Updated ARIA handling code to not assume the presence of a .dropdown
- Modified keypress event listener to match
`[role="menu"] [role="menuitem"]` directly.
- Changed keyboard navigation handling to avoid assuming `.dropdown`.
- Updated focus trapping to use `.dropdown-menu[role="dialog"]` selector
ensuring compatibility with `.dropup` and other variations.
- Ensured focus untrapping logic uses the same improved selector.
* ScrollSpy relies on offset to determine the current element in
in the course index. We need to make sure that those elements are
not positionned so the offset is calculated from the top of the page.
The fa-check-double icon for correct/incorrect/partial grades were updated
in MDL-82497. However, the UX team has decided to replace these icons with
the following:
- core:i/grade_correct : fa-check-double --> fa-regular fa-circle-check
- core:i/grade_incorrect : fa-xmark --> fa-regular fa-circle-xmark
- core:i/grade_partiallycorrect : fa-check --> fa-circle-half-stroke
These changes should be consistent with the Navigation quiz block too.
* The new Boostrap color constrast made apparent an visual issue
appearing when we use drag and drop as the outline of the activity
is cut out of the drag/drop image.
The badges/index.php and badges/view.php pages are quite similar and
have been merged into index.php.
This commit updates index.php to incorporate the missing information
previously found in view.php.
- Add new 'activitychooserbutton' output class that allows adding extra action_links through hooks.
- Add new 'before_activitychooserbutton_exported' hook so plugins could add extra action links
to the activity chooser button.
- Unify activitychooserbutton and activitychooserbuttonactivity into a single template.
The icons have been updated to make them more consistent abroad Moodle and
take advantage of the benefits of FontAwesome 6.
This commit removes the actions from the first actions menu and moves them to
buttons as suggested by the UX team. Based on recent UX decisions, the following
changes have been implemented:
- The "View Quickstart Guide" is no longer displayed as a button. Instead, this
link will now appear within the text preceding the buttons (when available).
- When no courses are available on the site, the "Manage courses" button has been
replaced by "Manage course categories".
- A "Manage courses/Manage course categories" button has been added to the zero-state
view, ensuring consistency whether courses are present on the site or not.