Now if the current theme requires some blocks that don't exist, they
will be created - but with a new flag that indicates this block should
only be returned if the current theme requires it. This allows flipping back
and forth between boost and clean without restoring the nav and settings blocks
in boost.
The "see all" link in the notification popover should link to the full
notifications page similar to how the "see all" link in the message
popover links to the messaging page.
Changes include:
* question: Add bootstrap classes to buttons and selects so they look consistent.
* mod_quiz: Add bootstrap styles to report form elements
* question: Add bootstrap classes to question form elements
* And remove the success/fail styles from boost because they conflict badly
with the quiz plugin styles (making unreadable text).
* quiz: nav block buttons had black background
* quiz: Add bootstrap styles to quiz navigation buttons
* qtype_ddmarker: Remove bullets from list
Edit form coordinates preview had list bullets for each coordinate.
* boost: Prevent menu scrolling on quiz edit
* mod_quiz: Add bootstrap styles to edit quiz fields
Pagination and max grades forms.
* quiz: Undo some custom styles on review options
These checkboxes were laid out in a fake grid with no responsiveness
that conflicts with the bootstrap form-inline templates. Reset the
custom style to bootstrap default.
* quiz: Fix unit tests for boost changes
* qtype_ddwtos: Accurate positioning of drop targets
* questions: Make the review page responsive
* question: bootstrap 4 compatibility
.alert in bs4 contains no colours by default, you need to mix it with
one of the context classes to get some change in colours, borders etc.
Must completely suppress notice from iconv as Behat's
shutdown function uses error_get_last() which is
unable to detect if the error was suppressed or not.
- No longer use the Fibonacci sequence for delaying the timeout.
It is too aggressive.
- The backoff_timer AMD module now expects the callback AND the
backoff function to be passed to the constructor.
- Added ability to specify polling frequency in config.php.
- Added helper function to return the cache key.
- Reworded the parameters for clarity.