I've done some basic testing using existing quizzes trying as
much as I could think of, and it all worked well!
Well done, Henrik! Great job!
Still, this should be regarded as unstable at least until more
people have had a try. Please test this thing solidly on new
and old quizzes.
text and/or an image, without requiring an answer. Can be used
to provide text for a following group of questions, or to insert
a joke in the quiz etc ...
This code is based on code sent in by Ursula Raab. Thanks!
See: http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=508
When you add a random question to a quiz, then a question
is chosen randomly from the same category.
Questions are not repeated in a particular quiz attempt.
This still needs more testing, but it's looking OK so far.
created. Works OK after limited testing.
I've also renamed some strings to do with "Random Match", so that this
question type is now called "Random Short-Answer Match".
Later there will be a new 'Random Match' which randomly selects one of the
existing "Match" questions.
of questions. These use 2 or more short answer questions at
random to construct a questions where you have to match
answers to questions. Only lightly tested so far.
Quiz questions can now be edited with Richtext editor.
Sundry little fixes along the way.
Should be fixed now. As a bonus, I've removed all the uses of
HTTP_POST_VARS from all scripts.
All forms should use the new data_submitted() function to collect
form data (it does the match_referer thing internally now).
Much nicer.
record upon showing the quiz, and completing it upon submit.
Two new fields in quiz_attempts... should be upgrade friendly.
(Old attempts will show up as being of duration zero)
Also some small fixes here and there.