Also added a fix to the function course_page_type_list(). It was making a call to
get_context_info_array() which will generate an error if $currentcontext is not set.
Derek Woolhead tracked down the problem and what needed to be fixed. I
just made the patch.
The problem was that if $plugin->cron had changed in version.php, then
the version number in the database could end up wrong after the upgrade,
and so the upgrade would immediately run a second time.
The displaying of advanced items has been refactored. The changes are:
* The Advanced button is replaced by the Show Less/More link
* The Show less/more link controls advanced elements only within the section
it is located at
* The Show less/more state of sections is preserved between form submissions
* When javascript is off, all advanced elements will be displayed by default,
no show/hide controls will exists on the page
Make the forms easier to use and navigate by adding functionality to
collapse and extend form sections (headers). The logic is as follows:
If form contains 2 and less sections (headers):
* Display the form as non-collapsible at all.
* The point above can be overridden if developer marks the section as expanded
in form definition (e.g. $mform->setExpanded('foo'));
If form contains 3 and more sections (headers):
* always expanding the first section and closing all others by default;
* always expanding a section containing at least one "required" element;
* expanding any section which contains validation errors after submission;
* expanding any section which was previously open on previous submit (e.g. when
adding new choices);
* expanding the section which is marked as expanded in form definition (e.g.
This change removes the "0 bytes" option from the get_max_upload_sizes list
and replaces it with "Course limit (X)" or "Site limit (X)" (whichever is smaller).
This means we can remove all custom handling in the modules that were removing and
adding these options. It only affects pages that pass valid options for sitelimit and
courselimit - so admin pages will work correctly.
It also orders the list so the course/site limit options will be first
(as it will be the largest).
REM [courseuploadlimit, core] has been parameterized to get [uploadlimitwithsize, core]
clean the external string against cross-scripting, proper usage of doclink,
correcting the require_once quickform/input
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