This basically does two things:
1. Updates all non-Facebook/Google/Microsoft issuers and sets their
'requireconfirmation' field to 1 so that future OAuth2 logins on these
issuers will always have an email confirmation sent to them.
2. Deletes the linked logins of users with non-Facebook/Google/Microsoft
OAuth2 issuers.
* set $idp['iconurl'] = null if no auth_logo
* lib/templates/loginform.mustache will skip NULL iconurls
* lib/ajax/service?info=tool_mobile_get_public_config will validate the NULL values
I did not think thought through if this new URL parameter would be a
potential security hole. The simple cop-out option is to make it only
work on Behat sites for now.
Significant string changes:
* moodleorghubname,core_admin and
sitemustberegistered,message_airnotifier - '' changed to
* registration_help,core_admin and registermoochtips,core_hub - removed
erroneous 'access to our course sharing platform'
* trackingtype_help,mod_forum and formnotavailable,core_grading and
showgrades_help,core and rolewarning_help,core_rating -
'Administration block' changed to 'Actions menu or admin block',
'navigation block' changed to 'navigation drawer or block'
Significant string changes:
* importgroups_help,core_group - Correcting optional fieldnames
(removing picture, hidepicture and adding groupidnumber, groupingname
and enablemessaging)
* penaltyforeachincorrecttry_help,core_question - additional paragraph
about scoring logic
* resultdownloadready,tool_dataprivacy - wording corrected (no need to
go to a download page)
* auth_dbfielduser,auth_db - varchar data type requirement
* Convert login form to a mustache template
* Bring logic in auth/shibboleth/login.php
* Replace usage of $_POST variable with optional_param()
* Remove unused index_form.html
3.7 (min PHP 7.1) requires 3.2 (first version supporting PHP 7.1)
This just deletes all the upgrade steps previous to 3.2.0. Some
small adjustments, like adding missing MOODLE_INTERNAL or tweaking
globals can also be applied when needed.
Also includes an upgrade step to prevent upgrading from any
version < 2016120500 (v3.2.0) as anti-cheating measure.
Next commit will get rid of/deprecate all the upgradelib functions
not used anymore in codebase. (note there isn't any this time).
* Updating of user profile data from OAuth2 issuer should only be
performed for fields that can be synced externally (fields defined in
* Only update user profile data for users which use OAuth2 as their
default authentication mechanism.