The cache file is only ever written to in the `write_file` function,
where it does so by writing to a temp file and performing an atomic
rename of that file. When writing, the target file is never locked.
The cache file is only ever read in the `get` function, and there is no
need for an exclusive lock in that situation.
There is therefore no need to obtain any lock, shared or exclusive, to
read the cache file. Doing so only affects performance of the file sytem
as file locks must be needlessly obtained and written to disk for a read
operation which does not benefit from them.
The Redis cache store and session handler both do a 'ping()' after
connecting to Redis. This is unnecessary because the connect() call
has just checked the network connection and it's hardly likely that
the server has gone down since then.
According to my profiling, both connect() and ping() take
measurable time when talking to a separate server, i.e. a few
milliseconds. So it's not the case that connect() doesn't really
talk to the server, as I initially wondered.
If using Redis on a separate (non-localhost) server for both session
and cache store, removing these ping calls can save a millisecond
or two per request.
Applied the following changes to various testcase classes:
- Namespaced with component[\level2-API]
- Moved to level2-API subdirectory when required.
- Fixed incorrect use statements with leading backslash.
- Remove file phpdoc block
- Remove MOODLE_INTERNAL if not needed.
- Changed code to point to global scope when needed.
- Fix some relative paths and comments here and there.
- All them passing individually.
- Complete runs passing too.
Special mention to:
- Some fixtures, initially defined in the test files have been
moved to new files in fixtures subdirectory, leaving the unit
test files clearer:
- moodle2_course_format_test.php
- Rename wrong named test:
- baseoptiogroup_test = baseoptigroup_test
When deleting a cache instance, it tried to purge it, even though
purge only makes sense for an individual definition (not the whole
instance). As a result, it errored.
This change includes addition of tests for verifying the secondary
and tertiary nav highlights.
It also includes the tests to verify the breadcrumbs for the pages.
Create or update the breadcrumbs in the site administration
pages where it is required.
Highlight the corresponding site adminstration tab.
Highlight the primary nav to Site administration when user
is navigating to any of the site administration pages.
Also changed the boostnavbar so that the nodes in the secondary
navigation are not shown in the breadcrumbs when user is in site
administration page.
In certain cases where it doesn't already redirect to run the upgrade,
users could see an exception 'Unexpectedly found non-versioned cache
entry'. This change ensures the upgrade happens instead.
Applied the following changes to various testcase classes:
- Namespaced with component[\level2-API]
- Moved to level2-API subdirectory when required.
- Fixed incorrect use statements with leading backslash.
- Remove file phpdoc block
- Remove MOODLE_INTERNAL if not needed.
- Changed code to point to global scope when needed.
- Fix some relative paths and comments here and there.
- All them passing individually.
- Complete runs passing too.
Special mention to:
- When belonging to other components and being valid api:
- analytics related tests have been moved to tests/analytics subdir.
- backup & restore related tests have been moved to tests/backup subdir.
- events related tests have been moved to tests/event subdir.
- privacy related tests have been moved to tests/privacy.
- task related tests have been moved to tests/task subdir.
- Some simple renames, not including the component part anymore (not
needed now that they are namespaced):
- some xxxlib_test.php have been renamed lib_test.php
(when they where testing the corresponding lib.php).
- cache stores tests have been all renamed store_test, originally
each one had its own name (file_test, apcu_test, redis_test...)
- assign feedback tests have been all renamed feedback_test, originally
each one had its own name (file_test, editpdf_test...)
Adds new set_versioned and get_versioned APIs to cache, which means you can
request a specific version from cache and it will not return an outdated
This is important when using multi-layer-caches where a local cache might have
an outdated version of the cache, but the shared cache has a current version.
With this feature, the content of the cache does not have to be rebuilt, as
it will automatically retrieve it from the shared cache if necessary.
I checked using a diff tool and the difference between 'get' in cache
and cache_session is only:
a) cache_session: call to check_tracked_user at the start
b) cache: Includes code to use static acceleration (but this would
not run anyway in cache_session because use_static_acceleration
returns false)
c) cache: $setaftervalidation logic is used so that it sets it slightly
later (I can't see how this would make any difference)
d) cache_session: uses functions eg get_store() instead of variables
$store; those functions aren't overridden.
This seems like a ridiculous duplication of very complicated code, so
I'm going to remove the duplication before I change it.
For the three unit tests that are going to be modified in future
commit, I first changed them to use a namespace and class name
matching filename, as per current standard.
For cache types which mean this information can be obtained without a
significant performance cost (i.e. just by calling strlen and not
having to serialize something that wasn't serialized already),
this change calculates the size of data read from or written to cache
in each request and includes it in the perfdebug table at bottom of
output (when that is turned on).
This supports the following cache types:
* File store
* Redis (only if caching is enabled)
A list of times for each cache key in a TTL cache is kept in a Redis
sorted list, which can be queried efficiently to delete expired
cache items later in a scheduled task.
This change makes set and delete 2x slower (only for caches which use
TTL) but there is no impact on get performance.
It seems that the new phpcs3 checker is now controlling those
line comments that previously were ignored.
This commit just looks for all the cases and bulk-add
them when needed. The bash script (mac) used to add all them is:
while read -r line; do
arr=(${line//:/ })
if [[ -n ${arr[0]} ]] && [[ -n ${arr[1]} ]]; then
echo " file ${arr[0]}, line ${arr[1]}"
sed -i "${arr[1]}s/\$/\./" ${arr[0]}
done < <(find . -name version.php | xargs ag --nomultiline '>(version|requires) *=.*//.*[^;\.]$')
In PHPUnit 9.1, the following file-related assertions
have been deprecated and there are new alternatives for
all them:
- assertNotIsReadable() -> assertIsNotReadable()
- assertNotIsWritable() -> assertIsNotWritable()
- assertDirectoryNotExists() -> assertDirectoryDoesNotExist()
- assertDirectoryNotIsReadable()-> assertDirectoryIsNotReadable()
- assertDirectoryNotIsWritable()-> assertDirectoryIsNotWritable()
- assertFileNotExists() -> assertFileDoesNotExist()
- assertFileNotIsReadable() -> assertFileIsNotReadable()
- assertFileNotIsWritable() -> assertFileIsNotWritable()
This is about to, simply, move all cases to the new alternatives.
Regexp to find all them:
ag 'assertNotIsReadable|assertNotIsWritable|assertDirectoryNotExists|\
When we read the MUC configuration, a file which exists but is empty
will not error, but will cause all configuration to be empty.
We already perform an {{is_array()}} check on the {{$configuration}}
variable, but the default value for {{$configuration}} is an empty
array. In the case where the file exists, but is empty, no errors occur
when the file is loaded, and the initial {{$configuration}} value is
not overwritten, leading to the file being replaced with an empty copy.
The optional parameters of assertEquals() and assertNotEquals()
are deprecated in PHPUnit 8 (to be removed in PHPUnit 9):
- delta => use assertEqualsWithDelta()
- canonicalize => use assertEqualsCanonicalizing()
- ignoreCase => use assertEqualsIgnoringCase
- maxDepth => removed without replacement.
More info @
Initial search done with:
ag 'assert(Not)?Equals\(.*,.*,' --php
Then, running tests and fixing remaining cases.
Both assertContains() and assertNotContains() are deprecated in PHPUnit 8
for operations on strings. Also the optional case parameter is. All uses
must be changed to one of:
- assertStringContainsString()
- assertStringContainsStringIgnoringCase()
- assertStringNotContainsString()
- assertStringNotContainsStringIgnoringCase()
More info:
Regexp to find all uses:
ag 'assert(Not)?Contains\('
While this is not strictly required, because removal will
happen in PHPUnit 9.0, we are already getting rid of all
uses in core.
From release notes:
assertInternalType() is deprecated and will be removed in
PHPUnit 9. Refactor your test to use assertIsArray(), assertIsBool(),
assertIsFloat(), assertIsInt(), assertIsNumeric(), assertIsObject(),
assertIsResource(), assertIsString(), assertIsScalar(),
assertIsCallable(), or assertIsIterable() instead.