Instead of passing querying for the root element again by its ID
which changed in this issue, use the already existing root element
at the beginning of this Mustache JS code. It also makes maintenance
simpler in the future.
* Store the view mode of the calendar in the calendar_information
* Let the month exporter handle the production of context data by
moving 'viewingmonth', 'showviewselector', and 'viewinginblock'
inside it.
* Set the proper calendar view mode in the core_calendar/month_detailed
* Pass the calendar view mode to the
core_calendar_get_calendar_monthly_view WS function.
This commit does few things:
1) Remove unnecessary "I hover over today in the calendar"
steps as it's not necessary to hover onto the day to see the events
any more.
2) Replace "I follow This month" steps to "I follow Full calendar"
3) Update i_create_a_calendar_event_with_form_data() to use the new
fullcalendar lang string.
Done by:
* Designating instance IDs for each month_exporter instances and
assigning these instance IDs in templates.
* Adding the instance ID as an optional parameter for the
core_calendar_renderer::course_filter_selector() to generate
course filters with unique element IDs.
This patch prevents the full day view to be loaded
in the calendar block as this won't be supported.
When clicking in the day link it will redirect the
user to day view in the full calendar.
This commit does few things:
1) Removes .path-calendar specificity styles from full view can
work on the Dashboard.
2) The new event button colour has been changed to btn-primary.
3) CSS fix to make the calendar controls inline on small block.
Clicking in a day in the three month block replaces the div with id starting
with calendar- so we can do so repeatedly and successfully and test that it does (with behat).
Adding a document ready state change listener might be too late by the
time this AMD module gets loaded. So there's really no point listening
for it. It's better to enable the Copy URL button by the time this
the calendar export module gets loaded since at this point, the
copy to clipboard JS module would have been loaded as well.
Converted the Calendar URL string to a read-only text input containing
the calendar URL. Pressing the "Copy URL" button will copy the calendar
URL to the clipboard.
Fixed Behat tests as well for the export feature. With the calendar URL
in a text input that clips the whole URL, the `preset_what` URL
parameter cannot be seen by the "I should see" step. Worked around
this by checking that the actual value attribute of the calendar URL
text input contains the preset_what parameter.
Plus: Deprecate the calendarurl string. It will be replaced by a new
lang string that does not contain the actual calendar URL.
This patch fix the subcription page only adding the course parameter
only when viewing the calendar on course context. It also passes the
url to the form instance, so we have the course parameter on the
form action attribute.
The legacy M.core.event.FORM_SUBMIT_AJAX ecent has been replaced with a
new core_form/events::formSubmittedByJavascript native DOM event.
The new event can be listened to at any point in the DOM using the
following syntax:
import {eventTypes} from 'core_form/events';
document.addEventListener(eventTypes.formSubmittedByJavascript, handler);
A backward-compatabibility layer is included to ensure that any
legacy YUI event triggered on a form is still respected and the new
native event is also fired.
A similar handler is also included to ensure that any legacy YUI event
listener is still called with the same arguments.
These legacy bridges will be removed after Moodle 4.3.
The machinery to fix orphaned calendar events that were broken by MDL-67494.
The solution consists of:
1) Upgrade step that checks if this site has executed the problematic upgrade steps and
if positive, it will schedule a new run for calendar_fix_orphaned_events adhoc task.
2) Adhoc task that will self-spawn calling the recovery machinery, running until
all the orphaned calendar events are fixed. It also sets the maximum runtime of
60 seconds. It is also possible to override that number by specifing the desired
number setting the ->calendareventsmaxseconds in your config.php
3) CLI script that will look for all the calendar events which userids
where broken by a wrong upgrade step, affecting to Moodle 3.9.5
and up.
It performs checks to both:
a) Detect if the site was affected (ran the wrong upgrade step).
b) Look for orphaned calendar events, categorising them as:
- standard: site / category / course / group / user events
- subscription: events created via subscriptions.
- action: normal action events, created to show common important dates.
- override: user and group override events, particular, that some activities support.
- custom: other events, not being any of the above, common or particular.
By specifying it (--fix) try to recover as many broken events (missing userid) as
possible. Standard, subscription, action, override events in core are fully supported but
override or custom events should be fixed by each plugin as far as there isn't any standard
API (plugin-wise) to launch a rebuild of the calendar events.
4) Unit tests and helper functions to generate calendar events. We have decided to
keep the tests simple, testing only true and false and not using data generators because
the code is purely to recover the calendar events and won't turn into an API or something
and also due to the urgency of this issue.
The helpers have been created in calendar/tests/helpers.php since there are no data generators
for calendar.
This commit adds the missing logic for category events in
get_context() method. Without this fix, users will get errors
if they have category events with userid set to 0.