The new strings file core_plugin defines names of all plugin types
supported by Moodle. Some strings have already been defined elsewhere
and we use AMOS script here to copy their translation, if it is
CPY [settings,core],[settings,core_plugin]
CPY [status,core],[status,core_plugin]
CPY [missingfromdisk,core],[status_missing,core_plugin]
CPY [nodatabase,core_admin],[status_nodb,core_plugin]
CPY [authenticationplugins,core],[type_auth_plural,core_plugin]
CPY [block,core],[type_block,core_plugin]
CPY [blocks,core],[type_block_plural,core_plugin]
CPY [coursereport,core],[type_coursereport,core_plugin]
CPY [coursereports,core],[type_coursereport_plural,core_plugin]
CPY [filter,core],[type_filter,core_plugin]
CPY [courseformats,core],[type_format_plural,core_plugin]
CPY [activitymodule,core],[type_mod,core_plugin]
CPY [activitymodules,core],[type_mod_plural,core_plugin]
CPY [plagiarism,core_plagiarism],[type_plagiarism,core_plugin]
CPY [portfolio,core_portfolio],[type_portfolio,core_plugin]
CPY [portfolios,core_portfolio],[type_portfolio_plural,core_plugin]
CPY [questiontype,core_admin],[type_qtype,core_plugin]
CPY [questiontypes,core_admin],[type_qtype_plural,core_plugin]
CPY [repository,core_repository],[type_repository,core_plugin]
CPY [theme,core],[type_theme,core_plugin]
CPY [themes,core],[type_theme_plural,core_plugin]
CPY [uninstallplugin,core_admin],[uninstall,core_plugin]
CPY [version,core],[version,core_plugin]
CPY [assignmenttype,mod_assignment],[subplugintype_assignment,mod_assignment]
CPY [presets,mod_data],[subplugintype_datapreset_plural,mod_data]
CPY [evaluationmethod,mod_workshop],[subplugintype_workshopeval,mod_workshop]
CPY [strategy,mod_workshop],[subplugintype_workshopform,mod_workshop]
- added message provider to manage assignment's messaging
- length changed form 50 to 255 due to long messaging preference names.
clarified 'revert to draft' button in a advanced upload assignment with a help icon.
button 'no more submissions' changed to say 'Prevent submission updates'.
- uploadsingle response now uses file manager instead of file picker.
- both uploadsingle and advancedupload assignment types have their grading pages with response file management in line (not a separate page).
- bit of a css issue YUI's tree view rendering (a table) within a table that had borders is fixed.
- display grading as a main page navigation sequence rather than a popup (this addressed a few navigation issues with popup)
- grading forms now use moodle form. swapped grading form button positions to reduce human error.
- fixed file area issues with assignment submissions. (see MDL-22608)
- other minor changes : headings, titles
From now on, all English strings use the new syntax. They are not
eval()'ed any more and the only valid placeholders are {$a} and
{$a->foobar}. No extra quotes escaping, dollar sign escaping and putting
double percent signs.
The modified files were exported from AMOS database repository in the
new syntax and were re-ordered by stringid. Standard GNU/GPL and PHPdoc
blocks are added. Where there was no copyright note so far, I added the
default one with Martin Dougiamas as the copyright holder.
Live long and prosper.