The grading_options_temp_form class and
process_save_grading_options_temp() method were temporarily introduced
to migrate form elements across the submission page while preserving
the original class and method, as they are part of the public API and
may be used by external code. Now that the migration is complete, both
the temporary class and method can be removed.
The grading_options_form class was deprecated in 4.5, and a temporary
copy of this class was introduced to facilitate the migration of its
elements across different areas of the submission page, ensuring no
breakages if any external code is using this form (MDL-82857).
However, the process_save_grading_options() method, which processes
data from this form, was modified and this should not have occurred.
To maintain proper backward compatibility, a similar approach should
be taken by introducing a temporary copy of the method. Both the
temporary method and temporary form class should be removed once the
migration of elements is complete.
Removes the old Marker and Suspended participants filters from the
assignment submissions page, along with all associated logic.
Also, cleans up residual code from the old marking workflow filter
that was not properly removed in MDL-82508.
Extends the functionality of the 'Clear all' filters option to reset
the new 'Marker' and 'Suspended participants' filters on the
assignment submissions page.
The base bulk actions class supports deselecting all selected items but
lacks knowledge of the element types. To enhance flexibility and
maintain the class's generic nature, this change introduces a mechanism
that allows each subclass to explicitly define how to reset the
attributes indicating a selected state.
* Fix behat tests to take into consideration the new add subsection
* modulename_help is only used in the activity chooser so has been
Adding capabilities 'quizaccess/seb:manage_seb_configuremanually' and
'quizaccess/seb:manage_seb_usesebclientconfig' to control SEB
requirement options 'Yes – configure manually' and
'Yes – Use SEB client config' respectively.
Other changes include code indentation corrections within quizacess_seb.