now all YUI dialogues are under the div with id #filesskin. This way we can avoid using !important in CSS and use #filesskin instead. It will have priority over YUI skin in all browswers including IE (!important does not work in IE).
- MDL-33162 Vertical align text to the middle of 24px icon for table view and tree view both on filemanager and filepicker
- MDL-33183 Layout file picker on form element on edit profile for drag and drop with dashed border and animated arrow consistent with filemanager (outputrenderers.php)
- MDL-33150 Added more space in between tool buttons both for file manager and filepicker
- Swaped tool buttons and view buttons sequence for keyboard access both on filemanager and filepicker
- Added "new folder name" label and "cancel" button on create a folder dialogue
- Added href="#" and resized fonts on confirmation and message dialogue
- Thumbnail for Private files, Server file and Recent file restyled
- Thumbnail for Context menu made flexible
- Filenames on hover made all text visible
- Drag and drop arrow hidden for unsupported browsers
- Drag and drop styled applied on edit profile
- Yui3 panel focused removed
- Files that are references to external resources have special shortcut icon in filemanager
- When user selects a REF file in filemanager, he can see the 'Original' of the file in the way that original repository wants to show it, it is loaded dynamically via AJAX request
- Files that are themselves the source of references of other files in the system have 'link' icon in filemanager. When user tries to remove/rename/overwrite SRC file he is warned that all ## existing references will be updated/converted to copies.
- Changed confirmation messages for deleting, moving/renaming of the folders
- confirmation dialog in filemanager is using YUI3 now
- when loading core_filepicker we extend the Node element with functions necessary to display files list in different view modes;
- repository/filepicker.js is changed to use those functions;
- FileManager now has three different view modes (icon view, tree view and table view), JS code is re-used from FilePicker;
- files in FileManager no longer have context menu, they have one popup Widget with different actions instead;
- Added more templates for JS code to FileManager, use similar CSS class names as FilePicker;
- lib/filelib.php : fixed double slashes in path, return more data about files;
- lib/form/filemanager.php : pass information to FileManager about available licenses and default author;
- repository/draftfiles_ajax.php : return information about directory tree for file moving UI in FileManager, return formatted information;
- repository/lib.php : function repository::prepare_listing() now can work also with draftarea files listing;
- instead of using paging bar and navigating between pages, there is a link 'more' in the bottom of the list that loads the files from the next page and adds them to the bottom of the list;
- DataTable is updated to YUI 3.5.0, sorting is done properly
- fixed some small errors and made cosmetic changes to the code
- added 'loading' icon when selecting a file
- finished population of login form, added support for radio elements there
- create repository renderer, implement functions for returning HTML templates used in filepicker
- let filepicker use HTML from templates
- move CSS for filemanager and filepicker to the separate css file in base theme
- use only YUI3 in filepicker (get rid of YUI2)
- add button for 'View details' in filepicker (though this view mode is still not ready)