The following methods have been implemented for supporting
content-type translations:
- H5PEditorAjaxInterface.getTranslations. This method is used for
loading the "Text overrides and translations" section.
- H5peditorStorage.getLanguage. This method is used for displaying
the specific fields and messages for each content-type library.
- H5peditorStorage.getAvailableLanguages. This method is used to
get the language list displayed into the "Text overrides and
translations" section.
Significant string changes:
* pluginnamesummary,qtype_ddimageortext and
pluginnamesummary,qtype_ddmarker - Note about the question type not
being accessible to visually impaired users
* addresourceoractivity,core - Removing 'resource' as the new activity
chooser doesn't have resource types separated
The HUB selector allows you to install/update H5P content types from
the H5P editor. We have moved these features to the Content Bank, so we
will not show the HUB selector in the H5P editor.
The third-party library H5P has some references to instead of Moodle's.
That implies that the information is not saved to backends and other issues,
so only the Moodle one should be used by core (core should be free from and always use .).
A new plugintype has been created for having more than one installed
third-party H5P libraries. Existing libraries have been moved from
lib/h5p to the new h5plib_v124 plugin.
New feature to let admins to remove H5P libraries/content types.
Thanks Ferran Recio for your contribution with the renderer!
CPY [actions,core],[actions,core_h5p]
With this fix the player accepts webservice/pluginfile.php, pluginfile.php
and tokenpluginfile.php URLs to find the h5p files.
Also, we allow to build fileurl with the proper endpoint if
the URL is webservice/pluginfile, tokenpluginfile.php or pluginfile.php
as Mobile App needs.
The implementation done for getOption was not correct because it
was only taking into account the displayoptions for download and
Besides, setOption implementation has been added.
Co-authored by: Adrian Greeve <>
CPY [description,moodle],[description,core_h5p]
CPY [status,moodle],[status,core_h5p]
core.php-Avoid to use the factory for each content type
h5p_get_content_types_task-new method to simplify test execution
framework.php-returns error if you get a 404 response after requesting a file