Applied the following changes to various testcase classes:
- Namespaced with component[\level2-API]
- Moved to level2-API subdirectory when required.
- Fixed incorrect use statements with leading backslash.
- Remove file phpdoc block
- Remove MOODLE_INTERNAL if not needed.
- Changed code to point to global scope when needed.
- Fix some relative paths and comments here and there.
- All them passing individually.
- Complete runs passing too.
Special mention to:
- When belonging to other components and being valid api:
- analytics related tests have been moved to tests/analytics subdir.
- backup & restore related tests have been moved to tests/backup subdir.
- events related tests have been moved to tests/event subdir.
- privacy related tests have been moved to tests/privacy.
- task related tests have been moved to tests/task subdir.
- Some simple renames, not including the component part anymore (not
needed now that they are namespaced):
- some xxxlib_test.php have been renamed lib_test.php
(when they where testing the corresponding lib.php).
- cache stores tests have been all renamed store_test, originally
each one had its own name (file_test, apcu_test, redis_test...)
- assign feedback tests have been all renamed feedback_test, originally
each one had its own name (file_test, editpdf_test...)
Moodle announced that support for IE would be dropped back in August
2020 with Moodle 3.9 but not active steps were taken at that time. That
decision was made in MDLSITE-6109 and this particular step was meant to
be taken in Moodle 3.10.
This is the first step taken to actively drop support for IE.
This commit also bumps the browser support pattern from 0.25% to 0.3%.
The percentage here includes any browser where at least this percentage
of users worldwide may be using a browser. In this case it causes
support for Android 4.3-4.4 to be dropped, which relate to Android
KitKat (released 2013).
This combination of changes means that all of the supported browsers in
our compatibility list support modern features including async,
for...of, classes, native Promises, and more which has a huge impact on
the ease of debugging code, and drastically reduces the minified file
size because a number of native Polyfills included by Babel are no
longer included.
Unfortunately the babel minify-mangle plugin seems to be abandoned and
in certain circumstances can be very buggy. The only safe options are to
disable it, or to switch to a different minification library.
Not minifying our javascript is not ideal, so this commit updates the
javascript tasks to use a rollup, combined with babel, and terser.
Babel still converts code from ES/UMD/AMD to AMD modules with the
relevant browser support, whilst terser minifies the code.
The rollup bundler handles tracking and creation of sourcemaps, and
supports better parallelisation of the tasks.
Since the upgrade to Node LTS/Gallium requires an upgrade to @babel/core
and eslint, which change the built files anyway, this seems like the
ideal time to make this change.
Apart from removing these libraries because the Flash Player was deprecated
in 2017 and officially discontinued on 31 December 2020, the rtmp and useflash
settings have been removed too (they make no sense anymore).
The Flash Player was deprecated in 2017 and officially discontinued
on 31 December 2020, so media_swf player has been completely
removed from Moodle core.
The legacy M.core.event.FILTER_CONTENT_UPDATED event has been replaced with a
new core_filter/events::filterContentUpdated native DOM event.
The new event can be triggered using the `notifyFilterContentUpdated`
function, and by providing with an Array containing the HTMLElements
that were updated, for example:
import {notifyFilterContentUpdated} from 'core_filter/events';
const someHandler = e => {
// ...
const nodeList = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('div'));
The new event can be listened to at any point in the DOM using the
following syntax:
import {eventTypes} from 'core_filter/events';
const handler = e => {
// The list of HTMLElements in an Array.
document.addEventListener(eventTypes.filterContentUpdated, handler);
A backward-compatabibility layer is included to ensure that any legacy
YUI event listener, or jQuery event listener are still called with the
same arguments.
This legacy bridges will be removed after Moodle 4.3.
It seems that the new phpcs3 checker is now controlling those
line comments that previously were ignored.
This commit just looks for all the cases and bulk-add
them when needed. The bash script (mac) used to add all them is:
while read -r line; do
arr=(${line//:/ })
if [[ -n ${arr[0]} ]] && [[ -n ${arr[1]} ]]; then
echo " file ${arr[0]}, line ${arr[1]}"
sed -i "${arr[1]}s/\$/\./" ${arr[0]}
done < <(find . -name version.php | xargs ag --nomultiline '>(version|requires) *=.*//.*[^;\.]$')
I've gone over a few of the mofified files (those
which were showing warnings and errors to CiBoT. Some of them
have been fixed completely, while others only have fixed
for the lines belonging to this issue (lib/tests/moodlelib_test.php)
for example.
In PHPUnit 9.1, the following regexp-related assertions
have been deprecated and there are new alternatives for
all them:
- assertRegExp() -> assertMatchesRegularExpression()
- assertNotRegExp() -> assertDoesNotMatchRegularExpression()
This is about to, simply, move all cases to the new alternatives.
Regexp to find all them:
ag 'assertRegExp|assertNotRegExp' -li
When current language doesn't have accompanying videojs language file
we should fallback to displaying the player in English, otherwise the
web service returns empty and a Javascript exception is triggered.
Both assertContains() and assertNotContains() are deprecated in PHPUnit 8
for operations on strings. Also the optional case parameter is. All uses
must be changed to one of:
- assertStringContainsString()
- assertStringContainsStringIgnoringCase()
- assertStringNotContainsString()
- assertStringNotContainsStringIgnoringCase()
More info:
Regexp to find all uses:
ag 'assert(Not)?Contains\('
All the setup/teardown/pre/post/conditions template methods
now are required to return void. This was warned with phpunit 7
and now is enforced.
At the same time, fix a few wrong function names,
provider data and param types, return statements...
version = 2021052500 release version
requires= 2021052500 same than version
Why 20210525? (25th May 2021) ?
Because master is going to be Moodle 4.0, to be released
on November 2021. And, until then, we are going to have
a couple of "intermediate" releases:
- Moodle 3.10 to be released 9th November 2020. (2020110900)
This version will be using versions from today to 2020110900
(once it's released the YYYYMMDD part stops advancing).
- Moodle 3.11 to be released 10th May 2021. (2021051000)
This version will be using versions from 3.10 release to 2021051000
(once it's released the YYYYMMDD part stops advancing).
That means that all versions from today to 2021051000 are going
to be used by those 2 "intermediate" releases (3.10 and 3.11).
And we cannot use them in master, because it's forbidden to have
any overlapping of versions between branches (or different upgrade
paths will fail).
So, get that 2021051000, let's add it a couple of weeks to cover
the on-sync period (or a 2 weeks delay max!) and, the first version
that master can "own" in exclusive (without any overlap) is, exactly,
25th May 2021, hence our 20210525.