Some of the pre-existing behat tests were creating content into the
content bank using the generator but the H5P content-type libraries
weren't uploaded.
Since MDL-69331, libraries need to be deployed previously (so fake
H5P content-type won't be displayed if these libraries don't exist).
'usercreated' and 'usermodified' fields can not be always mapped.
We are filling those fields with 'old' users when working on the same
site, or with current user when working on a different instance.
This class would belong more appropriately within the 'user' API
(core_user) instead of within the 'core' API, since it is
directly related to user data.
Since the class has only just been added to Moodle, now is a good
time to move it.
The given condition in the if statement did not take into account cases
when the setting is locked by hierarchy. Settings which are locked by
hierarchy should should keep their current values which were inherited
from the parent.
The current ->setMethods() has been silently (won't emit any
warning) in PHPUnit 9. And will stop working (current plans)
in PHPUnit 10.
Basically the now deprecated method has been split into:
- onlyMethods(): To point to existing methods in the mocked artifact.
- addMethods(): To point to non existing (yet) methods in the mocked
In practice that means that all our current setMethods() calls can be
converted to onlyMethods() (existing) and done. The addMethods() is
mostly useful on development phases, not final testing.
Finally note that <null> isn't accepted anymore as parameter to
double all the methods. Instead empty array [] must be used.
In PHPUnit 9.1, the following regexp-related assertions
have been deprecated and there are new alternatives for
all them:
- assertRegExp() -> assertMatchesRegularExpression()
- assertNotRegExp() -> assertDoesNotMatchRegularExpression()
This is about to, simply, move all cases to the new alternatives.
Regexp to find all them:
ag 'assertRegExp|assertNotRegExp' -li
In all cases changes have been kept to a minimum while not making
the code completely horrible. For example, there are many instances
where it would probably be better to rewrite a query entirely, but
I have not done that (in order to reduce the risk of changes).
It was deprecated in php72 and now it's gone.
Have used this regexp to find all the uses in core:
ag set_error_handler | uniq
And then checked all them manually, that parameter was not
being used in the 3 methods where we are removing it.
* Old backups might have hidepicture defined and set to 1 in which case
we must make sure to exclude the group picture for these groups from
being restored.
Plus additional amendments to Fred's original commit:
1. Updating the version numbers
2. Merging the original two-step upgrade below into one for simplicity:
1. Deleting the pictures for groups with hidepicture set to 1; and
2. Dropping the hidepicture field itself.
3. Converted array() usages to the short syntax [].
The optional parameters of assertEquals() and assertNotEquals()
are deprecated in PHPUnit 8 (to be removed in PHPUnit 9):
- delta => use assertEqualsWithDelta()
- canonicalize => use assertEqualsCanonicalizing()
- ignoreCase => use assertEqualsIgnoringCase
- maxDepth => removed without replacement.
More info @
Initial search done with:
ag 'assert(Not)?Equals\(.*,.*,' --php
Then, running tests and fixing remaining cases.
While this is not strictly required, because removal will
happen in PHPUnit 9.0, we are already getting rid of all
uses in core.
From release notes:
The annotations `@expectedException`, `@expectedExceptionCode`,
`@expectedExceptionMessage`, and `@expectedExceptionMessageRegExp`
are now deprecated.
Using these annotations will trigger a deprecation warning
in PHPUnit 8 and in PHPUnit 9 these annotations will be removed.
Also, all uses of expectExceptionMessageRegExp() has been moved
to expectExceptionMessageMatches(). See
TODO: Various weirdness found while doing the changes with these tests:
- vendor/bin/phpunit lib/tests/exporter_test.php (created MDL-69700)
- vendor/bin/phpunit competency/tests/external_test.php (same issue than prev one)
- vendor/bin/phpunit question/engine/tests/questionengine_test.php (created MDL-69624)
- vendor/bin/phpunit lib/tests/event_test.php (created MDL-69688)
All the setup/teardown/pre/post/conditions template methods
now are required to return void. This was warned with phpunit 7
and now is enforced.
At the same time, fix a few wrong function names,
provider data and param types, return statements...
- The backup details page uses a table to show a sumary of the backup
content. Used role attribute to denote the tabular format of the
- The backup details page displays activity name next to each activity
icon. Therefore the icons are only decorative and do not need to have
any title or even alt text.
- Form labels should be associated with form controls. A div element is
not a form control.
- The from attribute of the form labels should be equal to the id
attribute of an element. Therefore, we first create a label and an
input elements and associate them to each other, and then pass them to
backup_detail_pair() when a label is needed.