29 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Sam Hemelryk
f138b7c13b MDL-27161 Improved the 2 new strings in assignment 2011-05-18 17:29:39 +08:00
Rossiani Wijaya
e512715b89 MDL-27161: fixed optional setting for 'require grading' to prevent page lock out (head) 2011-05-12 17:32:00 +08:00
David Mudrak
91dedc324f MDL-26784 Strings for the new plugin manager
The new strings file core_plugin defines names of all plugin types
supported by Moodle. Some strings have already been defined elsewhere
and we use AMOS script here to copy their translation, if it is

 CPY [settings,core],[settings,core_plugin]
 CPY [status,core],[status,core_plugin]
 CPY [missingfromdisk,core],[status_missing,core_plugin]
 CPY [nodatabase,core_admin],[status_nodb,core_plugin]
 CPY [authenticationplugins,core],[type_auth_plural,core_plugin]
 CPY [block,core],[type_block,core_plugin]
 CPY [blocks,core],[type_block_plural,core_plugin]
 CPY [coursereport,core],[type_coursereport,core_plugin]
 CPY [coursereports,core],[type_coursereport_plural,core_plugin]
 CPY [filter,core],[type_filter,core_plugin]
 CPY [courseformats,core],[type_format_plural,core_plugin]
 CPY [activitymodule,core],[type_mod,core_plugin]
 CPY [activitymodules,core],[type_mod_plural,core_plugin]
 CPY [plagiarism,core_plagiarism],[type_plagiarism,core_plugin]
 CPY [portfolio,core_portfolio],[type_portfolio,core_plugin]
 CPY [portfolios,core_portfolio],[type_portfolio_plural,core_plugin]
 CPY [questiontype,core_admin],[type_qtype,core_plugin]
 CPY [questiontypes,core_admin],[type_qtype_plural,core_plugin]
 CPY [repository,core_repository],[type_repository,core_plugin]
 CPY [theme,core],[type_theme,core_plugin]
 CPY [themes,core],[type_theme_plural,core_plugin]
 CPY [uninstallplugin,core_admin],[uninstall,core_plugin]
 CPY [version,core],[version,core_plugin]
 CPY [assignmenttype,mod_assignment],[subplugintype_assignment,mod_assignment]
 CPY [presets,mod_data],[subplugintype_datapreset_plural,mod_data]
 CPY [evaluationmethod,mod_workshop],[subplugintype_workshopeval,mod_workshop]
 CPY [strategy,mod_workshop],[subplugintype_workshopform,mod_workshop]
2011-03-31 13:59:05 +02:00
Helen Foster
5735fefc93 MDL-21250 capital letters removal 2010-11-29 15:49:58 +00:00
Aparup Banerjee
c65c5935c4 assignment MDL-24694 lang file string change. 2010-10-27 03:10:34 +00:00
Aparup Banerjee
39e171ac93 assignment MDL-24694
- added message provider to manage assignment's messaging
- user_preferences.name length changed form 50 to 255 due to long messaging preference names.
2010-10-26 06:46:01 +00:00
Aparup Banerjee
6a41c6fe3a assignment MDL-24694 added time of update to assignment updates email notification 2010-10-20 03:02:48 +00:00
Sam Hemelryk
14f001a993 mod-assignment MDL-19803 Fixed up a couple of minor deprecated calls 2010-09-22 08:08:24 +00:00
Andrew Davis
2248b994ae activities MDL-24180 realtered available to/from strings in activities and conditional completion to try and make the unclear clear 2010-09-21 03:34:36 +00:00
Sam Hemelryk
c7bb34b626 mod-assignment MDL-23848 Merged to head: students can now view previously submit assignments if they no longer have the submit capability. 2010-09-17 02:52:24 +00:00
Andrew Davis
3b2b084554 activities MDL-24180 altered strings to help users understand the difference between the conditional activity available to/from dates and the individual activity available to/from dates 2010-09-17 01:37:29 +00:00
Aparup Banerjee
c663653f8b assignment MDL-23998
clarified 'revert to draft' button in a advanced upload assignment with a help icon.
button 'no more submissions' changed to say 'Prevent submission updates'.
2010-09-02 06:16:45 +00:00
Aparup Banerjee
291ee13470 assignment MDL-23820 improved grading pages for file type assignments.
- uploadsingle response now uses file manager instead of file picker.
 - both uploadsingle and advancedupload assignment types have their grading pages with response file management in line (not a separate page).
 - bit of a css issue YUI's tree view rendering (a table) within a table that had borders is fixed.
2010-08-30 02:58:57 +00:00
Rossiani Wijaya
fdb797adcf MDL-14238 - add filter to grade assignment. 2010-08-20 08:00:54 +00:00
David Mudrak
370d793c98 MDL-23318 Consistent usage of 'pluginadministration' string for the Settings block
 MOV [assignmentadministration,mod_assignment],[pluginadministration,mod_assignment]
 MOV [dataadministration,mod_data],[pluginadministration,mod_data]
 MOV [feedbackadministration,mod_feedback],[pluginadministration,mod_feedback]
 MOV [folderadministration,mod_folder],[pluginadministration,mod_folder]
 MOV [forumadministration,mod_forum],[pluginadministration,mod_forum]
 MOV [glossaryadministration,mod_glossary],[pluginadministration,mod_glossary]
 MOV [chatadministration,mod_chat],[pluginadministration,mod_chat]
 MOV [choiceadministration,mod_choice],[pluginadministration,mod_choice]
 MOV [imscpadministration,mod_imscp],[pluginadministration,mod_imscp]
 MOV [labeladministration,mod_label],[pluginadministration,mod_label]
 MOV [lessonadministration,mod_lesson],[pluginadministration,mod_lesson]
 MOV [pageadministration,mod_page],[pluginadministration,mod_page]
 MOV [quizadministration,mod_quiz],[pluginadministration,mod_quiz]
 MOV [resourceadministration,mod_resource],[pluginadministration,mod_resource]
 MOV [scormadministration,mod_scorm],[pluginadministration,mod_scorm]
 MOV [surveyadministration,mod_survey],[pluginadministration,mod_survey]
 MOV [urladministration,mod_url],[pluginadministration,mod_url]
 MOV [wikiadministration,mod_wiki],[pluginadministration,mod_wiki]
 MOV [workshopadministration,mod_workshop],[pluginadministration,mod_workshop]
2010-08-17 17:35:12 +00:00
Dongsheng Cai
ce2a1c4da9 MDL-22893, assignment module should use filepicker and filemanager 2010-07-09 09:21:52 +00:00
Martin Dougiamas
9a5b90053b MDL-22056 Adding pluginname to activity modules to fix gradebook issues caused by MDL-23071 (keeping modulename for n)
 CPY [modulename,assignment],[pluginname,assignment]
 CPY [modulename,chat],[pluginname,chat]
 CPY [modulename,choice],[pluginname,choice]
 CPY [modulename,data],[pluginname,data]
 CPY [modulename,feedback],[pluginname,feedback]
 CPY [modulename,folder],[pluginname,folder]
 CPY [modulename,forum],[pluginname,forum]
 CPY [modulename,glossary],[pluginname,glossary]
 CPY [modulename,hotpot],[pluginname,hotpot]
 CPY [modulename,imscp],[pluginname,imscp]
 CPY [modulename,label],[pluginname,label]
 CPY [modulename,lesson],[pluginname,lesson]
 CPY [modulename,page],[pluginname,page]
 CPY [modulename,quiz],[pluginname,quiz]
 CPY [modulename,resource],[pluginname,resource]
 CPY [modulename,survey],[pluginname,survey]
 CPY [modulename,url],[pluginname,url]
 CPY [modulename,wiki],[pluginname,wiki]
 CPY [modulename,workshop],[pluginname,workshop]
2010-07-05 05:12:39 +00:00
d2b6ee29f2 Assignment MDL-22611 a few changes to the assignment section, Changes include
- display grading as a main page navigation sequence rather than a popup (this addressed a few navigation issues with popup)
- grading forms now use moodle form. swapped grading form button positions to reduce human error.
- fixed file area issues with assignment submissions. (see MDL-22608)
- other minor changes : headings, titles
2010-06-28 02:38:53 +00:00
Rossiani Wijaya
8ceabede81 MDL-20486 - modify button's label when there is no assignment has been submitted. 2010-06-23 10:05:48 +00:00
David Mudrak
c27d61a2a2 MDL-21695 Removing pagesize help as recommended by Helen 2010-04-30 13:40:54 +00:00
David Mudrak
e66841b9e6 MDL-21695 Assignment module now uses new help strings
 HLP assignment/allowdeleting.html,[allowdeleting_help,mod_assignment]
 HLP assignment/allowmaxfiles.html,[allowmaxfiles_help,mod_assignment]
 HLP assignment/allownotes.html,[allownotes_help,mod_assignment]
 HLP assignment/commentinline.html,[commentinline_help,mod_assignment]
 HLP assignment/emailnotification.html,[enableemailnotification_help,mod_assignment]
 HLP assignment/emailteachers.html,[emailteachers_help,mod_assignment]
 HLP assignment/hideintro.html,[hideintro_help,mod_assignment]
 HLP assignment/mods.html,[modulename_help,mod_assignment]
 HLP assignment/pagesize.html,[pagesize_help,mod_assignment]
 HLP assignment/quickgrade.html,[quickgrade_help,mod_assignment]
 HLP assignment/resubmit.html,[allowresubmit_help,mod_assignment]
 HLP assignment/trackdrafts.html,[trackdrafts_help,mod_assignment]
2010-04-29 23:12:13 +00:00
Martin Dougiamas
92e7c34d95 Fixed a missing string for calendar display 2010-04-29 16:25:11 +00:00
Dan Marsden
07270e65cd Assignment MDL-7206 implement file browsing api in Assignment mod 2010-04-28 00:38:30 +00:00
Dan Marsden
b37ce778c6 Assignment MDL-7206 - download all submissions as a zip - finally pushing this into head. 2010-04-22 11:33:17 +00:00
Helen Foster
b944270f34 MDL-21695 help string rewording as suggested by Martin 2010-04-21 15:18:51 +00:00
Martin Dougiamas
f77f615de6 assignment/lang MDL-21695 Fixing regression, new help strings contained bare single quotes 2010-04-21 06:48:31 +00:00
Helen Foster
fd1d5455fd MDL-21695 adding help strings 2010-04-21 06:05:22 +00:00
David Mudrak
30c8dd34f7 MDL-15252 Re-committing all English strings exported from AMOS
From now on, all English strings use the new syntax. They are not
eval()'ed any more and the only valid placeholders are {$a} and
{$a->foobar}. No extra quotes escaping, dollar sign escaping and putting
double percent signs.

The modified files were exported from AMOS database repository in the
new syntax and were re-ordered by stringid. Standard GNU/GPL and PHPdoc
blocks are added. Where there was no copyright note so far, I added the
default one with Martin Dougiamas as the copyright holder.

Live long and prosper.
2010-04-10 14:01:45 +00:00
Petr Skoda
3a915b0667 MDL-21693 Dropping _utf8 suffix from language codes and folder names; enabling new string managers - please note the transition is not yet fully complete because we need to wait for git to recognize the renames in cvs 2010-04-10 07:24:56 +00:00