Both in unit tests, but also in other areas (say blocks, for example)
it's possible that page->url has not been set yet.
So, let's change current code to always check if we have something
(page->url) to compare.
Note the use of has_set_url() is needed, because page->url is magic
method and it doesn't work as expected. Hate magics!
No need to have a dedicated admin_setting_managewebservicetokens admin
setting subclass, and yet do not use almost any of its features. So the
patch merges the list and the forms handling into a single external
Similarly, it feels like overkill to have a renderer method for a
simple confirmation widget - especially given that the URLs were
hard-coded in it. So that one was dropped.
The purpose of this external function is to provide data for
asynchronous user selectors and similar widgets. It allows to search
users matching the given query in their name or other available identity
Modifies the 'string time to timestamp' behat trasformation to use
userdate() instead of date(). The userdate() method is generally used
throught Moodle for constructing formatted date strings and this change
will provide more consistency and prevent any potential behat failures.
Therefore, if the date format is defined in the given trasformation, it
has to be strftime compatible. Example:
'I should see "##tomorrow noon##%A, %d %B %Y, %I:%M %p##"'
Apart from adding new unit tests for covering new IMS OBv2.1 issuer,
some extra tests have been added to test existing issuers and confirm
they are still working as expected after the changes.
IMS OBv2.1 services have a registration endpoint to get client id
and secret.
This patch adds and implements the "register" method for the IMS
Open Badges Connect discovery system, to get the proper client id
and secret values.
In order to make easier to create and maintain new OAuth2 services,
a couple of classes have been added:
- discovery\* contains methods related to the discovery system. Until
now, only OpenID Connect was supported by Moodle so all the code was
centralised in api.php.
With this patch, as IMS OBv2.1 has a different discovery system, a new
abstract class (base_definition) has been added to be called and let
every discovery system (OpenID Connect, IMS Badge Connect...)
implement their own methods.
- service\* . Instead of keep adding methods to the api, the service
namespace has been created to store all the standard issuer services.
An interface (issuer_interface) has been created and all the services
should implement it.
This patch creates the "IMS OBv2.1" and "Custom" services and moves
the methods for "Google" service because it uses the OpenID connect
discovery system.
I've gone over a few of the mofified files (those
which were showing warnings and errors to CiBoT. Some of them
have been fixed completely, while others only have fixed
for the lines belonging to this issue (lib/tests/moodlelib_test.php)
for example.
This applies the "whitelist" => "include" changes to all the core
phpunit_coverage_info occurrences, so core won't emit any deprecation
warning (see previous commit).
At the same time, modified a bunch of comments in coverage files
to be more readable/understandable.
Following the changes in the schema, from "whitelists" to "includes",
we are deprecating these two properties from phpunit_coverage_info:
- whitelistfolders => includelistfolders
- whitelistfiles => includelistfiles
They will continue working over the deprecation period but the init/util
scripts will throw some warnings about them being deprecated for 3.11 and
the way to replace them.
Standard 2y deprecation applies with final removed to happen @ MDL-71067
This performs all the changes needed in the util generator to
produce XML files compliant with the new schema (see previous
commit for description of changes).
- All the occurrences in code of filter => coverage.
- All the occurrences in code of whitelist => include.
- Apply all the changes to comply with the new schema.
- Remove processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist attribute, useless (false
is its default value, and now have another name).
- Move from 4-spaces indented XML to 2-spaces indented.
- Small linefeed tweaks to generate better-looking XML.
PHPUnit 9 comes with various changes in the XML
configuration file, namely:
- the old "filter" section has been renamed to "coverage".
- "whitelist" has been renamed to "include"
- "exclude" is not a child of "include" anymore, but of "coverage".
- "include" cannot have configuration attributes anymore, only
"coverage" can"
Visually it means that the old section (invented example):
<whitelist attributes_may_go_here="xx">
<directory suffix=".php">classes</directory>
<directory suffix=".php">externallib.php</directory>
<directory suffix="_test.php">.</directory>
Now looks like:
<coverage attributes_may_go_here="xx">
<directory suffix=".php">classes</directory>
<directory suffix=".php">externallib.php</directory>
<directory suffix="_test.php">.</directory>
So, switching to the new xsd so we can validate the remaining changes.
The current ->setMethods() has been silently (won't emit any
warning) in PHPUnit 9. And will stop working (current plans)
in PHPUnit 10.
Basically the now deprecated method has been split into:
- onlyMethods(): To point to existing methods in the mocked artifact.
- addMethods(): To point to non existing (yet) methods in the mocked
In practice that means that all our current setMethods() calls can be
converted to onlyMethods() (existing) and done. The addMethods() is
mostly useful on development phases, not final testing.
Finally note that <null> isn't accepted anymore as parameter to
double all the methods. Instead empty array [] must be used.
The methods assertContains() and assertNotContains() now perform
strict (type and value) comparison, pretty much like assertSame()
A couple of new assertContainsEquals() and assertNotContainsEquals()
methods have been created to provide old (non-strict) behavior, pretty
much like assertEquals() do.
Apart from replacing the calls needing a relaxed comparison to those
new methods, there are also a couple of alternative, about how to
fix this, depending of every case:
- If the test is making any array_values() conversion, then it's better
to remove that conversion and use assertArrayHasKey(), that is not
- Sometimes if may be also possible to, simply, cast the expectation
to the exact type coming in the array. I've not applied this technique
to any of the cases in core.
Mocke at() matcher is being deprecated with phpunit9 and
will be removed with phpunit10.
Luckily we are using those deprecated matchers only in completionlib
tests, so there aren't many cases to modify. Now, we are using
supported matchers (once, exactly, never...) and the tests have
been reorganised to better represent the expected behavior (how
many times stuff is called, with which params and return values).
Custom autoloaders are deprecated with PHPUnit 9 and will be removed
with PHPUnit 10.
Since PHPUnit 8.5 custom autoloaders don't do much because that
version removed the ability to launch unit tests by class name
and that's exactly the reason we had a custom autoloader (to map
class names to files within our tests). See MDL-67673 about
when direct use of classes was deprecated (8.5), now removed (9.5).
So, as far as it's unused, removing it now, test still can be
selectively using any of:
- a relative path to file (although there are some restrictions comming
with PHPUnit 9, see
- using --filter, to point to any classname[::method]
- using --testsuite to run a complete suite
- using --config to point to custom components.
Also, commented out the lib/ajax/tests directory because it doesn't
exist / is empty and PHPUnit 9 emits error when a configured test
directory does not exist. See
Alternative was to completely remove the configuration line, but
decided to keep it around in case some day we want to add some
test there.
Used by our custom assertTag() and assertNotTag() assertions, that some
day we should deprecate... the loading of XML content for further
processing has been moved to new classes within the PHPUnit utils. We
are just following the move here.
With stricter typed param checks in php73, the 7th param of the
getMockForAbstractClass() must be array, so previous code defaulting
to null now throws a TypeError.
In PHP 9.1, the use of expectException(PHPUnit\Framework\Error\*) has
been deprecated, that is, when a Notice/Warning/Error/Deprecated
problem is reported. Instead, these new assertions must be used:
- expectDeprecation() for E_DEPRECATED and E_USER_DEPRECATED
- expectNotice() for E_NOTICE, E_USER_NOTICE, and E_STRICT
- expectWarning() for E_WARNING and E_USER_WARNING
- expectError() for everything else
More info:
Regexp to find all them:
ag 'expectException.*(Notice|Warning|Error|Deprecated)
In PHPUnit 9.1, the following regexp-related assertions
have been deprecated and there are new alternatives for
all them:
- assertRegExp() -> assertMatchesRegularExpression()
- assertNotRegExp() -> assertDoesNotMatchRegularExpression()
This is about to, simply, move all cases to the new alternatives.
Regexp to find all them:
ag 'assertRegExp|assertNotRegExp' -li
In PHPUnit 9.1, the following file-related assertions
have been deprecated and there are new alternatives for
all them:
- assertNotIsReadable() -> assertIsNotReadable()
- assertNotIsWritable() -> assertIsNotWritable()
- assertDirectoryNotExists() -> assertDirectoryDoesNotExist()
- assertDirectoryNotIsReadable()-> assertDirectoryIsNotReadable()
- assertDirectoryNotIsWritable()-> assertDirectoryIsNotWritable()
- assertFileNotExists() -> assertFileDoesNotExist()
- assertFileNotIsReadable() -> assertFileIsNotReadable()
- assertFileNotIsWritable() -> assertFileIsNotWritable()
This is about to, simply, move all cases to the new alternatives.
Regexp to find all them:
ag 'assertNotIsReadable|assertNotIsWritable|assertDirectoryNotExists|\