If the plugin has been only deployed to the disk without installing into
the database, do not allow going through the uninstallation procedure.
Not only it does not have much sense. But it can also lead to some
tricky situation due to dependencies. Better to block it and wait till
the plugin is either fully installed or removed from the disk.
The get_uninstall_url() method of all subclasses of plugininfo_base
class is now expected to always return moodle_url. Subclasses can use
the new method is_uninstall_allowed() to control the availability of the
'Uninstall' link at the Plugins overview page (previously they would do
it by get_uninstall_url() returning null). By default, URL to a new
general plugin uninstall tool is returned. Unless the plugin type needs
extra steps that can't be handled by plugininfo_xxx::uninstall() method
or xmldb_xxx_uninstall() function, this default URL should satisfy all
plugin types.
The overall logic is implemented in plugin_manager::can_install_plugin()
that respects the plugininfo class decision and vetoes it in certain
cases (typically when plugin or its subplugin is required by some other
This patch improves and adds unit tests for the plugin_manager class.
These unit tests cover the existing functionalities. Tests for the
new features related directly with MDL-38259 will be added in a separate
commit (to make it clear what's related to it).
The patch reimplements the core_string_manager::get_language_dependencies()
so that potentially mis-configured language packs with circular
dependencies or self dependency do not make the site unavailable.
Unit tests for the expected behaviour are added.
This step is widely used by JS scenarios,
with Javascript disabled this step fails tests
as tree nodes al already expanded; we can
reuse JS scenarios for no-JS tests skiping
this step in no-JS mode.
Chaning also the adapt_ prefix for non-direct
data generator uses to process_ because not all
of behat's data generators would have a lib/testing
data generator to share with phpunit tests.
This function used to be in the user selector, but it is useful in
other areas where we want to search for users as it handles a number
of search options (including extra fields, etc.) and returns SQL
which can be included in a joined query.
A unit test has been added to check the results of these searches.
- Course categories caches are purged by event now
- session cache has additional 10 minutes ttl to clear itself and accomodate for permission changes that do not trigger event purging
- additional request-level cache for coursecat::get()
- We store only children of one category in one cache key
- Function coursecat::get_children() can return results sorted and/or paginated. Added tests