The method can_edit_content() now supports more scenarios where the
H5P content can be edited:
- Instead of supporting only mod_h5pactivity, now it supports any
mod or block when the user has the addinstance capability.
- If the component implements the can_edit_content method in the
h5p\canedit class and it returns true. For instance, the mod_forum
implements it and return true when filearea is post, if the user
can edit the post where the H5P is.
A new parameter has been added to the display method, to define whether
the edit button should be displayed or not.
The H5P activity will display this button (if the user has the required
permissions). However, it won't be displayed when previewing H5P in the
content bank.
The editor form is based on the code that Victor Deniz prepared
while he was working on the integration of the H5P editor into
Moodle. The original version of this file can be found in
- The mbstring extension is required since Moodle 3.9 onwards so
the upgrading steps have been removed because they are not
required any more.
- The pull-request for fixing some minor PHP7.4 problems has been
integrated so this patch is not required.
If a H5P content-type is disabled:
- The content bank won't display existing contents having it as a
main library.
- The content bank won't allow to create new contents using it.
Under parallel development, when something is worth being commented
in upgrade.txt notes, it will be applied to all the development branches
using the "earliest" one to be released. So, if something changes
in 3.10 (and also is applied to master), the upgrade.txt notes will
show 3.10 in both branches.
Of course, if something only goes to one dev branch (say master), then the
master version will be used in the notes (4.0 in this case).
A new plugintype has been created for having more than one installed
third-party H5P libraries. Existing libraries have been moved from
lib/h5p to the new h5plib_v124 plugin.