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2004-09-16 04:48:07 GMT
Penny Leach <>
difficult to integrate quiz coursetestmanager format with the upload stuff so added logging as well. files are scanned from import.php before passed to coursetestmanager format to process
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Revision: moodle--eduforge--1.3.3--patch-71
Creator: Penny Leach <>
Date: Thu Sep 16 16:48:07 NZST 2004
Standard-date: 2004-09-16 04:48:07 GMT
Modified-files: mod/quiz/format/coursetestmanager/format.php
Summary: difficult to integrate quiz coursetestmanager format with the upload stuff so added logging as well. files are scanned from import.php before passed to coursetestmanager format to process
These are much more complex than all qtype already supported
so I have been pretty hard on the existing code.
I could not figure out what mathematical functions need
to be converted from webct to PHP format. The only function
I have converted so far is the webct x**y that was converted to PHP pow(x,y)
I've done some basic testing using existing quizzes trying as
much as I could think of, and it all worked well!
Well done, Henrik! Great job!
Still, this should be regarded as unstable at least until more
people have had a try. Please test this thing solidly on new
and old quizzes.
Each format is now in it's own subdirectory, which allows the
format to have as many files as it likes. The formats are now
detected automatically (no need to edit lib.php anymore) and
the parent class is now in mod/quiz/format.php
Lastly, I added Paul Shew's new GIFT format.
to allow import of questions like this:
Every seriously injured person is likely to go into
A) shock.
B) infection.
C) hemorrhage.
D) respiratory pain.