Instead of creating all the self-conversations during the upgrading,
some code has been added to the get_conversations and to the
get_conversation_counts to create it whe it doesn't exist.
Also, added WS new return parameter candeletemessagesforallusers in get_conversation
and send_instant_message and added API support. This will be used to check
if the user can delete all messages in the conversation.
This commit combines several changes:
* Show authentication errors.
* Show more detailed authentication errors
* When the site backpack is different to the user backpack, show a warning
* Do not duplicate the apiversion and backpackurls in each user backpack.
* Do not support different issuer information for each badge with Open Badges v2.
* Add obversion to assertion url
* Combine separate badges upgrade steps and bump the version number.
* Don't show private collections.
* Push the larger image size to backpacks (512x512).
* BADGE_BACKPACKURL is deprecated
* Don't use property alignments, only alignment
Upgrade the support for Open Badges 2 to support a real open badges 2 backpack.
Moodle can only talk to one backpack at a time, so after switching backpacks, users
will have to manually disconnect and then reconnect their backpack to the new one.
This commit combines several changes:
* Split classes into badges namespace
* Publish expiry data with a badge
* Publish badge alignments in badges exported to the backpack.
* Export the criteria for a badge to the backpack.
While strictly we don't nedd to provide an upgrade path for master,
any dev/integration site already using some of the 3.7 new tagets
in models will break (class rename/move) if we don't perform the
update of all them.
This commit takes rid of the previous upgrade step, only performing
the update of a couple of targets and now supports all the (5) targets:
- course_dropout
- course_competencies
- course_completion
- course_gradetopass
- no_teaching
Since some versions ago the app allows a good user control of notifications.
This is why we should be enabling more notifications (mostly for students) by default.
Added new MESSAGE_CONVERSATION_TYPE_SELF type for self-conversations
and upgraded legacy self-conversations to the new type, removing
repeated members in the message_conversation_members table.
Besides, from now, a self-conversation will be created by default for
all the existing users.
All the self-conversations have been also starred and a default message
will be displayed always to explain how to use them.
This patch adds asynchronous backup and restore functionality
to Moodle. This is an optional feature and is not enabled by
default. It can be enabled by site administrators.
Asynchronous backup and restores are actioned by the Moodle
adhoc task API. The progress of backup and restores is
displayedin the Moodle UI. Users can also be sent a message
when a backup or restore operation completes via the
Moodle messaging API.