" border="0" align="middle" width="15" height="15" alt="" />',
400, 500, get_string('helpemoticons'));
echo '<br />';
$imagetext = '<img src="' . $CFG->pixpath . '/s/smiley.gif" border="0" align="middle" width="15" height="15" alt="" />';
helpbutton('emoticons', get_string('helpemoticons'), 'moodle', true, true, '', false, $imagetext);