The following used steps were replaced by the ones
added in this issue:
- I fill the moodle form with
- I fill in with
- I select from
- I select radio button
- I check
- I uncheck
- the field should match
Also removing test for deprecated steps:
- the ASD checkbox should be checked
- the ASD checkbox should not be checked
In general aiming for compatibility with multiple browsers,
firefox, chrome and phantomjs to be more specific.
* Removing hardcoded waits
* Adding @_alert, @_switch_window and @_switch_frame tags,
to label actions that different drivers have problems with.
* Adding missing @_files_upload and @_only_local tags to features that
uploads files.
* Fixing a few wait for page ready what specified miliseconds.
* New methods to ensure elements (usual selectors), sections and editors
are ready to interact with
* Changing the select an option implementation to deal with the different
drivers implementations when listening to JS events.
- Escaping steps arguments redirected to other steps
- Adding normalized-space() in all contains() assertions
- General xpaths review
- Convering provided xpath text strings to xpath literals
to avoid problems with arguments containing both single
quotes and double quotes