Merge branch 'wip-MDL-27859-master' of

This commit is contained in:
Dan Poltawski 2015-08-24 10:55:03 +01:00
commit fcd8119eda
2 changed files with 178 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -546,10 +546,8 @@ function tag_get_related_tags($tagid, $type=TAG_RELATED_ALL, $limitnum=10) {
if ( $type == TAG_RELATED_ALL || $type == TAG_RELATED_CORRELATED ) {
//gets the correlated tags
$automatic_related_tags = tag_get_correlated($tagid, $limitnum);
if (is_array($automatic_related_tags)) {
$related_tags = array_merge($related_tags, $automatic_related_tags);
$automatic_related_tags = tag_get_correlated($tagid);
$related_tags = array_merge($related_tags, $automatic_related_tags);
// Remove duplicated tags (multiple instances of the same tag).
@ -1378,13 +1376,21 @@ function tag_get_name($tagids) {
* Returns the correlated tags of a tag, retrieved from the tag_correlation table. Make sure cron runs, otherwise the table will be
* empty and this function won't return anything.
* Correlated tags are calculated in cron based on existing tag instances.
* This function will return as many entries as there are existing tag instances,
* which means that there will be duplicates for each tag.
* If you need only one record for each correlated tag please call:
* tag_get_related_tags($tag_id, TAG_RELATED_CORRELATED);
* @package core_tag
* @access private
* @param int $tag_id is a single tag id
* @param int $limitnum this parameter does not appear to have any function???
* @param int $notused this argument is no longer used
* @return array an array of tag objects or an empty if no correlated tags are found
function tag_get_correlated($tag_id, $limitnum=null) {
function tag_get_correlated($tag_id, $notused = null) {
global $DB;
$tag_correlation = $DB->get_record('tag_correlation', array('tagid'=>$tag_id));
@ -1399,12 +1405,7 @@ function tag_get_correlated($tag_id, $limitnum=null) {
INNER JOIN {tag_instance} ti ON = ti.tagid
WHERE IN ({$tag_correlation->correlatedtags})
ORDER BY ti.ordering ASC";
$result = $DB->get_records_sql($sql);
if (!$result) {
return array();
return $result;
return $DB->get_records_sql($sql);

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@ -256,4 +256,169 @@ class core_tag_taglib_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
$instancecount = $DB->count_records('tag_instance');
$this->assertEquals(0, $instancecount);
* Test for function tag_compute_correlations() that is part of tag cron
public function test_correlations() {
global $DB;
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user1 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user2 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user3 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user4 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user5 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
$user6 = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
// Several records have both 'cat' and 'cats' tags attached to them.
// This will make those tags automatically correlated.
// Same with 'dog', 'dogs' and 'puppy.
tag_set('user', $user1->id, array('cat', 'cats'),
'core', context_user::instance($user1->id)->id);
tag_set('user', $user2->id, array('cat', 'cats', 'kitten'),
'core', context_user::instance($user2->id)->id);
tag_set('user', $user3->id, array('cat', 'cats'),
'core', context_user::instance($user3->id)->id);
tag_set('user', $user4->id, array('dog', 'dogs', 'puppy'),
'core', context_user::instance($user4->id)->id);
tag_set('user', $user5->id, array('dog', 'dogs', 'puppy'),
'core', context_user::instance($user5->id)->id);
tag_set('user', $user6->id, array('dog', 'dogs', 'puppy'),
'core', context_user::instance($user6->id)->id);
$tags = tag_get_id(array('cat', 'cats', 'dog', 'dogs', 'kitten', 'puppy'));
// Add manual relation between tags 'cat' and 'kitten'.
tag_set('tag', $tags['cat'], array('kitten'), 'core', context_system::instance()->id);
$DB->get_field_select('tag_correlation', 'correlatedtags',
'tagid = ?', array($tags['cat'])));
$DB->get_field_select('tag_correlation', 'correlatedtags',
'tagid = ?', array($tags['cats'])));
$this->assertEquals($tags['dogs'] . ',' . $tags['puppy'],
$DB->get_field_select('tag_correlation', 'correlatedtags',
'tagid = ?', array($tags['dog'])));
$this->assertEquals($tags['dog'] . ',' . $tags['puppy'],
$DB->get_field_select('tag_correlation', 'correlatedtags',
'tagid = ?', array($tags['dogs'])));
$this->assertEquals($tags['dog'] . ',' . $tags['dogs'],
$DB->get_field_select('tag_correlation', 'correlatedtags',
'tagid = ?', array($tags['puppy'])));
// Make sure tag_get_correlated() returns 'cats' as the only correlated tag to the 'cat'.
$correlatedtags = array_values(tag_get_correlated($tags['cat']));
$this->assertCount(3, $correlatedtags); // This will return all existing instances but they all point to the same tag.
$this->assertEquals('cats', $correlatedtags[0]->rawname);
$this->assertEquals('cats', $correlatedtags[1]->rawname);
$this->assertEquals('cats', $correlatedtags[2]->rawname);
$correlatedtags = array_values(tag_get_related_tags($tags['cat'], TAG_RELATED_CORRELATED));
$this->assertCount(1, $correlatedtags); // Duplicates are filtered out here.
$this->assertEquals('cats', $correlatedtags[0]->rawname);
// Make sure tag_get_correlated() returns 'dogs' and 'puppy' as the correlated tags to the 'dog'.
$correlatedtags = array_values(tag_get_correlated($tags['dog']));
$this->assertCount(6, $correlatedtags); // 2 tags times 3 instances.
$correlatedtags = array_values(tag_get_related_tags($tags['dog'], TAG_RELATED_CORRELATED));
$this->assertCount(2, $correlatedtags);
$this->assertEquals('dogs', $correlatedtags[0]->rawname);
$this->assertEquals('puppy', $correlatedtags[1]->rawname);
// Function tag_get_related_tags() with default argument will return both related and correlated tags.
$relatedtags = array_values(tag_get_related_tags($tags['cat']));
$this->assertCount(2, $relatedtags);
$this->assertEquals('kitten', $relatedtags[0]->rawname);
$this->assertEquals('cats', $relatedtags[1]->rawname);
// If we then manually set 'cat' and 'cats' as related, tag_get_related_tags() will filter out duplicates.
tag_set('tag', $tags['cat'], array('kitten', 'cats'), 'core', context_system::instance()->id);
$relatedtags = array_values(tag_get_related_tags($tags['cat']));
$this->assertCount(2, $relatedtags);
$this->assertEquals('kitten', $relatedtags[0]->rawname);
$this->assertEquals('cats', $relatedtags[1]->rawname);
// Make sure tag_get_correlated() and tag_get_tags() return the same set of fields.
$relatedtags = tag_get_tags('tag', $tags['cat']);
$relatedtag = reset($relatedtags);
$correlatedtags = tag_get_correlated($tags['cat']);
$correlatedtag = reset($correlatedtags);
$this->assertEquals(array_keys((array)$relatedtag), array_keys((array)$correlatedtag));
* Test for function tag_cleanup() that is part of tag cron
public function test_cleanup() {
global $DB;
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
// Setting tags will create non-official tags 'cat', 'dog' and 'fish'.
tag_set('user', $user->id, array('cat', 'dog', 'fish'),
'core', context_user::instance($user->id)->id);
$this->assertTrue($DB->record_exists('tag', array('name' => 'cat')));
$this->assertTrue($DB->record_exists('tag', array('name' => 'dog')));
$this->assertTrue($DB->record_exists('tag', array('name' => 'fish')));
// Make tag 'dog' official.
$dogtag = tag_get('name', 'dog');
$fishtag = tag_get('name', 'fish');
tag_type_set($dogtag->id, 'official');
// Manually remove the instances pointing on tags 'dog' and 'fish'.
$DB->execute('DELETE FROM {tag_instance} WHERE tagid in (?,?)', array($dogtag->id, $fishtag->id));
// Call tag_cleanup().
// Tag 'cat' is still present because it's used. Tag 'dog' is present because it's official.
// Tag 'fish' was removed because it is not official and it is no longer used by anybody.
$this->assertTrue($DB->record_exists('tag', array('name' => 'cat')));
$this->assertTrue($DB->record_exists('tag', array('name' => 'dog')));
$this->assertFalse($DB->record_exists('tag', array('name' => 'fish')));
// Delete user without using API function.
$DB->update_record('user', array('id' => $user->id, 'deleted' => 1));
// Call tag_cleanup().
// Tag 'cat' was now deleted too.
$this->assertFalse($DB->record_exists('tag', array('name' => 'cat')));
// Assign tag to non-existing record. Make sure tag was created in the DB.
tag_set('course', 1231231, array('bird'), 'core', context_system::instance()->id);
$this->assertTrue($DB->record_exists('tag', array('name' => 'bird')));
// Call tag_cleanup().
// Tag 'bird' was now deleted because the related record does not exist in the DB.
$this->assertFalse($DB->record_exists('tag', array('name' => 'bird')));
// Now we have a tag instance pointing on 'sometag' tag.
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user();
tag_set('user', $user->id, array('sometag'),
'core', context_user::instance($user->id)->id);
$sometag = tag_get('name', 'sometag');
$this->assertTrue($DB->record_exists('tag_instance', array('tagid' => $sometag->id)));
// Some hacker removes the tag without using API.
$DB->delete_records('tag', array('id' => $sometag->id));
// Call tag_cleanup().
// The tag instances were also removed.
$this->assertFalse($DB->record_exists('tag_instance', array('tagid' => $sometag->id)));