The Assignment 2.2 activity module was disabled in 2012 but kept to
enable pre-2.2 backups to be restored and have the assignments
auto-converted to new assignments. After almost 10 years, it's time
to remove it from Moodle core.
These new settings are designed to enchance user privacy surrounding
groups. They allow groups to be configured so that users outside the
group cannot see the group, so that users in the group cannot see each
other, or so that users cannot see the group at all, even if they are in
it. This avoids issues where a group may be assigned based on sensitive
personal information (such as a person requiring special arrangements
due to a disability).
By default, groups are visible to all and available for participation in
activities, which maintains the current behaviour.
For performance, a new cache has been added to track the number of
groups on a course that are not visible to non-members. This allows us
to revert to the existing behaviour if the new features are not being
used at all on a course, and only apply the new visibility conditions if
they are.
Users who have the moodle/course:viewhiddengroups capability should be
concious of exposing hidden groups when showing their screen to other
users. The "Switch role to..." feature can be used to show a course page
on screen without exposing private availability conditions, for example.
The changes cover several specific areas:
* grouplib functions, which most code should use to get lists of groups
and members (this includes the participants page).
* Activities supporting group overrides will not allow overrides for
groups that are hidden from all users.
* Activities supporting separate/visible groups modes will only allow
groups with the new "participation" flag enabled to be selected.
* Group messaging will be disabled for groups where members cannot see
each other, or cannot see the group at all.
Some extra options have been added to the activitychoosertabmode setting, to let
admins decide when to display the Recommended tab.
Apart from that, one of these values have be set as default value for this setting,
as suggested by the UX/PX teams. So the Starter and Full presets have been updated
too with the new values.
Apart from applying the points described in readme_moodle.txt, the following
changes have been done too:
- The parameter $folderName from the method libraryToString() have been removed
and a new method, libraryToFolderName() has been added to the H5PCore API.
References to libraryToString() with the $folderName set to true have been
replaced to the new method.
- missing-main-library has been added and replaces in some cases to
- The framework saveLibraryData method must be called before saveLibrary
(h5p.classes.php file has been patched to leave the original order because
libraryid is required to save the itemid).
- The getLibraryId() method from H5PCore has been rewritten to use MUC, in
order to avoid PHPUnit failures.
In 4.0- version each time the course page is loaded the file handlers
are calculate din the backend and injected directly into JS using a json
encapsulation. With this new webservice the handlers can be obtained
directly from the frontend when needed.
Note that, despite the commit message, this is not possible. Moodle
3.11.0 (and 3.10.0) were developed in parallel with Moodle 4.0, and
when they were released, the master branch had already diverged, so
the master branch does not contain the comment lines:
"// Automatically generated Moodle v3.11.0 release upgrade line"
And they are needed to know which parts of the upgrade are safe to delete.
So we only proceed to delete all those steps from lib/db/upgrade.php
which version is known to be < 2021051708 (v3.11.8), master ones will
be, always bigger than that. We don't touch plugin upgrade scripts
because they may have different versions, not 100% matching the
2021051708 rule, so there will be an excess of steps there.
Note this is not a big problem, just a few more steps will be skipped and
that's all. Whenever we bump the Moodle requirements again (to Moodle
4.0 or up), the lines will be back and we'll be able to safely remove
all the steps before them. See previous Moodle requirements issues as
The upgrade steps deleted by this commit weren't using any stuff from
upgradelib, tasks..., so there isn't anything else to be removed but
the core steps themselves.
Also includes an upgrade step to prevent upgrading from any
version < 2021051708 (v3.11.8) as anti-cheating measure.
Pass correct parameter/type in field constructor (`XMLDB_NOTNULL`)
for consistency. This corrects the definition and preserves the
truthyness of the value that was incorrectly passed previously.