The badges feature allows to integrate Mozilla "Open Badges" to issue, assign,
manage and display digital badges in Moodle. This feature supports:
-- badge creation and issuing based on criteria
-- badge baking and verification service
-- direct pushing of internal badges to external backpack
-- interanl and external badge display in Moodle
-- Moodle block to display latest badges
Please note you need to define PHPUNIT_LONGTEST in config.php or phpunit.xml to get the tests to execute because it takes long time to fetch the geoip data and we do not want to DDOS geoPlugin server.
1/ type/match/tests/walkthrough_test.php - tests are failing randomly, looks like some weird randomisation is going on there - see TODOs
2/ type/multianswer/tests/upgradelibnewqe_test.php contains invalid expected value - see TODO
* constants refactoring
* reworked db table init
* support for $CFG->debug = -1
* functional DB tests
* fixed $DB->get_indexes() to not throw exceptions when table does not exist
* fix handling of user passwords in test db
* add debug info to exception messages
* removed unnecessary PHP debug errors from mathslib
* fixed @error suppression in get_string
* fixed PHPUnit error handler setup
* added timezone info to default install