Basically we should produce a combined PDF from all the files that it was possible to convert.
If any one submission input file fails conversion, it should just be omitted in the result.
MDL-46783, MDL-63772 and MDL-63818 were originally coded on the
assumption that MDL-46783 would get integrated first. However it wasn't.
Therefore, it was not easy to add unit tests for MDL-63772 and MDL-63818
at the time, but it is now, so here they are.
The capabilities changed ('contextlevel' => CONTEXT_COURSE changed to
'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_MODULE) are:
* moodle/site:accessallgroups
* moodle/site:viewfullnames
* moodle/site:trustcontent
* moodle/site:viewuseridentity
This list came from reviewing the _get_extra_capabilities functions in
all core activities. They were all somewhat inconsistent, but I think it
makes sense that these capabilities are consistently overridable in all
activities. E.g. moodle/site:accessallgroups affects conditional
availability even if there is no other user of groups, and
moodle/site:viewuseridentity and moodle/site:viewfullnames affect the
logs report, if nothing else.
As a result of this, several _get_extra_capabilities functions are no
longer needed, and all the rest have been simplified.
* External authentication mechanisms (e.g. via oauth2, etc.) don't store
password in the user table, so we shouldn't be requiring password in
such case when creating users via the core_user_create_users WS
Tours originally written by Elizabeth Dalton, Mangled a little by Andrew
Nicols and Sander Bangma, and language tweaks by Helen Foster.
CPY [pluginname,block_recentlyaccessedcourses],[tour3_title_recentcourses,tool_usertours]
CPY [pluginname,block_myoverview],[tour3_title_overview,tool_usertours]
CPY [groupmessages,core_message],[tour4_title_groupconvo,tool_usertours]
CPY [favourites,moodle,core_message],[tour4_title_starred,tool_usertours]
Co-authored-by: Andrew Nicols <>
Co-authored-by: Sander Bangma <>
Co-authored-by: Helen Foster <>