With the default 5 sections course, after editing the activities, the
"log out" link is exactly on the edge of the view port. It's one of
those cases where Chrome fails to click/press it (have tried both).
So just make the course to have 3 sections is enough to avoid the
problem. Some day Chrome will fix that problem but, until then...
we cannot do much apart from changing the window size or try to
configure things to show differently.
* The button to "Add group/grouping access restriction" under
common module settings should only be present if corresponding
availability plugins are enabled; and
* Prevent the same button behaving as a submit button, which
intercepted the user hitting return in the form and added a
restriction without deliberate action taken by the user.
Create a new profile field type, move all existing content of the fields
'icq', 'skype', 'aim', 'yahoo', 'msn' and 'url' in the mdl_user table to
theses new profile fields if needed.
MOV [aimid,core],[aimid,courseimage,profilefield_social]
MOV [yahooid,core],[yahooid,profilefield_social]
MOV [skypeid,core],[skypeid,profilefield_social]
MOV [icqnumber,core],[icqnumber,profilefield_social]
MOV [msnid,core],[msnid,profilefield_social]
MOV [webpage,core],[webpage,profilefield_social]
This class would belong more appropriately within the 'user' API
(core_user) instead of within the 'core' API, since it is
directly related to user data.
Since the class has only just been added to Moodle, now is a good
time to move it.
These recursive calls didn't work in PHP 7.3 and below, but in PHP
7.4 they also cause a fatal error which means if you have invalid
availability data, the whole page might die.
In PHPUnit 9.1, the following regexp-related assertions
have been deprecated and there are new alternatives for
all them:
- assertRegExp() -> assertMatchesRegularExpression()
- assertNotRegExp() -> assertDoesNotMatchRegularExpression()
This is about to, simply, move all cases to the new alternatives.
Source: https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/blob/9.1.0/ChangeLog-9.1.md
Regexp to find all them:
ag 'assertRegExp|assertNotRegExp' -li
In all cases changes have been kept to a minimum while not making
the code completely horrible. For example, there are many instances
where it would probably be better to rewrite a query entirely, but
I have not done that (in order to reduce the risk of changes).
Both assertContains() and assertNotContains() are deprecated in PHPUnit 8
for operations on strings. Also the optional case parameter is. All uses
must be changed to one of:
- assertStringContainsString()
- assertStringContainsStringIgnoringCase()
- assertStringNotContainsString()
- assertStringNotContainsStringIgnoringCase()
More info: https://github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/issues/3422
Regexp to find all uses:
ag 'assert(Not)?Contains\('
All the setup/teardown/pre/post/conditions template methods
now are required to return void. This was warned with phpunit 7
and now is enforced.
At the same time, fix a few wrong function names,
provider data and param types, return statements...
version = 2021052500 release version
requires= 2021052500 same than version
Why 20210525? (25th May 2021) ?
Because master is going to be Moodle 4.0, to be released
on November 2021. And, until then, we are going to have
a couple of "intermediate" releases:
- Moodle 3.10 to be released 9th November 2020. (2020110900)
This version will be using versions from today to 2020110900
(once it's released the YYYYMMDD part stops advancing).
- Moodle 3.11 to be released 10th May 2021. (2021051000)
This version will be using versions from 3.10 release to 2021051000
(once it's released the YYYYMMDD part stops advancing).
That means that all versions from today to 2021051000 are going
to be used by those 2 "intermediate" releases (3.10 and 3.11).
And we cannot use them in master, because it's forbidden to have
any overlapping of versions between branches (or different upgrade
paths will fail).
So, get that 2021051000, let's add it a couple of weeks to cover
the on-sync period (or a 2 weeks delay max!) and, the first version
that master can "own" in exclusive (without any overlap) is, exactly,
25th May 2021, hence our 20210525.
The "Ok" (with lower-case "k") string was added in MDL-68409 to keep
backwards compatibility with YUI alerts that had it hard-coded. But we
should not need to explain to translators why we have two OK strings
like this and why they use different wording.
Additionally, there would be inconsistency in Behat tests and everywhere
depending on which "OK" or "Ok" string is used for buttons.
So instead, this patch changes the hard-coded 'Ok' string in the YUI and
we should stick to "OK" from now on everywhere.
Significant string changes:
* withselectedusers_help, core - removing mention of 'Add a common note'
as the option no longer exists
* considereddigitalminor and digitalminor_desc, core - more
child-friendly wording
* configmessagingallusers, core_admin - clearer explanation
* auth_dbtype, auth_db - fixed broken link
For pass/fail setting to work properly, activities must have 'Require grade' completion set,
just make sure we don't allow activities without this setting to be set
1) There is no need to store the 'timemodified' value of
the section when backing up a course module, they do
not refer to the same time.
2) When creating a new course section during restore use
the current time.
3) Added timemodified value to more places when updating
the 'course_sections' table.