There was a static cache inside course/lib.php. I need to access this
information in other places, so to avoid making two queries, I am
moving the cache into the groups_get_all_groupings function instead.
* constants refactoring
* reworked db table init
* support for $CFG->debug = -1
* functional DB tests
* fixed $DB->get_indexes() to not throw exceptions when table does not exist
* fix handling of user passwords in test db
* add debug info to exception messages
* removed unnecessary PHP debug errors from mathslib
* fixed @error suppression in get_string
* fixed PHPUnit error handler setup
* added timezone info to default install
incorrect PAGE init - it should be done at the very end; redirect() should not use OUTPUT before PAGE init; SITEID should be deprecated in favour of $SITE->id (this is going to cause troubles in tenant switching in CLI, cron and tests); missing "global $SITE"'; minor coding style issues; PHPDocs; it also helps with merging/testing of multitenant patch
New PARAM_COMPONENT, PARAM_AREA and PARAM_PLUGIN + fixing of hopefully all current incorrect parameter types. This should help with diagnosing of incorrectly named 3rd party plugins too.
This allows profiling to be started earlier in the
setup.php execution, by configuring everything in
the config.php file. That way some interesting code
is also profiled, like DB connections, load of config records...
100% compatible with normal profiling and enabled via
special setting $CFG->earlyprofilingenabled
Example (to be put on config.php):
$CFG->earlyprofilingenabled = true;
$CFG->profilingautofrec = 3;
$CFG->profilingincluded = '/*';
$CFG->profilingallowme = true;
(to enable early profiling for 1/3 of any requests while also
allowing to use the PROFILEME PGC)
This commit:
a) moves modinfo code into new library modinfolib.php
b) uses classes instead of stdClass objects, allowing a huge amount of documentation (and IDE completion)
c) adds hooks so that plugins other than forum can display messages like forum's 'unread', and plugins other than label can display html (apart from/as well as their view.php link) on the course view page
d) removes current hacks for forum and label (mainly in print_section but also across the code), replacing with new 'content' and similar variables [this is the reason for the changes in blocks, etc]
e) reduces size of modinfo in database (only when rebuilt) by excluding empty fields
The change is intended to be backward compatible and does not affect the format of modinfo in database.
Scripts that do not want buffered output just define NO_OUTPUT_BUFFERING before including config.php.
The fileserving code now checks if the headers are already sent which detects misconfigured servers.