- Replace .form-inline Bootstrap helper class with .d-flex.flex-wrap.align-items-center
- Refactor .form-inline occurrences in SCSS files or remove when unneeded
- Created a new divider template to generate activity and section dividers
- Refactored templates and styles for the course sections for the new
section dividers
- Changed the topics format 'hasaddsection' property to 'true' so now adding
sections to the bottom of the course will be handled by the format instead
of the last section. Also re-styled this 'Add topic' button.
- Refactored templates and styles for the course activities for the new
activity dividers
- Fixed some related behat that failed because of these changes
- Moved blocks related SCSS to the blocks file and removed some unused SCSS
There is a new callback, <modname>_is_branded, which, by default,
returns false. It needs to be implemented by modules that want their
logo to be displayed as it is (so without applying any filter to
colour them based on their main purpose).
- Add border to sections (not in single section page)
- Remove border to activity cards and add single line separators
- Refactor activity and sections styles to fit this new layout
- Remove styles that are not necessary with this new layout
Because of https://github.com/Masterminds/html5-php/issues/242
that duplicate attribute is causing problems. As far as we don't
need it, we proceed to remove leaving only the type=submit that
will make NonJS behat tests (BrowserKit) happy.
This commit displays all the module forms together in the default
activity completion page:
- The checkboxes have been removed. Now the activity names are
displayed as accordions.
- Module names have been changed from plural to singular.
- The activity completion form is displayed below each module name,
when the chevron icon is expanded. The cancel button is not displayed.
- The CSS has been updated to meet the prototype styling.
- Move completion information to a new output class 'core_courseformat\output\local\content\cm\completion'
- Replace current dropdown with 'core\output\local\dropdown\dialog'
- Modify manual conditions logic in course page. Now 'Mark as done' button will only be displayed to
tracked users (with moodle/course:isincompletionreports capability)
- Add new styles for completion dialog contents
With courselistshortnames enabled Moodle 3.11 and earlier showed
"Category | Short name" on the first line of course cards (for example
in block_myoverview). From Moodle 4.0 the category is moved to the last
line making the first line "Short name |". This change removes that
stray "|".
- Reduce activity icon size: Until MDL-78284 arrives, current activityiconcontainer should be reduced to fit the new UI
- Reduce activity actions button size
- Add styles for activity altconent
- Add styles for activity descriptions and text and media content.
- Add styles to show images inside altcontent with rounded borders.
- Add styles for activity dates
- Add styles for activity visibility
- Add styles for restrictions
- Add styles for activity badge
- Refactor activity card templates to use a grid layout.
- Remove 'description-inner' related classes and styles.
- Add small comments to SCSS for future better understanding.
- Add independent renderable for course module icon
Some extra options have been added to the activitychoosertabmode setting, to let
admins decide when to display the Recommended tab.
Apart from that, one of these values have be set as default value for this setting,
as suggested by the UX/PX teams. So the Starter and Full presets have been updated
too with the new values.