OK, some big changes here to the front end, particularly in
course categories and course display.
Course categories can now be nested (to any level).
Courses and course categories can now be manually sorted
any way required.
There is a groovy front end for managing these, and a better
range of options for formatting the front page.
It all still needs some polishing, which I'll be doing over
the next couple of days, including better auto-sorting.
I would not use this on production systems just yet.
confirmation on deletions, removing deleted user from all student lists,
teacher lists and subscription lists and freeing up their username and
email to be used again.
servers that have register_globals turned off (this is the
default setting on newer version of PHP).
In fact it's partly a hack that globalises all GET, POST, FILES
AND COOKIE variables. Unfortunately though the SESSION and
USER global session variables are only available as $_SESSION["USER"]
and $_SESSION["SESSION"], which is cumbersome to use.
So, for every request I now make a copy of these two session variables
into $USER and $SESSION. Whenever I update them thoughout Moodle I
now have to call save_session("USER") which copies them back to the
session variable. This seems to be working well now.
Because I'm using $_SESSION etc now this will raise
the required minimum version of PHP to 4.1.0