* proposed by Martin Dougiamas
* implemented by skodak
1/ change enabletrusttext to yes in site settings (it is off by default) or set it in config.php
2/ assign moodle/site:trustcontent capability to users whose text submitted in glossary entries, comments, forum posts etc. should not be cleaned == they can use javascript or any other forbidden tags in glossary and forums...
* core
* glossary (without proper upgrade)
to do:
* data cleaning in upgrades
* forum, blocks and some other places (MD decides)
A new configuration variable is avaliable to limit which fields normal user can see about other users. Teachers/admins can still see the full info.
This provides some degree of privacy for students.
and admins can approve or reject pending courses.
Also, contains the ability to restrict activity modules on a per course basic. Strict config options:
enable restricting modules at ALL (for all courses, no courses, requested courses), what to do by default for newly created courses
as well as what modules to enable for above category by default.
This feature was created for the aim of building a community side to moodle - for institutes that have strict courses and enrolments, allowing normal users to request interest courses is a good feature,
but some modules may be redundant (assignment, lesson, quiz etc)
Please test!
Added $user->theme and $course->theme choices, controlled by admin
variables on the main config variables page.
By default this is all turned off, since multiple themes can be
a little disorienting.
A hidden feature is session themes ... you can change the theme
on any page by passing theme=xxxx as a parameter. By default this
requires sesskey (so that people don't change theme on each other),
but this security can be switched off using a hidden variable
$CFG->allowthemechangeonurl = true; Good for quick tests.