Changed the way apply_admin_locked_flags gets the current value for the field.
The old way was plain wrong (looking at getValue from the quickform element).
Split apply_admin_defaults_after_data so the defaults are set before
set_data is called.
Change function from private to protected.
Change check for if module for is an add or an update.
Now the defaults for settings will never force changes to the module update
form, and settings will only be locked if their value matches the admin default.
All the external functions end calling require_login() that is
always in charge of setting the $COURSE global. This is not a
problem, but in the case of core_course_external::update_courses()
testing, where we are, in the same "request", both setting and getting
the $COURSE information and it's clearly outdated, so the test fails.
Alternative solution would be to modify the external function to ensure
that, after updating a course, $COURSE is also updated with the changes
but it does not seem to be necessary for "normal" usage (both UI/WS POVs).
- Make sure that items in course settings (and frontpage settings) are shown depending on user capabilities
- Make sure user is able to turn editing on on the page even if he has only limited number of seciton/modules managing capabilities
This is a result of a pretty intensive effort to make the form less
sucky, given the completion strings mess around. It partially solves
MDL-39419 too as it clarifies the course completion link in the course
administration block.
I must admit and record here that I'm pretty desperate by the current
state of the core_completion and how strings from it are inconsistently
used at various places with different meanings. For example the 'Completion
tracking' may mean the mode of how activities are tracked within the
course as well as the overall feature of course and activities tracking.
While a same phrase can be used in English for both this meanings, not
all languages have such luck and translating it is a pain in the ass.
Finally, let me give the credit for wording and UI design suggestions to
Helen Foster and all others who helped with this. This has been one of
the most ugliest forms in Moodle and we believe we made it better
(although we know it's far from perfect).