Updated IMS Enterprise enrolment to Moodle 1.7 role infrastructure - MDL-6656

This commit is contained in:
danstowell 2006-09-25 17:21:07 +00:00
parent 26ba09125b
commit f775a510d6

View File

@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ $string['miscsettings'] = 'Miscellaneous';
// Labels in the config page
$string['description'] = 'This method will repeatedly check for and process a specially-formatted text file in the location that you specify. The file must follow the <a href=\'../help.php?module=enrol/imsenterprise&file=formatoverview.html\' target=\'_blank\'>IMS Enterprise specifications</a> containing person, group, and membership XML elements.';
$string['imsrolesdescription'] = 'The IMS Enterprise specification includes 8 distinct role types. Please choose how you want them to be assigned in Moodle, including whether any of them should be ignored.';
$string['createnewusers'] = 'Create user accounts for users not yet registered in Moodle';
$string['deleteusers'] = 'Delete user accounts when specified in IMS data';
$string['fixcaseusernames'] = 'Change usernames to lower case';